
TSubject no.2: Akame Skyflame-Kyros

Feb 27th, 2015
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  1. While the other's were messing around outside, Akame would go inside and sit at a table at the where she was sitting at before all of this happened and have the runic spirit place the money on the table so that Hector wcould reach it though she would not exactly know what to do so she would just say:
  3. "Well I am not sure how it all works, and as far as I know I am the only one that is in nede of this assistance though whenever you are ready go ahead I guess."
  5. She would take off her coat, something she wore all the time and sit a bit closwer moving her wing so that it would not be blocking it anymore, man that would take some time getting used to as she would be practically always be having her wings in that posistion. Though she would supsress her excitement and all thoughts to calm her mind and prepare for the procedure.
  6. (Akame Skyflame-Kyros)
  7. "Alright." He answered, accepting the exchange of crowns. He stood at the table's edge, scouring her facade. "I'm going to need a table, and one of your people to aid me; I need you to rest flat upon a solid construct: A table, for example." He stated. "Another person will need to hold you down, I brought some of my own materials, but I can not have you moving too much. The experience, even with pain nullifiers will be... Excruciating." He warned. "So, be sure you are ready before such is carried through."
  9. "Also, direct access to the site is needed-- This means, all apparel that could obstruct the arm stub, or area of damage." He instructed;
  10. He stopped to reach to his side, assuming the preparations would be arranged as he prepared himself.
  12. A small jar of an ambiguious verdant powder was revealed from beneath his cape, unsheathed from a hidden pocket.
  13. "I'm going to douse your lungs with a potent dosage of Granulated Soothe Reed Powder. It'll act like a sedative, to prevent you from going into shock when the operation is underway."
  14. (Hector Vernon)
  15. For once deciding to visit his aunt in Isthmus, he flew to the place he once redided in. As he approached the gate, it would open automatically for him as the cyclopes here already knew him. He flew straight to the treehouse and would land on the outside of it not even a smile on his face as he entered. He walked in and saw his aunt at a table with a masked man, he didn't know what was going on, but he had to tell her the grim news anyways. He looked to his aunt, still a short person for a man, the size of a child really.
  17. "I don't know what's going on here... but the wedding is going to be a while before it happens... Nat's going through some things right now and I really shouldn't be too far from here right now." His hair would now be longer than what it once was and tied back in a ponytail. He still only wears shorts, a t-shirt, his goggles and his fathers cloak that towers over the man. He knew that his fiancΓ©e would always be taller than he is, but now the size difference would be noticable.
  19. "Do you need some help here for anything?"
  20. (Neo Skyflame)
  21. AKame, having already taken off her coat so that she could get there would create a table out of the earth to the side of them and lay down upon the table, causing staps of rock that were smooth to the touch become securely fastened over her legs and as she begin to have some runic spirits come and help her she would see Neo and after listening to him would say:
  23. "Oh, that's hoirrible, and actually I do need you for something. This is Hector and he is going to help me have my arm back. But I might need you as well to constain me if shit goes down or if something else happens, so yea."
  25. Akame would then have the hoy runic spirits begin applying pain relievers and pracitcally knocking her out before the pain began and trying to keep her from waking up. And while AKame would try to calm her mind during this important event she was focused on so many things at once that it was practically impossible. So she would wait until she was strapped in, go out of her halfshift to provide better access, and then slowly but steadily relax into a calming state sadly it seemed that the pain relievers were doing nothing so she would have some more runic spirits come and add to it, .though that didn't seem to do anything either. She thought that since there was no pain to take out, there would be no use, nevertheless she would begin to fell more relaxed and with a nice comforable pillow made for her, she would go into a deep sleep and let Hector do his thing.
  26. (Akame Skyflame-Kyros)
  27. Looking at the stub of an arm, he knew that it was only right that he helped with this. He remembers that it's his fault that she lost the arm in the first place and should help with the regeneration process of it. "Alright, it only seems fair that I help after all." He would then have vines come out and wrap around her to hold her to the table so that she wouldn't move. He had them wrap around her torso, arm and legs so that nothing would move at all.
  28. (Neo Skyflame)
  29. The operation had commenced, a stool nearby was used as his preparation table-- Highly improvisational considering the lack of actual tools he brought with him. Confidence was strong in him--
  30. "If you are queasy.." He started unto his assistant, "I'd suggest you look away, if not, close your eyes. First, hold your breath... You don't want to inhale this."
  31. He opened the jar, single-handedly to scoop out a palmful of the verdant powder, clutching it into a tight fist.
  33. Mana was focused through the dust, and soon after, the palm cuffed over her nasal and oral region, transmuting the dust into a gaseous state of Soothe Reed. Hector seemed mildly stressed visually, having lacked his gas mask he'd typically brand, likely due to a complication with seabound venturing.
  35. "This stuff will not put you to sleep outright, but is potent enough to leave you drowsy for the remainder of the operation. Keep in mind, though pain is nullified, it is not non-existant. Brace yourself." He warned once more, taking out, a scalpel, proceeding to slice away at the flab of skin at the end of the stub. The intent was to open it once more, for clear access to the damaged bone, muscular shearing and complementing tissues such as tendons that held everything together.
  37. As the blade was set down upon the skin, blood was forced to splatter upon his Yokai Maile chestplate and others whom idled about as well. The table would be stained with Akame's blood, but not enough to leave her lightheaded, for his Sanguinamancy ensured her odds of Blood loss to be reduced to a bare minimum.
  39. Slowly, the scalpel's blade slipped past the flesh, evading bone with precision, skimming across the surface with mild irritation beyond the agonizing pain of a blade tearing away living tissue.
  40. In time, the flab would be removed, leaving a clean cut with a dot of white at the core of the open stub to represent the bare bone.
  42. Blood did not ooze from her personage, for it was already under the process of being bent to his volition. He quickly placed the scalpel away and checked on her condition for any abnormalities.
  43. (Hector Vernon)
  44. Akame would begin to stay alseep as she had already dozed off from her own treatment but what was hard now was staying aleep, how does one even do that with an operation. It was insane. Nevertheless her runic spirits would begin to freak out working painstakingly as they attempted to take out the pain, but for some Ryujin forsaken reason, they couldn't do anything. Were they paralyzed by what they saw? What could possibly be happening. One of the runic spirits would have the job of recording everything that happened so she could see it afterwards but the runic sprits after the initial shock of the bones would get thier shit together.
  46. Pain began to ease away as she began to drift farther into her sleep and would become much less pain filled though at this point it felt as if someone was poking her with something unpleasent, which hurt quite a bit and made her want to squirm out of the table, but she was not only locked to the table in earthen lockes but also, fines on her as well thanks to Neo. Nevertheless she would continue to think of goodthings and wonder what she would do after this.
  47. (Akame Skyflame-Kyros)
  48. The operation was moving far more fluid than usual, allowing Hector to proceed without worry of her dramatic reactions, if not panic from the assistant, whom seemed relatively silent and reserved in comparison to the many others he had thus far.
  49. "Alright, this is the worst part." He warned, with a strained smirk on his face, failing to hold it back.
  50. "This is a process that will... Proliferate what is already, and replicate based on the artistry I craft... This is where the beauty lies." He boasted, tools were casted aside to allow his only arm to rest upon the open wound, clutching fingers over the open flesh.
  52. Sanguinamancy bent at the blood within Baroness Skyflame's arm, intertwining the art with Naturamancy to fabricate one anew- One that was utilized on few occasions prior, tested yet again. The blood cells within the body proliferated at an alarm rate, spawning a bulging site upon the shoulderline-- Swelling threatened to breach the weakening layer of skin, but soon died down as the stretching process commenced.
  54. Fingers waddled as he pulled his arm out, allowing the conjuration from within the depths of a sliced arm emerged at a painfully slow pace. Nerves were peeved, tested, damaged, and regenerated in a perpetual cycle; Blood was siphoned from the appendage, congealing at the site of flat-bone--
  55. It was induced under the transmutation process, shifting its physical properties under the volition of Hector to craft bone!
  57. The further he stretched his reach from her, the more the skeletal system developed until...
  58. She had a full hand... Of bones and tendons. The fingers could move, but not to her volition. They were latched together, thankfully, but work was not yet done. A skeleton hand would not due for a Baroness, and Hector knew this well--
  59. "I need, just alittle time. I'm going to need you to bare with me, assuming the sedative wore off. It was short-term, to allow you to feel the fingers once they were spawned. Though, Drakanite bones are... Harder than human ones. This operation is not as easy as I originally suspected."He stated.
  61. A hand rested beneath the skeleton fingers, feeling them, from the solid bone, to the tendons that glued them together. All that was needed now, was muscle and skin, and the hand would be useful again, though sensitive for a few days should the nerve generation process proceed as it did.
  63. "The hard part is over... Now, to finish it." Mana trailed from his fingertips, lacing through the skeletal segments within his grasp, and catching hold of the muscular system that resided at the shoulder region. Threads of flesh climbed out from the Drakanite's vessel, twisting and contorting about the skeletal structure to interlock with the tendons in place-
  64. The muscle was tightened, flexing if not stressing bone at some points. Hector's recreation was far from perfect, but byfar better than most if not all other means known to Valmasia.
  66. The vermillion mounds of flesh crawled over the bone, molesting it to consolidate in a relationship, most intimate. It remained glossy, blood-ridden, but as the fleshy craft twisted about the conjoining wrist, the results would be gazed upon. A raw arm was already constructed, save for the hand and fingers thus far.
  68. It was clear now, that this one armed CEO was indeed capable of generation of lost limbs with the act proven on that day.
  69. A thin layer of caucasion flesh trickled down the appendage to finish up the works...
  70. Meat and skin sealed up at the fingertops... With some excess skin that could've been flipped off--
  72. "And..." He said with a sturdy breath, winded...
  73. "My work..." He rose, standing upright rather than hunched over the attempt.
  74. "Is done.." He was exhausted, panting even, descending to the soils below to rest his fatigued form.
  76. He was paid, and so was Akame--
  77. A brand new arm! Genuine! Nigh as good as the old, with some differences that were likely to be noted with time. There was no drawback to heed, for this -was- real skin, real muscle, real nerves, and real bone...
  78. The generation of artificial proliferation stressed the natural healing process, already vamped to such extremes that the limb was recreated-- Thus, the limb was weaker than it was prior to its removal.
  80. "Now, you can test it at your own will... Do not push yourself beyond your limits." He warned solemnly, expecting Akame to have been conscious by now...
  81. Though, it was very possible that she had fallen asleep.. Perhaps, an overdose of granulated soothe reed? He wasn't responsible for -that-, or so he'd assume. Her livelihood on that accord was not taken into account. He was paid for his services and he carried it through, what happened now? Was strictly none of his concern.
  83. "I'll be taking my leave now..." He stated, stumbling somewhat in the prelude to his departure.
  84. (Hector Vernon)
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