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Save the Squadron

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Jan 30th, 2018
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  1. <21:35:19> "Challenger_TA": You guys decide to form a new squadron?
  2. <21:37:15> "specwolf1": so here is what we have all discussed: You guys take the winrate players and put them in WiN, we take the players that only care about squadron battles and put them in WiNFX (REALLY DONT SEE HOW THAT WOULD BE A PROIBLEM AT ALL a, and everyone is onboard with that including guz)
  3. <21:37:19> "specwolf1": or we can do this:
  4. <21:37:53> "specwolf1": all squadron battle players have no WiNrate requirement's, so we can recruit and spade and not have to worry about going below a certain winrate.. thus making us more competitive and we can play on our days off
  5. <21:38:05> "specwolf1": i think either or is more then do able;e
  6. <21:41:24> "specwolf1": Guz imp articular doesn't want to see the squadron split, and I really don't want to split either.. but so many of us dont care about winrates, and we have lost good squadron battle players because of stat obsessions.. So I told Guz before we form a sep squadron battle group.. I would try my best to come top work with you towards something
  7. <21:44:39> "specwolf1": Doc Profit thought that was a good idea as well... as well a cessna.. he could put an ALT in both squadrons... its a Win Win (no pun intended).. lemme know what ur thoughts are
  8. <21:47:15> "specwolf1": Also, i got to let you know... Hawkeye took it personal (your message) cause there are many players with similar winrates... and hawk is better then most.. (at least in the air)... so he thought you were picking on him
  9. <21:49:28> "Challenger_TA": honestly you 2 are the ones with those winrates that are pilots especially with your pas objective play so much more could be expected. It is so noticeable
  10. <21:49:48> "Challenger_TA": so it is a compliment in a way
  11. <21:50:12> "specwolf1": understood
  12. <21:50:56> "Challenger_TA": I thought about the 2 squadrons previously as this problem grew
  13. <21:51:06> "specwolf1": its a good idea
  14. <21:51:37> "specwolf1": seems like its what the majority would rather do, instead of a split
  15. <21:51:38> "Challenger_TA": It seems it would split the squadron further and we would lose a lot of objective guys that don't have multiple accounts
  16. <21:52:00> "specwolf1": how so?
  17. <21:52:02> "Challenger_TA": Cessna advised he was against it at this point
  18. <21:53:02> "specwolf1": well then the next best thing would be to take any stat requirement's off players that are good with squadron battles
  19. <21:53:29> "specwolf1": there's got to be a compromise..
  20. <21:59:11> "Challenger_TA": I don't see it happening because i was told you are unwilling to influence games
  21. <21:59:23> "Challenger_TA": its an objective based squadron
  22. <21:59:45> "Challenger_TA": you guys had very high winrates when you came in
  23. <21:59:46> "specwolf1": ????????????????????????????????? we influence games by taking our bombers instead of bombing.. that's not tur at all
  24. <22:00:10> "Challenger_TA": your winrate says otherwise
  25. <22:00:31> "specwolf1": yeah but with the BR we play... its boring bombing in DO's... then we saw how much fun going up in the air with a squad of 4 is .. killing the bombers, then using strategy and team work to take out the rest of the players
  26. <22:00:35> "specwolf1": its just so much fun
  27. <22:00:59> "Challenger_TA": i think if you guys were influencing battles it would be a viable tactic
  28. <22:01:00> "specwolf1": my winrate is like that because ill take 1 plane in to battle to spade
  29. <22:01:12> "specwolf1": or i have graphics issue and im doing test so i have to jump out of matches
  30. <22:01:25> "Challenger_TA": but your are choosing not to or are unable or spading
  31. <22:03:01> "specwolf1": right, I mean we are going to play this video game the way we want to play it to enjoy it and have fun. Our primary focus is squadron battles... So the players that we have had commitments from feel the same way.... we still do want to win challenger, just not by spamming bombers...
  32. <22:03:23> "Challenger_TA": and you could
  33. <22:03:31> "Challenger_TA": obviously i do more than spam
  34. <22:03:37> "specwolf1": i know u do
  35. <22:03:45> "specwolf1": im well aware.. but at this br
  36. <22:03:52> "Challenger_TA": I'd have a negative k/d otherwise
  37. <22:03:55> "specwolf1": u don't have time to jump in the fighter, climb to altitude
  38. <22:04:17> "specwolf1": or when its time to get into a fighter, the enemy has the air.. and ur being dropped on
  39. <22:04:37> "specwolf1": its not as fun...go into ur alts... play 6.0 and have a squad of 4 climb and tell me its not addicting
  40. <22:05:31> "Challenger_TA": we started the other day with just 2 to check on winrates that could be achieved
  41. <22:05:38> "Challenger_TA": while still killing
  42. <22:05:48> "specwolf1": and with all do respect.. u have a biased opinions.. cause u have done what... 5-6 squadron battles since weve been playing
  43. <22:05:57> "specwolf1": u don't care about squadron battles.. but half the squadron does
  44. <22:06:02> "specwolf1": its all they care bout
  45. <22:06:24> "specwolf1": im saying.. get a squad of 4.... start in fighters at 6.0... and climb
  46. <22:07:07> "specwolf1": do that for a night.. and tell me u didn't have more fun then what ur doing now
  47. <22:07:24> "specwolf1": 5.3 is actually the best BR to do that
  48. <22:07:32> "Challenger_TA": i would have more fun if they gave more dominations
  49. <22:07:33> "specwolf1": u can get a lot of kills while the matches is prolonged
  50. <22:07:54> "Challenger_TA": but I don't control that
  51. <22:07:57> "specwolf1": honestly. Regular air battles are more fun when u are in a 4 squad of fighters
  52. <22:08:00> "Challenger_TA": I prefer not to lose
  53. <22:08:17> "Challenger_TA": and there are varying degrees of that within the squadron
  54. <22:08:23> "specwolf1": more people climb to altitude and ur fighting at altitude.. and ur using teamwork to take people out and cover eahcother....9-10 we run the other team out
  55. <22:09:01> "Challenger_TA": and if you guys were influencing the battles at a decent percentage this wouldn't come up
  56. <22:09:10> "Challenger_TA": but its an objectives based squadron first
  57. <22:09:27> "Challenger_TA": and for objectives players that want to play squadron battles even better
  58. <22:09:45> "specwolf1": but a large % of players want it to be squadron battles equally
  59. <22:10:31> "specwolf1": because if we cant eventually work something out..... no one will be doing squadron battles... and I DO NOT WANT THAT
  60. <22:10:50> "specwolf1": so we need to figure something out dude, u have to keep the squadron battle players in mind
  61. <22:10:59> "specwolf1": ur only thinking about a small minority of the group atm
  62. <22:11:57> "specwolf1": we have to meet in the middle somewhere
  63. <22:16:03> "Challenger_TA": no one said you guys have to win 99% of your games or even 90 but 53-56 is basically the same as an average player
  64. <22:16:37> "Challenger_TA": I honestly think you guys would be happier in a squadron that didn't care about objectives
  65. <22:16:50> "specwolf1": but you know that we are not average players, why do we have to have a stat that says we aren't
  66. <22:16:52> "specwolf1": ya know...
  67. <22:16:52> "Challenger_TA": that is the foundation of this squadron
  68. <22:17:16> "specwolf1": i 1 v 1 a level 19 the other day.... i would up taking 3-5 however.. this dude was a monster... low win rate... but a pure moster
  69. <22:17:28> "specwolf1": stats are everything, this person did hours and hours of coustoms
  70. <22:17:45> "specwolf1": aren't*
  71. <22:18:24> "specwolf1": have you seen the players that have below 70|% winrate
  72. <22:18:47> "specwolf1": go down the list and look... soooooo many of us that only care abouyt squadron battles.. that are pure monsters, have low winrates
  73. <22:20:22> "Challenger_TA": I'll frankly help our remaining guys do squadron battles if it makes the difference with my limited skill till we recruit others and i might be able to go back to sleeping.
  74. <22:20:59> "Challenger_TA": I'd like to help anyone that has slipped or is flying alone but for those that have no interest
  75. <22:21:01> "specwolf1": what about this:
  76. <22:21:14> "Challenger_TA": like yourself and hawkeye
  77. <22:21:21> "specwolf1": everyone in the squadron now is safe, but if we recruit other squadron battle players.. they have to be above %60
  78. <22:21:22> "Challenger_TA": there are squadrons that would love your style
  79. <22:22:54> "specwolf1": hawkeye, akihiro, gun control, soviet, hammster, wings, duchuy,johan,tigers,josh,sunnarva,wallet,ilohas..and more
  80. <22:23:05> "specwolf1": not just myself and hawk, and there are other,.
  81. <22:23:10> "specwolf1": that want to play squadron battles
  82. <22:23:17> "specwolf1": or don't bomb
  83. <22:23:24> "specwolf1": don't care about win rate
  84. <22:23:46> "specwolf1": that don't want to be held down by win rates.....
  85. <22:23:55> "specwolf1": so how do we meet in the middle to keep this thing alive??
  86. <22:28:09> "specwolf1": i gave Guz and Cessna my word, that I would try to find some sort of common ground.... so think it over and let me know tomorrow or Thursday
  87. <22:40:23> "Challenger_TA": I honestly don't see it working. We've let it go for a long time too long. All it has done is go in the wrong direction. I don't think all those guys are interested in leaving and I don't want them to. I would like to help them if it makes the difference. I made a point of rewarding our highest scoring players in squadron batteles. I understand spading in an objective format and wanting to do squadron battles. i think you two would ultimately be happier somewhere that thinks all we do is throw P47s into the ground all game every game in the kidy BRs. You have told leadership you will not change your game play. It is unfortunate because i don't have some big issues with the two of you other than you won't play objectives and you teach others to do the same in an objectives squadron. I think 100/god or others would love your style.
  88. <22:40:32> "Challenger_TA": I have to go
  89. <22:42:46> "Challenger_TA": dinner with GF
  90. <22:42:56> "specwolf1": We have had recent conversations with everyone except 1 or two people in that list I gave you, and they are more inmteretsed.. in a squadron where squadron battles are the main focus without any requirments to hold them down, If that want that I will give it to them
  91. <22:42:57> "specwolf1": but again
  92. <22:43:03> "specwolf1": id like to meet in the middle with you first
  93. <22:43:11> "specwolf1": I gave 32 diff options, u think of some
  94. <22:43:13> "specwolf1": and let me know
  95. <22:43:17> "specwolf1": I'm trying here dude
  96. <22:43:55> "specwolf1": sorry I'm in game.. typing is fucking horrible
  97. <22:44:12> "Challenger_TA": I always type horrible
  98. <22:44:20> "specwolf1": truth
  99. <22:44:43> "specwolf1": i don't want to split this squadron up... just think of some ways we can work this ot..
  100. <22:44:48> "specwolf1": come back to me and let me know
  101. <22:50:49> "Challenger_TA": If you guys are unwilling to play objectives in an objective bases squadron that seems impossible. You know and i know the merger wouldn't have happened with a bunch of guys with 53-56% winrates in air arcade. I'm certain people can play the objectives with out bombing constantly and have a noticeably higher winrates at any BR.
  102. <22:51:33> "Challenger_TA": I have have to run our i'll be late
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