
Haiku the Robot ABAS rough notes

Sep 26th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Haiku, the Robot All Bosses And Skills
  2. 1.0.265
  3. Routing by homothety/Quacksilver
  4. Rough route notes assuming you're relatively familiar with the any% route and tech for Haiku, found here (with Clips section containing tech videos):
  6. Tired Mother
  7. DO NOT DEATHWARP AT THE START -- break the barrier and coyote jump to Infinity Edge (you have 1 chance at this per run; see Alt. Beginning appendix below notes for if you miss it or if you just don't want to to run the much sillier route this implies)
  8. Equip Infinity Edge at the first repair station (no need to save)
  9. Coyote jump to the Rusty Key, grab Wrench
  10. Proceed directly to Tyre Village; pogo the camera drone to the middle platform and then BLJ to Tiremarm's arena (drone has 2HP so if you crit and miss the jump it's a reset)
  11. Poke Tiremarm repeatedly; the boss is dead as soon as the doors drop even if she's mid-attack
  13. Magnet
  14. SAFETY: Grab the capsule fragment in the room left of Tiremarm before heading back
  15. Return to the first lock and proceed along the normal any% route to Trash Compactor
  16. Kill Trash Compactor (easier fast cycle with IE)
  18. Car Battery
  19. From Magnet, SAVE at the save station above Magnet pickup and die to the hazard 3 times in a row (build approx. 45s of iframes)
  20. Proceed backwards through Compactor arena and through bottom-right exit from preceding room to Incinerator
  21. In second Incinerator room, grab the morph ball-"locked" core by jumping precisely; your iframes should just barely run out and inflict 1 damage to you before the end of the hot rooms [1 core]
  22. Bench at the repair station before Car Battery, go actually fight the boss (booo)
  24. Mischievous
  25. Scrap Check: in the tunnel following Battery, make sure you have at least 1 scrap
  26. Repair the clock exactly as in any%; return the way you came
  27. Instead of heading up to Factory right away, drop to the right of the disruptor to go fight Mischievous Mechanic (you will automatically heal 1 at the end of this fight) [2 cores]
  29. Morph Ball
  30. Leave Mischievous' arena, and BLJ off the train turnstile to reach the clock platform. Coyote jump across to return the way you came originally. (SAFETY: Grab the capsule fragment at your feet here before leaving clock room.)
  31. Head up to Factory from the rightside grabbing the power core in the vertical tunnel [3 core]
  32. Any% Factory, including core right behind the lever "puzzle" [4 core]
  33. Poke Buzz Saw repeatedly, collect Morph Ball
  35. Bulblet
  36. Stand up in the morph tunnel below Buzz Saw and deathwarp back to Car Battery bench
  37. Head over to Quatern's room and turn in the 4 cores for 400 scrap
  38. Perform Early Grapple (see Clips in the any% route -- it saves significantly more time here than in any% where it may even be time-neutral or negative, since you have grapple for a much more sizeable chunk of the run. It is not necessary currently though.)
  39. Return from grapple room and head up to the sealants; early control off the fire sealant like in any%, but buy both of them
  40. Proceed around to Bulb Hive, poke it repeatedly (it's technically a boss lmao), pick up Bulblet, and die
  42. Blink
  43. Any% through Incinerator right to left to the elevator to Sunken Wastes (incl. picking up roll chip)
  44. Any% through Sunken Wastes to Blink (equip roll chip at the midway station but DO NOT SAVE)
  46. Big Drill
  47. Return the way you came, blink through the column
  48. Liquid Coolant in the prior room, then take the top left exit
  49. Proceed around to the top left corner of the proper-Sunken room; grab the rusty key, then kronk the lever and proceed rightward to next exit
  50. Grab Amplifying Transputer in the next room, then head up-right through the burrowing drill cycles and to the top-left exit
  51. Equip Transputer at the bench (DO NOT SAVE), slap the stationary drill (have time to heal to full here before Big Drill fight)
  52. Big Drill
  54. Rusty Door
  55. SAFETY: Grab the Capsule Fragment following Big Drill
  56. Through the morph tunnel to the elevator room, return to Ruins through Sunken like you were going to Blink
  57. This time, through the Blink wall bottom right of the first garden shear room and into Ruins proper
  58. Across the next 2 rooms rightward, open the train station
  59. SAFETY: this is the earliest but also the most time-losing opportunity to get a fifth health as a safety for Washer Knights and Neutron mostly.
  60. Bottom right exit of the big room and into Rusty Door fight
  62. Double Jump
  63. Head across First Tree room to top-right exit; proceed rightward and around into Water Ducts (core is unnecessary but a free heat refresh)
  64. Inside the first dark tunnel of Ducts, after blinking through the mine puffers, blink through the wall to skip going around (requires transputer so don't forget to equip)
  65. Grab Coolant at top right of Washer Knights Room, then back down and around to the fight
  66. Beat up Washer Knights and collect double jump
  68. Electron
  69. Return upwards from double jump and die to the first enemy you see (to Car Battery bench)
  70. Head to the laser puzzles, blink through the exit transition to Bombs and pick it up
  71. Bomb the wall below you, head to Electron, and beat him up (deathwarp away to skip the cutscene)
  73. Neutron
  74. Climb up bulbsdrop room (SAFETY: This is where you get late grapple if you didn't get it before)
  75. Climb up the annoying aggro bulb rooms to Mainframe Vault
  76. Proceed up and around through the bomb wall into Bunker
  77. In the big room, head to the middle left exit and SAVE at the station.
  78. Proceed from there up and around to the funny blink skip, and any% bunker through Neutron (except you have the coolant to do fun things!)
  79. Get laser skip nerd
  81. Proton
  82. After the neutron cutscene, deathwarp to the first enemy you see (it is unclear if this is faster at all health values exiting the neutron fight or if you should just continue normally on certain health values. It definitely feels wrong on 4/5.)
  83. Proceed from the bunker save back to the big bunker room and out to surface.
  84. Any% surface run (but with sealant!) to Furnace
  85. Any% furnace (but with double jump!) to Proton
  86. Beat up Proton and deathwarp after the fight.
  88. Big Brother
  89. From bunker save, once again head out to surface
  90. In the second surface room, blink through the secret exit to the backer cemetery
  91. Drop down the backer cemetery and head right through the tunnel; out and around to Big Brother
  92. Kronk the lever to start the fight and poke Big Bro repeatedly until he dies
  94. Virus
  95. No deathwarp from the Bro fight; exit the way you came and head through two bottom-right transitions
  96. Summon the Factory train (kronk the lever outside)
  97. Bench in Factory train -- SAFETY: This is a slightly faster opportunity to get the 5th health if desired since you're entering the train and benching anyway, but since the only additional boss you get the health for is Virus (who is a very consistent fight with 4 HP especially if you have run any%), this is probably the least recommended of the three opportunities.
  98. Exit the train and head right; exit bottom-left in next room to leave factory
  99. Proceed left across the tunnels + rooms to Mainframe Vault
  100. Go beat up Virus
  102. Creators
  103. Skip credits, load back into the save, roll your eyes at Verse's yammering
  104. Take the train from Factory to Ruins -- SAFETY: This is the last and fastest opportunity to get 5HP; you only get it for the Creators fight, but it's an excellent safety to take and you just get the health upgrade instead of performing fast train.
  105. Proceed from Ruins train to the First Tree room, this time take the bottom right exit
  106. For no-reset runs: After you start the cutscene at the Archives door, you gain control with enough time to take the save point in this room for literally no time loss since the door takes forever to open
  107. Beat up the triple Creators and win!
  109. ALTERNATE BEGINNING (different first three splits, through Car Battery, for safety/missing the first jump in a no-reset)
  110. Deathwarp at the start (or shrug off the fact that you missed the first jump and call it RNG manip)
  111. Proceed to Tiremarm and Magnet as the route above
  112. Don't save above Magnet pickup; instead deathwarp immediately back to your first save point
  113. Head the any% route towards Car Battery, grabbing IE as you go
  114. In the weird hand statue room, detour out left to pick up the core out there, then return
  115. Any% to Car Battery bench
  116. Proceed to the fight and resume the route as normal
  118. Non-rigorously estimated to lose about 8-10s to the iframes route (more if you miss the first jump instead of committing to the deathwarp)
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