
my conky.conf

Jul 12th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. conky.config = {
  3. -- conky setup
  5. update_interval = 1,
  6. update_interval_on_battery = 3,
  7. background = true,
  8. total_run_times = 0,
  9. cpu_avg_samples = 2,
  10. no_buffers = true,
  11. text_buffer_size = 4096,
  12. temperature_unit = 'celsius',
  13. override_utf8_locale = true,
  14. top_name_width = 20,
  16. -- set up window
  18. alignment = 'top_right',
  19. gap_x = 20,
  20. gap_y = 90,
  21. maximum_width = 230,
  22. double_buffer = true,
  23. background = true,
  24. own_window = true,
  25. own_window_transparent = true,
  26. own_window_type = 'normal',
  27. own_window_class = 'conky',
  28. own_window_argb_visual = true,
  29. own_window_hints = 'undecorated, below, sticky, skip_taskbar, skip_pager',
  30. draw_borders = false,
  31. draw_shades = false,
  32. draw_outline = false,
  33. use_xft = true,
  34. font = 'Arial:size=11',
  35. uppercase = false,
  36. short_units = true,
  37. default_bar_height = 22,
  38. default_bar_width = 46,
  40. -- colors
  42. color0 = '68696b', -- bar/graph color
  43. color1 = 'cccccc', -- text color
  44. color7 = '4dff4d', -- green
  45. color8 = 'ffff4d', -- yellow
  46. color9 = 'ff4d4d', -- red
  48. }
  50. -- text
  52. conky.text = [[
  53. #
  54. # date and time display
  55. #
  56. ${color1}${font Arial:size=24}${alignc}${time %l:%M %P}${font}
  57. ${font Arial:size=9}${alignc} ${time %A}, ${time %B} ${time %e}${font}
  58. #
  59. # cpu temperature / fan status. Colors change to yellow at 75°C and red at 90°C.
  60. #
  61. ${voffset 6}${color1}cpu temp:${alignr}${color7}${if_match ${hwmon 3 temp 1} > 75}${color8}\
  62. ${endif}${if_match ${hwmon 3 temp 1} > 90}${color9}${endif}${hwmon 3 temp 1}${color1}°C
  63. #
  64. # fan info
  65. #
  66. ${color1}${font Arial:size=9} cpu ${color7}${if_match "${i8k_right_fan_status}" == "high"}${color8}${endif} ${i8k_right_fan_rpm}${color1} rpm\
  67. ${alignr}video ${color7}${if_match "${i8k_left_fan_status}" == "high"}${color8}${endif} ${i8k_left_fan_rpm}${color1} rpm ${font}
  68. #
  69. # cpu load
  70. #
  71. ${color1}cpu load: ${goto 156}${color7}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 3}${color7}${endif}\
  72. ${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 60}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 90}${color9}${endif}\
  73. ${alignr}${cpu cpu0}${color1}%
  74. #
  75. # 1m, 5m and 15m cpu load. Note color changes as load increases.
  76. #
  77. ${color1}${font Arial:size=9}${alignc}1m: ${if_match ${loadavg 1} <= 3.0}${color7}${endif}\
  78. ${if_match ${loadavg 1} > 3.0}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 1} > 6.0}${color9}${endif}\
  79. ${loadavg 1}${color1} 5m: ${if_match ${loadavg 2} <=3.0}${color7}${endif}\
  80. ${if_match ${loadavg 2} > 3.0}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 2} > 6.0}${color9}${endif}\
  81. ${loadavg 2}${color1} 15m: ${if_match ${loadavg 3} <=3.0}${color7}${endif}\
  82. ${if_match ${loadavg 3} > 3.0}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${loadavg 3} > 6.0}${color9}${endif}\
  83. ${loadavg 3}${font}
  84. #
  85. # core frequencies
  86. #
  87. ${font Arial:size=9}${color1}${freq 1} Mhz ${color0}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 60}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu0} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpubar cpu1 3,50}${alignr}${color1}${freq 2} Mhz ${color0}${if_match ${cpu cpu1} >= 60}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu2} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpubar cpu2 3,50}
  88. ${color1}${freq 3} Mhz ${color0}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 60}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu3} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpubar cpu3 3,50}${alignr}${color1}${freq 4} Mhz ${color0}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 60}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu4} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpubar cpu4 3,50}
  89. ${color1}${freq 5} Mhz ${color0}${if_match ${cpu cpu5} >= 60}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu5} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpubar cpu5 3,50}${alignr}${color1}${freq 6} Mhz ${color0}${if_match ${cpu cpu6} >= 60}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu6} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpubar cpu6 3,50}
  90. ${color1}${freq 7} Mhz ${color0}${if_match ${cpu cpu7} >= 60}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu7} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpubar cpu7 3,50}${alignr}${color1}${freq 8} Mhz ${color0}${if_match ${cpu cpu8} >= 60}${color8}${endif}${if_match ${cpu cpu8} >= 90}${color9}${endif}${cpubar cpu8 3,50}${font}
  91. #
  92. # memory bar. Note conditional at the end of the line.
  93. #
  94. ${voffset 6}${color1}memory:${alignr}${exec free -m | grep -i mem | awk '{print $3}'} M / ${memmax}
  95. ${color0}${membar 7,230}
  96. ${color1}${font Arial:size=9} buffers:${offset 12}${buffers}${offset 48}cached: ${alignr}${cached} ${font}
  97. #
  98. # swapbar
  99. #
  100. ${voffset 12}${color1}swap:${alignr}${swap} / ${swapmax}
  101. ${color0}${swapbar 7,230}
  102. #
  103. # simple filesystem bar. This one is for /
  104. #
  105. ${voffset 12}${color1}ssd:${alignr}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}
  106. ${color0}${fs_bar 7,230 /}
  107. #
  108. # filesystem bar for /media/internal
  109. #
  110. ${voffset 12}${color1}internal:${alignr}${fs_used /media/internal} / ${fs_size /media/internal}
  111. ${color0}${fs_bar 7,230 /media/internal}
  112. ${if_existing /media/external/laptop}
  113. #
  114. # disk i/o numbers
  115. #
  116. ${voffset -18}${color1}${font Arial:size=9} disk write: ${diskio_write}${alignr}disk read: ${diskio_read} ${font}
  117. #
  118. # network information
  119. #
  120. ${color1}${if_existing /proc/net/route wlan0}
  121. ${voffset -10}wlan:${alignr}${wireless_bitrate wlan0}
  122. ${color0}${wireless_link_bar 7,230 wlan0}
  123. ${color1}${font Arial:size=9} dn: ${downspeedf wlan0} kbps
  124. ${voffset -12}${color1}${alignr}up: ${upspeedf wlan0} kbps ${font}${endif}
  125. ${color1}${if_existing /proc/net/route wlp3s0}
  126. ${voffset -30}wlan:${alignr}${wireless_bitrate wlp3s0}
  127. ${color0}${wireless_link_bar 7,230 wlp3s0}
  128. ${color1}${font Arial:size=9} dn: ${downspeedf wlp3s0} kbps
  129. ${voffset -12}${color1}${alignr}up: ${upspeedf wlp3s0} kbps ${font}${endif}\
  130. ${color1}${if_existing /proc/net/route eno1}
  131. ${voffset -34}${color1}network:
  132. ${color0}${voffset 8}${downspeedgraph eno1 14,200 -t -l}
  133. ${voffset 8}${color1}${font Arial:size=9} dn: ${downspeedf eno1} kbps
  134. ${alignr}${voffset -12}up: ${color1}${upspeedf eno1}${color1} kbps ${font}
  135. ${endif}
  136. #
  137. # battery indicator. battery bar turns yellow or red depending on battery percentage.
  138. #
  139. ${voffset 6}${color1}battery:${alignr}${battery_percent}%
  140. ${color0}${if_match ${battery_percent} < 0.7}${color8}${endif}\
  141. ${if_match ${battery_percent} <= 20}${color9}${endif}${battery_bar 7,230}
  142. ${color1}${if_match ${battery_percent} < 0.7}${color8}${endif}\
  143. ${if_match ${battery_percent} <= 20}${color9}${endif}${alignc}${font Arial:size=9}${battery_time}${font}
  144. #
  145. # top
  146. #
  147. ${voffset -6}${color1}name: ${goto 160}cpu${alignr} mem
  148. ${font Arial:size=9}${voffset 6}${top name 1} ${alignr}${top cpu 1} ${alignr}${top mem 1}
  149. ${top name 2} ${alignr}${top cpu 2} ${alignr}${top mem 2}
  150. ${top name 3} ${alignr}${top cpu 3} ${alignr}${top mem 3}
  151. ${top name 4} ${alignr}${top cpu 4} ${alignr}${top mem 4}
  152. ${top name 5} ${alignr}${top cpu 5} ${alignr}${top mem 5}
  153. ${top name 6} ${alignr}${top cpu 6} ${alignr}${top mem 6}
  154. ${top name 7} ${alignr}${top cpu 7} ${alignr}${top mem 7}
  155. ${top name 8} ${alignr}${top cpu 8} ${alignr}${top mem 8}
  156. ${top name 9} ${alignr}${top cpu 9} ${alignr}${top mem 9}
  157. ${top name 10} ${alignr}${top cpu 10} ${alignr}${top mem 10}${font}
  158. #
  159. # nodename, uptime, kernel version
  160. #
  161. ${voffset 8}${color1}${alignc}${nodename}
  162. ${alignc}uptime: ${uptime}
  163. ${alignc}kernel: ${execi 86400 uname -v | grep "#1" | cut -c14-}
  164. #
  165. # and we end things with a couple of square brackets
  166. #
  167. ]]
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