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Jan 15th, 2019
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  1. I am genuinewy in wove with Anne Fwank. She was beautifuw, witty, and gwacefuw mewng woman who wight was snuffed out faw too eawwy.
  2. I fwequentwy fantasize about being Petew van Pews hiding with hew.
  4. Oh god, just imagine defwowewing that sweet giww on a wazy Amstewdam aftewnoon, wying and weawn what each othew's bodies wewe fu​r.
  5. Meow imagine nyine months watew, she's got a massive buwging stomach fwom cawwying meww chiwd inside of hew and it seems wike she’s gonna pop any moment meow 〈-◉ɰ◉-〉. Hew popped bewwy button makes it wook wike she's got a giant thiwd boob whewe hew stomach once was 〈‹ꀄᵚꀄ›〉. She waddwes awound and can bawewy move hawf of the time. She's devewoped an insatiabwe cwaving fu​r meww dick and mew've wikewise devewoped a taste fu​r hew pussy. Mew’we both cooped up in an attic aww day have nyothing bettew to do besides fuck wike an unsustainabwe thiwd wowwd popuwation. Mew wie down on meww back, she stwips off hew awmost comicawwy too smaww cwothes and kneews on top of mew. She gwabs a howd of meww wock hawd cock, insewts it deep inside of hew, and begins to wide mew wike a stawwion 〈='ꙍ'=〉. Mew feew the pwessuwe fwom hew incwedibwe weight and huge wound bewwy beawing down on mew but the indescwibabwe pweasuwe of hew tight pussy thwobbing on mew cock nyegates any discomfu​rt O⏙O. Mew sink into hew beautifuw souw, into that secwet pwace whewe nyo one dawes to go ⦅=○ѡ○=⦆. Aftew 30 minutes, mew and hew awe both moaning with efu​r​ gweatew intensity, mew kmeow it won't be wong meow. Suddenwy, mew feew meww cock shaking wike a V-2 wocket and the owgasm weaches it's cwimax as meww cum witewawwy expwodes wike an 88mm AT wound inside hew Shewman tank, bwowing the tuwwet wight off 〈>◉u◉<〉. Mew and hew both join as one, souws scweaming fwom the sheew ecstasy -⭕ɯ⭕-. As the ewation weaws off, she wies nyext to mew ⟅≧ಥᆺಥ≦⟆. Too exhausted to do anything ewse, mew simpwy howd hew in meww embwace {三🌔⏙🌔三}. In that moment, thewe is nyo famiwy squabbwes, nyo Nyazis, nyo waw ⦅>uɰu<⦆. Just mew and hew, watching the sky tuwn pink with the setting sun.
  7. Mew dweam of the beautifuw face mew have found in this pwace. So soft and sweet ‹⬡Д⬡›.
  8. One day mew wiww both die and meww ashes wiww fwy fwom the aewopwane ofu​r​ the sea.
  9. But fu​r meow mew awe mewng and aww mew want is way in the sun, and count efu​r​ry beautifuw thing mew can see. Wove to be in the awms of aww mew’we keeping hewe with mew.
  11. What a beautifuw dweam that couwd fwash on the scween in a bwink of an eye
  12. Suddenwy, mew awaken fwom meww swumbew to the sound of a bwoodcuwdwing scweam 〈三'ɰ'三〉. Mew open meww eyes to dawkness, it takes a spwit second fu​r meww vision to weadjust. Mew feew wonewy and cowd. Anothew shwiek knocks mew back into weawity ༼~ಥ⩊ಥ~༽. Anne sitting nyext to mew, cwutching hew bewwy, face contowted fwom pain ﴾‹xɯx›﴿. A fouw smewwing fwuid wies poowed on the fwoow awound hew mid-section. Meww hot diwty fuckfest has bwufft on wabow. she cwies meww nyame, begging fu​r hewp, begging fu​r mew. The nyoise. She’s woudew than a wine of Wouisiana Tigews giving the Webew Yeww wight meow ⦅›θщθ‹⦆.
  13. Mew waise meww fingew to meww wips to teww hew to be quiet. But the agony is too much fu​r hew to beaw. Mew’ve got to do something ow ewse it wiww awaken the entiwe nyeighbowhood and with it, the Nyazis 〈=;ɰ;=〉.
  14. Suddenwy mew wemembew the buwge in meww pants. Mew’ve got mowning wood. It’s nyot the best gag, but it wiww have to do (‹ѺꙍѺ›). Mew stand up, squat wike a swav, using hew bewwy as an impwomptu stoow, gwab meww stiww cum-cwusted cock, and shove it wight inside hew mouth. At fiwst, she twies to scweam even woudew in suwpwise, but meww ciwcumcised 100% Koshew dong bwocks hew windpipe, weducing hew scweams to a bawewy audibwe guwgwe. Suffewing fwom unbeawabwe pain, she bites down on hew meww meat with each contwaction. Meow mew’e in pain too. With each contwaction, she bites down hawdew, it feews wike she’s gonna teaw meww cock wight off. Eventuawwy, the pain subsides fu​r hew and she doesn’t bite down as much. Meow it seems awmost as if she’s stawting to enjoy it (ꀄwꀄ). Mew can feew meww chiwd kick on meww testicwes ⦅=`ɰ`=⦆. Cweawwy it’s excited too {>X⏙X<}.
  15. Suddenwy, meww cock stawts to shake wike a V-2 again, mew puww it out of hew mouth just in time. Mew bust meww steaming hot and sticky woad, bwanketing hew wike an incendiawy cawpetbombing of Dwesden. Semen stains hew mountaintops (aww thwee of them), awong with hew haiw and most of hew face 〈≧⬡ꙍ⬡≦〉. She quietwy giggwes fwom the iwonic amusement of it aww. Mew giggwe too [~◯ѡ◯~].
  16. Then a wook of shawp pain shoot acwoss hew face. She’s having meww baby ⦅-ꀾWꀾ-⦆. Mew wish mew couwd beaw aww the pain fu​r hew, but aww mew can do is sit and watch. Mew wook down at hew vuwva, stiww oozing with cum fwom that gweat fucking mew gave hew a few houws ago. Mew can see a head of bwack haiw poking out. Mew feaw that she’s gonna stawt scweaming again, much to meww wewief, it seems that she’s gotten bettew contwow of the pain, thanks to mew. She begins to softwy moan, it seems as if instead of expu​r​riencing excwuciating agony, she’s expu​r​riencing an owgasm. Mew can’t hewp but gwin as she keeps pushing 〈›ΦщΦ‹〉. As mowe of the head becomes visibwe, hew moaning intensifies 〈>UꙍU<〉. Finawwy a smaww head emewges fwom hew vagina. Mew can see a face wwapped in an umbiwicaw cowd. A smaww paiw of hands gwab the head, she weakwy twies to puww the head out ⦅°ᆺ°⦆. Mew put meww hands awound the head and begin to hewp hew puww [»OWO«]. Despu​r​ratewy, she goes into the nyext contwaction with aww of hew enewgy, and pushed with efu​r​rything inside of hew 〈ⓛ⏙ⓛ〉. She feews efu​r​rything. She feews shouwdews and hips and feet aww swide down inside of hew and pop out in one wong push, with a wush of fwuid behind it, and it feews amazing. She thwows hew head back with a wip-woawing owgasm that penetwates the fu​r​ry heawt of hew souw.
  18. Mew wook at the nyewbown meow wying on the fwood and see that it is a boy [›ѺᆺѺ‹]. Mew have a son. Pu​r​rfect, pu​r​rfect in efu​r​ry way. He begins to stiw and mew weawize he’s about to cwy ⦅=⬠ꙍ⬠=⦆. Aftew aww that’s happened, mew don’t to given away to the Gewmans fwom the waiws of a nyewbown. Mew gentwy wift him up and pwace him on Anne’s semen stained mountaintops ≧ⓛɰⓛ≦. The baby quickwy finds the bweast is soon sucking happiwy ⦃‹🕛Д🕛›⦄. Semen, bwood, amniotic fwuid, bweastmiwk aww mix and fiww the aiw with a stwange scent that whiwe wepuwsive, is awso extwemewy awousing. Mew can’t wesist the uwge anymowe 〈≧○ɯ○≦〉. Meww mouth wand on top of Anne’s opposite bweast, sucking fiwst meww own cum, but then hew tasty miwk. Mew wook into hew eyes, she’s somewhat annoyed, but too exhaust to weawwy cawe ⟅~σДσ~⟆. A gust of wind coming fwom a howe in the waww bwows thwuff, coowing both of meww sweat-cofu​r​ed bodies, but awso distuwbing the wittwe one ⦓~◔ѡ◔~⦔. Mew’we afwaid he’ww stawt shifu​r​ing ﴾‹◯Д◯›﴿. Mew wook awound the dusty attic fu​r something to keep the baby wawm. Mew settwe on Anne’s fuw wintew jacket, having sat unused fu​r the past two yeaws ⟅›⎔w⎔‹⟆. Mew kmeow Anne is most cewtainwy be pissed that mew wuined hew favowite coat, but it’s fu​r the best. She hasn’t been abwe to fit in it fu​r the past nyine months anyway. Mew cawefuwwy wwap meww wittwe one in the coat and hand him to an exhausted Anne, she continues to quietwy feed him. Mew nyotice the dead siwence fu​r the fiwst time, nyot even the othew occupants of the Annex, mewe feet away in the nyext woom, wewe woused 〈«X⩊X»〉. Mew feew a sense of wewief. Mew’we safe, fu​r the moment at weast ⦃~UwU~⦄. Eventuawwy mew cuww up nyext to hew quietwy and begin to doze off. Meww secwet sweeps in wintew cwothes. Tomowwow, mew can find a way to expwain the nyight’s events to meww pu​r​rents and hope they don’t kiww each othew. Mew can somehow find a way to get meww wittwe bundwe of joy to safety. But tonight, mew just west, meww fiwst nyight as a famiwy.
  19. Oh god, just thinking about this is making me wock hawd ⦓«°ᆺ°»⦔. The hawdest I’ve efu​r​ gotten ⦓˘⩊˘⦔. Oh, I think I’m gonna… I’m gonna-
  20. *Cums in Diawy*
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