

Sep 11th, 2016
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  1. 798 814 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by handleInjectNtpTime()
  2. 09-11 19:40:19.691 798 814 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(5, 0, null)
  3. 09-11 19:40:19.691 798 814 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by handleDownloadXtraData()
  4. 09-11 19:40:19.691 798 814 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(6, 0, null)
  5. 09-11 19:40:19.694 798 1150 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(10, 0, null)
  6. 09-11 19:40:19.697 798 814 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(10, 0, null)
  7. 09-11 19:40:19.697 798 1150 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleInjectNtpTime()
  8. 09-11 19:40:19.714 313 657 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -A idletimer_raw_PREROUTING -i wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0
  9. 09-11 19:40:19.740 313 657 V IdletimerController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t mangle -A idletimer_mangle_POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j IDLETIMER --timeout 15 --label 1 --send_nl_msg 1) res_ipv4=0, res_ipv6=0
  10. 09-11 19:40:19.743 798 911 D ConnectivityService: Sending DISCONNECTED broadcast for type 0 NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 100] isDefaultNetwork=true
  11. 09-11 19:40:19.744 798 911 D ConnectivityService: Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 1 NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 101] isDefaultNetwork=true
  12. 09-11 19:40:19.836 798 918 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by sendMessage(11, 0, null)
  13. 09-11 19:40:19.837 798 814 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleMessage(11, 0, null)
  14. 09-11 19:40:19.839 798 918 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock released by handleDownloadXtraData()
  15. 09-11 19:40:20.629 798 907 W AlarmManager: Unrecognized alarm listener$3@7cb376a
  16. 09-11 19:40:20.630 798 907 E WifiScanner: listener cannot be found
  17. 09-11 19:40:20.630 798 907 D WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: Received signal strength thresholds: []
  18. 09-11 19:40:20.632 313 657 E Netd : netlink response contains error (File exists)
  19. 09-11 19:40:20.636 798 907 D WifiNative-HAL: stopRssiMonitoring, cmdId 0
  20. 09-11 19:40:20.639 798 1776 D WifiNetworkHistory: saving network history: "bbcradio1"WPA_PSK gw: null Network Selection-status: NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED ephemeral=false choice:null link:0 status:0 nid:0 hasEverConnected: true
  21. 09-11 19:40:20.640 798 1776 V WifiNetworkHistory: writeKnownNetworkHistory write config "bbcradio1"WPA_PSK
  22. 09-11 19:40:23.764 1785 1785 F libc : CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/system/bin/thermal-engine-hh": library "" not found
  23. 09-11 19:40:23.764 1785 1785 F libc : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 1785 (thermal-engine-)
  24. 09-11 19:40:23.766 165 165 W : debuggerd: handling request: pid=1785 uid=0 gid=1001 tid=1785
  25. 09-11 19:40:23.780 1785 1785 F libc : failed to resend signal during crash: Operation not permitted
  26. 09-11 19:40:23.784 1786 1786 E DEBUG : unexpected waitpid response: n=1785, status=00000000
  27. 09-11 19:40:23.786 1786 1786 E : debuggerd: timed out waiting for signal
  28. 09-11 19:40:23.787 798 944 W NativeCrashListener: Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 1785
  29. 09-11 19:40:23.788 1786 1786 E : AM eod write failed: Broken pipe
  30. 09-11 19:40:23.788 1786 1786 E : debuggerd: ptrace detach from 1785 failed: No such process
  31. 09-11 19:40:23.788 1786 1786 E : debuggerd: failed to kill process 1785: No such process
  32. 09-11 19:40:23.791 165 165 W : debuggerd: resuming target 1785
  33. 09-11 19:40:23.791 165 165 E : debuggerd: failed to send signal 18 to target: No such process
  34. 09-11 19:40:23.969 798 815 W ActivityManager: Activity stop timeout for ActivityRecord{a4b47d0 u0 t1}
  35. 09-11 19:40:23.969 798 815 I ActivityManager: Activity reported stop, but no longer stopping: ActivityRecord{a4b47d0 u0 t1}
  36. 09-11 19:40:23.969 798 815 W ActivityManager: Activity destroy timeout for ActivityRecord{e715928 u0 t0 f}
  37. ^Z
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