
Hypixel info (2018)

Jul 5th, 2018
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  339. <a href="threads/the-pit-0-3-5-new-map-mystic-well-and-more.1729768/" style="display: inline-block;padding-top: 7px;"><abbr class="DateTime" data-time="1530823304" data-diff="16561" data-datestring="Jul 5, 2018" data-timestring="4:41 PM">Jul 5, 2018 at 4:41 PM</abbr></a>
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  341. <h2><a href="threads/the-pit-0-3-5-new-map-mystic-well-and-more.1729768/" class="newsTitle">The Pit 0.3.5 - New Map, Mystic Well and More</a></h2>
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  346. <div class="sticky"></div>by <a href="members/minikloon.287602/" class="username">Minikloon</a> at <a href="threads/the-pit-0-3-5-new-map-mystic-well-and-more.1729768/">4:41 PM</a></span>
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  353. <img src="" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" alt="[​IMG]" data-url="" />
  354. <br /> ​
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  356. <div style="text-align: left">
  357. Hello!
  358. <br />
  359. <br /> We just released The Pit v0.3.5 update to the Prototype Lobby.
  360. <br /> ​
  361. </div>
  362. <span style="font-size: 22px">▶ In a nutshell</span>
  363. <br />
  364. <ul>
  365. <li>New Map: Four Seasons</li>
  366. <li>New Feature: Mystic Well (Custom Item Enhancement)</li>
  367. <li>New Event: Robbery<br /> </li>
  368. <li>Lots of balance changes</li>
  369. <li>Bugfixes</li>
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  373. <b><span style="color: #b30000">Developer Note [</span> </b>As spoke about in our July Developer Summary (
  374. <a href="" class="internalLink">Here</a>) 1.13 caused a few delays to this update and to make sure you didn't have to wait any longer, we wanted to release the content we have ready.
  375. <br />
  376. <br /> In May, we hosted
  377. <a href="" class="internalLink">Pit Event Contest</a> and we were overwhelmed by the response with over 2500+ submissions. Moving forward to v0.4, we plan to add more of these event ideas and fix any potential bugs that arise from this update.
  378. <b><span style="color: #b30000">]</span></b>
  379. <br /> ​
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  383. For full information, make sure to continue reading.​
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  398. <a href="threads/skywars-lab-rotation-lucky-blocks-v2-mega-doubles-changes-and-more.1721331/" style="display: inline-block;padding-top: 7px;"><abbr class="DateTime" data-time="1530729435" data-diff="110430" data-datestring="Jul 4, 2018" data-timestring="2:37 PM">Jul 4, 2018 at 2:37 PM</abbr></a>
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  400. <h2><a href="threads/skywars-lab-rotation-lucky-blocks-v2-mega-doubles-changes-and-more.1721331/" class="newsTitle">SkyWars Lab Rotation, Lucky Blocks v2, Mega Doubles Changes and More!</a></h2>
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  404. <span class="posted">
  405. <div class="sticky"></div>by <a href="members/relenter.57026/" class="username">Relenter</a> at <a href="threads/skywars-lab-rotation-lucky-blocks-v2-mega-doubles-changes-and-more.1721331/">2:37 PM</a></span>
  406. <span class="views">(3,090 Views / 98 Likes)</span>
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  412. <img src="" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" alt="[​IMG]" data-url="" />​
  413. </div>
  414. <br /> Hi all!
  415. <br />
  416. <br /> It’s time for the next lab rotation which brings the return of Lucky Block mode! We also updated Lucky Block mode to include new effects, an optional resource pack, and more! Along with this, we have made some changes to Mega Doubles, added the player stats, and fixed a lot of bugs.
  417. <br />
  418. <br /> Continue reading for more information.
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  432. <a href="threads/uhc-vanilla-doubles-and-pregame-improvements.1728584/" style="display: inline-block;padding-top: 7px;"><abbr class="DateTime" data-time="1530548291" data-diff="291574" data-datestring="Jul 2, 2018" data-timestring="12:18 PM">Jul 2, 2018 at 12:18 PM</abbr></a>
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  434. <h2><a href="threads/uhc-vanilla-doubles-and-pregame-improvements.1728584/" class="newsTitle">UHC Vanilla Doubles and Pregame Improvements</a></h2>
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  438. <span class="posted">
  439. <div class="sticky"></div>by <a href="members/nitroholic_.60135/" class="username">Nitroholic_</a> at <a href="threads/uhc-vanilla-doubles-and-pregame-improvements.1728584/">12:18 PM</a></span>
  440. <span class="views">(3,380 Views / 93 Likes)</span>
  441. <span class="comments iconKey">
  442. <div class="new"></div><a href="threads/uhc-vanilla-doubles-and-pregame-improvements.1728584/unread">89 Comments</a></span>
  443. </div>
  444. <div class="newsText">
  445. <div style="text-align: center">
  446. <img src="" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" alt="[​IMG]" data-url="" />
  447. <br /> ​
  448. </div>A small update has been released for UHC, available to play now in the new UHC Lobby. Read on below for a full list of changes and additions, or play it right now by clicking the UHC Lobby NPC, game menu icon, or using the command
  449. <b><i>/lobby uhc</i></b>.
  450. <br />
  451. <br />
  452. <span style="font-size: 22px">▶ What is in this update?</span>
  453. <br />
  454. <ul>
  455. <li>Pregame improvements to help games start more consistently</li>
  456. <li>New event mode<br /> </li>
  457. <li>Bug fixes</li>
  458. </ul>As always, if you find any bugs or issues please report them in the bugs section on the forums
  459. <a href="" class="internalLink">HERE</a>.
  460. <br />
  461. <br /> This update is following up after the last UHC update which you can read
  462. <a href="" class="internalLink">HERE</a>.
  463. <br />
  464. <br /> Make sure you click &quot;Continue reading&quot; for more information on the update.
  465. <br />
  466. </div>
  467. <div class="clearFix"></div>
  468. </div>
  469. <br />
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  472. </div>
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  479. <a href="threads/july-developer-summary-minecraft-1-13-guild-update-and-more.1708233/" style="display: inline-block;padding-top: 7px;"><abbr class="DateTime" data-time="1530488502" data-diff="351363" data-datestring="Jul 1, 2018" data-timestring="7:41 PM">Jul 1, 2018 at 7:41 PM</abbr></a>
  480. </div>
  481. <h2><a href="threads/july-developer-summary-minecraft-1-13-guild-update-and-more.1708233/" class="newsTitle">July Developer Summary - Minecraft 1.13, Guild Update and More</a></h2>
  482. </div>
  483. <div class="messageContent baseHtml">
  484. <div class="postedBy">
  485. <span class="posted">
  486. <div class="sticky"></div>by <a href="members/pixelbaker.548627/" class="username">PixelBaker</a> at <a href="threads/july-developer-summary-minecraft-1-13-guild-update-and-more.1708233/">7:41 PM</a></span>
  487. <span class="views">(17,392 Views / 309 Likes)</span>
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  491. <div class="newsText">
  492. <div style="text-align: center">
  493. <img src="" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" alt="[​IMG]" data-url="" />​
  494. </div>
  495. <br /> Hello Hypixelians,
  496. <br />
  497. <br /> Welcome to the July Development Summary, where we will be sharing insights into our past, current, and future projects.
  498. <br />
  499. <br />
  500. <div style="padding-left: 30px">
  501. <i>Just a quick reminder that anything I share is subject to change during development. I won’t be able to share everything the team is currently working on in this summary, as some of the projects are in very early stages of development and we want to keep some surprises for the community. However, we are aiming to update you on these projects as soon as we can.</i>​
  502. </div>
  503. <br />
  504. <b>Previous Developer Summaries</b>
  505. <br />
  506. <ul>
  507. <li>June Mini #1 - Guild Update, CvC &amp; Mega Walls - <a href="" class="internalLink">Read More Here</a></li>
  508. <li>June Mini #2 - Why another BW/SW Update?, Mega Walls &amp; Prototype - <a href="" class="internalLink">Read More Here</a></li>
  509. </ul>
  510. <b>In this summary, I’m going to talk about the following:</b>
  511. <br />
  512. <ul>
  513. <li>Supporting the latest Minecraft client version 1.13</li>
  514. <li>Guild Update Progress &amp; Sneak Peek</li>
  515. <li>Changing the way we release updates</li>
  516. <li>Older Game Support</li>
  517. <li>Some of the things to expect in July?</li>
  518. </ul>Make sure to hit the read more for full information.
  519. </div>
  520. <div class="clearFix"></div>
  521. </div>
  522. <br />
  523. <div class="continueReadingHypixel">
  524. <a class="callToAction" href="threads/july-developer-summary-minecraft-1-13-guild-update-and-more.1708233/"> <span class="continueReadingHypixelSpan">Continue reading...</span> </a>
  525. </div>
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  531. <div style="float: right; white-space: nowrap;">
  532. <a href="threads/bed-wars-new-achievements-dream-rotation-rush-v2.1721113/" style="display: inline-block;padding-top: 7px;"><span class="DateTime" title="Jun 27, 2018 at 3:24 PM">Jun 27, 2018</span></a>
  533. </div>
  534. <h2><a href="threads/bed-wars-new-achievements-dream-rotation-rush-v2.1721113/" class="newsTitle">Bed Wars New Achievements &amp; Dream Rotation: Rush v2</a></h2>
  535. </div>
  536. <div class="messageContent baseHtml">
  537. <div class="postedBy">
  538. <span class="posted">
  539. <div class="sticky"></div>by <a href="members/externalizable.623840/" class="username">Externalizable</a> at <a href="threads/bed-wars-new-achievements-dream-rotation-rush-v2.1721113/">3:24 PM</a></span>
  540. <span class="views">(9,690 Views / 73 Likes)</span>
  541. <span class="comments iconKey">
  542. <div class="new"></div><a href="threads/bed-wars-new-achievements-dream-rotation-rush-v2.1721113/unread">451 Comments</a></span>
  543. </div>
  544. <div class="newsText">
  545. <div style="text-align: center">
  546. <img src="" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" alt="[​IMG]" data-url="" />​
  547. </div>
  548. <br /> Hey hey,
  549. <br />
  550. <br /> Today we're releasing a small Bed Wars update which includes some new Achievements for Bed Wars and we're also bringing back Rush, which has been updated to V2 based on the feedback and ideas from the community.
  551. <br />
  552. <br />
  553. <br />
  554. <span style="font-size: 22px">▶ Achievements</span>
  555. <br />
  556. <br /> We've added new achievements adding up to a total of
  557. <span style="text-decoration: underline">300 new achievement points</span>!
  558. <br />
  559. <br />
  560. <div class="ToggleTriggerAnchor bbCodeSpoilerContainer">
  561. <button type="button" class="button bbCodeSpoilerButton ToggleTrigger Tooltip JsOnly" title="Click to reveal or hide spoiler" data-target="&gt; .SpoilerTarget"><span>Spoiler: <span class="SpoilerTitle">All new Achievements</span></span></button>
  562. <div class="SpoilerTarget bbCodeSpoilerText">
  563. <ul>
  564. <li><b>Distraction</b> - 5<br /> Get a kill while you have your glyph active</li>
  565. <li><b>Rejoining the Dream!</b> - 5<br /> Use the /rejoin command to warp back into a Bed Wars game</li>
  566. <li><b>Prime Markmanship</b> - 5<br /> Land 5 consecutive shots with a bow</li>
  567. <li><b>That's a First</b> - 5<br /> Win your first game of Bed Wars</li>
  568. <li><b>Savvy Shopper</b> - 5<br /> Change the Shopkeeper skin</li>
  569. <li><b>Showoff - </b>5<br /> Destroy a bed in style</li>
  570. <li><b>It's Dark Down There</b> - 5<br /> Fall into the void</li>
  571. <li><b>You Can’t Do That!</b> - 5<br /> Attempt to break your team’s bed</li>
  572. <li><b>Sneaky Rusher</b> - 5<br /> Destroy a bed while being invisible</li>
  573. <li><b>Mission Control</b> - 5<br /> Use the Quick Communications menu to send a team message</li>
  574. <li><b>Cutting It Close!</b> - 10<br /> Win a game with less than 30 seconds before bed destruction</li>
  575. <li><b>Minefield</b> - 10<br /> Have 3 traps activated at once</li>
  576. <li><b>Stay Away From Me!</b> - 10<br /> Knock 5 players into the void in a single game using a Knockback Stick</li>
  577. <li><b>Bomber</b> - 10<br /> Use 5 TNTs in a single game of Bed Wars</li>
  578. <li><b>Getting The Job Done Better</b> - 10<br /> Destroy all of the beds in a single game</li>
  579. <li><b>Like a Ninja</b> - 10<br /> Use Magic Milk to make a trap not activate</li>
  580. <li><b>The Last Of Us</b> - 15<br /> Win a game by being the last player alive on your team</li>
  581. <li><b>Revenge</b> - 15<br /> Final kill the player that destroyed your bed</li>
  582. <li><b>Out Of Stock</b> - 15<br /> Purchase and max out all team upgrades in a single game</li>
  583. <li><b>Collectors Edition</b> - 5-10-15-20-25<br /> Collect 25-50-100-250-500 wool from each enemy team</li>
  584. <li><b>Bed Wars Killer</b> - 5-10-15-20-25<br /> Get 25-100-250-500-1500 final kills</li>
  585. </ul>
  586. </div>
  587. </div>
  588. <br /> Thanks to the council for the help on establishing this list!
  589. <br />
  590. <br />
  591. <br />
  592. <span style="font-size: 22px"><b>▶ </b>Rush V2</span>
  593. <br />
  594. <br /> We're bringing back Rush with a few changes from the feedback and ideas shared with us from the community. Don't worry - as we release new dream modes, we plan to put previous modes into the rotation again in the future! So if you missed a mode, you will have a chance to play it later on.
  595. <br />
  596. <br /> Due to the increased player count during summer vacation, we are adding solo for dream modes starting with Rush. Although, we may not be able to offer this in future rotations, we hope you solo players can join in with the dream during summer.
  597. <br />
  598. <br />
  599. <div style="text-align: center">
  600. <img src="" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" alt="[​IMG]" data-url="" />​
  601. </div>
  602. <br />
  603. <b>Rush V2 Changelog:</b>
  604. <br />
  605. <ul>
  606. <li>Added solo mode, as stated above this is only possible due to increased players over the summer holiday.</li>
  607. <li>Stats are now tracked, just like other dream modes.</li>
  608. <li>Doubled the price of all potions.<br /> </li>
  609. <li>Removed obsidian from the store.</li>
  610. <li>Sudden death will now spawn two dragons by default.</li>
  611. <li>We've slightly increased the speed of the bridge building.</li>
  612. <li>We've now added the ability to toggle the bridging by left-clicking while holding wool.</li>
  613. </ul>
  614. <br /> We hope you enjoy the new updates! As always,
  615. <a href="" class="internalLink">report all bugs here</a> so we can fix them as soon as possible!
  616. </div>
  617. <div class="clearFix"></div>
  618. </div>
  619. <br />
  620. <div class="continueReadingHypixel">
  621. <a class="callToAction" href="threads/bed-wars-new-achievements-dream-rotation-rush-v2.1721113/"> <span class="continueReadingHypixelSpan">Continue reading...</span> </a>
  622. </div>
  623. </div>
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  628. <div style="float: right; white-space: nowrap;">
  629. <a href="threads/minecraft-1-13-pre5-testing-information-megathread.1719472/" style="display: inline-block;padding-top: 7px;"><span class="DateTime" title="Jun 26, 2018 at 4:49 PM">Jun 26, 2018</span></a>
  630. </div>
  631. <h2><a href="threads/minecraft-1-13-pre5-testing-information-megathread.1719472/" class="newsTitle">Minecraft 1.13-pre5 Testing Information Megathread</a></h2>
  632. </div>
  633. <div class="messageContent baseHtml">
  634. <div class="postedBy">
  635. <span class="posted">
  636. <div class="sticky"></div>by <a href="members/tomcateve.74562/" class="username">TomcatEvE</a> at <a href="threads/minecraft-1-13-pre5-testing-information-megathread.1719472/">4:49 PM</a></span>
  637. <span class="views">(6,814 Views / 95 Likes)</span>
  638. <span class="comments iconKey">
  639. <div class="new"></div><a href="threads/minecraft-1-13-pre5-testing-information-megathread.1719472/unread">184 Comments</a></span>
  640. </div>
  641. <div class="newsText">
  642. Hello friends!
  643. <br />
  644. <br /> Today we will be opening up the server to test the new Minecraft version 1.13 snapshot. In this post, we are providing information on how to acquire the correct version for testing and how to create a bug report on any issues that you may find while testing.
  645. <br />
  646. <br /> Be warned that you may encounter several bugs while you are helping us test, that is the point of testing! We ask that you report the bugs on our
  647. <a href="" class="internalLink">Server Bug Report</a> forums section as you come across them in testing, this will help the Hypixel Team bring the full Hypixel experience to 1.13.
  648. <br />
  649. <br />
  650. <span style="font-size: 22px">▶ The Latest Minecraft Version</span>
  651. <br />
  652. <br /> First, you need to have the latest version of Minecraft downloaded. To do so, go to the Minecraft launcher. You can download the Minecraft launcher here:
  653. <a href="" target="_blank" class="externalLink" rel="nofollow"></a>.
  654. <br />
  655. <br />
  656. <div class="ToggleTriggerAnchor bbCodeSpoilerContainer">
  657. <button type="button" class="button bbCodeSpoilerButton ToggleTrigger Tooltip JsOnly" title="Click to reveal or hide spoiler" data-target="&gt; .SpoilerTarget"><span>Spoiler: <span class="SpoilerTitle">Downloading 1.13 Prereleases</span></span></button>
  658. <div class="SpoilerTarget bbCodeSpoilerText">
  659. Open the Minecraft launcher and login to your Minecraft account. In the launcher, click the three horizontal bars in the top right corner to see &quot;Launcher Options&quot;.
  660. <br />
  661. <br />
  662. <div style="text-align: center">
  663. <img src="" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" alt="[​IMG]" data-url="" />​
  664. </div>
  665. <br /> In your Launcher Options, click the grey box to enable snapshots.
  666. <br />
  667. <br />
  668. <div style="text-align: center">
  669. <img src="" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" alt="[​IMG]" data-url="" />​
  670. </div>
  671. <br /> Now go back to the &quot;News&quot; section of the launcher. There will be a green &quot;Play&quot; box at the bottom where you can see what version you are currently using. On the side of the Play button is an up arrow. Clicking on the arrow will give you a list of Minecraft versions.
  672. <br />
  673. <br />
  674. <div style="text-align: center">
  675. <img src="" class="bbCodeImage LbImage" alt="[​IMG]" data-url="" />​
  676. </div>
  677. <br /> Choose the &quot;Latest snapshot - 1.13-pre5&quot; to use the correct Minecraft version for testing. Now, click your Play button to download and start playing the latest version!
  678. </div>
  679. </div>
  680. <br />
  681. <span style="font-size: 22px">▶ Joining the Testing</span>
  682. <br />
  683. <br /> Now the fun begins! You can join the testing by going to Multiplayer and Direct Connect.
  684. <br />
  685. <br />
  686. <div style="text-align: center">
  687. <span style="font-size: 18px">IP for 1.13 testing: <b><span style="color: #ff8000"></span></b></span>​
  688. </div>
  689. <br /> You will be on the Hypixel server with the latest Minecraft version for testing 1.13.
  690. <br />
  691. <br />
  692. <span style="font-size: 22px">▶ Reporting Bugs</span>
  693. <br />
  694. <br /> Please take your time to test different aspects of the server such as lobby functions, game functions, game cosmetics, rewards, and so forth. When you do encounter a bug, please review this thread
  695. <a href="" class="internalLink"></a>.
  696. <br />
  697. <br /> Now that you have read there, you are ready to submit a bug report for each different issue that you encounter while playing on the test version. To submit a bug report, go here:
  698. <br />
  699. <div style="text-align: center">
  700. <br />
  701. <span style="font-size: 22px"><b><a href="" class="internalLink">Click To Submit a Bug Report</a></b></span>​
  702. </div>
  703. <br /> The Hypixel Team appreciates you taking your time to help us in supporting the latest version of Minecraft. We couldn't do it without your support and we thank you in advance for all of your future, detailed bug reports!
  704. </div>
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  706. </div>
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