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Apr 4th, 2017
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  1. ```
  2. models = [];
  3. fs.readdirSync(HOMEDIR + '/lib/models/waterline').forEach(function(file) {
  4. models.push(require(HOMEDIR + '/lib/models/waterline/' + file));
  5. });
  7. module.exports = {
  8. init: function(next) {
  9. models.forEach(function(model) {
  10. orm.loadCollection(model);
  11. });
  13. orm.initialize(config, function(err, models) {
  14. if (err) throw err;
  15. global.models = models.collections;
  16. global.connections = models.connections;
  17. next();
  18. });
  19. }
  20. };
  23. //And this in my config
  24. localhost: {
  25. migrate: 'safe',
  26. adapter: 'postgres',
  27. database: 'intellinote',
  28. host: 'localhost',
  29. user: 'postgres',
  30. password: '',
  31. port: 5432
  32. }
  33. ```
  35. ```
  36. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "intellinotedb"."external_resource";
  37. CREATE TABLE "intellinotedb"."external_resource" (
  38. "id" int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('external_resource_id_seq'::regclass),
  39. "external_id" varchar(2000) NOT NULL COLLATE "default",
  40. "version_id" varchar(2000) COLLATE "default",
  41. "url" varchar(5000) COLLATE "default",
  42. "name" varchar(4000) COLLATE "default",
  43. "size" int8,
  44. "creator" varchar(50) NOT NULL COLLATE "default",
  45. "created_at" timestamp(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  46. "modified_at" timestamp(6) NULL,
  47. "project_id" int8 NOT NULL,
  48. "note_id" int8,
  49. "type" varchar(50) NOT NULL COLLATE "default",
  50. "is_public" bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
  51. "state" varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ACTIVE'::character varying COLLATE "default",
  52. "mime_type" text COLLATE "default",
  53. "internal_type" text COLLATE "default",
  54. "is_template" bool NOT NULL,
  55. "has_filled_data" bool NOT NULL
  56. )
  58. ALTER TABLE "intellinotedb"."external_resource" OWNER TO "intellinote";
  60. -- ----------------------------
  61. -- Primary key structure for table external_resource
  62. -- ----------------------------
  63. ALTER TABLE "intellinotedb"."external_resource" ADD PRIMARY KEY ("id") NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE;
  65. -- ----------------------------
  66. -- Uniques structure for table external_resource
  67. -- ----------------------------
  68. ALTER TABLE "intellinotedb"."external_resource" ADD CONSTRAINT "external_resource_note_id_key" UNIQUE ("note_id") NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE;
  70. -- ----------------------------
  71. -- Foreign keys structure for table external_resource
  72. -- ----------------------------
  73. ALTER TABLE "intellinotedb"."external_resource" ADD CONSTRAINT "external_resource_note_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("note_id") REFERENCES "intellinotedb"."note" ("id") ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE CASCADE NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE;
  74. ALTER TABLE "intellinotedb"."external_resource" ADD CONSTRAINT "external_resource_project_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("project_id") REFERENCES "intellinotedb"."project" ("id") ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE;
  75. ```
  77. ```
  78. Waterline = require('waterline');
  80. module.exports = Waterline.Collection.extend({
  81. tableName: 'external_resource',
  82. meta: {
  83. schemaName: process.env.WATERLINE_SCHEMA || 'intellinotedb'
  84. },
  85. connection: process.env.WATERLINE_DB || 'localhost',
  86. attributes: {
  87. id: {
  88. type: 'integer',
  89. autoIncrement: true,
  90. primaryKey: true,
  91. unique: true,
  92. size: 8
  93. },
  94. external_id: {
  95. type: 'string',
  96. required: true,
  97. size: 2000
  98. },
  99. version_id: {
  100. type: 'string',
  101. size: 2000
  102. },
  103. url: {
  104. type: 'string',
  105. required: true,
  106. size: 5000
  107. },
  108. name: {
  109. type: 'string',
  110. required: true,
  111. size: 4000
  112. },
  113. size: {
  114. type: 'integer',
  115. required: true,
  116. size: 8
  117. },
  118. creator: {
  119. type: 'string',
  120. required: true,
  121. size: 50
  122. },
  123. createdAt: {
  124. type: 'datetime',
  125. columnName: 'created_at'
  126. },
  127. updatedAt: {
  128. type: 'datetime',
  129. columnName: 'modified_at'
  130. },
  131. project_id: {
  132. type: 'integer',
  133. required: true
  134. },
  135. note_id: {
  136. type: 'integer',
  137. required: true,
  138. size: 8
  139. },
  140. type: {
  141. type: 'string',
  142. defaultsTo: 'FILE',
  143. required: true,
  144. size: 50
  145. },
  146. is_public: {
  147. type: 'boolean',
  148. defaultsTo: true,
  149. required: true
  150. },
  151. state: {
  152. type: 'string',
  153. enum: ['ACTIVE', 'DELETED'],
  154. defaultsTo: 'ACTIVE',
  155. required: true,
  156. size: 100
  157. },
  158. mime_type: {
  159. type: 'string',
  160. required: true
  161. },
  162. internal_type: {
  163. type: 'string',
  164. defaultsTo: 'REGULAR',
  165. required: true
  166. },
  167. is_template: {
  168. type: 'boolean',
  169. defaultsTo: false,
  170. required: false
  171. },
  172. has_filled_data: {
  173. type: 'boolean',
  174. defaultsTo: false,
  175. required: false
  176. }
  177. }
  178. });
  180. ```
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