
Forged Destiny [Book 3: Ch. 6]

Sep 2nd, 2018 (edited)
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  1. Fortunately, I could skip that step. I drew it out instead, gripping the edges and closing my eyes. My hands heated, bringing it up to temperature. That was only the first stage, of course. I then had to focus on one of my first Skills – Heat Treat. It was part of a duo, Heat Treat and Quench. The knowledge behind it was of hardening and softening of parts of the steel, but the basic rundown was that one hardened, and then the other softened.
  3. Once the armour glowed orange, I reversed the flow – using Quench instead. It hissed in my hands, steam billowing off it. Fire licked out too, burning in the air for a moment before it was snuffed out by all the oxygen being stolen away.
  5. I opened my eyes.
  7. I had an armour-shaped hunk of dirty, burned and rough metal. It looked more like it had been carved from granite, with all the surface of the rock still included.
  9. Perfect.
  11. β€”Forged Destiny [Book 3: Ch. 6]
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