
A Heartwarming Cup of Coffee 2

Nov 16th, 2014
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  1. >you let out a heavy sigh as you walk into the coffee shop.
  2. >"Welcome to Applebu- Oh, hi Anon! Are done for the day?"
  3. >you are Anon, and it has been a week since you moved to Manehattan.
  4. >you have just entered the coffee shop that Coco took you to on your first night here.
  5. "Yeah, still no luck."
  6. >"Aww, that's to bad. But I know you'll find work somewhere."
  7. >you've been looking for work in the city, but no place will hire you.
  8. "Hopefully. I'll have the usual, Java."
  9. >the big booty bit-the barista pony happily nods and gets to work.
  10. >Java Chip has become a fast friend since you got here.
  11. >most ponies you've met here are either afraid when they see you, or just ignore you completely.
  12. >you make your way to your usual booth and sit down.
  13. >a couple of the ponies in the shop get up to leave when you get settled.
  14. >a couple others just look and give you a happy greeting.
  15. >some of the regulars to the shop have already warmed up to you, though that could be because Java has taken a liking to you.
  16. >you return the greeting as Java brings you your drink.
  17. >"Here you go, hun. Just the way you like it."
  18. "Thanks, Java."
  19. >she turns to the few others in the shop.
  20. >"If any of you need anything from me, just ask. okay?"
  21. >the couple others in the shop all nod.
  22. >Java turns back towards you and sits down across from you.
  23. >"It's to bad we don't need any help here. I'm sure Mr. Bean would hire you."
  24. >no matter how many times you hear Java's bosses name, you can't help but chuckle.
  25. >she rolls her eyes and gives you a small grin.
  26. >"At least you've got your apartment covered."
  27. >that's true.
  28. >before leaving Ponyville, some of your friends gave you gifts before you left.
  29. >Rarity gave you new sets of clothes, free of charge.
  30. >Applejack gave you a home hard cider kit.
  31. >bless her little heart.
  32. >Twilight's gift was the best.
  33. >as long as you were actively looking for work, the costs of your rent and utilities was covered by the princesses.
  34. >plus you got a fair amount of pocket change just for yourself.
  35. "Yeah, it's good to be friends with royalty."
  36. >"Yeah, I bet. Speaking about apartments, has there been any attempt at contact from your mystery neighbor across the hall?"
  37. "No, not yet. But the little sneak peaks they've been doing are getting more frequent. So there might be contact soon."
  38. >right then the door opened, bringing in another customer.
  39. >Java gets up from her seat.
  40. >"Welcome to Applebucks. I'll be with you in just a second."
  41. >she turns towards you after that.
  42. >"Well, I gotta get back to work now. Have a nice day, Anon."
  43. >she then walks behind the counter to help the newcomer.
  44. >after finishing your drink, you decide that it's time to head home yourself.
  45. >after saying your goodbyes, you make your way home.
  46. >the walk from the coffee shop to the complex doesn't take long.
  47. >it's a route you're used to by now.
  48. >you're thinking about having a nice peaceful evening to yourself as you make your way into the building.
  49. >as you make it up to your floor, you notice something out of place.
  50. >there is a small box in front of your door.
  51. >as you pick it up, you notice it has writing on it.
  53. To the tenant in 3C.
  55. >confused, you head into your apartment.
  56. >heading into your room, you place the package on the bed while you use the restroom.
  57. >after you're finished, you sit on the bed and pick the box up.
  58. >it's not heavy, but it has a small amount of weight to it.
  59. >you decide to open it.
  60. >after you get the box open, you see the contents of it.
  61. >inside is a note and a 'Welcome to Manehattan!' paperweight.
  62. >pondering about your strange gift, you start to read the note.
  64. Dear 3C,
  65. I know this is strange, but I think this the only way I can manage to actually to talk to you. I'm sure you've noticed me taking 'peeks' at you from time to time, and you're probably wondering if you're living across from a weirdo. Well, I am writing this to let you know that I am not one... maybe. Anyway, I better get to the point of this letter. I was hoping that maybe you and I can actually meet. If that's ok with you. If it is, then maybe you can come over later tonight. I get off work at six, so knock on my door at six-thirty. I should be home by then. If you don't want to, then I understand. Well I better finish this before it gets to long. Talk to you soon, maybe.
  66. From 3D <3
  68. >looks like you might have made a friend.
  69. >you head into the living room while giving the letter another once over.
  70. >you just might meet the pony behind the eye.
  71. >a glance at your clock lets you know that there is still some time before they want you over.
  72. >you look at the paperweight that you still have a hold of.
  73. >as you sit down on your couch, you place it on your coffee table.
  74. >you set the letter right next to it.
  75. >well, you have some time to kill.
  76. >you pick up the book you've been reading and pick up where you left off.
  77. >as you read it, you can't help but think about the letter.
  78. >you keep wondering what this new pony will be like.
  79. >oh well, no use dwelling on it.
  80. >pretty sure they'll be a pretty decent person.
  83. >you start awake to the sound of your book falling to the floor.
  84. >crap, you must have fallen asleep.
  85. >you rub your eyes as you sit up.
  86. >as you wonder how long you were out, you see the letter on your table.
  87. >remembering it, you look up at your clock.
  88. >7:15.
  89. >... shit.
  90. >jumping up from the couch, you run to your bedroom.
  91. >throwing the shirt you wore all day off, you grab a fresh one to wear.
  92. >after you change, you hurry to your front door.
  93. >as you reach it, you look back at the letter.
  94. >you hope they'll still be willing to meet you.
  95. >you open your door and head out into the hallway.
  96. >still as empty as you left it.
  97. >you step over to your neighbors door.
  98. >as you raise your hand to knock, you hesitate a little.
  99. >you take a deep breath and knock four times on the door.
  100. >...
  101. >nothing.
  102. >your about to knock again when you hear slight shuffling on the other side.
  103. >you hear a mare's voice call out.
  104. >"Just a second!"
  105. >after a couple seconds, the door starts to open.
  106. >the door doesn't open fully, but you are greeted by your mysterious neighbor.
  107. >"Oh, it's you. I thought you weren't going to show up."
  108. >as she says this, she avoids making eye contact and keeps looking at the ground.
  109. "Yeah, sorry about that. I fell asleep waiting to come over."
  110. >she looks up towards you, but quickly looks down again.
  111. >"Oh, it's ok. w-would you like to come in?"
  112. "Yes, I would like that."
  113. >she opens the door and steps aside so you can enter.
  114. >as you walk in, you get a better look at her.
  115. >she has a purplish grey coat and a dark red mane and tail with charcoal grey streaks in them.
  116. >you've seen her eyes looking at you before.
  117. >her ears... you swear you've seen ears like that before, but you can't place them.
  118. >she looks like she is a pegas- wait.
  119. >those are bat wings.
  120. >that's where you've seen ears like that before.
  121. >you take a quick glance at her cutie mark.
  122. >oh my.
  123. >as you looked towards her mark, something else catches your attention.
  124. >that flank. it can't be. whatever gods exist in this world can't be this kind.
  125. >she could give Java a run for her money.
  126. >she notices you staring at her.
  127. >"Um... are you alright?"
  128. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I was just looking at your... um, cutie mark."
  129. >she raises an eyebrow and then looks back at her mark.
  130. >"My cutie mark?"
  131. "Yeah, I was just wondering what your special talent could be."
  132. >she looks towards you again with a serious expression.
  133. >"Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."
  134. >you nod for a second before that sinks in.
  135. "Wait... what!?"
  136. >she keeps her stern gaze on you for a couple seconds before she cracks.
  137. >she lets out a small giggle, but you hear something else behind it.
  138. >a screech?
  139. >as she continues to giggle, you feel yourself calm down.
  140. >she stops and looks up at you again.
  141. >"Did you feel that? A calming sensation as I laughed?"
  142. "Yeah, I did. Did you do it?"
  143. >she starts walking towards her kitchen.
  144. >"That's part of my talent. I'll give you the details in a little bit. But in the meantime, would you like something to eat or drink?"
  145. "Sure, if it's not to much hassle."
  146. >she giggles again, but with no screech behind it this time.
  147. >"Oh, it's no trouble at all. Have a seat, I'll be out in a minute."
  148. >you take this time to get a good look at her apartment.
  149. >it's pretty much exactly like yours, but instead of one bedroom, there are two.
  150. >also looks like the door to the bathroom is on the opposite side of the living room.
  151. >as you sit on her couch, you also notice that she doesn't have much in the way of home decor.
  152. >a couple pictures on the walls, looks like family photo's.
  153. >but other than that, not much else.
  154. >looks like she's just an ordinary pony.
  155. >and you don't even know her name.
  156. >as you are thinking to yourself, you don't notice her come back until she sits on the other side if the couch.
  157. >she brought with her a tray of cheese and crackers and what looks like glasses of cider.
  158. >"I hope this is ok." she says with a hopeful look.
  159. "It's fine, but I feel like a jackass now."
  160. >her look of hope quickly changes to one of panic.
  161. >"Oh no. Did I do something wrong?"
  162. "No, it's not you. It was kind of both of us."
  163. >that just made her look even more panicky.
  164. "No no! It's not anything bad. We just never told each other our names. I'm Anonymous, or Anon for short."
  165. >she lets out a breath and gives you a small, but warm, smile.
  166. >"Is that all? I thought it was something worse than that. And my name is Arrhythmia. But you can call me Mia."
  167. >she reaches her hoof out and you take it in your hand, giving it a single shake before letting go.
  168. "Pleasure to meet you, Mia."
  169. >"Same here, Anon."
  170. >you then reach over and grab both the cups.
  171. >you hand her her cup before taking a drink from yours.
  172. "So, you were going to tell me about you talent?"
  173. >she nods before taking a drink herself.
  174. >"Yes, my talent. It's pretty simple really."
  177. "And then she flies back into the wall, making her drop the box on my foot, which is why I yelled out, and as I bend down to get it, she was bringing her hoof up to see if I was alright, causing her to smack me in the head."
  178. >Mia bursts out laughing while holding her sides.
  179. >you've just spent the last hour and a half talking to your neighbor.
  180. >that particular piece of story was about the movers bringing you your stuff from Ponyville.
  181. "Now don't get me wrong, she's a sweet girl, but boy can she be a klutz."
  182. >her laughing slows down a bit, but it still has a good hold on her.
  183. >"I was wondering what all that noise was. I almost came running into your room to see if anyone had been killed."
  184. >she leans forward and grabs the last piece of cheese and eats it.
  185. "I would have been fine with that. We would have met a lot sooner."
  186. >she nods while chewing.
  187. "It's actually kind of funny. A friend of mine asked today if there had been any attempt at contact from you."
  188. >she swallowed her cheesy morsel and tilted her head slightly.
  189. >"Really? Who else have you told about my spying?"
  190. "Oh, just her. We met my first night here. She actually works at that little coffee shop a couple blocks down."
  191. >she brings her hoof to her chin.
  192. >"Hmm, do you mean Applebucks?"
  193. "Yeah, that's the one. I usually go there for a cup everyday. I didn't even have to order, she brought it right out... to me. Oops."
  194. >Mia gives you a questioning look.
  195. >"What's wrong, Anon?"
  196. >you quickly look around her apartment for a clock.
  197. >having no luck, you turn back to Mia.
  198. "Um, what time is it?"
  199. >she looks back towards her kitchen.
  200. >"Um, it's eight-fifty. Why?"
  201. >you jump up from the couch.
  202. "Good, she'll still be there. I just realized I didn't pay for my coffee, so I'm going to go now while she's still there."
  203. >she looks up at you with a confused expression.
  204. >"But I thought they closed at eight?"
  205. "They do, but when she's at work, she stays until nine to make sure everything is ready for the next day."
  206. >Mia jumps down from the couch.
  207. >"Is it ok if I go with you?"
  208. "Sure, but we have to hurry."
  209. >she nods and goes to her bedroom.
  210. >"Ok, it'll just be a second."
  211. >you take a quick peek at her behind as she walks away.
  212. >Unf.
  213. >she comes back out and you notice she put some clothing on.
  214. >a yellow and orange striped scarf is loosely wrapped around her neck.
  215. >she also put on black socks with red stripes towards the top.
  216. "Wow, those look nice."
  217. >she blushes and looks away for a second.
  218. >"Thank you, but lets get going before she leaves."
  219. >with that, you both leave her apartment and make your way to the shop.
  220. >you decide to give Mia a heads up.
  221. "Oh by the way, Java is a bit outgoing, and will instantly start talking to you like you've been friends for life. It's a bit overwhelming, but she means well, so don't let it bother you."
  222. >"That's fine. Besides, if she's a friend of yours, how bad can she be?"
  223. >you make it to Applebucks, but all the curtains are closed.
  224. "Crap, I hope she didn't leave early."
  225. >you peek in the window, barely getting a look inside.
  226. "Looks like she did... wait, there she is."
  227. >Java has walked out of the back room, holding supplies for up front in her magical grasp.
  228. >she appears to be singing to herself as she turns her back to the door to put things away.
  229. >as you watch her sway her hips back and forth to the beat, you get an idea.
  230. "Hey Mia, I'm going to need your assistance."
  231. >"What do you need?"
  232. >you turn towards her, a mischievous grin creeping its way out.
  233. "I just need you to be as quiet as possible."
  234. >she looks like she about to ask why, but then you see the connection being made in her head.
  235. >"Oh, that's mean. But ok, I'll help."
  236. >you make your way to the door, and start to open it slowly.
  237. >it's a good thing this door is well maintained.
  238. >you reach your hand up thru the crack to silence the bell.
  239. >you open it the rest of the way and let Mia in.
  240. >quietly closing the door, you sneak up to the counter.
  241. >you lean against it, waiting for Java to turn around.
  242. >Mia stands by the door, watching with bated breath.
  243. >you don't have to wait long, as she starts to turn while singing the next line.
  244. >"How sweet it is, to be loved by youuuaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"
  245. "HI JAVA!"
  246. >Java is currently sitting down while clutching her hoof to her heart.
  247. >Mia is stifling a laugh behind you.
  248. >you're laughing your ass off.
  249. >"Y-you asshole!"
  250. >after a couple of minutes, you three finally calm down.
  251. "Sorry, I saw the opportunity, and had to take it."
  252. >she stands back up and looks up at you.
  253. >"I'll admit, that was good. But don't do it again please. Now why are you here. The shops closed."
  254. >you reach into your pocket and pull out some bits.
  255. "I realized I didn't pay for my drink this afternoon. So I came here to pay."
  256. >you put the owed amount of bits on the counter.
  257. >"Oh, oops. I guess I wasn't thinking straight. Thank you, Anon."
  258. >she takes the bits and puts them in the register.
  259. "And, I also wanted to introduce you to someone."
  260. >you turn towards Mia and wave her up.
  261. >she makes her way up to the counter.
  262. >"Java, this is Arrhythmia. Mia, this is Java Chip."
  263. >they shake each other's hooves.
  264. >Mia speaks first.
  265. >"Nice to meet you, Java. Anon has told me a little about you."
  266. >"Nice to meet you, too.
  267. You wouldn't happen to be his spying neighbor, would you?"
  268. >Mia turns a light shade if red.
  269. >"Um... I just... uh... it's because."
  270. >Java giggles at her embarrassment.
  271. >"It's ok, sweetie. I was just pulling your leg. Although, I don't blame you for spying. He is quite a specimen to look at."
  272. >once again, it was your turn to blush.
  273. >This mare.
  274. >"Well, I better finish up closing shop, so you two head on home, ok?"
  275. >still blushing, you two both nod.
  276. >"Good. I'm sure I'll see you two a lot more often, so you two have a goodnight, and it was nice meeting you, Mia."
  277. >>Mia nods again before heading to the door.
  278. >you follow behind her, waving behind you to Java.
  279. "I'll probably be in sometime in the afternoon."
  280. >Java replys to you.
  281. >"Ok, Anon. Be safe you two."
  282. >you both step out of the shop and start heading home.
  283. >as you're walking, you notice Mia is still blushing a little.
  284. "You alright there, Mia?"
  285. >she just nods her head in response.
  286. "Ok, if you say so."
  287. >the rest of the walk is quiet.
  288. >you make it to the complex and up to your floor.
  289. >as you make it to both your doors, you turn to Mia.
  290. "Well, that was fun. We should do it again."
  291. >"Yeah. She was sweet."
  292. >you chuckle lightly at this.
  293. "Well, I better head in for bed. Thanks for inviting me over."
  294. >she looks up at you and smiles.
  295. >"You're welcome. And thank you for taking me with you."
  296. >you reach over and ruffle her mane.
  297. "No problem. Well, goodnight Mia. Sleep well."
  298. >"I will, Anon. And you too."
  299. >she heads into her apartment and closes the door.
  300. >you head back into yours.
  301. >noticing your book still laying on the floor, you pick it up and place it on the coffee table.
  302. >you spot the letter again and smile.
  303. "Well, Anon. Looks like you did make another friend."
  304. >you sit on the couch and enjoy the rest of the evening in silence.
  305. >not knowing just how full your life is about to become.
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