
Seraph... but for philosophy

May 3rd, 2018
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  1. 7:01:10 PM@Raven`X
  2. 7:02:54 PM→ Shirakawasuna has joined
  3. 7:02:54 PMⓘ ChanServ set mode +o Shirakawasuna
  4. 7:03:04 PMⓘ Debates set mode +l 61
  5. 7:03:05 PM→ Banquo has joined
  6. 7:03:07 PM+Lycanthropethat’s gonna scar those kids forever.
  7. 7:03:11 PMⓘ Mabus set mode +v Banquo
  8. 7:03:41 PM+Lycanthropethey should have just done what everyone else does - “take it in the stride”
  9. 7:06:52 PM+LowInformationVoterSome random event on some college campus isn't important.
  10. 7:07:06 PM+LowInformationVoterIf you think it is, then there's a good chance you're vulnerable to Russian propaganda.
  11. 7:08:18 PM+LycanthropePersonally I think such intervention crippled kids in dealing with tough situations in life.
  12. 7:08:32 PM+LycanthropeAn overprotective mother can really bring her kids down.
  13. 7:09:14 PM+LowInformationVoterAgreed.
  14. 7:09:24 PM+LowInformationVoterIt's like if you're in a chatroom and there is some chat you find annoying.
  15. 7:09:34 PM+LowInformationVoterAnd then you form a faction to get that annoying chat removed from chat campus.
  16. 7:09:49 PM+LowInformationVoterInstead of just putting the person on ignore, walking away from your computer, or developing emotional awareness and management skills.
  17. 7:10:10 PM+LowInformationVoterBut, yeah, fuck that person I never met on that campus I've never been to!
  18. 7:10:20 PM+LowInformationVoterThey're doing it so wrong, unlike me and my tribe.
  19. 7:13:23 PM← Shirakawasuna has quit (Ping timeout)
  20. 7:14:19 PM← AllyB has left
  21. 7:14:30 PM+LycanthropeThat makes sense.
  22. 7:14:43 PM→ Melchizedek has joined
  23. 7:14:52 PMⓘ Mabus set mode +v Melchizedek
  24. 7:14:55 PM+LycanthropeSpecially when annoyance is a subjective topic.
  25. 7:15:39 PM+LycanthropeWow.
  26. 7:15:40 PM+Melchizedeksince when do newspapers do DNA testing mabus?
  27. 7:15:47 PM+LycanthropeYeah, that’s exciting.
  28. 7:16:06 PM+LycanthropeI still think Unabomber inspired the recent bomber.
  29. 7:16:13 PM+LycanthropeThe one who got killed.
  30. 7:16:33 PM+Melchizedekmaybe they can catch Jack the Ripper too.
  31. 7:17:11 PM+Melchizedekin the graves of the women under the finger nails maybe.
  32. 7:17:32 PM+LowInformationVoterJack the Ripper is a pejorative.
  33. 7:17:33 PM+Melchizedekthose were street hoes, some of them may have fought.
  34. 7:18:18 PM+LowInformationVoterHe's the Whitechapel Murderer.
  35. 7:18:44 PM+LowInformationVoterYou know, because the killings occurred in Whitechappel.
  36. 7:19:03 PM+LowInformationVoterCalling him 'the Ripper' is like calling somebody who detonates themselves a homicide bomber.
  37. 7:19:09 PM+LycanthropeSuppose an illegal immigrant kills someone, and leaves behind his drop of blood. Can he be traced in DNA database?
  38. 7:19:20 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Please expound on 'can'.
  39. 7:19:26 PM+LowInformationVoterIt's overloaded.
  40. 7:20:25 PM← cyklOpz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  41. 7:20:47 PM+LycanthropeI’m assuming all citizens of US can be traced by the US law enforcement with help of a dna sample.
  42. 7:21:00 PM→ cyklOpz has joined
  43. 7:21:01 PM+LowInformationVoter"can be"
  44. 7:21:05 PMⓘ Mabus set mode +v cyklOpz
  45. 7:21:19 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Do humans have any rights?
  46. 7:21:36 PM* Melchizedek spits on mabus’s shoe.
  47. 7:21:36 PM+LycanthropeWhat if they get a sample of an illegal immigrant?
  48. 7:21:39 PM+LycanthropeWhat happens then?
  49. 7:21:52 PM+Melchizedekoops
  50. 7:21:57 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Do humans have any rights?
  51. 7:22:18 PM+LycanthropeLowInformationVoter: No.
  52. 7:22:24 PM→ pheno has joined
  53. 7:22:28 PMⓘ Mabus set mode +v pheno
  54. 7:22:46 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Are there any constraints on governmental power?
  55. 7:22:46 PM+LycanthropeI am of the opinion that humans should be free from any thought of entitlement.
  56. 7:22:57 PM+LycanthropeYes, populism.
  57. 7:23:10 PM+LowInformationVoterPlease clarify.
  58. 7:23:22 PM+LowInformationVoterDo you mean the only constraints on government are what the popular sentiment allows?
  59. 7:23:50 PM+LycanthropeThat and the calibre of people running the government.
  60. 7:24:08 PM+LowInformationVoterCan you clarify calibre in this context?
  61. 7:24:24 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Do you agree you're against the US Constitution?
  62. 7:24:37 PM+LycanthropeNo.
  63. 7:24:43 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: That's interesting.
  64. 7:25:03 PM+LycanthropeYour questions are interesting too.
  65. 7:25:18 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Are you educated in American history?
  66. 7:26:07 PM+LycanthropeNo, but I can be whenever I want to. Education is a verb.
  67. 7:26:13 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Are you aware that the US Constitution drafted in 1787 did not contain a Bill of Rights?
  68. 7:26:30 PM+LycanthropeI’m not but I believe that.
  69. 7:26:49 PM+LowInformationVoterFurther, are you aware that the Virginia Delegation -- at the time the biggest and most powerful state -- refused to support the Constitution from being adopted unless a Bill of Rights was added?
  70. 7:27:05 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Are you aware that there was an agreement among the states at that time to draft such a Bill of Rights?
  71. 7:27:20 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Are you aware that Congress included 10 of 12 Amendments offered into the nascent Bill of Rights?
  72. 7:27:29 PM+LycanthropeI am now.
  73. 7:27:33 PM+Melchizedekcalibre of people running the government? you could put their inclination and ability to do the will of the people in the belly of a gnat and it would rattle like a BB in a corn flakes box.
  74. 7:27:47 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Do you agree that the Bill of Rights' fundamental purpose is to limit the federal government's power so that America didn't descend into the monarchy of Great Britain?
  75. 7:28:07 PM+LowInformationVoterSo, yes, if you believe the only constraints on governmental power are populism and "calibre", then you absolutely disagree with the US Constitution.
  76. 7:28:11 PM+LowInformationVoterWhich isn't to say you are wrong.
  77. 7:29:00 PM+LycanthropeI may not agree with the US constitution, but as I answered earlier, I’m not against it.
  78. 7:29:14 PM+Melchizedekparts of the constitution are showing their age.
  79. 7:29:22 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: The US Constitution gives a narrow set of powers to the Federal Government and withholds all others for the states or people.
  80. 7:29:23 PM+LycanthropeAgreement and acceptance can be mutually exclusive.
  81. 7:29:45 PM+LowInformationVoterFurthermore, as the cornerstone of American political philosophy, humans are 'endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights'.
  82. 7:29:49 PM+LowInformationVoterThis is pre-state.
  83. 7:29:59 PM+LowInformationVoterThat 'governments are formed among men to protect these rights'.
  84. 7:30:30 PM+Melchizedekright
  85. 7:30:30 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Why would we want to have DNA databases to catch criminals?
  86. 7:30:34 PM+LowInformationVoterBecause crime is harmful, right.
  87. 7:30:39 PM+LowInformationVoterYou know what else creates harm?
  88. 7:30:47 PM+LowInformationVoterOut of control, injust governments.
  89. 7:30:53 PM+Melchizedekand extra votes the more slaves you owned.
  90. 7:30:57 PM+LowInformationVoterWhen you give more power to government, they can sometimes better stop crime.
  91. 7:31:03 PM+LowInformationVoterAnd they also do more crime themselves.
  92. 7:31:13 PM+Melchizedekit’s what made the South a powerhouse.
  93. 7:31:22 PM+LowInformationVoterWhen we look at the history of our species, what is the primary source of harm?
  94. 7:31:26 PM+LowInformationVoterOut of control government.
  95. 7:31:29 PM+LowInformationVoterNot religion.
  96. 7:31:34 PM+LowInformationVoterNot atheism. Not murderers.
  97. 7:31:48 PM+LowInformationVoterWe should love to allow murderers to go free, then, if we keep our government in check.
  98. 7:32:04 PM+LowInformationVoterKeeping government in check is actually the primary goal of any governmental construct.
  99. 7:32:10 PM+LycanthropeLowInformationVoter: crime is not harmful.
  100. 7:32:16 PM+Melchizedekwhat about diseases and natural disasters?
  101. 7:32:19 PM→ Henry911 has joined
  102. 7:32:20 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: What is the nature of harm?
  103. 7:32:27 PMⓘ Mabus set mode +v Henry911
  104. 7:32:35 PM+LycanthropeHarm is a state of mind.
  105. 7:32:51 PM+LowInformationVoterOkay.
  106. 7:32:56 PM+LowInformationVoterThat is a valid definition.
  107. 7:33:16 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Do you agree the genetic composition of Homo sapiens causes some situations to predispose them to harmful states of more than other situations?
  108. 7:33:28 PM+LowInformationVoterFor example, a rock to the newborn baby of a human v. finding an apple.
  109. 7:33:45 PM+LowInformationVoterharmful states of mind more than other*
  110. 7:34:38 PM+LowInformationVoterOnce we note that our species has genetic preferences, then our governments should desire to constrain some actions.
  111. 7:35:08 PM+LowInformationVoterWe'll call those actions that involve a human agent doing an action which a long history of analysis of our species demonstrates frequently leads to harmful mental states as 'crime'.
  112. 7:35:34 PM← ArreBaje has quit (Quit: AtomicIRC: The nuclear option.)
  113. 7:36:49 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: My verbal IQ is above 160.
  114. 7:37:32 PM+LycanthropeLowInformationVoter: a stone to a newborn. It’s contextual, whether that’s harmful or not.
  115. 7:37:57 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: Let us marginalize over all the states of other variables.
  116. 7:38:03 PM+LowInformationVoter
  117. 7:38:27 PM+LowInformationVoterThen, let us evaluate the expected value of harm of our action of interest over a broad group of humans.
  118. 7:38:41 PM+LowInformationVoterTurns out, humans don't like stones to the heads of their newborns -- who knew.
  119. 7:39:30 PM+LowInformationVoterLycanthrope: It's reasonable to conceptualize me as Seraph from the Matrix Trilogy.
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