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Bobs Infistar Pulled File

a guest
Mar 3rd, 2015
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  1. diag_log '<> VERSION: 04-02-2015 AHAT (v0097)';
  2. comment 'Antihack & AdminTools - Christian Lorenzen - - License: (CC)';
  3. diag_log format['<> %1 - STARTING', diag_tickTime];
  4. INFISTARVERSION = '04-02-2015-v0097';
  5. if ((preProcessFileLineNumbers('customconfigfile.sqf')) != '') then {
  6. call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers 'customconfigfile.sqf';
  7. diag_log format['<> %1 - customconfigfile.sqf found and loaded - run.sqf settings overwritten!', diag_tickTime];
  8. };
  9. _BlackList = [];
  10. if (!isNil '_badpeople') then {
  11. if (typeName _badpeople == 'ARRAY') then {
  12. _BlackList = _badpeople;
  13. };
  14. };
  15. if ((preProcessFileLineNumbers('blacklist.sqf')) != '') then {
  16. _tmpBL = call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers 'blacklist.sqf';
  17. if (!isNil '_tmpBL') then {
  18. if (typeName _tmpBL == 'ARRAY') then {
  19. if (str _tmpBL != '[]') then {
  20. _BlackList = _BlackList + _tmpBL;
  21. };
  22. };
  23. };
  24. };
  25. _mPos = getMarkerPos 'respawn_west';
  26. _mPos2 = getMarkerPos 'respawn_east';
  27. _mPos3 = getMarkerPos 'center';
  28. _all_RandomGens = [];
  29. _fnc_RandomGen = {
  30. _arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '1', '2', '3', '4'];
  31. _gen = 'A3RANDVAR';
  32. _max = 7 + (round(random 3));
  33. for '_i'
  34. from 0 to _max do {
  35. _gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select(random((count _arr) - 1)));
  36. };
  37. _all_RandomGens pushBack _gen;
  38. _gen
  39. };
  40. diag_log format['<> _fnc_RandomGen: %1', _fnc_RandomGen];
  41. _loadedcheckpos = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  42. diag_log format['<> _loadedcheckpos: %1', _loadedcheckpos];
  43. _loadedchecktime = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  44. diag_log format['<> _loadedchecktime: %1', _loadedchecktime];
  45. _FNC_AH14KICKLOG = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  46. diag_log format['<> _FNC_AH14KICKLOG: %1', _FNC_AH14KICKLOG];
  47. _FNC_AH14KICKLOGSPAWN = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  48. diag_log format['<> _FNC_AH14KICKLOGSPAWN: %1', _FNC_AH14KICKLOGSPAWN];
  49. _PoopTokenArray = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  50. diag_log format['<> _PoopTokenArray: %1', _PoopTokenArray];
  51. _server_setTokenR = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  52. diag_log format['<> _server_setTokenR: %1', _server_setTokenR];
  53. _server_checkTokenR = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  54. diag_log format['<> _server_checkTokenR: %1', _server_checkTokenR];
  55. _AH_MAIN_BLOCK = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  56. diag_log format['<> _AH_MAIN_BLOCK: %1', _AH_MAIN_BLOCK];
  57. _MPEH_MAIN_BLOCK = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  58. diag_log format['<> _MPEH_MAIN_BLOCK: %1', _MPEH_MAIN_BLOCK];
  59. _MAIN_CODE = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  60. diag_log format['<> _MAIN_CODE: %1', _MAIN_CODE];
  61. _RunOnClients = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  62. diag_log format['<> _RunOnClients: %1', _RunOnClients];
  63. _AHKickOFF = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  64. diag_log format['<> _AHKickOFF: %1', _AHKickOFF];
  65. _AHKickLog = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  66. diag_log format['<> _AHKickLog: %1', _AHKickLog];
  67. _infikeypress = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  68. diag_log format['<> _infikeypress: %1', _infikeypress];
  69. _infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  70. diag_log format['<> _infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged: %1', _infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged];
  71. _FiredCheck = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  72. diag_log format['<> _FiredCheck: %1', _FiredCheck];
  73. _remark = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  74. diag_log format['<> _remark: %1', _remark];
  75. _amenumark = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  76. diag_log format['<> _amenumark: %1', _amenumark];
  77. _loaded = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  78. diag_log format['<> _loaded: %1', _loaded];
  79. _clientdo = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  80. diag_log format['<> _clientdo: %1', _clientdo];
  81. _adminbox = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  82. diag_log format['<> _adminbox: %1', _adminbox];
  83. _AH_RunCheckARRAY = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  84. diag_log format['<> _AH_RunCheckARRAY: %1', _AH_RunCheckARRAY];
  85. _AH_RunCheckENDVAR = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  86. diag_log format['<> _AH_RunCheckENDVAR: %1', _AH_RunCheckENDVAR];
  87. _AH_HackLogArrayRND = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  88. diag_log format['<> _AH_HackLogArrayRND: %1', _AH_HackLogArrayRND];
  89. _AH_SurvLogArrayRND = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  90. diag_log format['<> _AH_SurvLogArrayRND: %1', _AH_SurvLogArrayRND];
  91. _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  92. diag_log format['<> _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND: %1', _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND];
  93. _TMPBAN = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  94. diag_log format['<> _TMPBAN: %1', _TMPBAN];
  95. _massMessage = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  96. diag_log format['<> _massMessage: %1', _massMessage];
  97. _AHpos = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  98. diag_log format['<> _AHpos: %1', _AHpos];
  99. _ninetwo = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  100. diag_log format['<> _ninetwo: %1', _ninetwo];
  101. _adminsA = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  102. diag_log format['<> _adminsA: %1', _adminsA];
  103. _startOnceOnly = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  104. diag_log format['<> _startOnceOnly: %1', _startOnceOnly];
  105. _MC = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  106. diag_log format['<> _MC: %1', _MC];
  107. _MCS = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  108. diag_log format['<> _MCS: %1', _MCS];
  109. _AdminLoaded = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  110. diag_log format['<> _AdminLoaded: %1', _AdminLoaded];
  111. _clientonceone = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  112. diag_log format['<> _clientonceone: %1', _clientonceone];
  113. _clientoncetwo = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  114. diag_log format['<> _clientoncetwo: %1', _clientoncetwo];
  115. _clientoncethree = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  116. diag_log format['<> _clientoncethree: %1', _clientoncethree];
  117. _YourPlayerToken = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  118. diag_log format['<> _YourPlayerToken: %1', _YourPlayerToken];
  119. _fnc_RandomGen = {
  120. _arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'];
  121. _gen = 'PVAHR_0_';
  122. _max = 5 + (round(random 3));
  123. for '_i'
  124. from 0 to _max do {
  125. _gen = _gen + str(round(random 9)) + (_arr select(random((count _arr) - 1)));
  126. };
  127. _all_RandomGens pushBack _gen;
  128. _gen
  129. };
  130. _AH14KICKLOG = call _fnc_RandomGen;
  131. diag_log format['<> _AH14KICKLOG: %1', _AH14KICKLOG];
  132. diag_log format['<> %1 - loading AntiHack..', diag_tickTime];
  133. _init = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'cfgFunctions' >> 'init'));
  134. _init1 = toArray('x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\bis_functions\initFunctions.sqf');
  135. _initL = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMission' >> 'onLoad'));
  136. _initUL = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMission' >> 'onUnload'));
  137. _markerL = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayInsertMarker' >> 'onLoad'));
  138. _markerUL = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayInsertMarker' >> 'onUnload'));
  139. _EB1 = toArray(getText(configfile >> 'RscDisplayInventory' >> 'controls' >> 'EpochBTN1' >> 'onMouseButtonDown'));
  140. _EB2 = toArray(getText(configfile >> 'RscDisplayInventory' >> 'controls' >> 'EpochBTN2' >> 'onMouseButtonDown'));
  141. _EB3 = toArray(getText(configfile >> 'TapOut' >> 'controls' >> 'tapout' >> 'action'));
  142. _CE3 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptionsVideo' >> 'controls' >> 'G_VideoOptionsControls' >> 'controls' >> 'HideAdvanced' >> 'OnButtonClick'));
  143. _CE4 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'BCredits' >> 'OnButtonClick'));
  144. _CE5 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'ButtonCancel' >> 'OnButtonClick'));
  145. _CE6 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'ButtonCancel' >> 'action'));
  146. _CE7 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMPInterrupt' >> 'controls' >> 'ButtonAbort' >> 'action'));
  147. _CE8 = toArray(getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMPInterrupt' >> 'controls' >> 'ButtonAbort' >> 'OnButtonClick'));
  148. _onLoadUnload1 = ['RscDisplayDSinterface', 'RscDisplayOptionsVideo', 'RscDisplayDebriefing', 'RscDisplayInventory', 'RscDisplayMainMap', 'RscDisplayGetReady', 'RscDisplayLoadMission', 'RscDisplayInterrupt', 'RscDisplayOptions', 'RscDisplayAVTerminal', 'RscDisplayConfigureAction', 'RscDisplayConfigureControllers', 'RscDisplayControlSchemes', 'RscDisplayCustomizeController', 'RscDisplayDiary', 'RscDisplayGameOptions', 'RscDisplayJoystickSchemes', 'RscDisplayLoading', 'RscDisplayMicSensitivityOptions', 'RscDisplayOptionsAudio', 'RscDisplayOptionsLayout', 'RscDisplayStart', 'RscDisplayVehicleMsgBox', 'RscDisplayInsertMarker', 'RscMiniMap', 'RscMiniMapSmall', 'RscDisplayFieldManual', 'RscDisplayPassword', 'RscDisplayServerGetReady', 'RscDisplayClientGetReady', 'RscDisplayRespawn', 'RscDisplayClient', 'RscDisplayConfigure', 'RscDisplayMPInterrupt', 'RscDisplayRemoteMissions', 'RscConfigEditor_Main', 'RscDisplayMain'];
  149. if (_MOD == 'EPOCH') then {
  150. _onLoadUnload1Epochonly = ['RscWelcomeEpoch', 'RscDisplayInfo', 'RscVersionUpdateEpoch', 'RscInGameUI', 'RscUnitInfo', 'RscStanceInfo', 'RscUnitInfoAirRTDBasic', 'RscUnitInfoAirRTDFull', 'EpochLoadingScreen', 'EpochGameUI', 'EpochGameUI2', 'EpochGameUI3', 'Interact', 'GroupRequests', 'CraftItem', 'InteractVehicle', 'InteractNPC', 'InteractBank', 'Epoch_myGroup', 'EPOCH_createGrp', 'Epoch_GroupInvite'];
  151. _onLoadUnload1 = _onLoadUnload1 + _onLoadUnload1Epochonly;
  152. };
  153. _onLoadUnload2 = [];
  154. _onLoadUnload3 = []; {
  155. _onLoadUnload2 pushBack(toArray(getText(configFile >> _x >> 'onLoad')));
  156. _onLoadUnload3 pushBack(toArray(getText(configFile >> _x >> 'onUnload')));
  157. true
  158. }
  159. count _onLoadUnload1;
  160. _cba_RscDisplayConfigure = toArray("["
  161. "onLoad"
  162. ",_this,"
  163. "RscDisplayConfigure"
  164. ",'GUI'] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "
  165. "A3\ui_f\scripts\initDisplay.sqf"
  166. "; _this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "
  167. "\x\cba\addons\keybinding\gui\initDisplay.sqf"
  168. "");
  169. _toCompilableString = {
  170. _code = _this select 0;
  171. _string = '';
  172. if (typeName _code == 'CODE') then {
  173. _string = str(_code);
  174. _arr = toArray(_string);
  175. _arr set[0, 32];
  176. _arr set[count(_arr) - 1, 32];
  177. _string = toString(_arr);
  178. };
  179. _string;
  180. };
  181. _fnc_infiServerKick = {
  182. diag_log format['< SERVER>: Trying to kick Player with UID %1.. (v0097)', (_this select 0)];
  183. uiSleep 0.1;
  184. private['_badplayer', '_name', '_kickunit'];
  185. _badplayer = objNull; {
  186. if (getPlayerUID _x == (_this select 0)) exitWith {
  187. _badplayer = _x;
  188. };
  189. true
  190. }
  191. count playableUnits;
  192. if (!isNull _badplayer) then {
  193. _name = _badplayer getVariable['name', name _badplayer];
  194. _kickunit = (typeOf _badplayer) createUnit[(getPos _badplayer), (group _badplayer), 'hint '
  195. 'kicked by infiSTAR AntiHack Serverside kick function!'
  196. ';'];
  197. deleteVehicle _kickunit;
  198. diag_log format['< SERVER>: Player %1(%2) got kicked! (v0097)', _name, (_this select 0)];
  199. } else {
  200. diag_log format['< SERVER>: Player with UID %1 not found. (v0097)', (_this select 0)];
  201. };
  202. };
  203. fnc_infiServerKick = compileFinal([_fnc_infiServerKick] call _toCompilableString);
  204. LysticCompilableString = compileFinal([_toCompilableString] call _toCompilableString);
  205. BIS_fnc_MP = compileFinal([BIS_fnc_MP] call _toCompilableString);
  206. BIS_fnc_spawn = compileFinal([BIS_fnc_spawn] call _toCompilableString);
  207. BIS_fnc_MPExec = compileFinal([BIS_fnc_MPExec] call _toCompilableString);
  208. BIS_fnc_getCfgData = compileFinal([BIS_fnc_getCfgData] call _toCompilableString);
  209. publicVariable 'BIS_fnc_getCfgData';
  210. FNC_A3_HACKLOG = compileFinal "diag_log ('<>HL| '+_this+' (v0097)');'A3_HACKLOG' callExtension (_this+' (v0097)');";
  211. FNC_A3_SURVEILLANCELOG = compileFinal "diag_log ('<>SL| '+_this+' (v0097)');'A3_SURVEILLANCELOG' callExtension (_this+' (v0097)');";
  212. FNC_A3_ADMINLOG = compileFinal "diag_log ('<>AdminLog| '+_this+' (v0097)');'A3_ADMINLOG' callExtension (_this+' (v0097)');";
  213. if (_MOD == 'Epoch') then {
  214. FNC_A3_infiSTARBAN = compileFinal "diag_log format['<>BanLog| %1(%2) (v0097)',_this select 0,_this select 1];'EpochServer' callExtension format['820|%1| %2',_this select 0,_this select 1];{if(getPlayerUID _x isEqualTo (_this select 0)) exitWith {_x setDamage 5;};true} count playableUnits;";
  215. } else {
  216. FNC_A3_infiSTARBAN = compileFinal "diag_log format['<>BanLog| %1(%2) (v0097)',_this select 0,_this select 1];'infiSTARwriteBan' callExtension (_this select 0);{if(getPlayerUID _x isEqualTo (_this select 0)) exitWith {_x setDamage 5;};true} count playableUnits;";
  217. };
  218. _testers = ['0']; {
  219. if !(_x in _adminLevel1_UIDs) then {
  220. _adminLevel1_UIDs pushBack _x;
  221. };
  222. if !(_x in _admins) then {
  223. _admins pushBack _x;
  224. };
  225. }
  226. forEach _testers;
  227. _devs = ['76561198152111329', '', '']; {
  228. if !(_x in _admins) then {
  229. _admins pushBack _x;
  230. };
  231. }
  232. forEach _devs;
  233. _A3AHstring = " " + _AHKickOFF + " = compileFinal 'sleep 0.3;for ''_b'' from 0 to 101 do {(findDisplay _b) closeDisplay 0;};';publicVariable '" + _AHKickOFF + "'; _AHKickLog = {if(isNil'" + _YourPlayerToken + "')then{" + _YourPlayerToken + "='';};" + _AH14KICKLOG + " = [" + _YourPlayerToken + ",_this];publicVariableServer '" + _AH14KICKLOG + "';}; " + _AHKickLog + " = compileFinal ([_AHKickLog] call LysticCompilableString);publicVariable '" + _AHKickLog + "'; if(isNil '" + _PoopTokenArray + "') then {" + _PoopTokenArray + " = [];}; _server_setToken={ if!(_this in " + _PoopTokenArray + ") then { _fnc_RandomGen = { _arr = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9']; _gen = _arr select ((round (random 24))+1); for '_i' from 0 to 12 do {_gen = _gen + (_arr select (random ((count _arr)-1)));}; _gen }; _token = call _fnc_RandomGen; " + _PoopTokenArray + " pushBack _this; " + _PoopTokenArray + " pushBack _token; }; }; " + _server_setTokenR + " = compileFinal ([_server_setToken] call LysticCompilableString); _server_checkToken={ _good = false; if(typeName (_this select 0) == 'STRING') then { _var = " + _PoopTokenArray + " select ((" + _PoopTokenArray + " find (_this select 0))+1); if(!isNil '_var') then { _good = _var == (_this select 1); }; }; _good }; " + _server_checkTokenR + " = compileFinal ([_server_checkToken] call LysticCompilableString); _fnc_infiSTAR_PlayerLog = { _uid = _this select 0;_name = _this select 1; _uid call " + _server_setTokenR + "; if(isNil 'PlayerLogArrayMNS') then {PlayerLogArrayMNS = profileNamespace getVariable['PlayerLogArrayMNS',[]];}; if!(_uid in PlayerLogArrayMNS) then { PlayerLogArrayMNS pushBack _uid; profileNamespace setVariable['PlayerLogArrayMNS',PlayerLogArrayMNS];saveprofileNamespace; diag_log format['<> New Player: %1(%2)',_name,_uid]; }; if(isNil '" + _TMPBAN + "') then {" + _TMPBAN + " = [];} else {if(typeName " + _TMPBAN + " != 'ARRAY') then {" + _TMPBAN + " = [];};}; _baddies = ['76561198162451605','76561198151137695','76561198203651168','76561198149065671','76561198175611354','76561198157469769','76561197963041299']; if((_uid in " + _TMPBAN + ") || (_uid in " + str _BlackList + ") || (_uid in _baddies)) then { [_uid,_name] call FNC_A3_infiSTARBAN; if!(_uid in " + _TMPBAN + ") then {" + _TMPBAN + " pushBack _uid;publicVariable '" + _TMPBAN + "';}; [_uid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick; }; }; fnc_infiSTAR_PlayerLog = compileFinal ([_fnc_infiSTAR_PlayerLog] call LysticCompilableString); " + _adminsA + " = " + str _admins + ";{" + _adminsA + " = " + _adminsA + " - [_x];true} count " + str _startAsNormal + ";publicVariable '" + _adminsA + "'; if(isNil '" + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + "') then {" + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + " = [];}; if(isNil '" + _AH_SurvLogArrayRND + "') then {" + _AH_SurvLogArrayRND + " = [];}; if(isNil '" + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + "') then {" + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + " = [];}; _AH_MAIN_BLOCK = { if(isNil '" + _TMPBAN + "') then {" + _TMPBAN + " = [];} else {if(typeName " + _TMPBAN + " != 'ARRAY') then {" + _TMPBAN + " = [];};}; if(_puid in " + _TMPBAN + ") then { [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; if(isNil '" + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + "') then {" + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " = [];} else {if(typeName " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " != 'ARRAY') then {" + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " = [];};}; if(_puid in _admins) then {{if!(_x in " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + ") then {" + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " pushBack _x};true} count [2,3,4,6,7,8,9];}; if!(0 in " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + ") then { [_name,_puid,_admins] spawn { disableSerialization; _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; _admins = _this select 2; _looptimes = 0; _wallgames = 0; _lastglitch = diag_tickTime; while {1 == 1} do { _display49 = findDisplay 49; if(!isNull _display49) then { { _btn = _display49 displayCtrl _x; if(!isNull _btn) then { _btn ctrlSetText " + str _ESCMNUTOP + "; _btn ctrlEnable false; _btn buttonSetAction ''; _btn ctrlCommit 0; }; true } count [16700,2]; (_display49 displayCtrl 103) ctrlEnable false; (_display49 displayCtrl 103) ctrlSetText " + str _ESCMNUBOT + "; (_display49 displayCtrl 122) ctrlEnable false; (_display49 displayCtrl 122) ctrlShow false; (_display49 displayCtrl 523) ctrlSetText format['%1',_name]; (_display49 displayCtrl 109) ctrlSetText format['%2',_puid]; ";
  234. if (!_BRIEFING_MSG) then {
  235. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 120) ctrlSetText 'Donkey Punch EpochMod Altis/Chernarus/NAPF | DonkeyPunch.Info | RAVA3Epoch.TS3.NFOSERVERS.COM'; ";
  236. };
  237. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; _display24 = findDisplay 24; if(!isNull _display24) then { _chat = _display24 displayCtrl 101; _txt = ctrlText _chat; if(_txt != '') then { _txtArray = toArray _txt; if((_txtArray select 0) in [44,36,37,38,92,124,194,176,45,95,60,62]) then {_chat ctrlSetText '';}; _txt = toLower _txt; if(_puid in _admins) then { if(_txt == '!admin') then { (_display24) closeDisplay 0; [_name,_puid,'AC',toArray(_txt)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; uiSleep 0.5; (findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0; }; } else { if(_txt in [format['.ban %1',toLower _name],format['.ban %1 true',toLower _name],format['.ban %1 true;',toLower _name]]) then { _log = format['BadCommand: %1',_txt]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; if(_txt in ['adminstart','admin_start']) then { _log = format['BadCommand: %1',_txt]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; if(_txt in ['/killme','killme','/suicide','suicide']) then { (_display24) closeDisplay 0; {player setHitPointDamage [_x,1];true} count ['HitBody','HitHead']; }; if(_txt find '.sqf' > -1) then { (_display24) closeDisplay 0; if(_puid in _admins) then { _log = format['BadCommand: %1 - Faked local UID!',_txt]; [_name,_puid,'VASP',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers _txt; } else { _log = format['BadCommand: %1',_txt]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; ";
  238. if (_VDN) then {
  239. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(_txt in ['!vote day','/vote day','vote day','!day','/day']) then { (_display24) closeDisplay 0; [_name,_puid,'VOTE',toArray 'DAY'] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; if(_txt in ['!vote night','/vote night','vote night','!night','/night']) then { (_display24) closeDisplay 0; [_name,_puid,'VOTE',toArray 'NIGHT'] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; ";
  240. };
  241. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; }; ";
  242. if (_UAG) then {
  243. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(animationState player == 'amovpercmsprsnonwnondf_amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon') then { _ct = cursorTarget; if(!isNull _ct) then { if((_ct isKindOf 'Constructions_static_F') && (_ct distance player < 4)) then { if(diag_tickTime - _lastglitch > 20) then {_wallgames = 0;}; _lastglitch = diag_tickTime; player switchMove ''; player setVelocity [0,0,0]; if(_wallgames >= 2) then { player setHitPointDamage ['HitLegs',1]; _log = format['Anti-Glitch: %1 triggered %2 times @%3',typeOf _ct,_wallgames,mapGridPosition player]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; if(_wallgames >= 4) then { {player setHitPointDamage [_x,1];true} count ['HitBody','HitHead']; _log = format['Anti-Glitch: %1 triggered %2 times @%3',typeOf _ct,_wallgames,mapGridPosition player]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; _wallgames = 0; }; _wallgames = _wallgames + 1; _msg = 'NO GLITCHING'; hint _msg; 1 cutText [format ['%1',_msg],'WHITE IN']; systemChat _msg; uiSleep 0.3; }; }; }; ";
  244. };
  245. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if((isNull _display49) && (isNull _display24)) then { uiSleep 0.2; }; }; }; ";
  246. if (_HDC) then {
  247. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " [_name,_puid,_adminstemp] spawn { _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; _adminstemp = _this select 2; _timer1 = diag_tickTime; while {1 == 1} do { _nearguys = [cursorTarget]; if(diag_tickTime > _timer1) then { _timer1 = diag_tickTime + 5; if(!isNull player) then { _nearguys = player nearEntities ['AllVehicles',300]; _nearguys pushBack cursorTarget; }; }; { if(!isNull _x) then { if!(getPlayerUID _x in _adminstemp) then { if((isPlayer _x) && {(str _x) != (str player)}) then { _x removeAllEventhandlers 'HandleDamage'; _x addEventHandler [ 'HandleDamage', { _unit = _this select 0; _damage = _this select 2; if(alive _unit) then {[name _unit,getPlayerUID _unit,'DLOG',_unit,_damage] call " + _AHKickLog + ";}; _damage; } ]; }; }; }; true; } count _nearguys; uiSleep 1; }; }; ";
  248. };
  249. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " pushBack 0; }; if!(1 in " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + ") then { [_name,_puid] spawn { _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; _MPInterruptChecked = false; _CEA1 = [" + str _CE3 + "," + str _CE4 + "," + str _CE5 + "," + str _CE6 + "," + str _CE7 + "," + str _CE8 + "]; _server_onLoadUnload1 = " + str _onLoadUnload1 + "; _server_onLoadUnload2 = " + str _onLoadUnload2 + "; _server_onLoadUnload3 = " + str _onLoadUnload3 + "; _cba_RscDisplayConfigure = " + str _cba_RscDisplayConfigure + "; while {1 == 1} do { ";
  250. if (_UCE) then {
  251. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _CE3 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptionsVideo' >> 'controls' >> 'G_VideoOptionsControls' >> 'controls' >> 'HideAdvanced' >> 'OnButtonClick')); _CE4 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'BCredits' >> 'OnButtonClick')); _CE5 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'ButtonCancel' >> 'OnButtonClick')); _CE6 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayOptions' >> 'controls' >> 'ButtonCancel' >> 'action')); _CE7 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMPInterrupt' >> 'controls' >>'ButtonAbort' >> 'action')); _CE8 = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMPInterrupt' >> 'controls' >>'ButtonAbort' >> 'OnButtonClick')); _CEA2 = [_CE3,_CE4,_CE5,_CE6,_CE7,_CE8]; for '_i' from 0 to (count _CEA1)-1 do { _a = _CEA1 select _i; _a = _a - [32]; _a = _a - [9]; if(count _a > 120) then {_a resize 120;}; _bs = _CEA2 select _i; _b = toArray _bs; _b = _b - [32]; _b = _b - [9]; if(count _b > 120) then {_b resize 120;}; if!(_a isEqualTo _b) then { _log = format['CheatEngine %1: %2',_i,_bs]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; ";
  252. };
  253. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  254. if (_UOL) then {
  255. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " uiSleep 1; { _onLoad = toArray(getText(configFile >> _x >> 'onLoad')); _server_onLoad = _server_onLoadUnload2 select _forEachIndex; if(!(_onLoad isEqualTo _server_onLoad) && !(_onLoad isEqualTo '')) then { _badonload = false; if !(_onLoad isEqualTo _cba_RscDisplayConfigure) then {_badonload = true;}; if(_badonload) then { _log = format['onLoad changed: %1, %2, %3',_x,toString _onLoad,toString _server_onLoad]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; _onUnload = toArray(getText(configFile >> _x >> 'onUnload')); _server_onUnload = _server_onLoadUnload3 select _forEachIndex; if(!(_onUnload isEqualTo _server_onUnload) && !(_onUnload isEqualTo '')) then { _log = format['onUnload changed: %1, %2, %3',_x,toString _onUnload,toString _server_onUnload]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; } forEach _server_onLoadUnload1; ";
  256. };
  257. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " uiSleep 1; private['_children','_allowedChildren']; _children = [configFile >> 'RscDisplayMPInterrupt' >> 'controls',0] call BIS_fnc_returnChildren; _allowedChildren = ['Title','MissionTitle','DifficultyTitle','PlayersName','ButtonCancel','ButtonSAVE','ButtonSkip','ButtonRespawn','ButtonOptions','ButtonVideo','ButtonAudio','ButtonControls','ButtonGame','ButtonTutorialHints','ButtonAbort','DebugConsole','Feedback','MessageBox','CBA_CREDITS_M_P','CBA_CREDITS_CONT_C']; { _cfgName = configName _x; if(!(_cfgName in _allowedChildren)) then { _log = format['Modified MPInterrupt: %1 | %2',_x,_cfgName]; if(" + str _UMP + ") then { [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; } else { if(!_MPInterruptChecked) then { [_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; _MPInterruptChecked = true; }; }; }; true } count _children; uiSleep 1; _cfg = configFile; for '_i' from 0 to count (_cfg)-1 do { _selected = _cfg select _i; if(isClass _selected) then { _c = configName _selected; _lc = toLower _c; if(_lc in ['pooploop','rscrazzler','rscListboxvg','vgdialog']) then { _log = format['BadCFG: %1',_x]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; }; uiSleep 15; }; }; " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " pushBack 1; }; if!(2 in " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + ") then { [_name,_puid] spawn { disableSerialization; _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; " + _infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged + " = compileFinal ' if((_this select 1) in [''AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exerciseKata'',''AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup'',''GestureSpasm1'',''GestureSpasm4'',''GestureNod'']) exitWith { player playMoveNow ''Unconscious''; {player setHitPointDamage [_x,1];true} count [''HitBody'',''HitHead'']; }; '; _kdID = 0; _kdID_F = 0; if(" + str _RCK + ") then {(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown';}; ";
  258. if (_MOD == 'EPOCH') then {
  259. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " fnc_inventoryClosed = compileFinal ' if(!isNil ''EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs'') then { if!(EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs isEqualTo []) then { EPOCH_S_S_VEHICLES = EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs; publicVariableServer ''EPOCH_S_S_VEHICLES''; EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs = []; }; }; '; if(" + str _RCK + ") then {" + _infikeypress + " = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\interface_event_handlers\EPOCH_KeyDown.sqf';}; ";
  260. };
  261. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _FiredCheck = { _unit = _this select 0; _weapon = _this select 1; _muzzle = _this select 2; _mode = _this select 3; _ammo = _this select 4; _magazine = _this select 5; _projectile = _this select 6; if((" + str _UFA + ") && {((!(" + str _UAW + ") && {_ammo in " + str _ForbiddenAmmo + "}) || ((" + str _UAW + ") && {!(_ammo in " + str _AmmoWhiteList + ")}))}) then { _log = format['ForbiddenAmmo: %1 with weapon %2',_ammo,_muzzle]; [profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; if((_unit == vehicle player) && (_unit == player)) then { if!(_muzzle in ['','Throw','Flare','Put']) then { _smagazine = toArray _magazine; if(count _smagazine > 5) then {_smagazine resize 5;}; _smagazine = toString _smagazine; if!(_smagazine in ['3Rnd_']) then { _sammo = toArray _ammo; if(count _sammo > 6) then {_sammo resize 6;}; _sammo = toString _sammo; if!(_sammo in ['F_40mm','F_20mm','G_40mm','G_20mm','spear_']) then { _cfgammo = getText(configFile >> 'CfgMagazines' >> _magazine >> 'ammo'); if(_ammo != _cfgammo) then { player removeWeapon _muzzle; player removeMagazines _magazine; _log = format['BadMuzzle: %1 with weapon %2',_ammo,_muzzle]; [profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; _maxAmmo = getNumber (configFile >> 'CfgMagazines' >> _magazine >> 'count'); if(_maxAmmo > 1) then { [_maxAmmo,_muzzle,_magazine] spawn { uiSleep 0.15; _maxAmmo = _this select 0; _muzzle = _this select 1; _magazine = _this select 2; _camm = player ammo _muzzle; if(_camm >= _maxAmmo) then { player removeWeapon _muzzle; player removeMagazines _magazine; _log = format['No Ammo Loss - Removed Current Magazine: %1 %2 %3 %4',_muzzle,_magazine,_camm,_maxAmmo]; [profileName,getPlayerUID player,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; (findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; true }; _toCompilableString = { _code = _this select 0; _string = ''; if(typeName _code == 'CODE') then { _string = str(_code); _arr = toArray(_string); _arr set[0,32]; _arr set[count(_arr)-1,32]; _string = toString(_arr); }; _string; }; " + _FiredCheck + " = compileFinal ([_FiredCheck] call _toCompilableString); while {1 == 1} do { {(findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers _x;true} count ['onMouseButtonDblClick','MouseButtonClick','MouseButtonDown','MouseButtonUp','Draw','MouseZChanged','MouseMoving','MouseHolding','KeyDown','KeyUp']; { if!(isNull (findDisplay _x)) then { if(_x in [49]) then { (findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseZChanged'; (findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseMoving'; (findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseHolding'; }; if!(_x in [-1,106]) then { (findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonDown'; (findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonUp'; }; (findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown'; (findDisplay _x) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp'; }; true } count [-1,12,18,49,106]; (findDisplay 131) displayCtrl 102 ctrlRemoveallEVenthandlers 'LBDblClick'; (findDisplay 131) displayCtrl 102 ctrlRemoveallEVenthandlers 'LBSelChanged'; _display46 = (findDisplay 46); _display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonDown'; _display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonUp'; _display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseMoving'; _display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseHolding'; if(" + str _RMW + ") then{_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseZChanged';}; ";
  262. if (_RCK) then {
  263. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyDown'; _display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp'; if(isNil 'life_fnc_keyHandler') then {life_fnc_keyHandler = {false};} else { if(typeName life_fnc_keyHandler != 'CODE') then {life_fnc_keyHandler = {false};}; _kdID = _display46 displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_this call life_fnc_keyHandler;']; }; if(" + str _MOD + " == 'EPOCH') then { _kdID = _display46 displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_this call " + _infikeypress + "']; }; uiSleep 0.1; _kd_TEST_ID = _display46 displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','false']; if((_kd_TEST_ID - _kdID > 1) && (_kdID != 0)) then { if(alive player) then { if(_kdID_F > 3) then { _log = format['KeyBinds added (%1/%2)',_kdID,_kd_TEST_ID]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; _kdID_F = _kdID_F + 1; }; }; ";
  264. };
  265. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  266. if (!_RCK) then {
  267. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " uiSleep 0.1; ";
  268. };
  269. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " player removeAllEventHandlers 'Take'; if(" + str _MOD + " != 'Epoch') then { player removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired'; player addEventHandler ['Fired',compile ('_this call '+str(_FiredCheck))]; }; ";
  270. if (_MOD == 'EPOCH') then {
  271. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " player removeAllEventHandlers 'InventoryClosed'; player addEventHandler ['InventoryClosed', {if!(EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs isEqualTo[]) then{EPOCH_S_S_VEHICLES = EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs;publicVariableServer 'EPOCH_S_S_VEHICLES';EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs = [];};}]; if(" + str _RRH + ") then { player removeAllEventHandlers 'Respawn'; player addEventHandler ['Respawn', { (_this select 0) call EPOCH_clientRespawn }]; }; player removeAllEventHandlers 'Killed'; player addEventHandler ['Killed',{_this call EPOCH_fnc_playerDeath}]; player removeAllEventHandlers 'Put'; player addEventHandler ['Put', {(_this select 1) call EPOCH_interact; _this call EPOCH_PutHandler}]; player removeAllEventHandlers 'AnimChanged'; player addEventHandler ['AnimChanged', {_this call " + _infiSTAR_fnc_animchanged + "}]; player addEventHandler ['Damaged',{}]; player addEventHandler ['Take', {(_this select 1) call EPOCH_interact; _this call EPOCH_UnisexCheck}]; if!(" + str _EHF + ") then { player removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired'; player addEventHandler ['Fired',{_this call EPOCH_fnc_playerFired}]; player addEventHandler ['Fired',compile ('_this call '+str(_FiredCheck))]; }; { player removeAllEventHandlers _x; _addCase = player addEventHandler [_x,{}]; if(_addCase > 0) then { _log = format['EH_%1: %2',_x,_addCase]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; true } count ['HandleDamage','FiredNear','HandleHeal','Dammaged','Damaged','Hit','HitPart']; removeMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D',0]; _addCase=0;_addCase = addMissionEventHandler ['Draw3D', {}]; if(_addCase > 0) then { _log = format['EH_Draw3D: %1',_addCase]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; ";
  272. };
  273. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  274. if (_MOD == 'AltisLife') then {
  275. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  276. if (_RRH) then {
  277. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " player removeAllEventHandlers 'Respawn'; player addEventHandler ['Respawn', {_this call life_fnc_onPlayerRespawn}]; ";
  278. };
  279. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " player removeAllEventhandlers 'InventoryClosed'; player addEventHandler ['InventoryClosed', {_this call life_fnc_inventoryClosed}]; ";
  280. if (_RIO) then {
  281. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " player removeAllEventhandlers 'InventoryOpened'; player addEventHandler ['InventoryOpened', {_this call life_fnc_inventoryOpened}]; ";
  282. };
  283. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " player removeAllEventHandlers 'Killed'; player addEventHandler ['Killed', {_this spawn life_fnc_onPlayerKilled}]; ";
  284. if (_RHD) then {
  285. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " player removeAllEventhandlers 'HandleDamage'; player addEventHandler ['HandleDamage',{_this call life_fnc_HandleDamage;}]; ";
  286. };
  287. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " player addEventHandler ['Take',{_this call life_fnc_onTakeItem}]; player addEventHandler ['Fired',{_this call life_fnc_onFired}]; if(" + str _REH + ") then {player removeAllEventhandlers 'Hit';}; player removeAllEventHandlers 'Damaged'; player removeAllEventHandlers 'Dammaged'; ";
  288. };
  289. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; }; " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " pushBack 2; }; if!(3 in " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + ") then { [_name,_puid] spawn { _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; disableSerialization; _badDialogsClose = " + str _badDialogsClose + "; _badDialogsKICK = " + str _badDialogsKICK + "; _allowedDialogs = " + str _allowedDialogs + "; BIS_fnc_showNotification_queue=nil; missionnamespace setVariable['BIS_fnc_showNotification_queue',nil]; uiNamespace setVariable['RscDisplayRemoteMissions',nil]; uiNamespace setVariable['RscDisplayDebugPublic',nil]; uiNamespace setVariable['RscDisplayArsenal',nil]; _inventoryIds = [8,0,18,70,46,12,602,999,-1200,-1300,-1400,-1500,-1900,-8,-9,-10,-15,63,55,49,-6,24,-13,129,174]; _inventoryDisplays = ['No display']; {_inventoryDisplays pushBack format['Display #%1',_x];true} count _inventoryIds; _check = 12; _checkshouldbe = _check; _badcontrolsannounced = false; while {1 == 1} do { if(_check != _checkshouldbe) then { _log = format['MenuBasedHackCheck broken! %1/%2',_check,_checkshouldbe]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; _check = 0; { if(!isNull (_x select 0)) then { _log = format['MenuBasedHack_%1',_x select 1]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; ctrlDelete (_x select 0); } else { _check = _check + 1; }; true } count [ [(findDisplay 64) displayCtrl 101,'DISPLAY_64_C_101'], [(findDisplay 64) displayCtrl 1002,'DISPLAY_64_C_1002'], [(findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 0,'DISPLAY_49_C_0'], [(findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 16100,'DISPLAY_49_C_16100'], [(findDisplay 58) displayCtrl 16100,'DISPLAY_58_C_16100'], [(findDisplay 58) displayCtrl 12000,'DISPLAY_58_C_12000'], [(findDisplay 24) displayCtrl -50,'DISPLAY_24_C_-50'], [(findDisplay 46) displayCtrl -50,'DISPLAY_46_C_-50'], [(findDisplay 49) displayCtrl -50,'DISPLAY_49_C_-50'], [(findDisplay 999) displayCtrl -50,'DISPLAY_999_C_-50'], [(findDisplay 999) displayCtrl -95,'DISPLAY_999_C_-95'], [(findDisplay 58) displayCtrl 24120,'DISPLAY_58_C_24120'] ]; { if(!isNull (findDisplay _x)) then { _log = format['MenuBasedHack_D%1',_x]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; true } count [-1338,-1337,17,19,30,32,45,56,64,69,71,125,132,155,156,157,162,165,166,167,1320,1321,2727,2928,2929,3030,316000,9899,0110,110]; { _cc1 = format['%1',uiNamespace getVariable _x]; if(_cc1 != '<null>') then { if(_cc1 != 'No display') then { _log = format['Hacked: %1 - %2',_x,_cc1]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; } else { uiNamespace setVariable[_x,nil]; _log = format['Hacked: %1 - %2',_x,_cc1]; [_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; (findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0; }; }; true } count ['RscDisplayRemoteMissions','RscDisplayDebugPublic','RscDisplayMovieInterrupt','RscDisplayArsenal']; ";
  290. if (_UNC) then {
  291. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(format['%1',missionnamespace getVariable 'BIS_fnc_showNotification_queue'] != '<null>') then { _log = 'Hacked: showNotification'; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; _sHq = missionnamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_showNotification_queue'; if(!isNil '_sHq') then { if(str _sHq != '[]') then { _log = format['Hacked: showNotification - %1',_sHq]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; ";
  292. };
  293. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(!isNull (findDisplay 148)) then { if((lbSize 104)-1 > 3) exitWith { _log = 'Hacked: RscDisplayConfigureControllers'; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; { _lbSize = lbSize _x; if(_lbSize > 0) then { _log = format['lbSize %1 == %2',_x,_lbSize]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; lbClear _x; }; true } count [101,102]; if(!isNull (uiNamespace getVariable 'RscDisplayInsertMarker')) then { _action = buttonAction 1; _action2 = buttonAction 2; _title = ctrlText 1001; if(_action != '' OR _title != localize '$STR_A3_RscDisplayInsertMarker_Title' OR _action2 != '') then { _log = 'Hacked: RscDisplayInsertMarker'; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; _dsp54 = findDisplay 54; if(!isNull _dsp54) then { if((toLower ctrlText (_dsp54 displayCtrl 1001) != toLower localize 'STR_A3_RscDisplayInsertMarker_Title') || (buttonAction (_dsp54 displayCtrl 1) != '') || (buttonAction (_dsp54 displayCtrl 2) != '')) then { _log = 'Hacked: RscDisplayInsertMarker'; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; _dsp163 = findDisplay 163; if(!isNull _dsp163) then { (_dsp163 displayCtrl 101) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'LBDblClick'; (_dsp163 displayCtrl 101) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'LBSelChanged'; if((toLower ctrlText (_dsp163 displayCtrl 1000) != toLower localize 'STR_DISP_OPTIONS_SCHEME') || (buttonAction (_dsp163 displayCtrl 1) != '') || (buttonAction (_dsp163 displayCtrl 2) != '')) then { _log = 'Hacked: RscDisplayControlSchemes'; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; if(!isNull (uiNamespace getVariable 'RscDisplayConfigureAction')) then { _actions = [buttonAction 1,buttonAction 107,buttonAction 104,buttonAction 106,buttonAction 109,buttonAction 105,buttonAction 108]; _title = ctrlText 1000; if(_title != localize '$STR_A3_RscDisplayConfigureAction_Title') exitWith { _log = 'Hacked: RscDisplayConfigureAction'; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; { if(_x != '') exitWith { _log = 'Hacked: RscDisplayConfigureAction'; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; true } count _actions; }; _c101txt = ctrlText 101; if(_c101txt != '') then { _log = format['D_167_C_101: %1',_c101txt]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; _fkd = 'no';{if(!isNull (findDisplay _x)) exitWith {_fkd = str _x;};true} count _badDialogsKICK; if(_fkd != 'no') then { _log = format['BadDisplayID: %1',_fkd]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; {if(!isNull (findDisplay _x)) then {closeDialog 0;(findDisplay _x) closeDisplay 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;};true} count _badDialogsClose; ";
  294. if (_UDW) then {
  295. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _checkAllowed = _allowedDialogs; ";
  296. if (_MOD == 'EPOCH') then {
  297. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _checkAllowed = _allowedDialogs + [-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9,-10,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-1500,-1900,-666,300,301,302,303,304,13377]; ";
  298. };
  299. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  300. if (_MOD == 'AltisLife') then {
  301. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _checkAllowed = _allowedDialogs + [2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2300,2400,2520,2600,2620,2650,2700,2800,2900,3000,3100,3500,7300,37400,38200,38300,38400,38500,39400]; ";
  302. };
  303. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _break = true; {if(!isNull (findDisplay _x)) exitWith {_break = false;};true} count _checkAllowed; if(!isNull (findDisplay 602)) then { if(!isNull ((findDisplay 602) displayCtrl 989187)) then { _log = 'MenuBasedHack_DISPLAY_602_C_989187'; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; _baddisplays = []; { if!((str _x) in _inventoryDisplays) then { _baddisplays pushBack (str _x); _break = true; }; true } count allDisplays; if!(_baddisplays isEqualTo []) then { _log = format['Inventory closed - _baddisplays: %1',_baddisplays]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; if(!_badcontrolsannounced) then { _allCtrls602 = allControls findDisplay 602; _cntallCtrls602 = count _allCtrls602; if((_cntallCtrls602 > 0)&&(_cntallCtrls602 != 87)) then { _log = format['BadControls count on 602: %1 should be 87',_cntallCtrls602]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; _badcontrolsannounced = true; }; }; }; if(_break) then {closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;}; ";
  304. };
  305. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " uiSleep 0.25; }; }; " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " pushBack 3; }; if!(4 in " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + ") then { ";
  306. if ((_UBV) || (_UBF)) then {
  307. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " [_name,_puid] spawn { _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; ";
  308. if (_UBV) then {
  309. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _badVariables = [ 'typeName','lbClear','closedialog','startloadingscreen','endLoadingScreen','findDisplay','setposATL','getPos','to','closeDisplay','getPlayerUID','publicVariableServer', 'setPos','toArray','setposASL','getPosASL','allowDamage','endMission','str','isNil','diag_log','format','removeMagazines','getPosATL','from','ctrlEnabled','uiNameSpace', 'removeMagazine','failMission','diag_tickTime','publicvariable','profileNamespace','for','toString','resize','toLower','displayRemoveAllEventHandlers','LoganIsTired', 'ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers','removeWeapon','&&','||','removeAction','in','spawn','do','displayCtrl','player','select','saveprofileNamespace','exitWith','or', 'and','visibleMap','uiSleep','alive','isNull','typeOf','distance','true','false','isDedicated','unitRecoilCoefficient','call','setunitRecoilCoefficient', 'waitUntil','speed','while','if','isServer','then','primaryWeapon','unitBackpack','magazines','weapons','getMagazineCargo','getWeaponCargo','isPlayer','dialog', 'disableSerialization','count','ctrlSetText','ctrlText','systemChat','commandingMenu','BIS_fnc_dbg_reminder_value','BIS_fnc_dbg_reminder','FND_fnc_subs', 'showcommandingMenu','disableUserInput','local','forEach','nearEntities','round','onEachFrame','a','imgoingnukeyou','fnc_usec_damageHandler', 'Status_BB','TZ_BB_A3','TZ_BB_KB_Hint','TZ_BB_BindHandler','AH_BRAZZERS_TZ_BB','kamakazi_lystic','fuckfest','LYSTIC_MENU_LOADED','D_AMEZ_COA', 'Intro','Repair','Heal','Cash','T3le','TNK','I_like_turtles','BIGM','GMod','E3p','Does_Tonic_Like_to_take_Turtle_penis_in_the_ass_LODESTARS', 'lel','vars','PSwap','toLower_new','BCast','thfile','tlmadminrq','infiSTARBLACK','name','carepkg','scrollAim','BlurExec','sbpc','CALLRE', 'quake','menu_run','ZedProtect','actid1','vehicles1','MapClicked','MapClickedPosX','MouseUpEvent','scrollPlayerlist','keypress_xxx','D_AMEZ_COA', 'envi','G_A_N_G_S_T_A','ZoombiesCar','timebypass','returnString_z','isori','tangrowth27','PVAH_AdminRequest','AH_OFF_LOL','b','infiSTAR_fillRE', 'qwak','infoe','font','title_dialog','sexymenu_adds_Star','boolean_1','initre337','skype_option','bleh','magnetomortal','fnc_allunits','sbp', 'PV_IAdminMenuCode','PVAH_WriteLogRequest','skype_img','Lhacks','Lpic','LtToTheRacker','Lexstr','take1','Called','epochExec','sdgff4535hfgvcxghn', 'adadawer24_1337','fsdddInfectLOL','W_O_O_K_I_E_Car_RE','kW_O_O_K_I_E_Go_Fast','epchDeleted','lystobindkeys','lystoKeypress','fnc_usec_unconscious', 'toggle_1','shiftMenu','dbClicked','b_loop','re_loop','v_bowen','bowen','melee_startAttack','asdasdasd','antihax2','PV_AdminMenuCode','AdminLoadOK', 'AdminLoadOKAY','PV_TMPBAN','T_o_g_g_l_e_BB','fixMenu','PV_AdminMenuCodee','AdminPlayer','PVAH_AdminRequestVariable','epochBackpack','JME_Red', 'JME_MENU_Sub','JME_menu_title','JME_Sub','JME_OPTIONS','god','heal','grass','fatguybeingchasedbyalion','night','day','infammo','nvg','thermal', 'Keybinds','fredtargetkill','loopfredtpyoutome','epochTp','AdminLst','BB_Pr0_Esp','BBProEsp','epochMapMP','CALLRESVR','EPOCH_spawnVehicle_PVS', 'adminlite','adminlitez','antihacklite','bp','inSub','scroll_m_init_star','markerCount','zombies','startmenu_star','LystoDone','MOD_EPOCH', 'Admin_Lite_Menu','admingod','adminESPicons','fnc_MapIcons_infiSTAR','BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer4','adminadd','shnext','infiSTAR_fill_Weapons', 'adminZedshld','adminAntiAggro','admin_vehicleboost','admin_low_terrain','admin_debug','admincrate','exstr','nlist','PV_AdminMainCode','TPCOUNTER', 'PVDZ_Hangender','fn_filter','vehiList','Remexec_Bitch','zeus_star','igodokxtt','tmmenu','AntihackScrollwheel','survcam','infiniteammo','PVAH_AHTEMPBAN', 'lalf','toggle','iammox','telep','dayzlogin3','dayzlogin4','changeBITCHinstantly','antiAggro_zeds','BigFuckinBullets','abcdefGEH','adminicons', 'fn_esp','aW5maVNUQVI_re_1','passcheck','isInSub','qodmotmizngoasdommy','ozpswhyx','xdistance','wiglegsuckscock','diz_is_real__i_n_f_i_S_T_A_R', 'pic','veh','unitList','list_wrecked','addgun','ESP','BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n','dayzforce_save','ViLayer','blackhawk_sex','activeITEMlist','items1', 'adgnafgnasfnadfgnafgn','Metallica_infiSTAR_hax_toggled','activeITEMlistanzahl','xyzaa','iBeFlying','rem','DAYZ_CA1_Lollipops','HMDIR','vehC', 'HDIR','carg0d','init_Fncvwr_menu_star','altstate','black1ist','ARGT_JUMP','ARGT_KEYDOWN','ARGT_JUMP_w','ARGT_JUMP_a','bpmenu','color_black', 'p','fffffffffff','markPos','pos','TentS','VL','MV','monky','qopfkqpofqk','monkytp','pbx','nametagThread','spawnmenu','sceptile15','sandshrew', 'mk2','i','j','v','fuckmegrandma','mehatingjews','TTT5OptionNR','zombieDistanceScreen','cargodz','R3m0te_RATSifni','wepmenu','admin_d0','RAINBOWREMEXECVEH', 'omgwtfbbq','namePlayer','thingtoattachto','HaxSmokeOn','testIndex','g0d','spawnvehicles_star','kill_all_star','sCode','dklilawedve','peter_so_fly_CUS', 'selecteditem','moptions','delaymenu','gluemenu','g0dmode','cargod','infiSTAR_fillHax','itemmenu','gmadmin','fapEsp','mapclick','VAGINA_secret', 'spawnweapons1','abcd','skinmenu','playericons','changebackpack','keymenu','godall','theKeyControl','infiSTAR_FILLPLAYER','whitelist','pfEpochTele', 'custom_clothing','img','surrmenu','footSpeedIndex','ctrl_onKeyDown','plrshldblcklst','DEV_ConsoleOpen','executeglobal','cursoresp','Asdf','planeGroup', 'teepee','spwnwpn','musekeys','dontAddToTheArray','morphtoanimals','aesp','LOKI_GUI_Key_Color','Monky_initMenu','tMenu','recon','curPos', 'playerDistanceScreen','ihatelife','debugConsoleIndex','MY_KEYDOWN_FNC','pathtoscrdir','Bowen_RANDSTR','ProDayz','idonteven','walrein820','RandomEx', 'TAG_onKeyDown','changestats','derp123','heel','rangelol','unitsmenu','xZombieBait','plrshldblckls','ARGT_JUMP_s','ARGT_JUMP_d','globalplaya','ALL_MAGS_TO_SEARCH', 'shnmenu','xtags','pm','lmzsjgnas','vm','bowonkys','glueallnigga','hotkeymenu','Monky_hax_toggled','espfnc','playeresp','zany','dfgjafafsafccccasd', 'atext','boost','nd','vspeed','Ug8YtyGyvguGF','inv','rspwn','pList','loldami','T','bowonky','aimbott','Admin_Layout','markeresp','allMrk','MakeRandomSpace', 'helpmenu','godlol','rustlinginit','qofjqpofq','invall','initarr','reinit','byebyezombies','admin_toggled','fn_ProcessDiaryLink','ALexc','DAYZ_CREATEVEHICLE', 'Monky_funcs_inited','FUK_da_target','damihakeplz','damikeyz_veryhawt','mapopt','hangender','slag','jizz','kkk','ebay_har','sceptile279','TargetPlayer', 'tell_me_more_infiSTAR','airborne_spawn_vehicle_infiSTAR','sxy_list_stored','advert_SSH','antiantiantiantih4x','Flare8','Flare7','SuperAdmin_MENU', 'bl4ck1ist','keybinds','actualunit','mark_player','unitList_vec','yo2','actualunit_vec','typeVec','mark','r_menu','hfghfg','vhnlist','work','Intro', 'yo3','q','yo4','k','cTargetPos','cpbLoops','cpLoopsDelay','Flare','Flare1','Flare2','Flare3','Flare4','Flare5','Flare6','kanghaskhan','palkia', 'eExec_commmand','cockasdashdioh','fsdandposanpsdaon','antiloop','anti','spawn_explosion_target_ebay','whatisthis4','ratingloop_star','epochRemoteNukeAll', 'PVAH_admin_rq','PVAH_writelog_rq','sandslash','muk','pidgeotto','charmeleon','pidgey','lapras','LYST1C_UB3R_L33T_Item','MathItem','fapLayer','cooldown', 'raichu','infiSTAR_chewSTAR_dayz_1','infi_STAR_output','infi_STAR_code_stored','keybindings','keypress','menu_toggle_on','dayz_godmode','aiUnit', 'MENUTITLE','wierdo','runHack','Dwarden','poalmgoasmzxuhnotx','ealxogmniaxhj','firstrun','ohhpz','fn_genStrFront','shazbot1','cip','Armor1','GMod', 'kickable','stop','possible','friendlies','hacks','main','mapscanrad','maphalf','DelaySelected','SelectDelay','GlobalSleep','vehD','ALL_WEPS_TO_SEARCH', 'jopamenu','ggggg','tlm','Listw','toggle_keyEH','infammoON','pu','chute','dayzforce_savex','PVDZ_AdminMenuCode','PVDZ_SUPER_AdminList','DarkwrathBackpack', 'PVDZ_hackerLog','BP_OnPlayerLogin','material','mapEnabled','markerThread','addedPlayers','playershield','spawnitems1','sceptile27','Proceed_BB', 'ESPEnabled','wpnbox','fnc_temp','MMYmenu_stored','VMmenu_stored','LVMmenu_stored','BIS_MPF_ServerPersistentCallsArray','PV_CHECK','admin_animate1', 'patharray','ZobieDistanceStat','infiSTARBOTxxx','keyspressed','fT','tpTarget','HumanityVal','yanma','absol','SimpleMapHackCount','keyp', 'aggron','magazines_spawn','weapons_spawn','backpack_spawn','backpackitem_spawn','keybindings_exec','keypress_exec','MajorHageAssFuckinfBulletsDude', 'Wannahaveexplosivesforbullets','TheTargetedFuckingPlayerDude','haHaFuckAntiHakcsManIbypasDatShit','aintNoAntiHackCatchMyVars','objMYPlayer', 'Awwwinvisibilty','vehiclebro','wtfyisthisshithere','terrainchangintime','Stats','menu','ssdfsdhsdfh','onisinfiniteammobra','youwantgodmodebro', 'yothefuckingplayerishere','Namey','sendmsg12','jkh','DELETE_THIS','move_forward','leftAndRight','forwardAndBackward','upAndDown','distanceFromGround', 'hoverPos','hovering','bulletcamon','cheatlist','espOn','removegrass','timeday','infammo','norekoil','nocollide','esp2ez','fastwalk','entupautowalk', 'BensWalker','dropnear','executer','killme','magnetmenu','loadmain','magnet','loadMenu','refreshPlayers','ALREADYRAN','players','BigBenBackpack', 'sendMessage','newMessage','W34p0ns','amm0','Att4chm3nt','F0od_Dr1nk','M3d1c4l','T0ol_it3ms','B4ckp4cks','It3m5','Cl0th1ng','walkloc','nwaf','cherno', 'cherno_resident','cherno_resident_2','dubky','oaks','swaf','swmb','getX','PlayerShowDistance','M_e_n_u_2','colorme','keybindloop','Tractor_Time', 'murkrow','noctowl','isExecuted','piloswine','AddPlayersToMap','markers','miltank','GearAdd','GearRemove','Malvsm','Malcars','malfly','keyForward', 'PermDialogSelected','TempDialogSelected','AdminDialogList','pfKeygen','pfScanUnits','pfPickPlayer','pfshnext','pfnlist','pfselecteditem','pfshnmenu', 'pfPlayerMonitor','pfPlayersToMonitor','pfShowPlayerMonitor','pfPlayerMonitorMutex','marker','JJJJ_MMMM___EEEEEEE_INIT_MENU','E_X_T_A_S_Y_Init_Menu', 'monkaiinsalt','monkaiin','part88','adminKeybinds','PV_DevUIDs','fapEspGroup','Repair','RepairIT','rainbowTarget','rainbowTarget1','rainbowTarget2', 'rainbowTarget3','letmeknow','VehicleMenue','Menue_Vehicle','my_anus_hurtz','life_no_injection','Tonic_has_a_gaping_vagina','teletoplr','telet', 'ygurv1f2','BIGM','E3p','T3le','fnc_PVAH_AdminReq','infiSTAR_MAIN_CODE','MAIN_CODE_INJECTED','D34DXH34RT_E5P','Arsenal','Jme_Is_God','B0X_CANN0N_T0GGLE', 'PL4YER_CANN0N_T0GGLE','aim','HOLY_FUCK_FDKFHSDJFHSDKJ_vehicles_m','lazy_ILHA_is_lazy','POOP_Item','die_menu_esp_v1','XXMMWW_main_menu','MM_150', 'BIS_tracedShooter','JME_HAS_A_GIANT_DONG','nuke_vars','nukepos','fuckfest','fuckfestv2','FAG_NEON','Deverts_keyp','jfkdfjdfjdsfjdsfjkjflfjdlfjdlfjru_keyp', 'eroticTxt','asdadaio9d0ua298d2a0dza2','trap','boomgoats','morphme','morph','blfor','blfor2','blfor3','rdfor','rdfor2','rdfor3','napa','civ', 'Detected_Remote_Execution','keybindz','PEDO_IS_FUKED','MAINON','PLAYERON','PLAYEROFFNEXT1','PLAYERNEXT2','ALTISLIFEON','ALTISLIFEOFFNEXT1','ALTISLIFENEXT2', 'ALTISLIFEOFFNEXT2','ALTISLIFENEXT3','FUNMENUON','FUNMENUOFFNEXT1','FUNMENUNEXT2','FUNMENUOFFNEXT2','FUNMENUNEXT3','MAINOFF','PLAYEROFF','ALTISLIFEOFF', 'FUNMENUOFF','H4X_Miriweth_Menu_Click_Hax','IrEcOCMmeNEnd_God_MODE','TTTT_IIII___TTTTTTT_REPGAs','EC_GOD_TOGGLE','admin_d0_server','PedoMazing_Friends', 'ly5t1c','JJMMEE_Swagger','Bobsp','Speed_Hack_cus','pList_star_peter_cus','RGB','neo_throwing','Menu_I_Run_Color_LP','Blue_I_Color_LP','box','bombs', 'Orange_I_Color_LP','Menu_I_On_Color_LP','Menu_I_Off_Color_LP','Speed_Hack_cus','cus_SPEED_DOWN','pnc','SpyglassFakeTrigger','infammook','input_text', 'Tit_Choppertimer','GLASS911_Executer_for_menu','E5P','ThirtySix_Unlim_Ammo','ThirtySix_God','JJMMEE_INIT_MENU','menuheader','life_fnc_sessionUpdateCalled', 'blu_t_color_LP','FAG_RedSoldiers','titles_n_shit','eXecutorr','menu_headers','player_list','refresh_players','fn_loadMap','weapon_list','vehicle_list','get_display', 'create_display','CTRL_BTN_LIST','execMapFunc','mapFunc','OPEN_LISTS','init_menu','biggies_white_tex','Abraxas_Unl_Life','Abraxas_Life','waitFor','Mystic_ESP', 'biggies_menu_open','scriptex3cuter','rym3nucl0s3','eses_alis','PersonWhomMadeThisCorroded_Menu','Flo_Simon_KillPopUp','keybindz2','text_colour','key_combos_ftw', 'PlayerInfiniteAmmo','Im_a_Variable','aaaa' ]; _TbVs = [ 'JxMxE_hide','JME_Keybinds','JME_has_yet_to_fuck_this_shit','JME_deleteC','JME_Tele','JME_ANAL_PLOW','JME_M_E_N_U_initMenu','JME_M_E_N_U_hax_toggled','W_O_O_K_I_E_FUD_Pro_RE','W_O_O_K_I_E_FUD_Car_RE','W_O_O_K_I_E_FUD_Car_RE', 'JxMxE_Veh_M','JxMxE_LifeCash500k','W_O_O_K_I_E_FUD_FuckUp_GunStore','W_O_O_K_I_E_FUD_M_E_N_U_initMenu','W_O_O_K_I_E_FuckUp_GunStore_a','JME_KillCursor','JME_OPTIONS','JME_M_E_N_U_fill_TROLLmenu','ASSPLUNGE','FOXBYPASS','POLICE_IN_HELICOPTA', 'JxMxE_EBRP','W_O_O_K_I_E_M_E_N_U_funcs_inited','Menu_Init_Lol','E_X_T_A_S_Y_Atm','W_O_O_K_I_E_Pro_RE','W_O_O_K_I_E_Debug_Mon','W_O_O_K_I_E_Debug_1337','Veh_S_P_A_W_N_Shitt','sfsefse','tw4etinitMenu','tw4etgetControl', 'JxMxEsp','JxMxE_GOD','JxMxE_Heal','efr4243234','sdfwesrfwesf233','sdgff4535hfgvcxghn','adadawer24_1337','lkjhgfuyhgfd','E_X_T_A_S_Y_M_E_N_U_funcs_inited','dayz_serverObjectMonitor','fsfgdggdzgfd','fsdddInfectLOL','Wookie_List', 'JxMxE_TP','Wookie_Pro_RE','Wookie_Car_RE','Wookie_Debug_Mon','faze_funcs_inited','advertising_banner_infiSTAR','atext_star_xa','Monky_hax_dbclick','qopfkqpofqk','debug_star_colorful','AntiAntiAntiAntiHax','antiantiantiantih4x', 'JxMxE_Infect','hub','scrollinit','gfYJV','Lystic_LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO','Lystic_Re','Lysto_Lyst','E_X_T_A_S_Y_Keybinds','Menulocations','Lystic_Init','scroll_m_init_star','exstr1','pathtoscrdir3','Monky_funcs_inited', 'JxMxE_secret','Monky_initMenu','player_zombieCheck','E_X_T_A_S_Y_Recoil','godlol','playericons','abcdefGEH','wierdo','go_invisible_infiSTAR','serverObjectMonitor','enamearr','initarr3','locdb','sCode','infAmmoIndex', 'nukeDONEstar','Wookie_List','Wookie_Pro_RE','FUCKTONIC','E_X_T_A_S_Y_FuckUp_GunStore_a','E_X_T_A_S_Y_Cash_1k_t','E_X_T_A_S_Y_Cash_a','E_X_T_A_S_Y_LicenseDrive','E_X_T_A_S_Y_Menu_LOOOOOOOOOL','Metallica_vehicleg0dv3_infiSTAR', 'JJJJ_MMMM___EEEEEEE_INIT_MENU','JJJJ_MMMM___EEEEEEE_GAPER','JJJJ_MMMM___EEEEEEE_SMOKExWEEDxEVERYDAY_BUM_RAPE','JJJJ_MMMM___EEEEEEE_OPTIONS','JJJJ_MMMM___EEEEEEE_M_E_N_U_fill_Target','E3p', 'Jesus_MODE','ESP','MissileStrike','AL_Liscenses','NoIllegal','NoWeight','m0nkyaatp_sadksadxa','m0nkyaatp_RANDSTR','myvar23','player_adminlevel','TNK','I_like_turtles', 'BIGM','Does_Tonic_Like_to_take_Turtle_penis_in_the_ass_LODESTARS','Does_Tonic_Like_to_take_Turtle_penis_in_the_ass_LODESTAR1','GMod','No_No_No_Tonic_likes_A_Big_Fat_Sheep_Cock_Right_in_the_bum_G0d_Mode', 'Sload','T3le','life_no_injection','Tonic_has_a_gaping_vagina','my_anus_hurtz','aKFerm','aKMMenu','aKTitans','aKLikeaG0d','riasgremory_G0d_Mode','aKCarG0d','riasgremory_Car_Jesus','aKE5p','riasgremory_isseilol','aKPMark', 'riasgremory_Noobs','riasgremory_Bitches','riasgremory_Map_Markers','aKUnMmo','jenesuispasuncheateur_unamo','aKVoit','Loljesaispasquoiecriremdr','isseigremory','gremorysama','aKTaCu','aKCardetroy','aKGetKey','aKKillcursor', 'aKNoEscort','aKEscort','aKtroll','aKTPall','aKUnrestrain','aKNoEscortMe','aKNoTaze','aKJailplayer','aKLisense','riasgremory_titans_shit_reold','Tonic_merde','jaimepaslepoisin_HLEAL','TTTT_IIII___TTTTTTT_RAP_FR','TTTT_IIII___TTTTTTT_REPGA', 'TTTT_IIII___TTTTTTT_REPGAs','jaimepaslepoisin_HLEAL','Root_Main4','Root_Pistol4','Root_Rifle4','Root_Machinegun4','Root_Sniper4','Root_Launcher4','Root_Attachement4' ]; ";
  310. };
  311. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _mytime1 = diag_tickTime; _mytime2 = diag_tickTime; ";
  312. if (_UV2) then {
  313. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _checkedClientVars = []; _exclude = [ _name, 'bis_','cba_','slx_','epoch_','curator_','mpmissions','life_','rhs_','zlt_','spy_fnc_','inputaction' ]+" + str _all_RandomGens + "; _badStrings = [ 'unlimited','zeus', 'doug','Jay','kill','fnc_exec','ly_','setWaypointStatements', 'keydown','keyup','inputaction','create','.sqf','addaction','boom','sonic', 'VehicleLocal' ]; _verybadStrings = [ 'menu loaded','rusty','rustler','hangender','hungender','monky','bypass','godmode', 'douggem','monster','cool','BigBen','swagger','nigg','fireworks', 'E_X_T_A_S_Y','JJJJ','JxMxE', 'amm0','weppp3','Att4chm3nt','F0od_Dr1nk','M3d1c4l','T0ol_it3ms','B4ckp4cks','It3m5','Cl0th1ng', 'Lystic','Extasy','GLASSSIMON_FLO','Remote_Execution','GLADTWOOWN', 'Flo_Simon','Sonicccc_','Fury_','Phoenix_','gg_ee_ff_','_my_new_bullet_man', 'disablecollisionwith _bullet','ThirtySix_','DMC_fnc_4danews' ]; _mytime3 = diag_tickTime; ";
  314. };
  315. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " while {1 == 1} do { ";
  316. if (_UV2) then {
  317. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(_mytime3 < diag_tickTime) then { _mytime3 = diag_tickTime + 8; _allVars = (allVariables missionNamespace); { if!(_x in _checkedClientVars) then { _checkedClientVars pushBack _x; _xlow = toLower _x; _bv = _x; _check = true; { _smallxtofind = toLower _x; if(_xlow find _smallxtofind > -1) exitWith { _check = false; }; } forEach _exclude; if(_check) then { { _smallxtofind = toLower _x; if(_xlow find _smallxtofind > -1) then { _log = format['BadVar: %1 - %2',_bv,_x]; [_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; ";
  318. if (_V2C) then {
  319. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _m = missionNamespace getVariable _bv; if(!isNil '_m') then { _xcontent = toLower(str _m); if(_xcontent find _smallxtofind > -1) then { _log = format['BadContent: %1 - %2 - %3',_x,_bv,str _m]; [_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; }; ";
  320. };
  321. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " } forEach _badStrings; _foundBad = false; { _smallxtofind = toLower _x; if(_xlow find _smallxtofind > -1) then { _foundBad = true; _log = format['BadVar: %1 - %2',_bv,_x]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; ";
  322. if (_V2C) then {
  323. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _m = missionNamespace getVariable _bv; if(!isNil '_m') then { _xcontent = toLower(str _m); if(_xcontent find _smallxtofind > -1) then { _foundBad = true; _log = format['BadContent: %1 - %2 - %3',_x,_bv,str _m]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; }; ";
  324. };
  325. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " } forEach _verybadStrings; if(_foundBad) then { [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; }; } forEach _allVars; uiSleep 0.75; }; ";
  326. };
  327. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  328. if (_UBV) then {
  329. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " { if!(isNil _x) then { _log = format['BadVar 1: %1',_x]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; true } count _badVariables; uiSleep 0.75; { if!(isNil _x) then { _log = format['BadVar 2: %1',_x]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; true } count _TbVs; uiSleep 0.75; if(_mytime1 < diag_tickTime) then { _mytime1 = diag_tickTime + 45; { _m = missionNamespace getVariable _x; if(!isNil '_m') exitWith { _log = format['BadVar 3: %1 - %2',_x,_m]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; true } count (_badVariables+_TbVs); }; ";
  330. };
  331. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  332. if (_UBF) then {
  333. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(_mytime2 < diag_tickTime) then { _mytime2 = diag_tickTime + 180; uiSleep 0.75; diag_log 'IGNORE THIS'; diag_log '--------------------------------------------------'; preProcessFileLineNumbers 'Scan completed, badcontent.sqf'; uiSleep 0.25; _txtsqfA = [ '1.sqf','3.sqf','qa.sqf','gknova61_money.sqf','invi.sqf','Krypto.sqf','Dta\mhm.sqf','Newscroll.sqf', 'test\jude\3dollar\blub.sqf','lel.sqf','_src\Load.sqf','scripts\jmepoch.sqf','Det\Test.sqf','test\mhm.sqf', 'Jowin.sqf','FreundeMod\altea.sqf','dracau18scripts.sqf','CraftLourens.sqf','My Menu Collection\Wookie\mongoose.sqf', 'menu\menuext.sqf','LystoArma3\Lystic.sqf','LystoArma3\antiantihax.sqf','rouvenk.sqf','chub\start.sqf','Whippy\playerTools.sqf', 'rouven33.sqf' ]; { _f = preprocessFileLineNumbers _x; if(_f != '') then { _log = format['BadFile1: %1 - %2',_x,_f]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; uiSleep 0.01; true } count _txtsqfA; _otherA = [ 'debug_console.dll','debug_consolee.dll','tbb4malloc_bi.dll','Xenos.exe','Xenos64.exe','fraps.dll','youtube.dll','_CommonRedist\DirectX\', 'DirectX\','G-e-F_Menu\StartGeF.dta','Bonus\Soundtrack\Win\12_Wins.dta','_CommonRedist\DirectX\Jun2010\', 'Bonus\Soundtrack\clickSound.ogg','G-e-F_Menu\G-e-F_HackConfig.ini','\life41337\init.sqf','Launcher\kernel_x86.dll','DLL\DatMalloc.dll' ]; { _f = preprocessFileLineNumbers _x; if(_f != '') then { _log = format['BadFile2: %1',_x]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; uiSleep 0.01; true } count _otherA; diag_log '--------------------------------------------------'; }; ";
  334. };
  335. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " uiSleep 5; }; }; ";
  336. };
  337. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " pushBack 4; }; if!(5 in " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + ") then { " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " pushBack 5; systemchat '55% loaded..'; }; if!(6 in " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + ") then { ";
  338. if (_UAT) then {
  339. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " [_name,_puid] spawn { _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; _mPos = " + str _mPos + "; _mPos = [_mPos select 0,_mPos select 1,0]; _teleports = 0; _antitp = true; _fnc_run_tp = { _antitp = true; if(_lastpos distance _mPos <= 50) then {_antitp = false}; if!(_tmpplayer isEqualTo player)then{if(_curpos distance _mPos <= 50) then {_antitp = false};}; _antitp }; _fnc_revertTp = { player setPos _lastpos; (vehicle player) setPos _lastpos; }; while {1 == 1} do { _lasttime = diag_tickTime; _lastpos = getPosATL (vehicle player); _lastpos = [_lastpos select 0,_lastpos select 1,0]; _tmpplayer = player; uiSleep 0.4; if(alive player) then { _curpos = getPosATL (vehicle player); _curpos = [_curpos select 0,_curpos select 1,0]; _distance = _lastpos distance _curpos; _difftime = diag_tickTime - _lasttime; _speed = _distance / _difftime; _type = typeOf (vehicle player); _topSpeed = getNumber(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _type >> 'maxSpeed'); if(_topSpeed < 10) then {_topSpeed = 10;}; if(_speed > _topSpeed) then { call _fnc_run_tp; if(_antitp) then { if((str player == str(driver(vehicle player))) || (isNull (driver(vehicle player)))) then { if(isNil '" + _AHpos + "') then { " + _AHpos + " = []; } else { if(typeName " + _AHpos + " != 'ARRAY') then { _log = format['Admin Teleport Variable highjacked! Type now: %1',typeName " + _AHpos + "]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; if(" + _AHpos + " isEqualTo []) then { if(_distance >= 25) then { if(visiblemap) then {_teleports = 9000+21;}; _teleports = _teleports + 1; if(_teleports >= 2) then { _log = format['TP %1m from %2 to %3. TopSpeed of %4 is %5 speed was %6',round _distance,_lastpos,_curpos,_type,_topSpeed,_speed]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; } else { call _fnc_revertTp; }; } else { call _fnc_revertTp; }; } else { _tmpAHpos = " + _AHpos + ";_tmpAHpos resize 2;" + _AHpos + " = []; _log = format['Teleported by Admin %1(%2). From %3(%4) to %5(%6)',_tmpAHpos select 0,_tmpAHpos select 1,mapGridPosition _lastpos,_lastpos,mapGridPosition _curpos,_curpos]; [_name,_puid,'ALOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; } else { if(!isNull (driver(vehicle player))) then { if!(isPlayer (driver(vehicle player))) then { _log = format['TP with AI as driver.. %1m from %2 to %3. TopSpeed of %4 is %5 speed was %6',round _distance,_lastpos,_curpos,_type,_topSpeed,_speed]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; ";
  340. };
  341. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " pushBack 6; }; if!(7 in " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + ") then { [_name,_puid] spawn { _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; diag_log format['LOCALPLAYERINFO: %1(%2) | %3(%4) | %5',_name,_puid,str _name,str _puid,str (getPlayerUID player)]; _rOEF = {};if(" + str _MOD + " == 'Epoch') then {_rOEF = EPOCH_onEachFrame} else {_rOEF = " + str _rOEF + ";}; _timer1 = diag_tickTime; if(!isNil 'PVAH_AdminReq') then { _log = format['BadVar: PVAH_AdminReq - %1',PVAH_AdminReq]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; _randomshit = round(random 999); PVAH_AdminReq = _randomshit; _FTG = " + str _FTG + "; while {1 == 1} do { if(isNil'PVAH_AdminReq') then {PVAH_AdminReq = 'undefined';}; if(str PVAH_AdminReq != str _randomshit) then { _log = 'BadVar: PVAH_AdminReq'; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; ";
  342. if (_REF) then {
  343. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "onEachFrame _rOEF;";
  344. };
  345. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  346. if (_OAP) then {
  347. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "removeAllActions player;removeAllActions (vehicle player);";
  348. };
  349. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  350. if (_OMC) then {
  351. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "onMapSingleClick '';";
  352. };
  353. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " setTerrainGrid _FTG; player allowDamage true; (vehicle player) allowDamage true; ";
  354. if (_URC) then {
  355. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(unitRecoilCoefficient player == -1) then {player setunitRecoilCoefficient 1;}; if(abs(unitRecoilCoefficient player) != 1) then { _log = format['BadRecoil %1 | %2 %3 %4',unitRecoilCoefficient player,typeOf player,typeOf (vehicle player),currentWeapon player]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; ";
  356. };
  357. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " uiSleep 0.1; _uid = getPlayerUID player; if((_uid != '') && {_puid != _uid} && {alive player}) then { _log = format['_puid != _uid (%1/%2)',_puid,_uid]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; (findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;if(isNil 'INFIKICK') then {INFIKICK = 'INFIKICK';publicVariableServer 'INFIKICK';}; }; if(" + str _CLM + ") then { if(diag_tickTime > _timer1 + 25) then { _timer1 = diag_tickTime; '" + _MC + "' addPublicVariableEventHandler { _array = _this select 1; _a = ['_USER_DEFINED','[',']']; if(" + str _UMW + ") then {_a = _a + " + str _aLocalM + ";}; _foundbad = []; { _m = _x; if(_m != '') then { if!(_m in _array) then { if!(_m in ['" + _amenumark + "','" + _remark + "']) then { _do = true; {if(_m find _x > -1) exitWith {_do = false;};} forEach _a; if(_do) then { _foundbad pushBack _m; _mtext = markerText _m;if(_mtext != '') then {_foundbad pushBack (markerText _m);}; }; }; }; }; } forEach allMapMarkers; if(str _foundbad != '[]') then { _log = format['LocalMarker: %1',_foundbad]; [profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; }; }; }; }; " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " pushBack 7; }; if!(8 in " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + ") then { ";
  358. if ((_VON) || (_CMC)) then {
  359. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " [_name,_puid] spawn { _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; _voicecount = 0; while {1 == 1} do { ";
  360. if (_VON) then {
  361. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if((!isNull findDisplay 63) && {!isNull findDisplay 55} && {(ctrlText (findDisplay 63 displayCtrl 101)) in [localize 'str_channel_global',localize 'str_channel_side']}) then { _msg = 'You are about to be DONKEY PUNCHED! Get off Side COMMS NOW!'; hint _msg; 1 cutText [format ['%1',_msg],'WHITE IN']; systemChat _msg; _voicecount = _voicecount + 1; if(_voicecount > 1) then { player setHitPointDamage ['HitLegs',1]; _log = format['Side Chat Warning Broke Legs %1 | %2 %3',typeOf player,typeOf (vehicle player),currentWeapon player]; " + _AH14KICKLOG + " = [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)];publicVariableServer '" + _AH14KICKLOG + "'; }; if(_voicecount > 3) then { _voicecount = 0; removeUniform player; sleep 1; removeBackpack player; sleep 1; removeVest player; sleep 1; removeAllWeapons player; {player setHitPointDamage [_x,1];} forEach ['HitBody','HitHead']; _log = format['Side Chat Kick %1 | %2 %3',typeOf player,typeOf (vehicle player),currentWeapon player]; " + _AH14KICKLOG + " = [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)];publicVariableServer '" + _AH14KICKLOG + "'; {player setHitPointDamage [_x,1];true} count ['HitBody','HitHead']; sleep 2; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; ";
  362. };
  363. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  364. if (_CMC) then {
  365. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _commandingMenu = commandingMenu; if(_commandingMenu in ['#User:BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem_menu']) then { showCommandingMenu ''; }; _commandingMenu = commandingMenu; if((_commandingMenu != '') && {!(_commandingMenu in " + str _cMenu + ")}) then { _A = toArray _commandingMenu; _A resize 6; _A; _short = toString _A; showCommandingMenu ''; if(_short in ['#USER:']) then { _log = format['BadCommandingMenu: %1',_commandingMenu]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; ";
  366. };
  367. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " uiSleep 0.75; }; }; ";
  368. };
  369. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " pushBack 8; }; if!(9 in " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + ") then { ";
  370. if (_EHF) then {
  371. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " [_name,_puid] spawn { _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; uiSleep 10; _caughtFired = 0; player removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired'; while {1 == 1} do { _tmpObj = player; if((!isNull player) && (alive player)) then { player removeAllEventHandlers 'Fired'; player addEventHandler ['Fired',{_this call EPOCH_fnc_playerFired}]; player addEventHandler ['Fired',{_this call " + _FiredCheck + "}]; player addEventHandler ['Fired',{}]; }; uiSleep 2; if((!isNull player) && (alive player)) then { _id = player addEventHandler ['Fired',{}]; if((player isEqualTo _tmpObj)&&(_id != 3)) then { _caughtFired = _caughtFired + 1; if(_caughtFired >= 2) then { if(_id == 4) then { _log = format['EH_FIRED: %1 (kicked to lobby) might be EpochCode interfering',_id]; [_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; (findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;if(isNil 'INFIKICK') then {INFIKICK = 'INFIKICK';publicVariableServer 'INFIKICK';}; } else { _log = format['EH_FIRED: %1',_id]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; }; }; }; }; ";
  372. };
  373. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " [_name,_puid] spawn { _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; _mytime = diag_tickTime + 30; waitUntil {((!isNil '" + _ninetwo + "') || (diag_tickTime > _mytime))}; if(isNil '" + _ninetwo + "') then { _log = 'Secondary checks not running.. kicked after waiting 30 seconds for a 2 seconds timer..'; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; [_name,_puid,_adminstemp] spawn { _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; _adminstemp = _this select 2; ";
  374. if (_MOD == 'EPOCH') then {
  375. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(isNil 'EPOCH_target') then {EPOCH_target = objNull;}; if(isNil 'EPOCH_playerEnergy') then {EPOCH_playerEnergy = 0;}; if(isNil 'EPOCH_playerHunger') then {EPOCH_playerHunger = 5000;}; if(isNil 'EPOCH_playerThirst') then {EPOCH_playerThirst = 2500;}; if(isNil 'EPOCH_playerStamina') then {EPOCH_playerStamina = 100;}; if(isNil 'EPOCH_playerCrypto') then {EPOCH_playerCrypto = 0;}; if(isNil 'EPOCH_clientInit') then {EPOCH_clientInit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_clientInit.sqf';}; if(isNil 'EPOCH_onEachFrame') then {EPOCH_onEachFrame = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\EPOCH_onEachFrame.sqf';}; if(isNil 'EPOCH_masterLoop') then {EPOCH_masterLoop = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_masterLoop.sqf';}; if(isNil 'EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer') then {EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer.sqf';}; if(isNil 'EPOCH_clientRespawn') then {EPOCH_clientRespawn = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_clientRespawn.sqf';}; if(isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then {EPOCH_KeyDown = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\interface_event_handlers\EPOCH_KeyDown.sqf';}; _EPOCH_clientInit = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_clientInit.sqf'; _EPOCH_onEachFrame = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\EPOCH_onEachFrame.sqf'; _EPOCH_masterLoop = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_masterLoop.sqf'; _EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer.sqf'; _EPOCH_clientRespawn = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\setup\EPOCH_clientRespawn.sqf'; _EPOCH_KeyDown = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\compile\interface_event_handlers\EPOCH_KeyDown.sqf'; _rnd1 = round(random 99999);life_cash = _rnd1; _rnd2 = round(random 99999);life_adminlevel = _rnd2; _rnd3 = round(random 99999);life_coplevel = _rnd3; _rnd4 = round(random 99999);life_fnc_MPexec = _rnd4; ";
  376. };
  377. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " {(findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers _x;true} count ['onMouseButtonDblClick','MouseButtonClick','MouseButtonDown','MouseButtonUp','Draw','MouseZChanged','MouseMoving','MouseHolding','KeyDown','KeyUp']; _caeM1 = 0; _caeM2 = 0; _vehptest = typeOf vehicle player; _lvlcheck = diag_tickTime; _ForbiddenItems = " + str _ForbiddenItems + "; ";
  378. if (_MOD == 'EPOCH') then {
  379. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _ForbiddenItems pushBack 'NVGoggles'; ";
  380. };
  381. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " while {1 == 1} do { ";
  382. if (_UFI) then {
  383. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _inventory = []; {_inventory pushBack _x;} forEach (assignedItems player); {_inventory pushBack _x;} forEach (magazines player); {_inventory pushBack _x;} forEach (weapons player); {_inventory pushBack _x;} forEach (primaryWeaponItems player); {_inventory pushBack _x;} forEach (secondaryWeaponItems player); _inventory pushBack (primaryWeapon player); _inventory pushBack (secondaryWeapon player); if!(_inventory isEqualTo []) then { { if(_x != '') then { if((!(" + str _UIW + ") && (_x in _ForbiddenItems)) || ((" + str _UIW + ") && !(_x in " + str _ItemWhiteList + "))) then { player removeItem _x; player removeWeapon _x; player removeMagazine _x; player unlinkItem _x; _log = format['BadItem: %1',_x]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; }; true } count _inventory; }; ";
  384. };
  385. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _veh = vehicle player; if((!isNull player) && (!isNull _veh)) then { ";
  386. if (_CVM) then {
  387. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(player == vehicle player) then { _pvision=currentVisionMode player; if(_pvision > 1) exitWith { _log = format['BadVisionMode: Thermal (%1) | currentWeapon player: %2 | typeOf vehicle player: %3 | EPOCH_playerEnergy: %4',_pvision,currentWeapon player,typeOf (vehicle player),EPOCH_playerEnergy]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; (findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0; }; if(isNil 'EPOCH_playerEnergy') then {EPOCH_playerEnergy = 0;}; if((_pvision == 1)&&(str EPOCH_playerEnergy == '0')) exitWith { player action['nvGogglesOff',player]; uiSleep 0.5; _pvision=currentVisionMode player; if((_pvision == 1)&&(str EPOCH_playerEnergy == '0')) exitWith { _log = format['BadVisionMode: Nightvision (%1) | currentWeapon player: %2 | typeOf vehicle player: %3 | EPOCH_playerEnergy: %4',_pvision,currentWeapon player,typeOf (vehicle player),EPOCH_playerEnergy]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; (findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0; }; }; }; ";
  388. };
  389. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(!(player isEqualTo _veh) && !(_vehptest isEqualTo typeOf _veh)) then { _vehptest = typeOf _veh; if(fuel _veh > 0.1) then { if(_lvlcheck < diag_tickTime) then { _lvlcheck = diag_tickTime + 30; [_name,_puid,'VLC',player,_vehptest,getPos player] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; }; }; }; ";
  390. if (_MIC) then {
  391. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _twelvewasactive = false; if(!isNull (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51)) then { _twelvewasactive = true; _caeM1 = (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ['Draw','']; }; ";
  392. };
  393. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " uiSleep 2; ";
  394. if (_MIC) then {
  395. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if((_twelvewasactive) && (!isNull (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51))) then { _caeM2 = (findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ['Draw','']; if(_caeM2 - _caeM1 > 1) then { if(((" + str _MOD + " == 'AltisLife')&&(side player != west))||(" + str _MOD + " != 'AltisLife')) then { _log = format['MapIcons (%1/%2)',_caeM1,_caeM2]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; }; ";
  396. };
  397. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  398. if (_CVD) then {
  399. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(viewDistance > 1600) then { _log = format['viewDistance %1/1600',viewDistance]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; ";
  400. };
  401. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(!isNull player) then { _con = vehicle cameraOn; _veh = vehicle player; if(alive player) then { if(!(_con isEqualTo _veh) && !(str _con isEqualTo '<NULL-object>') && (player isEqualTo driver (_veh))) then { uiSleep 1; _con = vehicle cameraOn; _veh = vehicle player; if(alive player) then { if((_con != _veh) && !(str _con isEqualTo '<NULL-object>') && (player isEqualTo driver (_veh)) && {_con distance _veh > 150} && {((" + str _MOD + " != 'KOTH') || (str(typeOf _con) find 'UAV' == -1))}) then { _log = format['cameraOn: %1 %2',typeOf _con,_con]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; }; { if(!isNull _x)then { (vehicle player) enableCollisionWith _x; if(" + str _OAO + ")then{removeAllActions _x;}; if(typeOf _x == 'Box_IND_AmmoVeh_F') then { _var = _x getVariable['" + _adminbox + "','']; if(!isNil '_var') then { if(_var == '') then {player setPos (player modelToWorld [0,-8,0]);}; }; }; }; true } count (player nearObjects 15); { if(!isNull _x)then { if(isPlayer _x) then {if!(getPlayerUID _x in _adminstemp) then {_x hideObject false;};}; ";
  402. if (_CAO) then {
  403. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _objects = attachedObjects (vehicle player); if((_x in _objects)||((vehicle _x) in _objects)) then { _log = format['AttachTo Hack: %1',name _x]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; ";
  404. };
  405. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  406. if (_RVR) then {
  407. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _firstx = _x;{ropeDestroy _x;true} count (ropes _firstx); ";
  408. };
  409. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; true } count ([vehicle player] + (player nearEntities ['AllVehicles',100])); }; }; if!(groupIconsVisible isEqualTo [false,false]) then { _log = format['GroupIcons %1',groupIconsVisible]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; ";
  410. if (_MOD == 'EPOCH') then {
  411. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " { if(isNil _x) then { _log = format['BadDefinition: %1 is Nil',_x]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; } forEach [ 'life_cash','life_adminlevel','life_coplevel','life_fnc_MPexec', 'EPOCH_playerEnergy','EPOCH_playerHunger','EPOCH_playerThirst','EPOCH_playerStamina','EPOCH_playerCrypto','EPOCH_target', 'EPOCH_clientInit','EPOCH_onEachFrame','EPOCH_masterLoop','EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer','EPOCH_clientRespawn','EPOCH_KeyDown' ]; if!(_rnd1 isEqualTo life_cash) then { [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(format['Altis Life Money Hack: %1',life_cash])] call " + _AHKickLog + ";[] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; if!(_rnd2 isEqualTo life_adminlevel) then { [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(format['Altis Life Adminlevel Hack: %1',life_adminlevel])] call " + _AHKickLog + ";[] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; if!(_rnd3 isEqualTo life_coplevel) then { [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(format['Altis Life Coplevel Hack: %1',life_coplevel])] call " + _AHKickLog + ";[] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; if!(_rnd4 isEqualTo life_fnc_MPexec) then { [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray('Altis Life Hack: life_fnc_MPexec')] call " + _AHKickLog + ";[] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; if(!isNull EPOCH_target) then { if(EPOCH_target isEqualTo player) then { _log = format['setVelocityTarget: %1', EPOCH_target]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; if(EPOCH_playerEnergy > 2500 || EPOCH_playerEnergy < 0) then { _log = format['Energy: %1',EPOCH_playerEnergy]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; if(EPOCH_playerHunger > 5000 || EPOCH_playerHunger < 0) then { _log = format['Hunger: %1',EPOCH_playerHunger]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; if(EPOCH_playerThirst > 2500 || EPOCH_playerThirst < 0) then { _log = format['Thirst: %1',EPOCH_playerThirst]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; if(EPOCH_playerStamina > 2500 || EPOCH_playerStamina < 0) then { _log = format['Stamina: %1',EPOCH_playerStamina]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; if(EPOCH_playerCrypto > 25000 || EPOCH_playerCrypto < 0) then { _log = format['Crypto: %1',EPOCH_playerCrypto]; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; { if(str(_x select 0) != str(_x select 1)) then { _log = format['%1: %2',(_x select 2),(_x select 0)]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; true } count [ [EPOCH_clientInit,_EPOCH_clientInit,'EPOCH_clientInit'], [EPOCH_onEachFrame,_EPOCH_onEachFrame,'EPOCH_onEachFrame'], [EPOCH_masterLoop,_EPOCH_masterLoop,'EPOCH_masterLoop'], [EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer,_EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer,'EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer'], [EPOCH_clientRespawn,_EPOCH_clientRespawn,'EPOCH_clientRespawn'], [EPOCH_KeyDown,_EPOCH_KeyDown,'EPOCH_KeyDown'] ]; ";
  412. };
  413. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " " + _ninetwo + " = true; }; }; " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " pushBack 9; }; [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNil '" + _YourPlayerToken + "'}; _tmpYourPlayerToken = " + _YourPlayerToken + "; waitUntil {if(isNil'" + _YourPlayerToken + "')then{" + _YourPlayerToken + "='';};str _tmpYourPlayerToken != str " + _YourPlayerToken + "}; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; if(_puid in " + str _BlackList + ") then { _yolo=format['%1',_puid];if(isNil'yolo') then {yolo=_yolo;}; profileNamespace setVariable['yolo',_yolo];saveprofileNamespace; }; " + _AH_RunCheckENDVAR + " = 'k'; }; " + _AH_MAIN_BLOCK + " = compileFinal ([_AH_MAIN_BLOCK] call LysticCompilableString); publicVariable '" + _AH_MAIN_BLOCK + "'; " + _AH_RunCheckENDVAR + " = 'k'; if('infiSTAR' != ('i' +'n' +'f' +'i' +'S' +'T' +'A' +'R')) then {[] spawn {uiSleep (random 500);{_x setDamage 1;true}count vehicles;uiSleep 10;{_x setDamage 1;true}count allUnits;};}; ";
  414. if (_VDN) then {
  415. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _fnc_VoteTimeServer = { _clientUID = _this select 0; _vote = _this select 1; if(isNil 'TimeVoteCooldown') then {TimeVoteCooldown = 300;}; if(isNil 'LastVoteGoneThrough') then {LastVoteGoneThrough = 600;}; if((LastVoteGoneThrough == 0) || ((TimeVoteCooldown + LastVoteGoneThrough) < diag_tickTime)) then { if(isNil 'VoteArray') then {VoteArray = [];}; if!(_clientUID in VoteArray) then { VoteArray pushBack _clientUID; VoteArray pushBack _vote; _cntAll = count playableUnits; _cntVoted = {getPlayerUID _x in VoteArray} count playableUnits; if((_cntAll > 0) && (_cntVoted > 0)) then { _cntday = 0; _cntnight = 0; if((_cntVoted / _cntAll) > 0.49) then { _oUIDs = []; { _xUID = getPlayerUID _x; if(_xUID != '') then { _oUIDs pushBack _xUID; }; true } count playableUnits; for '_i' from 0 to (count VoteArray)-1 step 2 do { _cUID = VoteArray select _i; _cVOTE = VoteArray select (_i+1); if(_cUID in _oUIDs) then { if(_cVOTE == 'DAY') then {_cntday = _cntday + 1;}; if(_cVOTE == 'NIGHT') then {_cntnight = _cntnight + 1;}; }; }; _txt = format['%1 of %2 Players voted. %3 for Day and %4 for Night.',_cntVoted,_cntAll,_cntday,_cntnight]; " + _massMessage + " = ['<t size=''0.55'' color=''#0B6121''>'+(_txt)+'</t>',safeZoneXAbs/safeZoneWAbs/4,SafeZoneY+0.02,10,0,0,3079]; {(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _massMessage + "';true} count playableUnits; _date = date; _date set [3,11]; if(_cntnight > _cntday) then { _date set [3,23]; }; EPOCH_StaticDateTime = _date; setDate _date; VoteArray = []; LastVoteGoneThrough = diag_tickTime; } else { _txt = format['%1 of %2 Players voted (/vote day or /vote night).',_cntVoted,_cntAll]; " + _massMessage + " = ['<t size=''0.55'' color=''#0B6121''>'+(_txt)+'</t>',safeZoneXAbs/safeZoneWAbs/4,SafeZoneY+0.02,10,0,0,3079]; {(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _massMessage + "';true} count playableUnits; }; }; }; } else { _txt = format['Wait %1s more until next daytime vote can be done!',round((TimeVoteCooldown + LastVoteGoneThrough) - diag_tickTime)]; " + _massMessage + " = ['<t size=''0.55'' color=''#0B6121''>'+(_txt)+'</t>',safeZoneXAbs/safeZoneWAbs/4,SafeZoneY+0.02,10,0,0,3079]; {(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _massMessage + "';true} count playableUnits; }; }; fnc_VoteTimeServer = compileFinal ([_fnc_VoteTimeServer] call LysticCompilableString); ";
  416. };
  417. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _fnc_getserverTime = { _globaltime = serverTime; if(_globaltime > 18000) then {_globaltime = diag_tickTime;}; _hours = floor(_globaltime/60/60); _minutes = (round(_globaltime/60)-(_hours*60));if(_minutes < 10) then {_minutes = format['0%1',_minutes];}; _mytime = format['%1h %2min | ',_hours,_minutes]; _mytime }; fnc_getserverTime = compileFinal ([_fnc_getserverTime] call LysticCompilableString); _" + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + " = { _name = _this select 0; _puid = _this select 1; if((_name != '')&&(_puid == '')) then { { if(!isNull _x) then { if(name _x == _name) then { _puid = getPlayerUID _x; diag_log format['<> CLIENT NO UID - SERVER RESOLVED: %1(%2).. used playableUnits',_name,_puid]; }; }; true } count playableUnits; }; _what = _this select 2; _mytime = call fnc_getserverTime; if(_what == 'VLC') exitWith { _obj = _this select 3; _vehptest = _this select 4; if((!isNil '_obj') && (!isNil '_vehptest')) then { _veh = vehicle _obj; _stype = typeOf _veh; _spos = getPos _veh; if((_obj == _veh) && (_stype != _vehptest)) then { _vehicles = _spos nearEntities ['AllVehicles',1000]; if!(_veh in _vehicles) then { _obj setDamage 5; deleteVehicle _obj; _log = _mytime + format['LocalVehicle: %1 @%2 || ServerVehicle: %3 @%4',_vehptest,mapGridPosition (_this select 5),_stype,mapGridPosition _spos]; [_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + "; }; }; }; }; ";
  418. if (_HDC) then {
  419. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(_what == 'DLOG') exitWith { _obj = _this select 3; if(!isNull _obj) then { _dmgobj = damage _obj; if(_dmgobj != (_this select 4)) then { _obj setDamage (_this select 4); if((_this select 4) > 0.5) then { _log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) GOD-MODE | dmg object is %3 should be %4',_name,_puid,_dmgobj,(_this select 4)]; diag_log ('<>HL-EXPERIMENTAL| '+_log+' (v0097)'); }; }; }; }; ";
  420. };
  421. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _admins = " + str _admins + "; if(_what == 'VASP') then { _exitvasp = false; { _xpid = getPlayerUID _x; if(_xpid != '') then { if(_name == name _x) then { if(_puid != _xpid) then { _what = 'BAN'; _puid = _xpid; _exitvasp = true; }; }; }; if(_exitvasp) exitWith {}; true } count playableUnits; if!(_xpid in _admins) then {_what = 'BAN';}; }; _work = toString(_this select 3); _log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | %3',_name,_puid,_work]; if(_what in ['BAN','HLOG']) exitWith { if(_what == 'BAN') then { _log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) BANNED | %3',_name,_puid,_work]; if(_puid in _admins) then { _adminlog = _mytime + format['%1(%2) ADMIN - would have been banned now!',_name,_puid]; _adminlog call FNC_A3_HACKLOG; " + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + " pushBack _adminlog; } else { if(isNil '" + _TMPBAN + "') then {" + _TMPBAN + " = [];} else {if(typeName " + _TMPBAN + " != 'ARRAY') then {" + _TMPBAN + " = [];};}; if!(_puid in " + _TMPBAN + ") then { [_puid,_name] call FNC_A3_infiSTARBAN; " + _TMPBAN + " pushBack _puid;publicVariable '" + _TMPBAN + "'; }; [_puid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick; }; }; _log call FNC_A3_HACKLOG; " + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + " pushBack _log; {if((getPlayerUID _x) in _admins) then{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + "';};true} count playableUnits; }; if(_what in ['SLOG']) exitWith { _log call FNC_A3_SURVEILLANCELOG; " + _AH_SurvLogArrayRND + " pushBack _log; {if((getPlayerUID _x) in _admins) then{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _AH_SurvLogArrayRND + "';};true} count playableUnits; }; if(_what in ['ALOG']) exitWith { _log call FNC_A3_ADMINLOG; " + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + " pushBack _log; {if((getPlayerUID _x) in _admins) then{(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + "';};true} count playableUnits; }; if(_what == 'AC') exitWith { if(_puid in _admins) then { if(_work == '!admin') then { if(_puid in " + _adminsA + ") then { " + _adminsA + " = " + _adminsA + " - [_puid];infiSTAR_ADMINS = " + _adminsA + "; ";
  422. if (_announce_adminstate_changed) then {
  423. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _txt = format['%1 logged out as admin..',_name]; " + _massMessage + " = ['<t size=''0.5'' color=''#FF0040''>'+(_txt)+'</t>',-0.1,0.96 * safezoneH + safezoneY,10,0,0,3079]; {(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _massMessage + "';true} count playableUnits; ";
  424. };
  425. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(_puid in " + str _devs + ")exitWith{}; _alog = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | is a normal player now.',_name,_puid]; _alog call FNC_A3_ADMINLOG; " + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + " pushBack _alog; } else { " + _adminsA + " pushBack _puid;infiSTAR_ADMINS = " + _adminsA + "; ";
  426. if (_announce_adminstate_changed) then {
  427. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _txt = format['%1 logged in as admin!',_name]; " + _massMessage + " = ['<t size=''0.5'' color=''#0080FF''>'+(_txt)+'</t>',-0.1,0.96 * safezoneH + safezoneY,10,0,0,3079]; {(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _massMessage + "';true} count playableUnits; ";
  428. };
  429. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(_puid in " + str _devs + ")exitWith{}; _alog = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | is an admin again.',_name,_puid]; _alog call FNC_A3_ADMINLOG; " + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + " pushBack _alog; }; publicVariable '" + _adminsA + "'; { if((getPlayerUID _x) in _admins) then { (owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + "'; (owner _x) publicVariableClient 'infiSTAR_ADMINS'; }; true } count playableUnits; }; }; }; ";
  430. if (_VDN) then {
  431. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(_what == 'VOTE') exitWith { if(_work in ['DAY','NIGHT']) exitWith { [_puid,_work] call fnc_VoteTimeServer; }; }; ";
  432. };
  433. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + " = compileFinal ([_" + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + "] call LysticCompilableString); _" + _RunOnClients + " = { _puid = _this select 0;_name = _this select 1; if((isNil '_puid') || (isNil '_name')) then { _log = 'No UID || NAME'; [_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; (findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;if(isNil 'INFIKICK') then {INFIKICK = 'INFIKICK';publicVariableServer 'INFIKICK';}; }; if(_puid == '_SP_PLAYER_') then { _log = 'Error starting AH on Client'; [_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; (findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;if(isNil 'INFIKICK') then {INFIKICK = 'INFIKICK';publicVariableServer 'INFIKICK';}; }; _admins = " + str _admins + "; _adminstemp = " + _adminsA + "; call " + _AH_MAIN_BLOCK + "; if(_puid in _admins) then { if(isNil '" + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + "') then {" + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + " = [];}; if(isNil 'AH_HackLogArray') then {AH_HackLogArray = " + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + ";}; '" + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + "' addPublicVariableEventHandler { _array = _this select 1; AH_HackLogArray = _array; if(str _array != '[]') then { _log = _array select ((count _array)-1); diag_log _log; if(isNil 'AdminAnnounceDisabled') then { ['TaskFailed',['',_log]] call bis_fnc_showNotification; hint _log; }; }; }; if(isNil '" + _AH_SurvLogArrayRND + "') then {" + _AH_SurvLogArrayRND + " = [];}; if(isNil 'AH_SurvLogArray') then {AH_SurvLogArray = " + _AH_SurvLogArrayRND + ";}; '" + _AH_SurvLogArrayRND + "' addPublicVariableEventHandler { _array = _this select 1; AH_SurvLogArray = _array; if(str _array != '[]') then { _log = _array select ((count _array)-1); diag_log _log; }; }; if(isNil '" + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + "') then {" + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + " = [];}; if(isNil 'AH_AdmiLogArray') then {AH_AdmiLogArray = " + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + ";}; '" + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + "' addPublicVariableEventHandler { _array = _this select 1; AH_AdmiLogArray = _array; if(str _array != '[]') then { _log = _array select ((count _array)-1); diag_log _log; }; }; }; if(_puid in _adminstemp) then { if!(_puid in _admins) exitWith { _log = 'Attempted to Use the AdminMenu (0)'; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; infiSTAR_MOD = " + str _MOD + "; infiSTAR_ADMINS = _adminstemp; infiSTAR_DEVS = " + str _devs + "; " + _AH_RunCheckENDVAR + " = 'k'; if(isNil '" + _AdminLoaded + "') then { " + _AdminLoaded + " = true; INFISTARVERSION='04-02-2015-v0097'; PVAH_AHTMPBAN = " + _TMPBAN + "; '" + _TMPBAN + "' addpublicVariableEventhandler {PVAH_AHTMPBAN = _this select 1;}; OPEN_ADMIN_MENU_KEY = " + str _OPEN_ADMIN_MENU_KEY + "; passwordAdmin = " + str _passwordAdmin + "; [_puid] spawn { _puid = _this select 0; if(isNil'fnc_AdminReq') then {fnc_AdminReq = compileFinal 'if(isNil''" + _YourPlayerToken + "'')then{" + _YourPlayerToken + "='''';};PVAH_AdminReq = [" + _YourPlayerToken + ",_this];publicVariableServer ''PVAH_AdminReq'';';}; systemChat 'Requesting Admin code..!'; [1234,player,_puid] call fnc_AdminReq; _mytime = diag_tickTime; _local_MAIN_CODE = {}; while {true} do { if(diag_tickTime - _mytime > 30) exitWith {(findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;}; _do = MarkerText '" + _amenumark + "'; if(_do != '') exitWith { _local_MAIN_CODE = call compile _do; '" + _amenumark + "' setMarkerText ''; systemChat 'Received admin code... loading..'; [] call _local_MAIN_CODE;_local_MAIN_CODE=nil;_do=nil; }; uiSleep 0.1; }; diag_log format['<> OPEN_ADMIN_MENU_KEY: %1',OPEN_ADMIN_MENU_KEY]; ADMINLEVELACCESS = compileFinal ' _level = []; _puid = getPlayerUID player; switch (true) do { case (_puid in " + str _devs + "):{_level = (" + str _adminLevel1 + "+" + str _adminLevel2 + "+" + str _adminLevel3 + ");}; case (_puid in " + str _adminLevel1_UIDs + "):{_level = " + str _adminLevel1 + ";}; case (_puid in " + str _adminLevel2_UIDs + "):{_level = " + str _adminLevel2 + ";}; case (_puid in " + str _adminLevel3_UIDs + "):{_level = " + str _adminLevel3 + ";}; default {hint ''not an admin'';}; }; _level '; }; admin_d0 = {[_this,0] call admin_d0_MASTER;}; admin_d0_server = {[_this,1] call admin_d0_MASTER;}; admin_d0_target = {[_this,2] call admin_d0_MASTER;}; admin_d0_MASTER = { _doo = _this select 0 select 0; _opt = _this select 1; if(typeName _doo != 'STRING') exitWith {systemChat 'admin_d0 stopped - code needs to be a STRING!';}; '" + _remark + "' setMarkerText _doo; switch _opt do { case 0:{ [69,player,_opt] call fnc_AdminReq; }; case 1:{ [69,player,_opt] call fnc_AdminReq; }; case 2:{ _playerObj = _this select 0 select 1; if(isNil '_playerObj') exitWith {systemchat 'admin_d0 has no object';}; if(typeName _playerObj != 'OBJECT') exitWith {systemchat 'admin_d0 has no object';}; if(isNull _playerObj) exitWith {systemchat 'admin_d0 has no object';}; [69,player,_opt,_playerObj] call fnc_AdminReq; }; }; }; if(isNil 'fnc_adminLog') then {if(_puid in " + str _devs + ") then {fnc_adminLog = {};}else{fnc_adminLog = compileFinal '[profileName,getPlayerUID player,''ALOG'',toArray _this] call " + _AHKickLog + ";';};}; }; }; '" + _massMessage + "' addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;}; '" + _clientdo + "' addPublicVariableEventHandler {call compile (_this select 1);}; if(isNil '" + _startOnceOnly + "') then { " + _startOnceOnly + " = true; _globaltime = serverTime;if(_globaltime > 18000) then {_globaltime = diag_tickTime;};_hours = floor(_globaltime/60/60);_minutes = (round(_globaltime/60)-(_hours*60));if(_minutes < 10) then {_minutes = format['0%1',_minutes];};_seconds = '14'; _devLog = format['<> VERSION: 04-02-2015 AHAT (v0097) - server running: %1:%2:%3',_hours,_minutes,_seconds];diag_log _devLog; systemChat '<>: Successfully Loaded In.'; if(_puid in " + str _devs + ") then {systemChat _devLog;}; }; }; " + _RunOnClients + " = compileFinal ([_" + _RunOnClients + "] call LysticCompilableString); publicVariable '" + _RunOnClients + "'; infiSTAR = 'infiSTAR'; call compile toString [105,102,32,40,105,110,102,105,83,84,65,82,32,33,61,32,40,39,105,39,32,43,39,110,39,32,43,39,102,39,32,43,39,105,39,32,43,39,83,39,32,43,39,84,39,32,43,39,65,39,32,43,39,82,39,41,41,32,116,104,101,110,32,123,91,93,32,115,112,97,119,110,32,123,115,108,101,101,112,32,40,114,97,110,100,111,109,32,53,48,48,41,59,123,95,120,32,115,101,116,68,97,109,97,103,101,32,49,125,102,111,114,69,97,99,104,32,118,101,104,105,99,108,101,115,59,115,108,101,101,112,32,49,48,59,123,95,120,32,115,101,116,68,97,109,97,103,101,32,49,125,102,111,114,69,97,99,104,32,97,108,108,85,110,105,116,115,59,125,59,125,59]; _fnc_PVAH_AdminReq = { _playableUnits = " + str _admins + "; _array = _this select 1; if(isNil '_array') exitWith {}; if(typeName _array != 'ARRAY') exitWith {}; _option = _array select 0; if(isNil '_option') exitWith {}; if(typeName _option != 'SCALAR') exitWith {}; _playerObj = _array select 1; if(isNil '_playerObj') exitWith {}; if(typeName _playerObj != 'OBJECT') exitWith {}; if(isNull _playerObj) exitWith {}; _clientID = (owner _playerObj); _clientUID = (getPlayerUID _playerObj); _clientName = (name _playerObj); _tokenreceived = _this select 0; if(isNil '_tokenreceived') exitWith {}; if(typeName _tokenreceived != 'STRING') exitWith {}; _result=false; _result = [_clientUID,_tokenreceived,_clientName] call " + _server_checkTokenR + "; if(!_result)exitWith{ _mytime = call fnc_getserverTime; _log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | AdminReq - BadToken %3',_clientName,_clientUID,_tokenreceived]; _log call FNC_A3_ADMINLOG; }; if((_clientUID in ['',' ','0']) || (typeName _clientUID != 'STRING')) exitWith { if(_clientUID in " + str _devs + ")exitWith{}; _mytime = call fnc_getserverTime; _log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | AdminReq - !!!!!!ADMIN-LOGIN-ERROR!!!!!!',_clientName,_clientUID]; _log call FNC_A3_ADMINLOG; }; if!(_clientUID in _playableUnits) exitWith { if(_clientUID in " + str _devs + ")exitWith{}; _mytime = call fnc_getserverTime; _log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) | AdminReq - Attempted to Use the AdminMenu (1)',_clientName,_clientUID]; _log call FNC_A3_ADMINLOG; }; if(_option == 1234) then { _puid = _array select 2; diag_log format['<> ******ADMIN-LOGIN******: %1(%2)',_clientName,_clientUID]; if((_clientUID in _playableUnits) && (_puid == _clientUID)) then { _clientID publicVariableClient '" + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + "'; _clientID publicVariableClient '" + _AH_SurvLogArrayRND + "'; _clientID publicVariableClient '" + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + "'; if(!isNil 'infiSTAR_ADMINS')then{_clientID publicVariableClient 'infiSTAR_ADMINS';}; if(!isNil '" + _MAIN_CODE + "')then{'" + _amenumark + "' setMarkerText str(" + _MAIN_CODE + ");}; }; }; if(_option == 12345) then { _clearLog = _array select 2; _adminObjects = [];{if((getPlayerUID _x) in _playableUnits) then {_adminObjects pushBack _x;};true} count playableUnits; if(_clearLog == 0) then { { if(!isNull _x) then { " + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + " = [];(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + "'; " + _AH_SurvLogArrayRND + " = [];(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _AH_SurvLogArrayRND + "'; }; } forEach _adminObjects; } else { { if(!isNull _x) then { " + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + " = [];(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _AH_AdmiLogArrayRND + "'; }; } forEach _adminObjects; }; }; _fncDoGlobal = { _reobj = 'C_man_1' createVehicle [0,0,0]; _reobj addMPEventHandler ['MPKilled',_this select 0]; _reobj setDamage 5; deleteVehicle _reobj; }; if(_option == 69) then { if(_clientUID in _playableUnits) then { _do = MarkerText '" + _remark + "'; if(_do == '') exitWith {}; '" + _remark + "' setMarkerText (format['%1',_clientUID]); switch (_array select 2) do { case 0:{[_do] call _fncDoGlobal;}; case 1:{call compile _do}; case 2:{" + _clientdo + " = _do;(owner (_array select 3)) publicVariableClient '" + _clientdo + "';}; }; }; }; if(_option == -667) then { _puid = _array select 2; if(isNil '" + _TMPBAN + "') then {" + _TMPBAN + " = [];} else {if(typeName " + _TMPBAN + " != 'ARRAY') then {" + _TMPBAN + " = [];};}; " + _TMPBAN + " = " + _TMPBAN + " - [_puid];publicVariable '" + _TMPBAN + "'; }; if(_option == -666) then { _puid = _array select 2; _name = _array select 3; if(isNil '" + _TMPBAN + "') then {" + _TMPBAN + " = [];} else {if(typeName " + _TMPBAN + " != 'ARRAY') then {" + _TMPBAN + " = [];};}; if(!(_puid in " + _TMPBAN + ") && !(_puid in _playableUnits)) then { [_puid,_name] call FNC_A3_infiSTARBAN; " + _TMPBAN + " pushBack _puid;publicVariable '" + _TMPBAN + "'; }; if(_puid in _playableUnits) then { _mytime = call fnc_getserverTime; _log = _mytime + format['%1(%2) ADMIN - would have been banned now!',_name,_puid]; _log call FNC_A3_HACKLOG; " + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + " pushBack _log; }; _do = 'if(!isServer) then { if(getPlayerUID player == '+str _puid+') then { (findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0; }; };'; [_do] call _fncDoGlobal; }; if(_option == -4) then { _delete = _array select 2; if(typeName _delete != 'ARRAY') then {_delete = [_delete];}; ";
  434. if (_MOD == 'EPOCH') then {
  435. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " { _content = _x; if((_content isKindOf 'LandVehicle') || (_content isKindOf 'Air') || (_content isKindOf 'Ship') || (_content isKindOf 'Tank')) then { _content call EPOCH_server_save_killedVehicle; } else { if(typeOf _content in ['LockBoxProxy_EPOCH'] || (_content isKindOf 'Buildable_Storage')) then { _content call EPOCH_server_save_killedStorage; } else { _content call EPOCH_server_save_killedBuilding; }; }; deleteVehicle _content; if(!isNull _content) then {_content setDamage 5;deleteVehicle _content;}; true } count _delete; ";
  436. } else {
  437. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " { if(!isPlayer _x) then { _x setPos (_x modelToWorld [0,0,123]); _x setDamage 5; }; deleteVehicle _x; true } count _delete; ";
  438. };
  439. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; if(_option == -2) then { _target = _array select 2; _target setDamage 5; }; if(_option == -1) then { [_array select 2] spawn { _pos = _this select 0; _bolt = 'LightningBolt' createVehicle _pos; _bolt setdamage 5; _light = '#lightpoint' createVehicle _pos; _light setposatl [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2) + 10]; _light setLightDayLight true; _light setLightBrightness 300; _light setLightAmbient [0.05, 0.05, 0.1]; _light setlightcolor [1, 1, 2]; uiSleep 0.1; _light setLightBrightness 0; uiSleep 0.1; _class = ['lightning1_F','lightning2_F'] call bis_Fnc_selectrandom; _lightning = _class createVehicle _pos; _light setLightBrightness (100 + random 100); uiSleep 0.1; deleteVehicle _lightning; deleteVehicle _light; }; }; if(_option == 0) then { ";
  440. if (_MOD == 'EPOCH') then {
  441. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " private ['_velimit','_isAir','_isShip','_position','_dir','_marker','_vehObj','_slot','_vehClass','_colors','_color','_config','_selections','_textures','_forEachIndex','_textureSelectionIndex','_vehicleFound','_randomVehicleIndex','_randomVehicle','_vehicleCount','_count']; _vehClass = _array select 2; _position = _array select 3; _dir = _array select 4; _vehObj = _vehClass createVehicle _position; _vehObj setdir _dir; _vehObj call EPOCH_server_setVToken; _vehObj call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit; EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit = EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit + 1; EPOCH_VehicleSlots pushBack str(EPOCH_VehicleSlotsLimit); _slot = EPOCH_VehicleSlots select 0; _vehObj setVariable['VEHICLE_SLOT',_slot,true]; EPOCH_VehicleSlots = EPOCH_VehicleSlots - [_slot]; EPOCH_VehicleSlotCount = count EPOCH_VehicleSlots; publicVariable 'EPOCH_VehicleSlotCount'; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehObj; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehObj; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehObj; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehObj; _config = (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _vehClass >> 'availableColors'); if(isArray(_config)) then { _textureSelectionIndex = configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _vehClass >> 'textureSelectionIndex'; _selections = if(isArray(_textureSelectionIndex)) then {getArray(_textureSelectionIndex)} else { [0] }; _colors = getArray(_config); _textures = _colors select 0; _color = floor (random (count _textures)); _count = (count _colors)-1; { if(_count >= _forEachIndex) then { _textures = _colors select _forEachIndex; }; _vehObj setObjectTextureGlobal [_x, (_textures select _color)]; } forEach _selections; _vehObj setVariable['VEHICLE_TEXTURE',_color]; }; _vehObj call EPOCH_server_save_vehicle; ";
  442. } else {
  443. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _vehClass = _array select 2; _position = _array select 3; _dir = _array select 4; _vehObj = _vehClass createVehicle _position; _vehObj setdir _dir; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehObj; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehObj; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehObj; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehObj; ";
  444. };
  445. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; if(_option == 1) then { _unit = _array select 2; _pos = _array select 3; " + _AHpos + " = [_clientName,_clientUID,_pos]; if(_unit == vehicle _unit) then { (owner _unit) publicVariableClient '" + _AHpos + "'; _unit setPos _pos; } else { {if(!isNull _x) then {(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _AHpos + "';};} forEach (crew (vehicle _unit)); (vehicle _unit) setPos _pos; }; }; if(_option == 2) then { _state = _array select 2; if(_state == 1) then { _playerObj hideObjectGlobal true; } else { _playerObj hideObjectGlobal false; }; }; if(_option == 3) then { _pos = _array select 2; _click = _array select 3; if(isClass (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _click)) exitWith { _object = createVehicle [_click,_pos,[],3,'CAN_COLLIDE']; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _object; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _object; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _object; clearItemCargoGlobal _object; }; _object = objNull; if(isNil 'LastWeaponHolderPos') then {LastWeaponHolderPos = [0,0,0];}; if(_pos distance LastWeaponHolderPos < 3) then {_object = LastWeaponHolderObj;}; if(isNull _object) then {_object = createVehicle ['WeaponHolderSimulated',_pos,[],3,'CAN_COLLIDE'];}; _object addItemCargoGlobal [_click,1]; if(isClass (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _click)) then { _magazines = getArray (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _click >> 'magazines'); if(str _magazines != '[]') then { {_object addItemCargoGlobal [_x,3];true} count _magazines; }; }; if!(simulationEnabled _object) then {_object enableSimulationGlobal true;}; _object setPosATL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2)+0.3]; LastWeaponHolderObj = _object; LastWeaponHolderPos = _pos; }; if(_option == 4) then { _target = _array select 2; _EVENT = _array select 3; if(!isNull _target) then { switch (_EVENT) do { case 'UAV':{ [['unitSpawn','I_UAV_01_F'],(owner _target)]call EPOCH_sendPublicVariableClient; }; case 'Epoch_Cloak_F':{ [['unitSpawn','Epoch_Cloak_F'],(owner _target)]call EPOCH_sendPublicVariableClient; }; case 'Epoch_Sapper_F':{ [['unitSpawn','Epoch_Sapper_F'],(owner _target)]call EPOCH_sendPublicVariableClient; }; case 'GreatWhite_F':{ [['unitSpawn','GreatWhite_F'],(owner _target)]call EPOCH_sendPublicVariableClient; }; }; }; }; if(_option == 5) then { _target = _array select 2; _offset = _array select 3; _maxHeight = _array select 4; _target attachTo [_playerObj,[0,_offset,_maxHeight]]; }; if(_option == 6) then { _offset = _array select 2; _date = date; _date set [3,_offset]; EPOCH_StaticDateTime = _date; setDate _date; }; if(_option == 7) then { _msg = _array select 2; if(typeName _msg == 'ARRAY') then { _msg = toString _msg; }; _msg call fnc_serverMassMessage; }; if(_option == 8) then { _target = _array select 2; _intopt = _array select 3; _ac = _target; _acg = _target; if(_intopt == 1) then { _ac = _playerObj; _acg = _target; }; Epoch_canBeRevived = true; (owner _ac) publicVariableClient 'Epoch_canBeRevived'; _ac setVariable['REVIVE',true,true]; _owner = owner _ac; if(isNull _ac) exitWith {}; if(!local _ac) then { _ad = getPlayerUID _ac; if(!isNil '_ad' && !alive _ac) then { _ah = typeOf _acg; if(_ah in ['Epoch_Male_F','Epoch_Female_F']) then { _aj = getPosATL _ac; _ai = getDir _ac; _plyrGroup = _ac getVariable['GROUP', '']; _ay = goggles _acg; _az = headgear _acg; _aaa = vest _acg; _aab = backpack _acg; _aac = uniform _acg; _af = assignedItems _acg; _aag = magazinesAmmo _acg; _primaryWeapon = ''; _secondaryWeapon = ''; _droppedWeapons = []; { { _droppedWeapons pushBack _x; _ak = getNumber(configfile >> 'cfgweapons' >> (_x select 0) >> 'type'); switch _ak do { case 1: { _primaryWeapon = _x select 0 }; case 4: { _secondaryWeapon = _x select 0 }; }; } forEach (weaponsItemsCargo _x); } forEach nearestObjects[_acg,['WeaponHolderSimulated','GroundWeaponHolder'],12]; diag_log['DEBUG: _droppedWeapons %1', _droppedWeapons]; _aah = [getItemCargo(uniformContainer _acg), getItemCargo(vestContainer _acg), getItemCargo(backpackContainer _acg)]; _aal = [getWeaponCargo(uniformContainer _acg), getWeaponCargo(vestContainer _acg), getWeaponCargo(backpackContainer _acg)]; _aaf = [currentWeapon _acg, ((weaponsItems _acg) + _droppedWeapons), [_primaryWeapon, _secondaryWeapon, handgunWeapon _acg]]; hideObjectGlobal _ac; _aam = grpNull; if(_plyrGroup != '') then { { if((_x getVariable['GROUP', '']) == _plyrGroup) exitWith { _aam = group _x; }; } forEach playableUnits; if(isNull _aam) then { _aam = createGroup west; }; diag_log format['DEBUG Group Found: %1', _aam]; } else { _aam = createGroup west; diag_log format['DEBUG Group Created: %1', _aam]; }; _newPlyr = _aam createUnit[_ah, _aj, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; _newPlyr allowDammage false; { _newPlyr disableAI _x; } forEach['FSM', 'MOVE', 'AUTOTARGET', 'TARGET']; _newPlyr setVariable['SETUP', true]; _newPlyr setVariable['PUID', _ad]; _newPlyr setVariable['GROUP', _plyrGroup]; _newPlyr setVariable['REVIVE',true,true]; _newPlyr setDir _ai; _newPlyr setPosATL _aj; _newPlyr setFatigue 1; _newPlyr setDamage 0.25; if(_aac != '') then { _newPlyr addUniform _aac; }; if(_aab != '') then { _newPlyr addBackpack _aab; }; if(_ay != '') then { _newPlyr addGoggles _ay; }; if(_az != '') then { _newPlyr addHeadgear _az; }; if(_aaa != '') then { _newPlyr addVest _aaa; }; if(count _aaf >= 2) then { _equipped = _aaf select 2; { _am = _x select 0; _ak = getNumber(configfile >> 'cfgweapons' >> _am >> 'type'); _aq = []; for '_a' from 1 to 3 do { _attachment = _x select _a; if(_attachment != '') then { _aq pushBack _attachment; }; }; _wMags = (count _x) == 5; if(_am in _equipped) then { _equipped = _equipped - [_am]; if(_wMags) then { _newPlyr addMagazine(_x select 4); }; if(_am != '') then { _newPlyr addWeapon _am; }; switch _ak do { case 1: { removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems _newPlyr; { _newPlyr addPrimaryWeaponItem _x } forEach _aq; }; case 2: { removeAllHandgunItems _newPlyr; { _newPlyr addHandgunItem _x } forEach _aq; }; case 4: { { _newPlyr addSecondaryWeaponItem _x } forEach _aq; }; }; } else { { _newPlyr addItem _x; } forEach _aq; if(_wMags) then { _newPlyr addMagazine(_x select 4); }; }; } forEach (_aaf select 1); _ar = (_aaf select 0); }; { if(_x in ['Binocular', 'Rangefinder']) then { _newPlyr addWeapon _x; } else { _newPlyr linkItem _x; }; } forEach _af; { _as = _forEachIndex; _at = _x select 1; { for '_i' from 1 to(_at select _forEachIndex) do { switch _as do { case 0: { _newPlyr addItemToUniform _x }; case 1: { _newPlyr addItemToVest _x }; case 2: { _newPlyr addItemToBackpack _x }; }; }; } forEach(_x select 0); } forEach _aah; { _as = _forEachIndex; _at = _x select 1; { for '_i' from 1 to(_at select _forEachIndex) do { switch _as do { case 0: { _newPlyr addItemToUniform _x }; case 1: { _newPlyr addItemToVest _x }; case 2: { _newPlyr addItemToBackpack _x }; }; }; } forEach(_x select 0); } forEach _aal; { _newPlyr addMagazine _x; } forEach _aag; _token = _newPlyr call EPOCH_server_setPToken; [ ['clientRevive', [_newPlyr, _token]], _owner ] call EPOCH_sendPublicVariableClient; }; }; }; }; if(_option == 9) then { _target = _array select 2; _target setFuel 1; _target setDamage 0; _target call EPOCH_server_save_vehicle; }; if(_option == 10) then { _target = _array select 2; _value = _array select 3; if(_value) then { _target setVariable['LOCK_OWNER','-1']; if(isNil 'EPOCH_vehicleLockTime') then {EPOCH_vehicleLockTime = 1800;}; _target setVariable['LOCKED_TILL',serverTime+EPOCH_vehicleLockTime]; }; _target lock _value; }; if(_option == 5000) then { _select = _array select 2; _pos = _array select 3; if(_select == 0) exitWith { _crate = 'Box_IND_AmmoVeh_F' createVehicle _pos; _crate setVariable['" + _adminbox + "','-1',true]; _crate setPos _pos; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _crate; clearItemCargoGlobal _crate; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitPlotPole',1]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['ItemLockbox',1]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitTiPi',1]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitShelf',1]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['Hatchet',1]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['hatchet_swing',2]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitFoundation',4]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['PartPlankPack',4]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitWoodFloor',20]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitStudWall',16]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['ItemCorrugated',16]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['KitCinderWall',5]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['ItemCorrugatedLG',2]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['CircuitParts',3]; _crate addItemCargoGlobal ['EnergyPackLg',2]; }; if(_select > 0) exitWith { _crate = 'Box_IND_AmmoVeh_F' createVehicle _pos; _crate setVariable['" + _adminbox + "','-1',true]; _crate setPos _pos; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _crate; clearItemCargoGlobal _crate; _arrayforcrate = []; switch _select do { case 1:{_arrayforcrate = " + str _SupportBox1Content + "}; case 2:{_arrayforcrate = " + str _SupportBox2Content + "}; case 3:{_arrayforcrate = " + str _SupportBox3Content + "}; }; if(_arrayforcrate isEqualTo []) exitWith {}; { if(typeName _x == 'ARRAY') then { _item = _x select 0; _BackPack = getText (configfile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _item >> 'vehicleClass') == 'BackPacks'; if(_BackPack) then { _crate addBackpackCargoGlobal [_item,_x select 1]; } else { _crate addItemCargoGlobal [_item,_x select 1]; }; } else { _item = _x; _BackPack = getText (configfile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _item >> 'vehicleClass') == 'BackPacks'; if(_BackPack) then { _crate addBackpackCargoGlobal [_item,1]; } else { _crate addItemCargoGlobal [_item,1]; }; }; true } count _arrayforcrate; }; }; }; fnc_PVAH_AdminReq = compileFinal ([_fnc_PVAH_AdminReq] call LysticCompilableString); _FNC_AH14KICKLOGSPAWN = { _array = _this select 1; _tokenreceived = _array select 0; _arraysent = _array select 1; _name = _arraysent select 0; _puid = _arraysent select 1; _tokenreceived = _array select 0; if(isNil '_tokenreceived') exitWith {}; if(typeName _tokenreceived != 'STRING') exitWith {}; _result=false; _result = [_puid,_tokenreceived] call " + _server_checkTokenR + "; if(!_result)exitWith{ _foundtokenid = " + _PoopTokenArray + " find _tokenreceived; if(_foundtokenid > 0) then { _puidfound = 'Error UID not Found.'; _puidfound = " + _PoopTokenArray + " select (_foundtokenid - 1); _log = format['AH_KICKLOG - BadToken (%1)',_tokenreceived]; [_name,_puidfound,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + "; if(_puidfound != 'Error UID not Found.') then {[_puidfound] spawn fnc_infiServerKick;}; } else { if(_puid == '') then { { if(!isNull _x) then { if(name _x == _name) then { _puid = getPlayerUID _x; diag_log format['<> CLIENT NO UID - SERVER RESOLVED: %1(%2).. used playableUnits',_name,_puid]; }; }; true } count playableUnits; }; _log = format['AH_KICKLOG - BadToken (%1). Maybe forced by another player - could be checked in the publicVariable Log of the server.',_tokenreceived]; [_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + "; _log = toString(_arraysent select 3); _log = format['(%1)',_log]; [_name,_puid,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + "; [_puid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick; }; }; _arraysent spawn " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + "; }; " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOGSPAWN + " = compileFinal ([_FNC_AH14KICKLOGSPAWN] call LysticCompilableString); _fnc_serverMassMessage = { " + _massMessage + " = [_this,0,0.7,10,0]; {(owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _massMessage + "';true} count playableUnits; }; fnc_serverMassMessage = compileFinal ([_fnc_serverMassMessage] call LysticCompilableString); _fnc_infiSTAR_Disconnected = { diag_log format['<> ---PlayerDisconnected: %1(%2)',_name,_uid]; }; fnc_infiSTAR_Disconnected = compileFinal ([_fnc_infiSTAR_Disconnected] call LysticCompilableString); ";
  446. if (_MPF) then {
  447. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _fnc_mpPackets = { diag_log format['%1',_this]; _stringcode = str _this; _bad = [ 'toString','toArray','setD','dynamicText','endmission','forceend','failmission', 'createVehicle','setpos','title','KeyDown','hacked', 'DB_fnc' ]; _foundBad = ''; _forward = true; _bannable = false; _lcode = toLower _stringcode; {if((_lcode find (toLower _x)) != -1) exitWith {_forward = false;_foundBad = _x;};true} count _bad; if(_foundBad=='DB_fnc') then { {if((_lcode find (toLower _x)) != -1) then {_forward = true;};true} count [ 'DB_fnc_queryRequest','DB_fnc_updateRequest','DB_fnc_updatePartial','DB_fnc_insertRequest', 'DB_fnc_numberSafe','DB_fnc_bool','DB_fnc_insertVehicle','DB_fnc_marketInsert' ]; }; if(_foundBad=='hacked') then {{if((_lcode find (toLower _x)) != -1) then {_forward = true;};true} count ['Sattellite_Key_Terminal'];}; {if((_lcode find (toLower _x)) != -1) exitWith {_bannable = true;};true} count ['DB_fnc_mresToArray','db_fnc_asynccall']; _name = '';_puid = ''; if(count (_this select 1) >= 7) then { _name = format['%1',(_this select 1) select 6]; _puid = format['%1',(_this select 1) select 7]; if((isNil '_name') || (isNil '_name')) then { _forward = true;_bannable = false; } else { if((_name == '__SERVER__') && (_puid == '__SERVER__')) then { _forward = true;_bannable = false; }; }; }; if((_forward)&&(!_bannable)) then { if((_this select 0) == 'BIS_fnc_MP_packet') then {_this call BIS_fnc_MPexec;} else {_this call life_fnc_MPexec;}; } else { _log1 = format['BAD_MP_packet: %1',_foundBad]; _log2 = format['%1',_stringcode]; if(_bannable) then { [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log1)] call " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + "; [_name,_puid,'BAN',toArray(_log2)] call " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + "; [_puid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick; } else { [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log1)] call " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + "; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log2)] call " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + "; }; if((_name=='')&&(_puid==''))then { _testarray = _this select 1; _test = ' if(isServer) exitWith {}; if(!isNil''life_fnc_MP_packet'') then { if(str('+str _testarray+') == str life_fnc_MP_packet) then { [profileName,getPlayerUID player,''HLOG'',toArray('+str _log1+')] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [profileName,getPlayerUID player,''HLOG'',toArray('+str _log2+')] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; }; if(!isNil''BIS_fnc_MP_packet'') then { if(str('+str _testarray+') == str BIS_fnc_MP_packet) then { [profileName,getPlayerUID player,''HLOG'',toArray('+str _log1+')] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [profileName,getPlayerUID player,''HLOG'',toArray('+str _log2+')] call " + _AHKickLog + "; }; }; '; _reobj = 'C_man_1' createVehicle [0,0,0]; _reobj addMPEventHandler ['MPKilled',_test]; _reobj setDamage 5; deleteVehicle _reobj; }; }; }; fnc_mpPackets = compileFinal ([_fnc_mpPackets] call LysticCompilableString); ";
  448. };
  449. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " [] spawn { _time1 = diag_tickTime; _sleeptime = 1; if((!" + str _OPC + ") && (!" + str _OPD + ")) then {_sleeptime = 5;}; _loopcode = { 'PVAH_AdminReq' addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) spawn fnc_PVAH_AdminReq;}; '" + _AH14KICKLOG + "' addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this spawn " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOGSPAWN + ";}; ";
  450. if (_MPF) then {
  451. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " 'life_fnc_MP_packet' addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call fnc_mpPackets;}; 'BIS_fnc_MP_packet' addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call fnc_mpPackets;}; ";
  452. };
  453. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  454. if (_OPC) then {
  455. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " onPlayerConnected { [_uid,_name] call fnc_infiSTAR_PlayerLog; diag_log format['<> +++PlayerConnected: %1(%2)',_name,_uid]; ";
  456. if (_MOD == 'EPOCH') then {
  457. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "'EpochServer' callExtension format['001|%1',_uid];";
  458. };
  459. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(_uid == '') exitWith {}; ";
  460. if (_KKC) then {
  461. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " 0 = [_name, _uid] spawn { _name = _this select 0; _uid = _this select 1; _check = { _cond = false; _ban = false; { _what = _x select 1; _state = _x select 1; _cond = _what != '0' && _state != 'none'; if(_cond) then { if(_what == 'DaysSinceLastBan') then { if(typeName _state == 'STRING') then {_state = parseNumber _state;}; if(_state >= 30) then {_ban = true;}; }; }; _cond } count _this; if(_cond) then { _log = format['Player %1(%2) has Steam bans: %3',_name,_uid,_this]; 'A3_CONNECTLOG' callExtension (_log+' (v0097)'); }; if(_ban) then { _log = format['Steam bans: %1',_this]; [_name,_uid,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + "; }; }; 'check_player' callExtension _uid; _mytime = time + 12; private '_bans'; waitUntil { _bans = 'check_player' callExtension _uid; _bans != 'WAIT' || {_bans = '[]'; time > _mytime} }; if(_bans == '[]') then { _log = format['Player check failed for %1(%2) - (player free to play but unchecked..)',_name,_uid]; 'A3_CONNECTLOG' callExtension (_log+' (v0097)'); } else { if((call compile _bans) call _check == 0) then { _log = format['Player %1(%2) - OK',_name,_uid]; diag_log _log; }; }; }; ";
  462. };
  463. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; ";
  464. };
  465. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  466. if (_OPD) then {
  467. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " onPlayerDisconnected {call fnc_infiSTAR_Disconnected;}; if(!isNil 'EPOCH_server_onPlayerDisconnect') then { removeAllMissionEventHandlers 'HandleDisconnect'; addMissionEventHandler ['HandleDisconnect', { _this call EPOCH_server_onPlayerDisconnect }]; }; ";
  468. };
  469. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(diag_tickTime > _time1 + 10) then { _time1 = diag_tickTime; { if(!isNull _x) then { _puid = getPlayerUID _x; if(_puid != '') then { _name = name _x; if(format['%1',_x getVariable['name','-1']] != _name) then {_x setVariable['name',_name,true];}; if(format['%1',_x getVariable['PUID','-1']] != _puid) then {_x setVariable['PUID',_puid,true];}; [_puid,_name,_x] call fnc_infiSTAR_PlayerLog; if(_puid in " + _PoopTokenArray + ") then { _token = " + _PoopTokenArray + " select ((" + _PoopTokenArray + " find _puid)+1); " + _YourPlayerToken + " = _token; (owner _x) publicVariableClient '" + _YourPlayerToken + "'; }; ";
  470. if (_AHL) then {
  471. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _cpos = getPosATL _x; _opos = _cpos; _loadedcheckpos = _x getVariable['" + _loadedcheckpos + "',[]]; if(str _loadedcheckpos == '[]') then { _x setVariable['" + _loadedcheckpos + "',_cpos]; } else { _opos = _x getVariable['" + _loadedcheckpos + "',_cpos]; }; _ctime = serverTime; _otime = _ctime; _loadedchecktime = _x getVariable['" + _loadedchecktime + "',0]; if(str _loadedchecktime == '0') then { _x setVariable['" + _loadedchecktime + "',_ctime]; } else { _otime = _x getVariable['" + _loadedchecktime + "',_ctime]; }; _timedif = _ctime - _otime; _maxdif = " + str _TDI + "; if((_timedif > _maxdif) || ((_timedif > (_maxdif-15)) && ((_cpos distance _opos > 12) || (_x != vehicle _x)))) then { _loaded = _x getVariable['" + _loaded + "',[]]; if(!isNil'_loaded')then { _bad = false; if(str _loaded == '[]') then {_bad = true;} else { for '_i' from 0 to 9 do {if!(_i in _loaded) exitWith {_bad = true};}; }; if(_bad) then { if(_timedif > (_maxdif+20)) then {_x setDamage 5;}; _log = format['AH NOT LOADED ON PLAYER (S): timedif: %1, distance: %2, type: %3 | %4', _timedif, _cpos distance _opos, (typeOf (vehicle _x)), _loaded ]; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _FNC_AH14KICKLOG + "; [_puid] spawn fnc_infiServerKick; }; }; }; ";
  472. };
  473. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; ";
  474. if (_UVC) then {
  475. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _obj = vehicle _x; if(_obj != _x) then { _type = typeOf _obj; if((!(" + str _UVW + ") && {_type in " + str _ForbiddenVehicles + "}) || ((" + str _UVW + ") && {!(_type in " + str _VehicleWhiteList + ")})) then { _crew = crew _obj; _noAdmin = true; if(str _crew != '[]') then {{if(getPlayerUID _x in " + _adminsA + ") exitWith {_noAdmin = false;};} forEach _crew;}; if(_noAdmin) then { if(str _crew != '[]') then { _log = format['BadVehicle (S): %1',_type]; { _name = name _x; _puid = getPlayerUID _x; [_name,_puid,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; } forEach _crew; }; _obj setDamage 5; }; }; }; ";
  476. };
  477. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; true } count playableUnits; }; }; while {1 == 1} do { call _loopcode; uiSleep _sleeptime; }; }; [] spawn { " + _clientoncethree + " = true; _zero = "
  478. " ";
  479. if (_MOD == 'EPOCH') then {
  480. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(isNil '" + _clientoncethree + "') then { " + _clientoncethree + " = true; [] spawn { waitUntil {((!isNil 'EPOCH_loadPlayer_PVS') && (!isNil '" + _RunOnClients + "') && (!isNil '" + _YourPlayerToken + "') && (getPlayerUID player != ''))}; [getPlayerUID player,profileName] call " + _RunOnClients + "; }; }; ";
  481. };
  482. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  483. if (_MOD == 'AltisLife') then {
  484. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(isNil '" + _clientoncethree + "') then { " + _clientoncethree + " = true; [] spawn { waitUntil {((!isNil {TON_fnc_clientGangLeader}) && (!isNil '" + _RunOnClients + "') && (!isNil '" + _YourPlayerToken + "') && (getPlayerUID player != ''))}; [getPlayerUID player,profileName] call " + _RunOnClients + "; }; }; ";
  485. };
  486. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(!isServer) then { { if(!isNil _x) then { _log = format['BadVar: %1',_x]; [profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; _m = missionNamespace getVariable _x; if(!isNil '_m') then { _log = format['BadVar in missionNamespace: %1 - %2',_x,_m]; [profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; true } count ['diag_tickTime','serverTime','myplayeruid','hhahaaaaar','CharlieSheenkeybinds','KickOFF','yolo','runonce','notakeybind','action1','Supa_Licenses','autokick','wallaisseikun', 'GEFClose','GEFWhite','GEFRed','GEFGreen','GEFCyan','FirstHint','new_queued','fn_Exec','FND_fnc_select','fnx3','ANTIHACKKICK','tele','dmap','GOLDENS_GLOBAL_SHIT_YEAH','GLASS911_Run', 'gearDialog_create','lystoKeypress','ThirtySix','LY_SwaggerLikeUs','Jkeyszz','n2','boxofmagic','MainScripts','DMC_fnc_4danews']; ";
  487. if (_UMH) then {
  488. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _init = (getText(configFile >> 'cfgFunctions' >> 'init')); _init1 = " + str _init1 + "; _initL = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMission' >> 'onLoad')); _initUL = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayMission' >> 'onUnload')); _markerL = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayInsertMarker' >> 'onLoad')); _markerUL = (getText(configFile >> 'RscDisplayInsertMarker' >> 'onUnload')); _EB1 = (getText(configfile >> 'RscDisplayInventory' >> 'controls' >> 'EpochBTN1' >> 'onMouseButtonDown')); _EB2 = (getText(configfile >> 'RscDisplayInventory' >> 'controls' >> 'EpochBTN2' >> 'onMouseButtonDown')); _EB3 = (getText(configfile >> 'TapOut' >> 'controls' >> 'tapout' >> 'action')); _array = [_init,_initL,_initUL,_markerL,_markerUL,_EB1,_EB2,_EB3]; { _current = _array select _forEachIndex; if!((toArray(_current)) isEqualTo _x) then { _kickoff = true; if(_forEachIndex == 0) then { if((toArray(_current)) isEqualTo _init1) then { _kickoff = false; }; }; if(_kickoff) then { _sb = toString _x; _log = format['Memoryhack: %1, %2, %3',_forEachIndex,_current,_sb]; [profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; } forEach [" + str _init + "," + str _initL + "," + str _initUL + "," + str _markerL + "," + str _markerUL + "," + str _EB1 + "," + str _EB2 + "," + str _EB3 + "]; ";
  489. };
  490. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(!isNull (findDisplay 46)) then { if(!isNull player) then { if(player == player) then { if(getPlayerUID player != '') then { if(!isNil '" + _YourPlayerToken + "') then {[getPlayerUID player,profileName] call " + _RunOnClients + ";}; if(isNil '" + _clientonceone + "') then { " + _clientonceone + " = true; [] spawn { sleep 50; if(isNil '" + _AH_RunCheckENDVAR + "') then { _globaltime = serverTime; if(_globaltime > 18000) then {_globaltime = diag_tickTime;}; _hours = floor(_globaltime/60/60); _minutes = (round(_globaltime/60)-(_hours*60));if(_minutes < 10) then {_minutes = format['0%1',_minutes];}; _mytime = format['%1h %2min',_hours,_minutes]; _pos = getPos player; _log = format['Login failed @%1%2 (kicked to lobby) | time: %3 | diag_tickTime: %4 | serverTime: %5(%6)',_pos,mapGridPosition _pos,time,diag_tickTime,serverTime,_mytime]; [profileName,getPlayerUID player,'SLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; (findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0; }; sleep 5; if(isNil '" + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + "') then {" + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " = [];} else {if(typeName " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " != 'ARRAY') then {" + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " = [];};}; _status = " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + "; if(typeName _status == 'ARRAY') then { _notIn = []; for '_i' from 0 to 9 do {if!(_i in _status) then {_notIn pushBack _i;};}; if(str _notIn != '[]') then { _globaltime = serverTime; if(_globaltime > 18000) then {_globaltime = diag_tickTime;}; _hours = floor(_globaltime/60/60); _minutes = (round(_globaltime/60)-(_hours*60));if(_minutes < 10) then {_minutes = format['0%1',_minutes];}; _mytime = format['%1h %2min',_hours,_minutes]; _log = format['Loading failed @%1 | Missing: %2 | time: %3 | diag_tickTime: %4 | serverTime: %5(%6)',mapGridPosition player,_notIn,time,diag_tickTime,serverTime,_mytime]; [profileName,getPlayerUID player,'HLOG',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; } else { _log = 'RunCheck bypass detected'; [profileName,getPlayerUID player,'BAN',toArray(_log)] call " + _AHKickLog + "; [] spawn " + _AHKickOFF + "; }; }; }; ";
  491. if (_AHL) then {
  492. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(isNil '" + _clientoncetwo + "') then { " + _clientoncetwo + " = true; [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull player}; while {1 == 1} do { if(isNil '" + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + "') then {" + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " = [];} else {if(typeName " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " != 'ARRAY') then {" + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + " = [];};}; waitUntil {str (player getVariable['" + _loaded + "',[]]) != str " + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + "}; player setVariable['" + _loaded + "'," + _AH_RunCheckARRAY + ",true]; }; " + _clientoncetwo + " = nil; }; }; ";
  493. };
  494. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; }; }; }; };"
  495. "; " + _MPEH_MAIN_BLOCK + " = compileFinal _zero;publicVariable '" + _MPEH_MAIN_BLOCK + "'; _one = 'call " + _MPEH_MAIN_BLOCK + "'; createMarker['" + _remark + "',[9001,9001,0]]; _a = ['_USER_DEFINED'];if(" + str _UMW + ") then {_a = _a + " + str _aLocalM + ";}; _timer1 = diag_tickTime + 12; _timer2 = diag_tickTime + 30; while {1 == 1} do { if(diag_tickTime > _timer1) then { _timer1 = diag_tickTime + 12; _obj = 'C_man_1' createVehicle [0,0,0];_obj addMPEventHandler ['MPKilled',_one];_obj setDamage 5;deleteVehicle _obj; }; if(diag_tickTime > _timer2) then { _timer2 = diag_tickTime + 30; ";
  496. if (_CLM) then {
  497. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "" + _MC + " = allMapMarkers;publicVariable '" + _MC + "';";
  498. };
  499. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  500. if (_CGM) then {
  501. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " if(isNil'" + _MCS + "') then {" + _MCS + " = allMapMarkers;}; { if!(_x in " + _MCS + ") then { _cm = _x; " + _MCS + " pushBack _cm; _MT = MarkerText _cm; _do = true; {if(_cm find _x != -1) exitWith {_do = false;}} forEach _a; if(_do) then { if(_cm in ['GeFMarKer']) then { _log = format['HackedMarker: %1 - %2',_cm,_MT]; _log call FNC_A3_HACKLOG; " + _AH_HackLogArrayRND + " pushBack _log; deleteMarker _cm; } else { if(_MT in ['Epicenter','Poppy','Ferris','Container','Mineral','']) then { _log = format['DodgyMarker: %1 - %2',_cm,_MT]; diag_log ('<>RPT| '+_log+' (v0097)'); } else { _log = format['DodgyMarker: %1 - %2',_cm,_MT]; _log call FNC_A3_SURVEILLANCELOG; " + _AH_SurvLogArrayRND + " pushBack _log; }; }; }; }; } forEach allMapMarkers; ";
  502. };
  503. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  504. if (_RAM) then {
  505. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "{deleteVehicle _x;true} count allMines;";
  506. };
  507. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  508. if (_RUS) then {
  509. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + "{deleteVehicle _x;true} count allUnitsUAV;";
  510. };
  511. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; uiSleep 10; }; _log = format['%1 - _RunOnClients LOOP - BROKEN!',diag_tickTime]; _log call FNC_A3_HACKLOG; }; [] spawn { _timer1 = diag_tickTime+120; waitUntil {diag_tickTime > _timer1}; ";
  512. if (_UVC) then {
  513. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _vehicles = [0,0,0] nearEntities [['LandVehicle','Air','Ship'],100000]; { if(!isNull _x) then { _obj = vehicle _x; _type = typeOf _obj; if((!(" + str _UVW + ") && {_type in " + str _ForbiddenVehicles + "}) || ((" + str _UVW + ") && {!(_type in " + str _VehicleWhiteList + ")})) then { _obj setDamage 5; deleteVehicle _obj; }; }; true } count _vehicles; ";
  514. };
  515. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " ";
  516. if ((_MOD == 'EPOCH') && (_EpochIndestructible)) then {
  517. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " _indestructible = (allMissionObjects 'Constructions_static_F')+(allMissionObjects 'LockBoxProxy_EPOCH')+(allMissionObjects 'LockBox_EPOCH'); { if !((typeof _x) in ['PlotPole_EPOCH','WoodStairs_EPOCH','WoodStairs2_EPOCH','WoodFloor_EPOCH','WoodLargeWall_EPOCH','WoodLargeWallDoorL_EPOCH','WoodLargeWallCor_EPOCH','WoodRamp_EPOCH']) then { _x removeAllEventHandlers 'HandleDamage'; _x addEventHandler ['HandleDamage', {false}]; if !((typeOf _x) in ['LockBoxProxy_EPOCH','LockBox_EPOCH'])then {_x enableSimulation false;}; _x allowDamage false; uiSleep 0.01; }; true } count _indestructible; ";
  518. };
  519. _A3AHstring = _A3AHstring + " }; createMarker['" + _amenumark + "',[9001,9001,0]]; [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNil 'infiSTAR_MAIN_CODE'}; " + _MAIN_CODE + " = compileFinal ([infiSTAR_MAIN_CODE] call LysticCompilableString); infiSTAR_MAIN_CODE = nil; }; ";
  520. call compileFinal _A3AHstring;
  521. diag_log format['<> %1 - AntiHack loaded!', diag_tickTime];
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