
Good Hub, Bad Hub. (hat tip kiosaki)

Jul 4th, 2014
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  1. Good Hub, Bad Hub (Hat tip Kiosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad)
  3. The Bad Hub is a niche landlord, that provides a space and rotates its tenants.
  4. The Good hub's tenants are so enabled by the space that they out grow it making way for incumbents.
  6. Bad Hub's take a piece upfront, that is disproportional for an amount of money that is useless.
  7. The Good hub understands rounded funding, and get a round A that is small but gifted, and prepares companies for a proper round 2 usually with a global fund and usually for millions of dollars.
  9. A bad hub tells companies to spend months of research and analysis, wasting money and time, destroying first mover advantage.
  10. A good hub, gets the research over with in a week, and tells its start-ups to get a minimum viable product, so that funding is not wasted in dev because the good hub knows "build and they will come" is a lie. Market your business and it will grow adoption is the only truth that matters.
  12. The bad hub is a space where start-ups try to do business, while the good hub connects its start-ups with sponsors and business.
  14. The bad hub has a few press connections and maybe a pr company and promotes itself, the good hub has many journalist friends and promotes its start-ups, because the good hub knows real success stories are the best PR for it.
  16. The bad hub is not concerned with start-up pace, the good hub accelerates its tenants anyway it can.
  18. A bad hub has a few shiny resources, the good hub continually finds training, skills and resources because it upskills it's start-ups every chance it gets.
  20. The bad hub does not connect its tenants to Angel Investors for fear of them leaving, the good hub knows that doing this will make it desirable among start-ups.
  22. The bad hub wants it's businesses to be local, the Good hub knows that it takes the same energy to make a local product as it does a global product, so it will always push its tenants to take on the global market even if this is over time.
  24. The good hub gets a trainer in to do courses that have qualifications to standards, and gets corporate sponsors to pay for the exams, because the good hub knows that a business should have a reliable well educated skills base, not be guessing and working through gaps, the bad hub only cares about what is cheap or free, and allows the self taught to stumble, so long as they pay rent.
  26. The bad hub will let its tenant use any tech, a good hub engages sponsors to help understand and educate about the right choice for their project. The good hub gets involved in helping, or finds those willing to consult or help.
  28. The bad hub gets government money in and creates profit, the good hub keeps a fraction and creates results. The bad hub runs out of funding sources often, the good hub always makes its funders look good, so it never worries.
  30. The bad hub never wants to be outshines by its associations, the good hub sings praises and knows that its partners, sponsors, funders, angels, mentors, and associations will return this many times over.
  32. The bad hub fosters dependency, the good hub fosters self sustainment, and encourages this every chance it gets, because the bad hub wants start-ups to stay and use all their VC with them, the good hub knows that investors will send all future ideas through the good hub, because the investors know the good hub is driving their success and not wasting their money.
  34. The good hub grows a strong marketing and business development arm, because the good hub knows that having a product means nothing, the bad hub thinks that having the product is end of the cycle when in fact, having a product is literally the starting line.
  36. The good hub usually has a long list of companies that have left and survived the the 2 year mark and gone on to be profitable growing concerns. The bad hub has a long list of derelicts and broken dreams called former tenants.
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