
Rebels in Equestria 13

Feb 5th, 2013
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  2. > His dreams was unlike anything she's ever encountered.
  3. > Each night, Luna would find herself dead locked in his dreams until he would 'awake'.
  4. > Getting a bitter taste of what this poor bastard lived through
  6. > Every night she'd visit a whole new world.
  7. > Everything was completely alien.
  8. > It became somewhat of a novelty, finding herself behind Anonymous' eyes.
  10. > Tonight would be no different.
  11. > As Luna finds her way around the castle she tries to comfort herself.
  12. > She stops before a large set of wooden doors.
  14. > "Anonymous?" Luna whispered.
  15. > She slowly opens the door and sticks her muzzle inside.
  16. > "Anonymous? Are you awake?" she asks, carefully listening for any sort of response.
  17. > Unfortunately, she is met with nothing but silence.
  19. > The silence in the room is broken by the soft sounds of his labored breathing.
  20. > He is still lies in bed locked in sleep.
  21. > Ever since that fateful night at Fluttershy's Cabin he's been locked in this state.
  22. > A sigh of disappointment escapes her lips.
  24. > As she peers around the room she finds it almost exactly the way she last left it the night before.
  25. > Save for the housekeeper, no one has dared entered the room.
  26. > She makes her way by his bedside and finds a seat.
  28. > She studies him.
  29. > His body is prevalent with scars and imperfections.
  30. > Luna knows all about the war.
  31. > These marks stand as a testament to the trails he once faced.
  33. > His brow furrowed and dripping with sweat.
  34. > His body cringing in pain.
  35. > Occasionally he'd mumble a few words his sleep.
  36. > "...Help!..."
  38. > She runs her hoof alongside his face.
  39. > "You poor thing." she whispers.
  41. > Her horn glows a magnificent blue aura and engulfs the room in light.
  42. > She presses the tip of her horn onto his forehead and shuts her eyes.
  43. > Casting one of her various spells onto Anonymous, praying for it's success.
  44. > For finding magic to work on Anonymous has been a journey in itself.
  45. > Traditional magic is usually ineffective.
  46. > In fact, it could very well be harmful to him.
  47. > His very being is not one of this world.
  48. > Luna had to delve deep into the archives to find any spells that wouldn't harm him more than he is now.
  50. > She watched as Anonymous shifted into a deep and peaceful sleep.
  51. > The spell worked.
  52. > Content with her work, she exits the room.
  53. > While she wasn't powerful enough to awake him, the least she could do is protect his nights.
  55. > As guardian of the night, Luna was entailed many duties.
  56. > Amongst them was to promote the well being of her subjects during her nights.
  57. > Both mentally and physically.
  58. > And each night, she did just that in anyway she could.
  60. > Night by night she quelled his nightmares in hopes that they wouldn't return.
  61. > But it proved to be ineffective.
  62. > Her magic was not sufficient.
  63. > It was truly baffling.
  65. > "Maybe things will be different tomorrow night." she whispers.
  66. > She trots through the castle halls.
  67. > Despite holding such a prestigious position, she'd have to admit it was a lonely one.
  68. > Despite her best efforts, much of Equestria could not let her live down the Night Mare Moon incident.
  70. > She found herself taking walks throughout the night in order to distract herself form the solitude.
  71. > Tonight would be no different.
  73. > She struts the castle halls with her head held high.
  74. > Each night she walks down the same halls in a timely fashion.
  75. > Paying each quarter of the castle a visit makes her rounds throughout
  77. > As she passes by the bed chambers of the castles inhabitants she delves into their dreams.
  78. > Watching over their nights as well.
  80. > Her night was long and monotonous.
  81. > The same routine every night.
  82. > It grew tiring.
  84. > “B-But Celestia!”
  85. > A voice shouts in the distance.
  86. > Curiosity gets the best of her, and Luna follows the voice throughout the halls.
  87. > She silently makes her way to the source of the voice.
  89. > Her ears lead her to one of the guest bed rooms.
  90. > The door is ever so slightly ajar.
  91. > Just enough for Luna to peek through without being noticed.
  92. > Inside, she spots Celestia and Twilight.
  93. > While it is not uncommon for Twilight to visit Celestia, it's strange for either one of them to be awake at this hour.
  95. ---
  97. > “And what of Anonymous?” Twilight asks.
  98. “What of him?” Celestia casually responds.
  99. > “Have you considered him as possible suspect?”
  100. “It hasn't even crossed my mind.” Celestia casually takes a sip of her tea.
  101. > “But who else would it be?! I searched everywhere that night and I couldn't find anyone else for miles!”
  102. “Do not fret. I've already sent the royal guard to weed out the area. We'll find our assailant soon enough.”
  103. > Twilight sighs in frustration
  105. > “Celestia, you're missing the point!”
  106. “And that is?”
  107. > “What about Anonymous?! What if he did this?!”
  108. “Now Twilight, you simply must stop jumping to conclusions!”
  109. > “Who else could it have been?! The guard have been searching for days! You and I both know they're not going to find anypony! It probably was Anonymous! He's to blame!”
  111. >Celestia flips through the pages of her book, never delving away from it.
  112. “Do you have any proof to back up such accusations?”
  113. > “Just look at it! You saw the damages! You saw the way Fluttershy was! Who else would have the sheer power to inflict such injuries!? There was no one else at the scene!”
  114. “That's hardly incriminating evidence Twilight.”
  115. > “Did you forget?! There were footprints left throughout the home. Those belonging to a creature bipedal in nature! That should be proof enough!”
  116. “In case you haven't noticed; there are several different races here in Equestria that can walk on two legs. Ponies included. I'm going to have to dismiss your accusation.”
  118. > “You can't deny the facts either! Especially when considering Anonymous' track record with violence!”
  119. “Violence?! Anonymous hasn't shown an ounce of hostility since he's arrived!”
  120. > “Yes, hes calm and verdant now, but what about before he arrived?! What about the war! That...that THING is a murderer!”
  122. > Celestia puts her book down.
  123. > Giving Twilight a strong glance of disapproval.
  124. “Watch your words, Twilight. Need I remind you he is my personal guest, and I will not tolerate such disrespect.”
  125. > “Exaplain his involvement in the war then!”
  127. “And what of the war?! What significance does that hold now? You and I have nothing to do with it.”
  128. > “You and I both know he's got blood on his hands Celestia! It's...It's absolutely sickening! He keeps a list of his victims in back of a notebook like it's some kind of scorecard! He's a tyrant!”
  130. > Celestia shakes her head in disapproval
  131. “You're a bright one Twilight, I'll give you that.”
  132. > Twilight smirks in satisfaction.
  133. “It was only a matter of time before you'd find out, and I'm surprised you didn't find out sooner.”
  134. > “If you had told me from the beginning, I wouldn't have had to go through all of this!”
  135. > Celestia chuckles for a bit.
  136. “Tell me Twilight. How much do you know about the war?”
  137. > “I-I know enough to see Anonymous for what he really is!”
  138. “And that is?”
  139. > “A murderer!”
  140. > Celestia pours herself another glass of tea.
  141. “Hmph...There's no beating around the bush with you Twilight. Now, I'm not denying Anonymous' involvement in the war. But let me ask you this Twilight: Did Anonymous ever share any of this information with you willingly?”
  143. > “Well. N-No. I had to find out on my own!”
  144. “And why do you think that is?”
  145. > “Obviously because he didn't want anyp0ny to find out who he truly is! Even you were keeping this a secret from me Celestia!”
  146. “And why do you think that is?”
  147. > “W-Well probably be-”
  148. > Celestia cuts her off.
  149. “Tell me Twilight. Tell me. Why do you think he's been keeping his secrets locked up in a little book? Why do you think that amongst everything else he's shared with us, he's decided to keep that one chapter of his life out?”
  151. > Twilight gives no response.
  152. > Instead her ears begin to droop in shame.
  154. “Have you ever considered what he thinks of it? Do you think he's proud of what taking those people's lives? Do you think he wanted to? Have you ever really spoken to him? Have you even considered that he might be ashamed of his actions?”
  155. > “I-I never considered it...”
  156. “Look at Luna! You remember the Nightmare Moon incident don't you?”
  157. > “O-Of course.”
  158. “Do you think she's proud of it? Because every time somep0ny mentions 'Nightmare Moon' I see it her eyes. Shame, misery and above all regret. And anytime I mention the war to Anonymous, I see the very same look in his eyes. Now tell me, is that what you think of my sister as well? A tyrant? A murderer?”
  159. > “N-No of course not! I have nothing but the utmost respect for Luna!”
  160. “Then why can't you give Anonymous that same treatment? You've never considered what might be going on in his mind? I bet you haven't the slightest clue of what truly happened in Emmeria do you?”
  161. “I-I read parts of his journal” Twilight mutters, her eyes welling up with tears
  163. > Celestia shakes her head in disapproval
  164. “There's only so much you can gain from reading books Twilight. You need more to see the full picture.”
  165. > Nearby a grandfather clock chimes for 6 o clock in the morning.
  166. > Celestia stands from her seat and trots over to the weeping Twilight.
  167. > She wipes the tears from her eyes and consoles her.
  169. “I've seen him Twilight, and right now, I know him better than anyp0ny else. That little book? It doesn't even stratch the surface. There's more to him than that war Twilight.”
  170. > Celestia begins to head for the door.
  171. “Nop0ny is perfect Twilight. We all make mistakes. You must learn to look past those mistakes to see one for who they really 'are'. A lesson you seem to have yet to master.”
  172. > “B-But.”
  173. “Take my sister for example. She and I have had our fair share of mistakes, but we've learned to forgive each other.”
  174. > “I-I'm sorry Princess.”
  175. “I forgive you Twilight, please don't take any of this personally.”
  176. > “I-I wont.”
  177. “Thank you.”
  179. > Celestia quickly swings open the door, revealing an eavesdropping Luna.
  180. > The three ponies awkwardly exchange glances before Luna breaks the silence.
  181. > “A-Ah Sister! We were just looking for you!” Luna stammers. “Time for us to raise the sun for a new day! Is it not?”
  182. “Indeed it is Luna!” Celestia exclaims. “Excuse me Twilight, we'll have to save our conversation for later!”
  183. > Twilight silently nods her head as the sister's leave the room.
  185. > She begins to weep again.
  186. > “I'm sorry.” she mutters.
  188. ---
  190. > You jostle awake.
  191. > Opening your eyes, you find they are flooded with light.
  192. "Fuck!"
  193. > It takes a moment, but they do adjust to the sun's intense light.
  195. > You find yourself in a calm and verdant place.
  196. > The room is quiet, with the exception of a few song birds from outside.
  198. > No longer are you inside Fluttershy's battered home.
  199. > But inside a luxurious bed room.
  200. > Tapestries and fine furniture litter the room throughout.
  202. > The tapestries on the wall are a dead give away.
  203. > Celestia and Luna's cutie marks hang proudly on the wall.
  204. "The castle?"
  205. > You sit by, baffled by your change in scenery.
  207. > It takes a moment, but you realize that you are laying on a very comfortable bed.
  208. > As you shift your weight around, you note that your body has left a significant imprint on the mattress.
  209. > As if you had been asleep for an extended period of time.
  210. > The room is completely empty except for yourself.
  212. > A nearby grandfather clock's bell rings proudly. Marking high noon.
  213. > The clock is near deafening and echoes in your ears.
  214. > You have to cover your eyes out of sheer pain.
  216. > You check yourself, and what you find is mildly disturbing.
  217. > As you lift your arm, you note the lack of wounds.
  218. > No slashes, no stabs or cuts.
  219. > Not even a single scar.
  221. "W-what the fuck man."
  222. > Checking the rest of your body, you note the complete lack of wounds.
  223. > Even some of your smaller scars from before have vanished.
  225. > You hop off the bed.
  226. > Groggily, you walk over to a nearby dresser.
  227. > However, the task is near impossible.
  228. > Your body is stiff and almost refuses to cooperate.
  229. > The task is daunting, but feasible.
  230. > Landing at the dresser, you stare at yourself with the attached mirror.
  232. > You stare long and hard.
  233. > And in return the same cold eyes man stares back at you.
  235. > Your attention is drawn away from the mirror and to the dresser itself.
  236. > As you open the top drawer, you find a large selection of button up shirts.
  237. > All designed to fit a human body.
  238. "What?"
  239. > Peering through the rest of the dresser you find a wider arrangement of clothes.
  240. > Pants, Coats, Shirts, Sweaters and some accessories too!
  241. > All made for humans.
  242. "Huh, well how about that."
  244. > You try on an outfit just for good measure.
  245. > Not too big, or not too small. Tailored just to your body.
  246. "Heh, perfect fit."
  247. > You note that many, if not all of the articles have Rarity's Cutie Mark embroidered across them.
  248. "Wow. She's really out done herself!"
  249. > You check through the entire wardrobe.
  250. > Most of it has a very formal look to it.
  251. > Best of all?
  252. >[spoiler] No embroidered gems. [/spoiler]
  253. > Thank god.
  255. > Your attention drifts to a small wooden box that lay on top of the dresser.
  256. "Well well. What do we have here?"
  257. > For such a small box, it has a hefty weight to it.
  259. > Peering inside, you find your belongings.
  260. > Among them are your royal cuffs and your revolver.
  261. > Both have been polished to a sparkling gleam.
  263. > Your last memories before falling unconscious play in front of your eyes like a movie.
  264. > Bitter memories of the fight flash about.
  266. > Fluttershy...
  267. > Your mind races to what seems like moments ago.
  268. > As you remember Fluttershy's beaten state, your temper boils.
  269. “T-That motherfucker!” you grumble under your breath.
  271. > Who the fuck do they think they are?
  272. > They've taken everything from you.
  273. > They've made your life a literal living hell.
  274. > And just when you think you've escaped.
  275. > Just when you think you've been granted a second outlook on life.
  276. > They swoop in and steal that form you as well.
  278. > That Estovakian.
  279. > What the hell was he doing there?
  280. > How the fuck did he get here?
  281. > Why did he attack out of the blue?
  282. > And more importantly, how did he find you?
  284. > You struggle to produce answers for these questions and many more.
  285. > Your mind simply draws a blank.
  287. > In your mind, you try to picture the soldier once more.
  288. > But it proves to be difficult.
  289. > You know for a fact that he was wearing an Estovakian Officer’s Uniform.
  290. > But you can’t seem to remember much else.
  292. > You can’t remember the look of his face.
  293. > You can’t remember the sound of his voice.
  294. > You just can’t produce any solid details otherwise.
  296. > [spoiler] It’s almost as if he wasn’t there… [/spoiler]
  297. > [spoiler] No. He was there! You fought him! He’s the one that broke into Fluttershy’s home and hurt her! [/spoiler]
  298. > [spoiler] Him! The Stovie! [/spoiler]
  299. > [spoiler] Right? [/spoiler]
  301. “Gah….shiiit.”
  302. > You’ve given yourself a migrane and clutch your temple in pain.
  304. > A nearby window catches your attention.
  305. > As you peer outside, a gentle breeze of warm air brushes against your skin.
  306. > Soothing.
  308. > Looking out below any doubt you had is thrown to the wind.
  309. > The city of Canterlot sits in the valley below.
  310. > While it was nowhere near as Ponyville, it was still a quiet place by your standards.
  312. > CREEAAAAAK.
  314. > Without so much as a second thought you produce your revolver and aim it at the opening door.
  315. “Show yourself!” you shout. “Do it or I’ll blow your god damned hea-“
  316. > You stop yourself as you realize who steps through.
  318. > “Now now Anonymous! Where are your manners? That’s no way to treat your hostess.”
  319. > A calm and contained Celestia steps through the doorway.
  320. > You holster the weapon and fall to your knees in a bow.
  321. “I-I’m sorry.”
  323. > “Now, it’s quite alright.”
  324. > She trots inside and steps inside.
  325. > “I understand we all may be a bit on edge after our little ‘incident’. But I’m sure it’ll pass.”
  327. > She trots over to a couch and notions for you to take a seat next to here.
  328. > She does so with a face of pure empathy.
  330. > To be sitting with the ultimate ruler of this country.
  331. > A being with untold amounts of sheer power and unmatched ability.
  332. > So much so, that she even has the ability to control the cosmos’
  333. > It’s strange to be seated in such a casual atmosphere.
  334. > But naturally, her sheer presence is intimidating, but her smile is as care and warm as the very sun she controls.
  336. “Celestia?”
  337. > “Yes Anonymous?”
  338. “W-What happened? H-How did I get here?”
  339. > She pauses for a moment before drawing to a response.
  340. > “Now I don’t know all the details, but I do know this: After hearing what Twilight and Rarity described as “gunshots” they rushed over to the cottage.”
  341. > She turns to stare out the open window.
  342. > “I understand that they found you two amongst a bloody mess. Even unconscious, you still guarded over Fluttershy on your falling breath.”
  343. “Where is she?! Fluttershy! Is she alright?!”
  344. > She outstretches a wing over you.
  345. > “Do not fret Anonymous. She’s in Ponyville right now.”
  346. “But what about her condition?! I swear she was half dead when I last saw her!”
  347. > “No no. It’s quite alright. Her wounds have been healed! She’s in perfect health!”
  348. “N-No! Impossible! That bastard must have broken half the bones in her body! How could she recover so quickly!?”
  349. > She giggles.
  350. > “The same way you did!”
  351. > She gesture at your arm, which has miraculously healed without so much as a scar.
  352. “B-But. I don’t understand. How?”
  353. > “Let’s just say that in my lengthy time here, I’ve manage a few useful tricks and skills.”
  355. > You try to juggle the concept in your mind.
  356. “Y-You’re positive she’s alright? She’s not hurt? No pain?”
  357. > “You have my word.”
  358. > A deep sigh escapes your lips as you’re overcome with relief.
  360. “I still can’t believe it.”
  361. > You hold your arm in front of your vision. Repeatedly clutch your hand into a fist.
  362. “Back home, even with our most advanced medicines and our best doctors, there’s no doubt I would have been left a cripple.”
  363. > You catch Celestia staring at your arm and hands.
  364. > She’s still probably curious on how the human structure works.
  366. > You rub the back of your head.
  367. “I’m pretty sure that bastard gave me a concussion too. Hell, it would have taken me days, or even weeks to recover. I could have very well been locked in a coma for the rest of my life!”
  368. > A gruff chuckle escapes your lips.
  369. “And then just to recover instantly? That’s just amazing….I mean…just…wow.”
  371. > “Now, I wouldn’t call it an ‘instant’ recovery Anonymous.”
  373. > You give her a confused look.
  374. > Then stare back at the bed you awoke on.
  375. > There was still a significant imprint on the mattress from where your body once laid.,
  376. “H-How long was I out?”
  377. > “Oh it wasn’t too long. Time flies you know!”
  378. “How long?”
  379. > …
  380. > “Two weeks.”
  381. “Two weeks?!”
  382. > “I’m afraid so.”
  383. “But it only feels like yesterday!”
  384. > “I’d call it a side effect.”
  385. “A side effect?”
  387. > “Mmhmm. You know, you should be thankful right now!”
  388. “Why?”
  389. > “I was starting to think you wouldn’t wake up!”
  390. “W-Wha-“
  391. > She lets out a hearty laugh before punching you in the ribs.
  392. > “Oh lighten up. I was only kidding!”
  394. “What about Fluttershy? Did she experience these ‘side’ effects?”
  395. > She shakes her head.
  396. > “She had an instant recovery!”
  397. “Then why did I-“
  399. > Celestia interrupts you.
  400. > “I suppose you just react differently to magic than we do.”
  401. > Your mind races to the incident in Twilight’s lab.
  402. “Tch. I figured as much.”
  404. > You look around the room and notice a colorful boquet of flowers situated on the nightstand.
  405. > A small “Get Well Soon” card sits at the base along with an assortment of sweets.
  406. > Probably from the Sugar Cube Corner.
  408. “Hey. So where is everyone right now?”
  409. > “Twilight and her friends? They’re in Ponyville at the moment.”
  410. “I see.”
  411. > “I told them you’d be staying here few a while after your awakening.”
  412. “Really?”
  413. > “Mmhmm. We have some business to attend to.”
  414. “Business?”
  415. > “Yes. You and I. There’s much to be done.”
  416. > You give her a puzzled look.
  417. “I don’t understand.”
  419. > “Don’t forget Anonymous. I’ve seen you. I’ve seen what you’ve seen. I’ve witnessed both your greatest triumphs and your worst hardships. I’ve seen what you’ve done Anonymous.”
  420. > Your face turns red with shame
  422. > You collect your thoughts on a moment of silence.
  423. > Lulling her words in your mind.
  424. > Analyzing each decision you’ve made up to this point.
  425. > And questioning those of others.
  427. > These silent moments drag on into minutes as you press deeper in your thoughts.
  428. > What little silence in the room is occasionally broken by distant city sounds below.
  429. > While you spend your time gathered in your thoughts, Celestia spends it lulling about.
  431. > Finally, you gather the courage to speak your mind.
  433. “Celestia.”
  434. > “Hmmm?”
  435. “I have a question.”
  436. > “Yes?” she answers with an expectant tone.
  437. “Why?...Why didn’t you kill me or send me away? You’ve seen what I’ve done haven’t you?”
  438. > You stare at your hands.
  439. “I’ve seen enough death and suffering to last me a lifetime and then some…. Most of it by my own doing.”
  440. > You stare into her deep magenta eyes
  441. “I- I just don’t understand. Surely you must have seen me as a danger or threat to society? Right?!”
  443. > She hushes you and embraces you in a hug.
  444. > “I don’t see you as danger Anonymous. No. Far from it.”
  445. > She pauses for moment before continuing on.
  446. > “When I look at you I don’t see a threat. I see you as another person with feats and endeavors. I see you as an equal Anonymous. Despite what you may think, I see you as a being with the ability to bring about change for a brighter tomorrow.”
  447. “But that doesn’t change the fact that I’ve-“
  448. > “That you’ve what? Stood up for what was right?"
  449. > You fall silent as she continues with her speech.
  451. > "For you may see yourself as nothing more than a brutal murderer, but I see someone else..."
  452. > She looks you deep in the eyes.
  453. > "I see a person with strong virtues, a sense of commitment and a large set of skills. A person who fought for what he believed in. A person who stood up for what WAS right. Armed with little more with a rock and sling shot, you faced the goliath. You answered the call and paid the ultimate sacrifice."
  455. > With her magic she floats the pair of cuffs from the dresser to you.
  456. > "And for that, I've given you these."
  457. > You grab them and don them on your wrists.
  458. > Only now do you notice how similar they are to the one's Celestia is wearing.
  459. > "I've learned so much from you Anonymous, and I'm glad to have met someone like you. We need more people like you here."
  460. "Oh come on Celestia. You're making me blush."
  461. > "And above all, I'm thankful to be able to call you my friend."
  462. > With her magic, Celestia clicks your cuff's shut.
  463. > They glow with a soft aura as she locks them into place.
  464. "Likewise."
  466. > She get up from the couch and makes her way towards the door.
  467. > With her magic she collects all your belongings and places them in a small leather satchel.
  468. > As you get up and follow her, she hands you the satchel.
  469. "Come. We've got a long day ahead of us."
  471. > She leads you out the door and into the hallway.
  472. > She sound of her clopping hooves is like clockwork.
  473. > "From now own, you are an honored member of this family, and with that there are a few perks. That room you awoke in is your own private bed chamber; and these doors are always open for you. You're welcome to come and go for as long as you'd like."
  474. "Oh? That's nice!"
  475. > "Of course these privileges also extend to any special guests you may decide to bring to the castle."
  476. > She gives you a playful nudge
  478. > She leads you through the labyrinth of the castle once more.
  479. > You fear that you may never be able to navigate this castle by yourself.
  480. > You chuckle to yourself.
  482. > As you walk about the castle you come across its staff.
  483. > With everyone you met, they all bowed and greeted you.
  484. > Addressing you with “Sir"
  485. > It's definitely something you’d have get used to.
  487. > "Here. I’d like to show you something."
  488. > Celestia leads you to the main throne room.
  490. “Hey hey! I recognize this place!”
  491. > “Ah yes, but I’ve done a bit of re-decorating since your last visit.”
  492. “What do you mean?”
  494. > She leads you to one of the far walls.
  495. > It's lined with several stained windows.
  496. > Each one depicts a scene with its colored beauty.
  497. > Ponies of all kinds are put on display.
  498. > Immediately you can recognize Twilight and her friends among the dozen or so windows.
  499. > You can also recognize Luna and Celestia in some of these as well.
  500. > But your attention is drawn elsewhere.
  502. > Looking closely you realize that one of these windows doesn't have any ponies in it at all.
  503. > No.
  504. > Instead, this one depicts a very different scene.
  506. > It's a large window.
  507. > But unlike the others, there are no ponies on this window.
  508. > Instead, there is a group of men scattered throughout the scene.
  509. > Some are crouched behind burning cars.
  510. > Others are tossing Molotov’s into the black night.
  512. > You recognize everyone in the scene.
  513. > All your friends who died along with you.
  514. > It all hits you close to home.
  516. > The only color in the window is that from an Emmerian flag one of the men is carrying.
  517. > A small golden plaque sits along the bottom of the window.
  518. > It reads: “Lest we forget those burned in the Fires of Liberation : Emmeria’s finest.”
  520. > You walk up to the window.
  521. > It feels cold and lifeless to the touch.
  522. > Bitter memories of that night flow through your mind.
  524. > Did it really have to end like that?
  525. > Was your life given in vain?
  526. > What about Emmeria?
  527. > Their fate still still remains a mystery.
  528. > And not a moment goes by where their well being clouds you mind.'
  529. > Damn.
  531. > You look at the mural with teared eyes.
  532. “We just wanted to see a new day.” you struggle to form your words “I guess we didn't really care at what cost.”
  533. > “You did good Anonymous.”
  534. “But if it wasn't enough? What if all that was for nothing?”
  535. > “There wasn't anything more you could give Anonymous, you gave it your all.”
  536. > You chuckle before looking back at the puzzled Alicorn
  537. “I guess I should consider myself lucky. It looks like god's given me another chance.”
  538. > She only offers a warm smile.
  540. > You look over the window once more.
  541. > It's made with magnificent detail, effectively capturing everything just as you remember it.
  542. “You know, you didn't have go through the trouble of this.”
  543. > “I felt it’s the least I could do to show my respect.”
  544. “I-I really appreciate it Celestia. Thanks, for everything.”
  546. > She takes you under her wing and leads you out.
  547. > “Come. There is still much to do.”
  549. > As you’re lead throughout the castle you juggle the concept in your mind.
  550. > Those stained windows in the throne room…
  551. > Each one representing the shining moments in Equestrian History.
  552. > Only the greatest are immortalized here.
  553. > Your finest hour is represented next to these great souls.
  554. > And somehow, you’ve managed to leave your mark.
  556. > Celestia stops in front of a set of large wooden doors.
  557. > “Here we are.”
  558. “What’s in there?”
  559. > She swings the doors wide open.
  560. > “Everything we know.”
  562. > She leads you in.
  563. > Behind the doors sits the largest library you’ve ever seen.
  564. > Books upon books rest neatly along the hundreds of bookshelves scattered throughout.
  565. > Upon further inspection you note that this library is composed of wings, each one having several floors.
  566. > Along the walls hang various oil portraits and paintings.
  567. > The marble floors are polished to a mirror finish
  568. > And smack dab in the middle of it all sits a giant statue.
  570. “What is this?”
  571. > “This is the Canterlot Archives. Every piece of art, every single idea, every speck of knowledge is all kept here for future generations.”
  572. > She begins to lead you into the far wing.
  573. > As you walk about, you note various ponies taking full advantage of what the library has to offer.
  574. > When they notice you, they go out of their way to give you a small bow out of respect.
  575. > “Every single hope and dream, every accomplishment and mistake, all our greatest pieces of art and literature are all kept here.”
  576. > Her words echo throughout the quiet library.
  577. > “Whether we realize it or not, but at some point in everypony’s life we all contribute to this bank of knowledge.”
  579. “I don’t understand. Why am I-…Why are we here?”
  580. > She leads you to secluded corner of the library.
  581. > A round table sits against a windowed corner.
  582. > About a dozen or so ponies are already seated at the table.
  583. > Looking closely, notice a griffon or two seated amongst them.
  584. > Almost all of them are dressed in lab coats or medical scrubs.
  585. > They all turn and gawk at you in awe, eager for your next move.
  586. > “I want to see what you can contribute.”
  588. > She ushers you to the end of the table in front of everyone.
  589. > A blank chalkboard sits at the end of the table.
  591. "W-Who are they?"
  592. > "Our brightest minds. My leading pioneers in the frontiers of science or medicine."
  593. "What are they doing here?"
  594. > "Is it not obvious? They're here to learn from the best!
  596. > Your face glows with a mix of embarrassment and nervousness.
  597. "I'm just a student myself. You know, I really doubt I-"
  598. > "Please Anonymous? I'm not asking for much. Just whatever you feel comfortable with."
  600. > It's surreal; to stare about the room and have a dozen pair of eyes gleaming back at you.
  601. > You can feel a sense of eagerness and hunger for knowledge in their eyes.
  602. > All of them patiently waiting for you to start.
  604. “Celestia? Are you sure?”
  605. > Celestia nods with joy.
  606. “Fine.”
  607. > "Thank you, Anonymous."
  608. > You give a silent nod before turning to the chalk board.
  609. "I just hope you can find a better use for this than we did." You mumble under your breath
  611. > In your mind you try to figure out what you’re actually going to speak about.
  612. > You begin to ponder how long Celestia had been planning this little get together.
  613. > But the more you mull over it, the less significant it becomes.
  614. > Ultimately you decide to roll with it.
  616. > You stretch your memories, trying desperately to recall those countless hours in the lecture halls.
  617. > Word by word, you plan out your so called ‘Lesson Plan’, carefully trying to emulate the teaching style of your previous professors.
  619. > Finally, you turn to the group behind you.
  620. “My name is Anonymous. As you’d probably already guessed, I’m not from around here-”
  621. > You watch as many of them raise their hoofs like school children in class room
  622. > You chuckle for a moment before pressing on
  623. “But that’s beside the point. Celestia herself has granted me the honor of being here.”
  625. > You notice in front of you are various books and scrolls.
  626. > Quickly glancing through them you notice they are reference guides on basic scholastic subjects.
  627. > As you glance through the titles you create a solid understanding on where the ponies are.
  629. “I'm going to start with the basics and move my way up. Please, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Pay close attention, I don't like repeating myself.”
  631. > One of the ponies from the table shyly raises her hand.
  632. > “What will we be covering first Mr.Anonymous?”
  633. > You glance at her cutie mark which resembles a pile of books.
  634. “Physics.”
  635. > She cracks a small smile.
  636. > You look back at the empty chalkboard.
  638. “There's much work to be done here.”
  640. > As you start to scribble away at your board, you can hear the sounds the ponies’ quills dancing on parchment paper
  641. > You begin to write down a laundry list of mathematical equations.
  642. > Muttering each one under your breath as you write it out.
  644. > This brings backs memories.
  645. > All those hours locked in the libraries.
  646. > All those years spent in the University.
  647. > All those sleepless nights.
  648. > Finally, they'll be put to good use.
  649. > You take a momentary pause a you notice some of the ponies struggling to keep up with their notes.
  650. > Hopefully, you'll pioneer this society into a new age.
  651. > The modern era.
  653. “Let's begin, shall we?”
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