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From the week one production report (if anyone has the original Japanese version to link to that would be appreciated):
KILL la KILL is a very distinct series, and I think we can agree that the talking sailor uniform got everyone's attention. To those who are familiar with very old anime series and I mean "really" old series might have caught on to the similarities with Dokonjo Gaeru. Yes, KILL la KILL is influenced heavily by anime from the Showa period. Other series such as Sakigake!! Otokojuku, Harisu no Kaze, and other major titles from the Showa period was brought to topic numerous time in the production meeting as well. However, just because the resource is from the Showa period, it does not mean that it will just be a reproduction. With modern techniques and talent worked in, it creates a whole new style of animation. So please stay tuned with KILL la KILL! You won't be disappointed!