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Key: Daquann1
Character: Wushei
Skill(or transformation): Sharingan T6
How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): Well
Death is a construct of reality, and Wushei finally began to understand that; after  a few significant battles with some of the strongest. The world around him continued to change and yet he couldn't fully grasp what was happening, people achieved different feats, while others held that lifeless hungry gaze. A person made an attempt on his life, and wanted to stop his progression while another person sought him out as a weapon. Finally someone who acknowledged his desire to grow, and seek the truth of the world in his own way -yet- he only felt empty and left with more questions than answers. Whatever the reason, death was making its presence known in Wushei's life yet never making an attempt to claim him... it wasn't his time, but he was lurking around the corner. 
Things we're beginning to move a lot faster with them claiming victory over another part of land they've begun to expand and others come seeking them for their assistance. Wushei is being called upon for more challenging battles with the next goal being taking the eye of the desert, and another piece of land from the golden soul. Wushei may have another serious battle coming up, and if he isn't properly prepared it may cost them dearly. Wushei will continue being the guard of those of the S.S.F.C to ensure their goals continue to be pushed and achieved.
What is the moment:
Scene 1: With an attempt on Chla life the scene was almost laughable. Every person wanted to take him out despite this Wushei saw this as an opportunity to face off against Umbra. One of the most feared among the land, and despite her weakened state she still came out on top in their battle. This was a battle of understanding, and yet he managed to keep Chla alive and earned the respect of a fellow warrior who seeks to grow from battle. So long as he doesn't live his life as a puppet there is no limit to his growth and potential.
The S.S.F.C fought against golden soul in a raid for land; with the victory it help them progress and attract more members, but that didn't stop there. Their overall goal is to take more land from golden soul; however, there is a fighter that might give them some trouble. Wushei managed to beat them after someone else weakened them, but that might not be the case next time, Elian planned on beating Wushei next time.
With their victory on the golden soul CP; they've been asked to assist with taking over the eye of the desert to create a new kingdom under the rule of Tumwra. Wushei offered to take the front line so Chla could focus on building their base and attract more people to join the S.S.F.C.