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Dies Irae: Getting Started
Dies irae: Getting Started
>What is this?
Dies Irae is a Visual Novel written by Masada Takashi and published by Light. It is the largest title in the Shinza Banshou setting, and the main work that Dies Irae Pantheon will be based on. There is also an Anime adaptation, however it is poorly done and only recommended to watch after finishing the VN. 
Dies irae is a Visual Novel written by Masada Takashi and published by Light. It is the largest title in the Shinza Banshou setting and the main work that the upcoming mobage Dies irae Pantheon will be based on. The game also has a prequel titled Interview with Kaziklu Bey and both a manga and anime adaptation. Do not watch the anime before reading the VN as it is confusing, poorly communicates important plot points and has a low budget that forces it to rely on low quality CG-animation. 
>What order to play the game
While the routes are unlocked, and can theoretically be played in any order, it is HEAVILY reccomended to play Kasumi>Kei>Marie>Rei as the route build on each-other and the latter routes require information from previous routes to understand. is a spoiler free guide.
There is no locked route order to the game and while it can theoretically be played in any order it is HEAVILY recommended that you play Kasumi>Kei>Marie Rea. The routes build up on one another and are intended to be played in this order, and the latter route will be confusing without without playing the earlier routes first. is a spoiler free guide.
>Amantes Amantes or Acta est Fabula
The AA version is the definitive and complete version of Dies Irae, and includes extra side stories and an extra ending and scene for the final route. Acta est Fabula lacks these additions but is uncensored, with H-scenes and a few other CGs remaining unchanged, as well as featuring uncropped CGs. The recommended way to play is to play through AA, and skip through AeF to unlock the H-scenes in the scene library OR to play through AA and skip through to unlock the other stories and read the extra scenes if the cropped CGs or lack of H-scenes are a dealbreaker.
The Amantes Amantes version is the definitive and complete version of Dies irae and includes side stories that expand on events before and after the routes as well as an extra scene and ending for the final route. Acta est Fabula lacks these additions but is 18+ with H-scenes and uncensored H-CGs. It also has uncropped CGs, unlike the AA version.
The recommended way to play is to play through AA and after each route skip through AeF to unlock the H-scenes in the scene library.
If the cropped CGs are a deal-breaker instead play through AeF and after each route skip through AA to unlock the side story in the 'Other Stories' menu and to play through the ending of the Rea route in AA for the extra scene and ending.
The other titles in the Shinza Banshou setting are Interview with Kaziklu Bey (A direct prequel), Paridise Lost (An indirect prequel disconnected from the events of DI) and KKK (A sequel). Currently they are all untranslated.
>Other Titles
The other VN titles in the Shinza Banshou setting are Interview with Kaziklu Bey (A direct prequel), Paridise Lost (An indirect prequel disconnected from the events of DI) and Kajiri Kamui Kagura (A sequel). Currently they are all untranslated. Dies irae also has a series of partially translated spinoff novels titled 'Dies irae: Song to the Witch centered around Rusalka and an Audio Drama titled Todestag Verloren which explores more of Machina's backstory. Dies irae Pantheon is an upcoming mobile gacha game that will take place following the events of KKK, and will include characters from all titles within the setting.
>I've read it, what now?
Read the other works in the setting if you know Japanese, otherwise join the eternal wait for translations.
If you got this guide from an anon in /vg/ or /a/ come join us at /sbg/ in /jp/ while we wait for pantheon.
Ultimately, remember to have fun and enjoy.