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11xxlokusxx11: Morgan found that the ruthless power of the Hybrid had over-came the escaping werewolf, and now he had driven that firepoker through her head. Using his right hand to lightly smack the back of her head with a groan to test if she was dead dead. Seems like it, so wiggling the firepoker back and forth, it seemed like bone fragments were cracking. Looking up to see that the fireplace was lit, he would have to do this the other way. Reaching his hands downward so he could lift her head upward, pulling back enough so that the bones in the back of her neck, which was the spinal cord, could snap and the sickening pop could be heard. Morgan dug his fingers between her lips, until his right hand's fingers wrapped along her lower row of teeth, and his thumb hooked at her chin to grab her lower jaw. His upper hand coming to grab her upper jaw. This monstrous strength that Morgan used when pulling them in different directions. Skin starting to rip, and the joint points beginning to come un-hinge until he felt no-more resistances, not like he felt any before hand, but there was more chance when her jaws unhinged and Morgan could start breaking her jaws further apart until clearly blood covered his hand as he continue to stretch the woman's jaw into points that shouldn't be normally reached.
After he stopped there, he grasped the fire poker that was no doubt deep in, but probably coming out of the disfigured mouth now. He wiggled it out before slamming it back into a new spot that had it puncturing through the lower left corner and breaking the left side of the jaw off, followed with the right side being torn away in the same manner. Morgan groaned lowly after looking at the lower jaw he picked up and glancing around it. Finding it to be something, he tossed it over into the fire-place of the room. After tossing the poker aside, Morgan gathered up the two Antlers and grabbed Emilie's body. Dragging her to the closest wall that had a table of sorts, to set her up as if she was sitting at the table. The first Antler was driven through the chest around the heart, far enough that it could pin her to the wall. The second was drove through the throat so that her head was kept up so all that came in the room to see. Stepping back to look at the 'Art' he made. He turned and headed back toward zone 10.