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Key: Daquann1
Character: Wushei
Skill(or transformation): Sharingan T7
How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): Well
After a lethal battle Wushei was spared again, but collar and forced to be a slave of Tathagata; the battle wasn't close once the man fully got serious there was nothing more Wushei could do to them. At that moment he accepted death, and was prepared to start the next journey of his life. Though it seems his curiosity about death would be put on hold yet again; however, he didn't wish to be a slave to this man, but lacked the strength to free himself. S.S.F was seemingly coming to an end, and the tyrant known as Tathagate was slowly making his rule known. If they couldn't stop them, who could?
It's likely the end while everyone is afraid to attack, and fight for what they want it's left a bad taste in his mouth. Everyone is actively being passive and waiting for some cheap tricks to win a fight. While Wushei had respect for everyone even Qi it was time for him to disassociate himself from that alliance there was nothing  to gain from being under anyone anymore, and especially those afraid to make a move.
Now; he's fighting for himself and what he's lost in the world weather he's prepared to fight or not he's actively searching or Tath to battle them. If a group of deciding to ignore the issue Wushei will handle it himself.
After many weeks of fighting against each other Chla made the move to kill a member of Nirvana which sparked a chain of events. Kushala sought out to kill Chla as the group we're engaged into a battle with Tathagata; they couldn't win in this situation and it resulted in them being captured. A fate worse than death, but so many people we're out to kill them it was hard to catch a break these days.
What is the moment:
The fact he was spared perhaps sparked the beginning of the end for him; he wanted to break free of the chain that we're placed upon him. Perhaps this was another test for him, but as it stands he was helpless against the might of Tathagata and his lackeys. Qi managed to escape, but maybe all hope isn't lost.
There was a meeting that people join talking about their next move; while Qi was trying his best it seems everyone's focus has shifted towards Golden Soul. They've ignored the fact that someone powerful was taken away from them or they really didn't care. It was at that moment Wushei decided he'd fight for himself and to keep push for what Chla wanted. 
If there was going to be a kingless land the mighty needed to fall, not be allowed to rest while people plan their next attack. Either he'd come out victorious or join his companions in whatever happens after death, but he refused to be stuck sitting around.