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Crock's Wormverse Fanfic! 
Name: Phil Davis
Age: 54 but looks 20. He stopped physically aging when he gained his powers. Or its been theorized he's aging so slowly it can't be recorded in the given time.
Set in a world very similar to modern day Earth, 50 years prior to the start of the role-play, people all around the planet began to receive super powers without explanation. This soon gave rise to people donning costumes much like the heroes in comic books and using their powers to help others. Shortly after, criminals or otherwise less morally inclined Parahumans began to don costumes or second identities as Super Villains. Society consequently  shifted to accommodate Parahumans and various organizations of heroes were formed to keep the Super Villain community around the world in check. Parahumans that chose to hide their identities behind code names and costumes soon became known as "capes" while those who decided to integrate their powers into their civilian life soon came to be regarded as "rogues". 
Appearance: Phil looks like your average 20 year old, but with a few different traits. He has short, gray hair, cut into a fohawk to 'stay hip'. He wears simple jeans and jackets mostly, but occasionally dresses in  business casual, slacks, buttoned shirt, simple sports coat and tie.  
While the introduction of powers allowed for many technological advances around the world, overall the presence of Parahumans have done society more wrongs than goods. Super Villains and the conflicts between them and other capes have resulted in the destruction and collapse of society in many of the poorer parts of the world. Even in Western Civilization, many cities and even some entire European countries are under the control of either a powerful individual cape or a group of capes. Various World-Ending Threats loom over society alongside the delicate balance between villains and heroes and even global tolerance of capes is on the decline.
Backstory: Phil graduated highschool in the mid 80s, he already had a small time job as an assistant at a local insurance sales office. He eventually after two years got a position as a simple pencil pusher. Doing paperwork, answering phones, and generally just low level stuff. He was taking the subway one day on his way to work, he was running late, and had to rush through the lines. He knew he was going to be late, missing his first train. He had about 15 minutes to make up. If he ran through the alley, hopped a fence and went through the old factory he thought he could make it... He doesn't have enough time though.  The elevator and crosswalk can take ages. He never has had a enough time. All the time he's had is wasted and now he has none left for the future. He's stuck in this job, with bills to pay, expectations, and nothing to fall back on. He had more chances, but he chose the easy way out, if only he had that time back... He was too busy going forward to think about the moment and what it could bring, and he ran right into this. 
The setting for the majority of the role-play is within the fictional city of Brockton Bay, located north of Boston in an undisclosed State. Brockton Bay, once a booming port city, now happen to be one of the top 10 cities within the United States in terms of cape population. After the rise of Parahumans, gang warfare between cape led criminals ended the local shipping industry and forced a significant economic strain over the city. The destruction of surrounding major cities resulted in a heavy influx of migrant citizens, heroes, and villains which further stressed the inhabitants of the town and drew the attention of America's Cape Organization the Protectorate. The Protectorate assigned a dedicated team of heroes to the town of Brompton Bay and they were successful in reigning in much of the crime going on within the city and establishing order in most parts of it as well. In modern times, the city has recovered immensely and even has a thriving tourist industry in the better parts of town while the worse parts were more or less abandoned by the Protectorate and left for the gangs to fight over. 
As he languished on the broken shell he considered a life, the world seeming slow in his thoughts he saw a metallic man fly towards the tracks. Another fellow from half a mile away, just a small blip in his eye, threw him, though at the time he didn't know it. The man broke through the tracks from underneath the train, tearing some it with him, sending it into a crash. The entire train buckled and sprayed out debris... but for Phil this was all taking place over the course of what seemed to be half an hour. A whole few minutes slowed down... he couldn't believe his eyes as his heart pounded beneath his chest. He couldn't tell what was scaring him more, the slowness of the time or the crash itself. He eventually got himself on his feet. He grabbed fellow passengers, and climbed them down. Or more threw them down and caught them. The train debris was still moving, just at a minute speed. He saved as many ass he could, going through the trains and throwing them down, then dragging them with him as he climbed down and safely put them in the grass below. Then it all stopped, time went by in an instant, and he passed out. No one knew he saved everyone that day, no one even knew what happened. It happened so fast no one even could tell what happened. He later woke up in the hospital, in a full body cast. He broke both his arms, his legs, hands, and feet, multiple fractures in his spine and neck, he suffered from multiple concussions and supposedly had three heart attacks in the ambulance. They put him up with a feeding tube and IV, but the problem was, he kept emptying them. His body absorbed the food and water too quickly... No one could figure out why until a month later and his bones were healed... his heart and head were fine... They kept him for a few days to do some testing, but found nothing unusual now, everything seemed right... but his injuries looked like they were healed over a year, but its only been a month, and normally brown hair has turned into a salt and pepper gray. But he went back to his job at the Insurance Place, and eventually moved up until he reached manager... 
Then came today. He's decided he can help more people. It took him years, but he figured out most of his powers, but never really used them. Every so often he'd catch a falling cup, find himself reading over paperwork or a book a bit too quickly, injuries healed rather quickly, so and so. But one day he noticed a mother and child walking across the street, a car driving by a bit too quickly and he jumped forward, pushing them out of the way. Time slowed down again just like then, and he got out of the way just in time. Time didn't slow like it did that day, but he knew he could do more. He knew he had more time, and could use it right and live in the moment.
A week prior to the start of the role-play, a warning was issued to the city of Brompton Bay foretelling the arrival of one of the three Endbringers. The Endbringers are three massive monsters who started to make an appearance 30 years prior to the start of the role-play who take turns appearing at populated cities and causing as much destruction and death as possible. Their arrival always calls for a truce between heroes, villains, and rogues in the area to unite with the common goal of either fighting the Endbringer until they deal enough damage that it retreats or reducing the amount of destruction it causes. 
Power: Internal Chrono Clock
The Players who were present during the start of the role-play faced the Endbringer as part of the role-play's prologue and managed to force it to retreat before it could level the city. Before it's defeat the Endbringer had slain multitudes of well known and powerful capes, both of the hero and villain variety. This left a power vacuum which has prompted the Protectorate to retreat it's forces from the mainland of the city and into their local HQ where they've focused on relief efforts and protecting civilians from the ensuing violence between rival gangs and newly arrived capes. 
He can affect his internal clock. Rather than coming from a single event, it stemmed from the feeling of his life being motionless and him having no control of the movement of his life. He never had enough time, either to do what was expected for him, or for himself.  
Your character has decided to take up their costume and make their own impact on the now disorganized Brockton Bay. 
Accelerate his own Time relative to the surroundings to go faster than normal but without affecting his perception on time. He can go 2x faster for a minute, 3x times for 20, and 6x for 10, and for 6 seconds 10x. The more he pushes himself, and the stronger he does, the more strain it puts on his body. If he exceeds 2 seconds his muscles start tearing, his bones begin breaking, and the blood of his body is pushed around causing him to slowly black out. He can go above 10x for a single second, but if he does and the higher he goes his body breaks down massively putting him unconscious and with more severe wounds.
Character Creation!
Slow time to but keep is perception to dodge attacks, but not actually speeding himself up, simply letting him have more control on how he moves. He can decelerate his body and perception down to 1/10th the time. 
Your power along with the trigger event that awakened it will in most cases define your character's life. Most powers warp the personalities of the capes they belong to in various degrees, some barely noticeable, and others very noticeable. Keeping that in mind you should flesh out your power and trigger event with me first before filling out the rest of the sheet. 
Slow time down on his body so that injuries are lessened, like he'll bleed out slower. Or if he has a broken bone, if he moves with it, the bone stays together somewhat, the pressure and force moving it around less. He however feels the pain longer as well, having to go through the slowed down pain to his perception. As well he can speed up the time of his metabolism to heal wounds much more quickly. 
But all at a cost of winding his time stresses the internal clock and it has to wind back into position eventually, causing him to pause if he over stresses it. As well it takes part of his caloric intake to wind, having to exert force to wind or unwind his clock. As a metaphysical concept, it takes many calories to do so. However he can speed up his metabolic rate and digestion to quickly regain his calories. Healing his wounds more quickly takes a lot of food and calories to do, but if he can eat quickly enough he can get by. He still suffers from the wounds of his injuries and feels the pain of regrowing bones, and keeps any scars or lasting effects, but he can get back on his feet quickly.
Cape Name: Phil, hasn't created a name yet.
Costume: He hasn't created one yet.