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The Creation Of Galaxy
The Creation Of Galaxy (Clone Edits By Author)
Progenitor Author: Robert Dijon Peterson
A universe that is too close together, is still a universe that is barren, and composed of something. Dark matter makes up a large portion of space, space is even layered, and so far we only understand eleven different dimensions. Those are simply dimensions on earth though, and light seems to intersect as galaxies fold around one another. This means we will eventually be propelled by other galaxies to our placeholder as a whole, or another galaxy might sling some meteors our direction when they materialize with their placeholder only to wait for our turn as the world thins itself out. Or, you'll just be like meat that falls off the bone of my ribs. So why live forever just to be worse off than we are? I mean sure, we could just create our own forever, but eventually you'll be a repeater. Which is a neutron star spinning so fast, as light hits it, and our milky-way reionizes? We're just ripping our planet apart, nothing new, and we become a part of the planetary dodgeball game.
A universe that is too close together, is still a universe that is barren, and composed of something. Dark matter makes up a large portion of space is even layered, and so far we only understand eleven different dimensions. Those are simply dimensions on earth though, and light seems to intersect as galaxies fold around one another. This means we will eventually be propelled by other galaxies to our placeholder as a whole, or another galaxy might sling some meteors our direction when they materialize with their placeholder only to wait for our turn as the world thins itself out. Or, you'll just be like meat that falls off the bone of my ribs. So why live forever just to be worse off than we are? I mean sure, we could just create our own forever, but eventually you'll be a repeater. Which is a neutron star spinning so fast, as light hits it, and our milky-way reionizes? We're just ripping our planet apart, nothing new, and we become a part of the planetary dodgeball game.