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Tom Nook
Build a house attack?
Stuff with money.
Up+B: Tailspin - Nook flies upwards by twirling his tail above him, while holding a pinwheel up so it faces the screen (picture the two rotors on a helicopter). Touching either one will cause multiple hits of light damage and flinching. Nook can be steered left and right while using this move, and if he is directly under an opponent, he will spin his tail faster, speeding up his ascent. Cannot be canceled early, and ends after a set time. The final hit will fling enemies to the side a decent distance, but this is intended more to let Nook fall to the ground safely than to get KOs.
The mailbirds?
Neutral B: Register - Nook opens a cash register that appears in front of him. This works like Pocket, capturing items and projectiles within itself and storing them for later. However, if the player presses B immediately upon catching something, Nook will instead exchange the item for bells - in the form of gold coins that fire forward at a swift pace, dealing damage and knockback on impact. Bells are fired in a group of one to five coins in a spread pattern, depending on the item/projectile captured, with rarer or more potent ones spawning more coins. Coins bounce off of surfaces, but are destroyed after a short time, or hitting an opponent or projectile (which is also destroyed). Nook cannot use Register to catch his own coins.
Side+B: Tanuki Leaf - Nook throws a classic Animal Crossing leaf forward in an arc that can be short or long depending on how the move is input (just like Samus's missiles). It will settle on the ground, and disappear a few seconds after doing so. If an opponent touches it (or Nook attacks it) while it is in the air or on the ground, it will abruptly change into a random piece of furniture, doing solid damage and knockback to any enemy's caught in its expansion. Furniture acts as crates in terms of durability, longevity and solidness, and can be picked up, carried, and thrown in exactly the same manner as crates, doing as much damage, and even vanishes after time passes like a crate. All furniture is of the same size and hitbox. As items, furniture can be used with Register.
Throwing furniture (in the form of leaves)
Down+B: Carpet Counter - Nook holds a rolled up carpet in his hands for a second. If struck during this second, he will spin around, sticking out his arms and the roll as far as he can. If this touches an enemy, they take damage and are wrapped up in a carpet with a random pattern, stunning them, like a Yoshi egg. Damage depends on the attack that triggers this attack, but it does less damage than other counters. Stun time depends on both the opponent's %, and the strength of the attack.
A random villager steals one of your stocks and sells it to Nook
Final Smash: Crushing Debt - One of Nook's assistants runs forward out from him to the blast zone, grabbing any opponents on the way. If any opponents are grabbed, the scene changes to them standing in Nookingtons, along with Tom Nook, and both of his assistants. Nook will say one of several lines in an AC-style speech bubble, all to the effect of "Those items you ordered have arrived!", as Tommy and Timmy hurl various 'heavy' objects into them, including rocks, bricks, dumbbells, bowling balls, and large bones, causing the opponent(s) to take continuous damage. Nook will continue talking, describing the items as 'premium', 'artisanal', '100% organic' and similar buzzwords, before finally mentioning the price of all the items, which is a number of bells between 400,000 and 17,000,000. At this, the scene changes back to the level, and the opponent(s), standing where they were when they got hit, take a sudden strong knockback impulse.
Tom Nook, like any good loan shark, needs to use your actions against you to get his shenanigans going, and once he does, it's difficult to get him off your case. Register's coin function lets him counter zoning attempts and gain control of enclosed environments, Tailspin punishes you for letting him get below the stage while off-level, and his remaining two moves are essentially two kinds of traps, and can be used in tandem for tricky set-ups or just pressure. His moves also all have versatility, with Tailspin being a decent way to end combos, all the shenanigans he can get up to by essentially spawning an empty crate at will, and of course his stun.