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Rouge The Bat
Neutral B: Black Wave - Rouge raises one hand up and spins around, saying the move's name. While this happens, a pair of concentric black rings appear at the nearest opponent's location, and Rouge's player can move them slowly with the analog stick. When Rouge completes her spin, the rings collapse inwards, and if the enemy is caught in them, they take a small amount of damage, and are slowly floated upwards a fixed distance in lieu of standard knockback.
Side+B: Bat Cracker - Rogue throws a small flying bomb that resembles herself forward. It seeks out the nearest enemy and flies towards them. Upon getting within a certain distance of this enemy, it will begin to orbit them at a fixed radius and a modest speed. It holds still if the enemy moves towards it (either willingly or by being propelled by an attack), and will explode, damaging them, on contact. Bat Crackers perish harmlessly upon being hit with any attack, or after a short time passes. Two of them can exist at once, but any given character can only be orbited by one Cracker per enemy Rouge. Crackers ignore surfaces.
Down+B: Beauty Shock - Rouge draws in breath and shrieks, firing a sound wave projectile in a direction chosen by her player by moving the analog stick during the move's start up.  This projectile bounces off of surfaces, objects and enemies. The attack changes depending on how much damage Rouge has received since the last time she used it, gaining size, and dealing more damage as she takes more damage (up to a certain ceiling), and gains a stunning effect after a certain point. Regardless, they travel quickly but don't last very long.
Final Smash:
Rouge Woman - Rouge poses sassily, and says, "It's voluntary now - courtesy of GUN." before a series of pink and silver flashes turn her into her Robot Master form. In this temporary state, Rouge can freely fly in any direction, and is invincible. She can fire a pink ball of energy in any direction by pressing B - it moves very quickly, and deals solid damage and knockback to enemies on hit. By pressing A, Rouge will lightly toss three dummy rings into the air above her that fall to the ground below, spreading out as they do - these rings explode in a burst of stunning (but not damaging) electricity if touched by an enemy and stick around for several seconds after being deployed. When the move ends, Rouge's metal parts vanish in another flash, and she will helplessly fall to the ground.
Rouge is about oppressing and hindering the enemy from various angles and distances before moving in close for a powerful smash attack. She's speedy, fights mostly with kicks, and can glide during her jumps. Beauty Shock acts as a panic button that encourages enemies to give her space - but only periodically. Her final smash's ring attacks also lend themselves to a number of tricky uses, such as chasing enemies into them for an easy potshot, or releasing a batch right before the move ends so they'll linger for a bit while she's in her normal form.
Rouge is about oppressing and hindering the enemy from various angles and distances before moving in close for a powerful smash attack. She's speedy, fights mostly with kicks, and can glide during her jumps. Beauty Shock acts as a panic button that encourages enemies to give her space - but only periodically. Her final smash's ring attacks also lend themselves to a number of tricky uses, such as chasing enemies into them for an easy potshot, or releasing a batch right before the move ends so they'll linger for a bit while she's in her normal form.