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Name: Scott
Race: Saiyan
Power Level: Unknown
Techniques: Super Instinct Kamehameha, Gamma Burst Flash, Dark Blast Stinger, Gigantic Blast, Negative Karma Ball, Sphere Of Destruction, Holy Wrath, Shocking Death Ball, Revenge Death Ball, Peeler Storm, Stardust Breaker, Final Kamehameha, Gigantic Spirit Bomb, Ultimate Maiden Burst, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, Hellzone Grenade, Final Hope Slash, Ultimate Masenko,
Techniques: Super Instinct Kamehameha, Gamma Burst Flash, Dark Blast Stinger, Gigantic Blast, Negative Karma Ball, Sphere Of Destruction, Holy Wrath, Shocking Death Ball, Revenge Death Ball, Peeler Storm, Stardust Breaker, Final Kamehameha, Gigantic Spirit Bomb, Ultimate Maiden Burst, Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack, Hellzone Grenade, Final Hope Slash, Ultimate Masenko, Time Skip, Power Impact,