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Character name:
Character Name: Levina
Character Age:
Character Age: 19
Byond Key: 
Byond Key: ShadeXe0n
Skill/Rank applying for: 
Skill/Rank applying for: Emotion / Berserk Armor
(App below the line)
F W O O S H! A burst of energy envelops the body of the young orange-clad fighter as she is gifted power from the Cosmic Tutor. Her eyes grow wide as the process happens in the moment of approximately three seconds, then everything settles down. "Train yourself to the upmost limits you can withstand... Soon your spirit will manifest into something far superior to anything ordinary, Impenetrable, and unbreakable, train your spirit well - and you will never break." Were the words that the great being spoke to her afterwards. Levina didn't feel any different after this encounter, she thought she would have gained some magnificent ability in and instant yet it seems that she wasn't ready to use whatever ability she was given as of yet. As she leaves the area of the tower, she felt, Disappointment.
Later on, she found herself training once more within the town's gym. Her current motivation is the visions of past events flowing through her mind, her loss at the tournament, the fight with the clown entity in town, her friend Luka getting his bones broken during his fight with the suspicious hooded figure. These thoughts made Levina subconsciously put more power behind her fists as she continues to attack the punching bag, fuel to her growing fear of not being able to compete with everyone else, being left behind to be useless and suffer in the soon to be war. The more she thinks about it, the more anxious she gets, beads of sweat forms on her forehead and her breaths become more jagged with every punch, her fists grow shaky. What would happen if she were to go onto the battlefield umprepared? What if she wasn't gifted enough to accept the Tutor's gift? Flashes of her friends' beaten up bodies show into view alongside her own broken figure on the battlefield, the product of failure. This causes her to feel, Fear.
"You're just not unique."
"You have no power, even if you're marked."
"You can't help anyone like that."
The thoughts ring out inside of her head as she grits her teeth and continues wailing at the surprisingly sturdy punching bag. She's been at it for hours now nonestop and her arms are beginning to feel like they're about to fall off. The pain slowly grows but she is determined to push herself to go even further beyond her normal human capabilities, to prove to herself and everyone else that she can do it.  A more instinctual rage bubbles up within her as she put even more power into beating the punching bag. Instead of an inanimate object, she begins seeing Bonkers, laughing at her for being so weak. This causes her to emit a growl similar to a rabid animal acting on primal instinct alone. This made her feel, Anger.
Soon, these negative emotions become heightened, embedding themselves into her brain while her entire body feel like it's about to go numb at any moment. "I'm going to rip him apart!" She says, though totally unlike her carefree character of fighting for fun. The pain of cnnstantly punching the bag was getting too much, too unbearable for a human being, yet she persevered. Her sheer will begins to block off her brain from perceiving the pain in her limbs and soon enough her body begins to undergo a change. Some odd armor appears, brought out by her spirit alone, it equips to her body and soon enough all of the pain is suppressed. This allows her to push herself even more, letting out a roar as her flurry of blows from the armored gauntlets tear the punching bag apart. Bloodlust.
The yells of the others in the gym snaps her out of this crazed state, causing her to look at the destroyed gym equipment with an embarassed expression. Levina takes deep breaths to calm herself down and so the armor fades away, the aftereffects kicking in which causes her to fall to the ground feeling the pain in her arms from overexerting herself. This power, gifted by the Cosmic Tutor, can aid her in helping her friends in the fight. Though she must do her best to train her spirit in order to not be consumed by the negative emotions that exert when this armor is used. Now, she can get even with anyone that messes with Fox Town.