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	Pokemon Sun Playthrough FAQ:
	Pokemon Ultra Sun Playthrough FAQ:
Q: Is this a good game? Did you like this game??
Q: Is this a good game? Do you like this game??
A: Mostly great, yeah. It has a few flaws imo (so many cutscenes, handholding, hate the Rotom Pokedex), but most things are really good (Visuals, sound, story, characters, persentation, personalities, Pokemon, and difficulty/balance are all top notch imo)
A: Probably. I liked Sun/Moon for a first playthrough (good story/characters/difficulty/pokemon), but did not like it for multiple playthroughs (far too many cutscenes, no additional draw). These games seem to be off a similar format, but more expansive, but this is my first playthrough so I probably think it's good at the moment.
Q: Will you speedrun these games?!
A: No.
Q: Why not?
A: I don't like running games with analog controls. I don't like running games with distinct console advantages, and especially don't like buying consoles specifically for running a game I already have (New 3DS plays faster than 3DS). I don't like running new games in general, as they won't be nearly as optimised. I don't like running games where the community of people who play the game is not one that I like (yes, this is -already- the case lmao). And finally there seems to be nothing that makes this game interesting to me to run anyway. So basically there's nothing drawing me in and plenty pushing me out, so no chance.
A: I don't like running games with analog controls. I don't like running games with distinct console advantages, and especially don't like buying consoles specifically for running a game I already have (New 3DS probably plays faster than 3DS). I don't like running new games in general, as they won't be nearly as optimised. I don't like running games with a huge amount of cutscenes. So basically there's nothing drawing me in and plenty pushing me out, so no chance. Some games are good games, but not good speedgames
Plus; after playing the game, it's soooo cutscene heavy. It would be such a bore to run. Not only will I not run them, I have absolutely zero interest. Won't be watching anyone else, won't care about it at all. Just not well built for it at all.
A: Idk, I only played Sun/Moon for like one day and then dropped it, but this game looks like it does have a bit bigger postgame from what I've seen, so maybe I'll jump in more.
A: Probably not too long tbh. Maybe only today, but it depends how much I really like the games. I lost a lot of motivation and all my hype for playing and doing shit with this game when it got leaked early. But I could also really enjoy this, and have a really good time. But I'll be back to speedruns of other games fairly soon as well I think
Q: What's different about the Ultra versions?
A: So far, not too much, but from what I've heard the end game and post ame are quite a bit different. You're player character is a bit cuter though, so that's +400%
Q: So what are you doing atm?
A: Idk, just chillin and doing different shit I guess
Q: Why Ultra Sun? Why not Ultra Moon?
A: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Q: Why Sun? Why not Moon?
Q: Is this a place for trades? Friend codes? 
A: We might all be friends (Lol), but no friend codes and such. Shit is way too spammy, and doesn't work, so keep that elsewhere.