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[Deku (Full Cowling)]
High Attack: Kick that knocks the opponent upward briefly and has Deku backflip backward a small distance.
High Attack: Kick that knocks the opponent upward. 
Neutral Attack: Follows up standard melee with two quick kicks. Holding this will unleash a third after the usual two, pushing his opponent away.
Trip: Deku slides forward, briefly dragging first opponent hit backwards and stunning. (Not a lunge, drags them infront) 
Trip: Deku slides forward, dragging first opponent hit backwards and stunning.
Held Burst Dash: Deku darts forward, moving directly above the last opponent he's attacked if they're within 5 tiles. (Maybe)
Ultimate: Plus Ultra - Deku lunges forward for 1 second, the first enemy is stunned for 1 second and he kicks them up in into the air, gaining Hyper Armor as soon as the first hit lands. This is followed by a series of 4 fast hits each dealing 5 damage followed by a final 10 Damage that knocks the enemy down with a hard stun.
Ultimate - Plus Ultra: Deku lunges forward for 1 second, the first enemy is stunned for 1 second and he kicks them up in into the air, gaining Hyper Armor as soon as the first hit lands. This is followed by a series of 4 fast hits each dealing 5 damage followed by a final 10 Damage that knocks the enemy down with a hard stun.
1. Detroit Smash - Deku dashes forward with a super power punch, knocking enemies backwards and dealing 15 Damage. Holding this causes Deku to charge up a stronger Detroit Smash, lunging further and dealing 20 Damage but also receiving 10 Damage as a result.
When Empowered, using Detroit Smash will target the nearest enemy in 3 tile range, teleporting Deku above their head and smashing them downwards for 10 Damage.
1. Detroit Smash: Tapping will immediately have Deku dash forward to strike someone, flinging them back and dealing 15 damage. Holding this extends the duration of the dash.
~ If Cast while holding Up, Deku will aim his Detroit Smash upward as an air pressure cannon, pushing back enemies in a 3 tile AoE range.
- If Cast while holding Up, Deku will aim his Detroit Smash upward as an air pressure cannon (basically Daytona Smash, but not in front of him), pushing back anything around him.
- (Maybe) If Cast while Holding Down, Deku will aim his Detroit Smash downward, punching the opponent below him or pushing those nearby away if striking the ground.
2. Delta Rush - Deku lunges in a chosen direction in a rush that can pass through allies and enemies. Passing through an enemy lowers Deku's Attack Delay for 5 seconds while Deku's Detroit Smash becomes empowered for 3 seconds. Passing through an ally increase Deku's Movement Speed for 5 seconds and gives 25 Stamina to himself and the ally. 
2. Delta Rush: A short lunge that can be chained with his moves, increasing the speed of dashes and such. Direction he lunges in can be controlled via. arrow keys and cooldown can be refunded once if a move he chains it with lands. Can be used to lunge through up to one enemy per use, granting Deku bonus Attack Speed for 3 seconds if he successfully lunges through them.
3. Delaware Smash - Deku launches a small projectile that stuns and deals 5 Damage, he has 3 charges of this move before it goes on cooldown.
- When held. Deku can expend all charges to launch a larger projectile forward that deals 5 Damage per charge currently stored and knocking the enemy backwards. 
3. Delaware Smash: Delaware Smash - Deku launches a small projectile that stuns and deals 5 Damage, he has 3 charges of this move before it goes on cooldown.
- When held. Deku can expend all charges to launch a larger projectile forward that deals 5 Damage per charge currently stored.
4. San Diego Smash - Quick kick that knocks the opponent up and backward, dealing 5 Damage. Holding causes him to follow up by backflipping over them, kicking them and slamming them into the ground, hardstunning/pinning and dealing another 5 Damage.
4. San Diego Smash: Quick kick that knocks the opponent up and backward, dealing 5 Damage. Holding causes him to follow up by backflipping over them, kicking them and slamming them into the ground, hardstunning/pinning and dealing another 5 Damage.
5. Manchester/St. Louis Smash - Deku leaps into the air in a forward arc and brings his heel down in a vertical axe kick. Enemy hit by this take 20 Damage and making contact with the ground causes Deku to unleash a 1 tile AoE that stuns nearby enemies briefly and a 2 tile AoE shockwave that knocks up. (Doesn't bounce him.)
~ If already in the air, Deku goes straight down from his current position with Manchester Smash.
5. Manchester Smash / St. Louis Smash: - Same as current, minus bouncing Deku up where he lands. Pushes anything in range back instead of knocking up, briefly stunning anyone who's especially close (like Overhaul levels of close). If landed directly, he pins his opponent against him, driving them into the ground and stunning them. If held, he performs St. Louis Smash. Both deal 15 Damage.
~ If held, becomes St Louis Smash: Deku targets the first enemy in a 5 tile frontal range, immediately appearing next to them with a kick that roots Deku and the enemy together for 1 second, after the delay, the enemy takes 15 Damage while getting sent backwards. (To allow evade)