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Lucina the Tomb Raider is as she appears in Fire Emblem Awakening as a Level 20 Great Lord. She is equipped with the Parallel Falchion, Levin Sword, Shock Stick, and Gradivus and has the skills Aether, Pavise, and Rightful King. Lucina is also equipped with the Accipiter Nox, Submachinegun and Dreamstringer from Rise of the Tomb Raider, and is considered to be skilled in their use. She additionally has the skills Triple Shot, Clasically Trained, Dead Eye, Nerves of Steel, Inner Strength, Heart of Stone, all crafting skills except Cluster Bomb Arrows (including Greek Fire) and all appropriate preceding skills from Rise of the Tomb Raider, as well as a large supply of all types of craftable arrows, Hollow-Point Bullets, and Smoke Grenades.
Lucina the Tomb Raider
Upkeep: 3/week
Foreseer (Pre-Battle) - While not from as distant a future as AD 2300, Lucina is all about abusing knowledge of the not too distant future to aid her in CHALLENGING HER FATE. Once every 4 weeks, you may declare this ability if your opponent has not had an ability phase yet this wartime. Your ability phase ends and it immediately becomes your opponent's ability phase. When your opponent is done, you are granted a second ability phase with a time limit of 24 hours - the time you spent on your first ability phase, to a minimum of 12 hours. You may not use abilities you've already used in the first ability phase again in this second ability phase.
Minimum Bid: 65 GP
<b>Lucina the Tomb Raider</b> is as she appears in Fire Emblem Awakening as a Level 20 Great Lord. She is equipped with the Parallel Falchion, Levin Sword, Shock Stick, and Gradivus and has the skills Aether, Pavise, and Rightful King. Lucina is also equipped with the Accipiter Nox, Submachinegun and Dreamstringer from Rise of the Tomb Raider, and is considered to be skilled in their use. She additionally has the skills Triple Shot, Clasically Trained, Dead Eye, Nerves of Steel, Inner Strength, Heart of Stone, all crafting skills except Cluster Bomb Arrows (including Greek Fire) and all appropriate preceding skills from Rise of the Tomb Raider, as well as a large supply of all types of craftable arrows, Hollow-Point Bullets, and Smoke Grenades.
<b>Foreseer (Pre-Battle)</b> - While not from as distant a future as AD 2300, Lucina is all about abusing knowledge of the not too distant future to aid her in CHALLENGING HER FATE. Once every 4 weeks, you may declare this ability if your opponent has not had an ability phase yet this wartime. Your ability phase ends and it immediately becomes your opponent's ability phase. When your opponent is done, you are granted a second ability phase with a time limit of 24 hours - the time you spent on your first ability phase, to a minimum of 12 hours. You may not use abilities you've already used in the first ability phase again in this second ability phase.
(New Start of Battle; 15 EXP)
<b>Sex Symbol (Start of Battle)</b> - Times change, generations pass, reboots come and go, but one constant remains: whoever holds the title of Tomb Raider remains a pillar of feminine ability, tenacity, and outstanding looks. Once every four weeks, Lucina can take a few pages from her mother's book. All male mercenaries will find her tremendously attractive regardless of their usual preferences, and will find themselves distracted by her beauty during the fight whenever she's in view. They will not attack her until she attacks them herself or she is the last mercenary standing on her team's side. Female mercenaries will be under no such restrictions, regardless of their personal preferences.
(Ability Upgrade; 10 EXP)
Whenever Foreseer is used, Lucina may provide a warning to her team of a certain non-Trigger rechargeable ability from the enemy team being used. Lucina will send a number, X, along with the choice of ability to the admins. If the ability is used this wartime as the Xth declared ability by the opponent, the ability will fail and go on a 3 week recharge. Non-rechargeable abilities and triggers do not contribute to this tally.
(Character Upgrade; 15 EXP)
Gains the Cluster Bomb Arrows skill, the Military Rifle with all attachments, the Tactical Shotgun with Spreader Choke and Dragonfire Shells, and Shrapnel Grenades and Proximity Mines.