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Dear alexwolf:
I am severely worried about the OU Viability Ranking Thread, and what you have done to it. I am not mad about Lando-I not dropping, I am mad about you placing it in conclusion reached, along with all of S Rank This, my friend, is a terrible decision. Conclusion Reached should be reserved for those Pokemon who don't have a fair argument to have their ranking changed. This is not the case for Lando-I, CharX or Keldeo. There are many, many reasons why any of these 3 could drop could drop, and many, many reasons why they could stay (I myself and many people think  that a fair bit of A+ needs to move up now as well). These are not conclusion reached Pokemon because it is not blatantly obvious that they should remain S, unlike Azumarill. I BEG you to reconsider.
I am severely worried about the OU Viability Ranking Thread, and what you have done to it. I am not mad about Lando-I not dropping, I am mad about you placing it in conclusion reached, along with all of S Rank. This, my friend, is a terrible decision. Conclusion Reached should be reserved for those Pokemon who don't have a fair argument to have their ranking changed. This is not the case for Lando-I, CharX or Keldeo. There are many, many reasons why any of these 3 could drop could drop, and many, many reasons why they could stay (I myself and many people think  that a fair bit of A+ needs to move up now as well). These are not conclusion reached Pokemon because it is not blatantly obvious that they should remain S, unlike Azumarill. I BEG you to reconsider.