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him and screwing his cock inside of her from knobs top to thick and healthy balls end. They bounce to meet her as her hips ascend and bow. Catching him up each time, resurfacing the distended belly bulge with each pump. Clawed paws scuffle back to his sculpted shoulders, which ripple beneath her squeezing hands. The eye contact between the two of them, when she opens her gaze, is fierce, loving, potent and demanding as they race to meet their common goal.
Evona Strongs	Ezra Martin	There were so many places that she wanted her hands too, even now. But she was occupied with her current task at hand, even if she could multitask. She was such a busy body atop of him, and seemed to highly doubt that she would ever abandon her work right now. She picked one hand up to place atop of his fingers that roam across her tummy as he bulged her out. She slips an arch mid-spine within her back, and that's where the motion starts. It allows her to raise herself from the height of her ass on up, and it took work of those back muscles all of the way down her hips, to ride his cock the way she did. It wasn't as if she was such an expert on the task, but she might as well be with him. Her body type was on her side, as well as the shape that it was in. She could keep him like this for as long as he let her, or at least until he's banged her pussy out of the frame. Which ever comes first. Fuck! She had grabbed the live wire that is he, and was being electrocuted at every turn. He was so alive beneath her, crowded with the sensation of her insides, the thrill of her fever leaking all around him. When they were stuck this tight together, the throbbing pulse of him radiated so deep inside of her. Strumming like waves of an untamed sea crashing through all of the nerves of her body. Starting from the core of the war drums his cock beat within her. She was lost, gasping in his grasp and atop of him as her breathy moans pipe up on a swayed whimper. It leaves a little snarl yelping from her after the thunderous abuse of his hand preaching the word of his desire again. It picked up and fell against her jiggling ass again with another snapped slap. She automatically flinched all over the entirety of her body as she screams with the duration of it. "Fuck yes!" She yelled out in praise in time to the slap as her head droops forward. Her hips get more physical than they were at presence. For with each rise, they start to fall just as quickly, hammering herself atop of him and screwing his cock inside of her from knobs top to thick and healthy balls end. They bounce to meet her as her hips ascend and bow. Catching him up each time, resurfacing the distended belly bulge with each pump. Clawed paws scuffle back to his sculpted shoulders, which ripple beneath her squeezing hands. The eye contact between the two of them, when she opens her gaze, is fierce, loving, potent and demanding as they race to meet their common goal.