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According to our traction and primary research estimated average revenues are $250-$300 with an average growth of 20% per month for the upcoming year. The internship market experiences uplifts during the specific months: February-April: generated revenues - 650-$725/month, August-October: generated revenues: approximately $700/month. 
Costs: marketing and tech costs. Tech costs are: website maintenance of $42/month, and web tools (Algolia-search) with $35/month. 
Marketing, Sales, PR are estimated to be $100-$150 per month for the upcoming year. Similar to the revenues they will have some up-lifts because these are mainly variable costs. 
We have already passed the break-even point and have average profit margin of 39%. 
Estimates are made for the Armenian market only. 
Liani grac business model:
Our business model is based on the freemium model. We offer 3 fixed price and 1 tailored service bundles. The total price of the first bundle of 5 interns in quantity is equal to $ 200, which is $ 40 per hire. The second bundle of 10 interns in quantity is $ 380, which is correspondingly $38 per hire. The third bundle is $ 720 of 20 interns in quantity, which is $36 per hire. The final bundle of 50+ hires in quantity is tailored offer.  What refers to companies who only want to hire an individual student, it’s  $ 42.
Our business model is based on the freemium model. We offer 3 fixed price and 1 tailored service bundles. An individual student hire through Breedge costs $ 42. Companies are not required to do any payment while using Breedge as a sourcing/filtering tool or for their hiring flow. Companies only pay after interviewing the shortlisted candidates by themselves and deciding who they want to hire, thus minimizing the risk of not worth payments.