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Welcome to the Nugget Bridge Live Tournaments! These are weekly tourneys held on IRC. [url=""][b]Here[/b][/url] is a link to the IRC channel #nuggetbridge where the tournaments will be held if you lack a better IRC client.
The tournament this week will be [b]single elimination best of 1[/b]! The tournament will be held on #nuggetbridge MONTH the DATE @ TIME pm EST (TIME+5 GMT). [b]The metagame will be [url=""]NBC Format[/url][/b], so have your teams ready.
The tournament this week will be [b]single elimination best of 1[/b]! The tournament will be held on #nuggetbridge MONTH the DATE @ TIME pm PST (TIME+8 GMT). [b]The metagame will be [url=""]NBC Format[/url][/b], so have your teams ready.
When the tournament is starting I'll send a channel /notice telling you to start posting your FCs in this thread. We'll hold sign-ups for one hour before this starts from TIME pm to TIME pm EST (TIME+5 to TIME+5 GMT). Sign-ups will take place here in the thread. To sign up post with your FC and stating that you're signing up when sign ups times are going on.
When the tournament is starting I'll send a channel /notice telling you to start posting your FCs in this thread. We'll hold sign-ups for one hour before this starts from TIME pm to TIME pm PST (TIME+8 to TIME+8 GMT). Sign-ups will take place here in the thread. To sign up post with your FC and stating that you're signing up when sign ups times are going on.
Just a few rules that would be great for your guys to follow while playing:
[*]Don't be mad about a loss, even if the hax was bad in a game.[/*]
[*]Stay in the channel throughout the entire duration of the tournament, and if you can't then make sure you let the host know.[/*]
[*]Watch for possible announcements the host may give[/*]
[*]Don't use time sensitive/stall abusing teams (Recover/Stockpile Gastrodon, Moody anything, etc). Lots of people have things they need to get to after these tourneys, and if using a team like that it only slows down the entire tourney. If you are using a team of this nature, the host has the ability to call time on a match.[/*]
[*][b]You are not allowed to change teams between rounds.[/b][/*]
[*]There is a 25 minute timer for each. The host will keep track when each match is over and when the new one begins. Whoever is at the biggest advantage by the end of the timer is the winner.[/*]
[*]If due to wifi problems that you cannot connect with your opponent, a 4-4 tie will be called(If swiss)[/*]
[*][b]Please open a private message with your opponent on IRC to coordinate rather than doing so in the main chat[/b][/*]
Anything else? Otherwise see you on #nuggetbridge [b]DAY[/b] at TIME pm EST (TIME+5 GMT) (Actually earlier than that because of the sign up period)! Feel free to post questions and comments if need be.
Anything else? Otherwise see you on #nuggetbridge [b]DAY[/b] at TIME pm PST (TIME+8 GMT) (Actually earlier than that because of the sign up period)! Feel free to post questions and comments if need be.