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Yuki ran into the office.  She had gotten home to find out her twin sister Rikka was missing.  There was a note saying that she had been taken to help repay the debt the two had received.  She couldn't just let this happen to her sister!
"Yes? Is there something I can- Ah, hello miss Masami. I see you found the note." The man said as he watched Yuki run into his office. "I am sorry but it was time to collect the debt you two owed. So unless you have the money to pay me back, I'm afraid we have nothing else to discuss."
"B-But you can't take my sister like that!"  Yuki replied.  The note that she was given described just what was going to happen to Rikka and she couldn't let that happen.  "P-Please let me take her place!"
"I'm sorry but we've already taken her in. There is nothing more I can- One moment, please." The man answered the phone. The small talk soon ended up into an argument. "I need those orders filled! Where am I supposed to find someone to do them at the last minu... te.... I'll call you back." He hung up the phone and looked at Yuki. "My apologies for the slight interruption, miss Masami. But I believe we many be able to work something out."
Yuki bit her lip as she heard the argument over the phone but if there was a chance to help Rikka.  "What is it?"  Yuki asked.
"You may have heard some of my conversation but I'll make it brief. There are 30 orders all over town and I need someone to fulfill some of them. So here's the deal. If you can fill 10 of these 30 orders, your debt will be forgiven and your sister returned to you. There are some things you must do first before you can get started on doing the orders." The man explained.
"Wh-what is it?"  Yuki asked.  She figured what kind of things those orders would be and it scared her but she needs to save her sister.
"You'll need to do the orders in the nude. No clothes whatsoever. Except a pair of boots simply so we can track you." The man explained.
Yuki's eyes widened once she understood the order.  She would have to run around town, finding these orders, naked.  If someone saw her while she was like that then Yuki could die of embarrassment.  But otherwise Rikka would have to do worse sorts of things...  "Wh-What are s-some of the other details?"
"You can choose at what time of the day to do the orders. But do be sure fill at least one order per day. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what will happen if you fail to do so." The man said. "I'd also appreciate it if you didn't take so long to do an order. And please don't either insult and/or displease our clients. Have I made myself clear?"
Yuki nodded as she looked down at the ground.  She understood what she had to do no matter how much she wanted to avoid it.  But she would do it for Rikka's sake.
"Good. Now I believe you should strip now. Right here in the room." The man said.
"Wh-What?!"  Yuki asked surprised.  But if she couldn't strip in front of him right now, how could she even manage to go outside naked.  Sighing Yuki took off her top, showing her white bra.  After a second Yuki took off her bra blushing as her breasts are exposed.  Next went her skirt and her panties followed.  Yuki stood there in the middle of the office, her hands covering her breasts and pussy.
"Good girl. Now I suggest getting to work immediately, miss Masami." The man said.
Yuki nodded as she gathered up her clothes, got dressed and left quickly.  It was still the afternoon so far too bright and too many people out for her to begin.  But as soon as it got late at night Yuki sat in her apartment, naked except for a pair of black boots.  "Am I really doing this?"  She asked herself.
A knock on the door was then heard. "Hey Yuki. You in there? It's Danielle." The woman's voice, Danielle said. "Can I come in?"
Yuki's eyes widened at the knock.  She did not need this right now.  Not when she was about to go out.  And she couldn't let anyone know about this...  "Um sorry Danielle.  I-I'm going to bed early tonight since I'm not feeling well..."  Yuki lied.
"Are you sure? I saw your sister leaving your apartment with some men in suits earlier today." Danielle commented. "There's a chance they'll come back for you."
"I-It's okay.  I talked with them and we are working to get everything settled."  Yuki responded.  It was true in a way.  Even know she had known Dani for a while Yuki couldn't let her know about this.  "Thanks for the concern though Danielle."
"All right... We're still up for that movie tomorrow, right?" Danielle asked.
"Yeah.  Night Danielle."  Yuki answered.  She knew that once Danielle went to bed in a few minutes the apartment place would be free from people until the morning.  She would be able to go out and find an order and complete it and get back before anyone knows.
"Night Yuki." Danielle then left and returned to her own room.
Yuki waited several minutes before peeking her head out.  Seeing that it was clear, Yuki took a deep breath and just ran all the way down to the street.  "I'm...really outside naked..."  Yuki muttered.  It was so embarrassing.  Still she had to find these orders and get one complete.  Thankfully she found a PDA that was close to her apartment.
Yuki waited several minutes before peeking her head out.  Seeing that it was clear, Yuki took a deep breath and just ran all the way down to the street.  "I'm...really outside naked..."  Yuki muttered.  It was so embarrassing.  Still she had to find these orders and get one complete.  Thankfully she found a PDA that was close to her apartment.
The PDA glowed and revealed something on the screen. The location and description of the order was being revealed as the following. "Go to the Men's restroom in Kita-3 and piss in the urinal raising your foot."