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A retards guide to why Fuwanovel is shit - By /vn/ v1.0
A retard's guide to why Fuwanovel is shit - By /vn/ v1.02
>Why is Fuwanovel shit? 
Because most of the software provided on the site is pre-installed. 
>I'm a retard, so please tell me why that is a bad thing?
In layman's terms, when you install something on your computer, the installer runs various hardware or software checks so the correct files, in the correct format are properly added for your computer's specific needs. Something like a different operating system, a different graphics card or even a single wrong line in a single registry error can completely break the visual novel's functionality. This is why Fuwanovel VNs have a negative reputation of being non-functional. Pre-installed software is also poorly configured for your system's settings and as a result, even if it does work, it's more resource intensive and places more strain on your computer. 
Most of the time, it isn't.  The vast majority of visual novel installers are in fact simply glorified unpackers or even copy/paste scripts that do nothing more, and the contents can simply be copied in place without issue. The problem comes with the few games that perform other important tasks in their installers. In layman's terms, when you install something on your computer, the installer often runs various hardware or software checks so the correct files, in the correct format are properly added for your computer's specific needs. Something like a different operating system, a different graphics card or even a single wrong line in a single registry error can completely break the visual novel's functionality. This is why Fuwanovel VNs have a negative reputation of being non-functional. Since it is often difficult to tell if the VN in question's installer was necessary or not, you are usually better off avoiding their torrents entirely when possible for this reason. Pre-installed software is also poorly configured for your system's settings and as a result, even if it does work it's more resource intensive and places more strain on your computer. 
>But Fuwanovel visual novels work fine for my dumbass. 
>But I've tried plenty of Fuwanovel VNs and they've worked fine. 
That's great, nobody cares. Ignoring the fact you're placing an unnecessary strain on your system, that doesn't mean you should come in here and start recommending other people use Fuwanovel. Just because it works for you doesn't mean it'll work for someone else with different software or hardware. The reason why it works for you is because your computer is likely configured to similar settings as the systems Fuwanovel uses. However, just because it works today doesn't mean it'll work tomorrow. Inevitably, the people that run Fuwanovel will upgrade their hardware or software and start uploading pre-installed software configured to new settings, which means in order for new VNs to work, you will need to upgrade your own system to something similar they are now using, which will simultaneously make all of the old visual novels you downloaded incompatible. 
That's great, nobody cares. As stated in the first section, it is true that the majority of VNs require no installation at all and thus have nothing in them for Fuwanovel to ruin. The fact remains however that you are taking the risk into your own hands whenever you download one that something might fuck up completely due to some idiotic and misguided attempt on their part to make things easier for you. At the very least you had better not come back running to us when something breaks. Also, keep in mind that just because it works today doesn't mean it'll work tomorrow. Some unexpected error could pop up at any point as you play the game because of some strange bug introduced by their tampering. Don't assume that everything is fine just because it initially runs properly. To make things worse, there's always the possibility that some future software or hardware update you perform may break a pre-installed VN that was working fine for you before. This is admittedly relatively unlikely but it is technically possible, so you should be aware of it. If that's not enough, you should also keep in mind that the prepatched VNs will potentially make things harder for you if a new updated patch comes along that requires a clean unpatched version of the game.
>Okay, please spoonfeed me more, is there anything else I should know about Fuwanovel? 
What? All of that above isn't enough for you? Fine. The community is trash. Seriously, Gaia-tier trash. It openly encourages machine translations. The site is run by a bunch of narcissists who openly encourage copyright infringement and distribute patches without permission of the translators or content creators and profit through advertising revenue. The founder once faked having a terminal illness to get out of translation obligations. The patches are rarely up to date, especially on older visual novels, many still hosting partial patches or beta patches. Many of their releases have unnecessary downloads, for example every console visual novel on their site comes with an emulator, so you're re-downloading the same software even if you already have it, wasting bandwidth and hard drive space. There is seriously no reason to use Fuwanovel when their content is so shitty. 
>Why do you even care what software other people use? 
Because we're all sick of Fuwanovel devs viraling their shitty site on /vn/ and we're all even more sick of retards who use the site coming to us with their unfixable compatibility issues. 
For the most part, we don't. But if you come back here posting for help for some error that was caused by Fuwanovel's shitty release, and thereby demonstrate that you didn't even have the sense to avoid advertising your own stupidity for all to see, then we're going to have a problem. Feel free to use Fuwanovel all you want, but keep the fact and any problems that arise down the line to yourself.
>P-Please tell me where I can get eroge without downloading it from Fuwanovel. 
Buy the game (hahaha). 
Alternatively, get your hands on an ISO (check the pastebin in the OP for links), install the game your-fucking-self, download the patch from the translator's website and install that. There, you won't have to worry about having crapware on your system and the game breaking from unfixable, fundamental compatibility issues. 
You're welcome.
>> There you go everyone, now you know why Fuwanovel is shit. NOW STOP ASKING ABOUT IT <<
>> There you go everyone, now you know why Fuwanovel is shit. NOW STOP ASKING ABOUT IT <<
3/1 Update:
Fuwanovel has phased out their torrents, but a new site called Mofu has appeared to take their place, supposedly run by many of the same group that uploaded the old Fuwanovel releases.  Obviously, all of the same warnings that applied to Fuwanovel apply here as well.