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(Quick background:
All souls in this setting are made up of energy, which gods can extract to create an new soul proportional in power to the amount removed. This energy can be neither created nor destroyed. Hilo is the neutral good plane where most new deities reside, sort of like a vaguely hedonist Mt. Olympus. Material Expanse is just a slightly different version of the Material Plane. Mostly everything else is like the base D&D 5E setting)
The god of dreams, born to the golden paradise of Hilo, and bestowed the name Diságre. His creativity and imagination were so great, he was able to tap into the memories of those asleep to craft visions of breathtaking joy and beauty. This was a pleasure greatly enjoyed by the other gods on Hilo, and Diságre grew to love the attention they gave him for it. Diságre’s dreams were seen as the greatest works of art the gods had ever witnessed. Over time, Diságre became enamored with the primitive artistry shown on the Material Expanse. He felt that with some divine inspiration, they could create works of much greater value. He took to the hovel of a lonely human artist named Rinor, and crafted a dream unlike any other. This human had felt such deeper pain and joy than any of the immortals; for a human’s range of experience incurs a far deeper emotional toll than anything the gods on Hilo had seen. When you are immortally bound to a lavish life, you become numb to feeling that as those on Hilo did. So when Rinor awoke, he was filled with overwhelming shock at his re-entry into wakefulness. His eyes brimmed with tears, and he collapsed to his knees. He knew nothing he could create would ever match the beauty he had just witnessed. But he was an artist, and nothing could break him of the compulsion to try. He grabbed his dyes and scrambled to a large nearby rock. He spent the next week obsessively painting, and Diságre watched in horror as his deed drove the artist to madness. There was no way for Diságre to know that even as Rinor cut his wrist to finish the mural after he ran out of dye, he was the happiest he had ever been. In the last breath of his mortal life, Rinor smiled, gazing at his creation. Diságre broke down when he saw it. He had never experienced on of his own dreams before, but, in that moment, he saw the pure euphoria transcribed onto the stone. He knew in that instant that he could not keep his gift confined to Hilo. He divided the energy of his immortal soul into a legion of spirits named Dissomns, and sent them to the Material Expanse to grant dreams to all who slept below. Being only a fragment of Diságre, the dreams they created never matched the beauty of the one given to Rinor. The gods of Hilo, enraged by the loss of their dreams, sealed Diságre in his own plane. He would never be able to see the result of his gift to humanity.