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Sebastian's Tools of The Trade
Weapon:Ezekiel's Spellbook Bonus:AP and SK Description: A memento left behind by the spirit of Ezekiel Hayward, the late battlemage. After finding Ezekiel's most prized possession, a picture of his still living wife, Ezekiel passed into the afterlife with open arms, leaving behind his memories of magic in the form of his spellbook.
Armor: Bandit Mage's Garbs Bonus: AP and SK, maybe speed Description: A memento left behind by a bandit magician. After completing the bandit's last heist, Sebastian helped the bandit mage pass onto the afterlife, leaving behind his prized garbs as a thank you gift.
Skill 1: Restless Summoning  Description:Literally red summon
Skill 1: Restless Summoning  Description: Black summoning
Skill 2: Ashfall Description: (I) casts for a moment, evoking the memories of a family attempting to escape from their burning house. (I) release houses falling cinders onto a collection of opponents. Effect: AOE fire damage, possibly burn effect.