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*Mainly constructed out of cloth tents and small houses of sandstone brick, this is the City of Masks, Qunae. The majority of the people walking around are wearing robes--usually a dull white or grey color--and masks, various symbols on the masks and robes differentiating the people instead of facial features and races. You can hear people shouting out various offers and bargains in every elemental dialect, as well as a few tongues that don't even sound like they should be heard by mortal ears. In alleyways, needles and potions are traded while nearby guards look the other way, and a faint melody of wheezy, swaying music can barely be heard over the shouting and bartering. Welcome to Qunae; try not to get yourselves killed.*
*Suddenly, the caravan stopped, and Collective stepped out of the driver's part of the interior, into the main section.* "We're here now, folks." *He then looked at Sunshine.* "If there's anything more you need from me, dearest, then just tell me; I'd recommend you make it fast, however, as I actually do have some business to attend to, here."
*Suddenly, the caravan stopped, and Collective stepped out of the driver's part of the interior, into the main section.* "We're here now, folks." *He then looked at Sunshine.* "If there's anything more you need from me, dearest, then just tell me; I'd recommend you make it fast, however, as I actually do have some business to attend to, here."
*He put his hands together, grinning.* "Ah, well, the business is quite simple; I have to meet with a witch of sorts,