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Race: Saiyan
Power Level: Unknown
Moves: Final Destructive Cannon, Final Special Masenko, Chaos Turtle Laser, Supreme Kamehameha, Final Divine Wrath, Creation Burst, Omni Destruction Sphere, Chaos Flare Bolt, Zero Quasar Blast, Destructive Plasma Wave, Subzero Tremor Cannon, Hurricane Barrage Storm, Omni Divine Barrage, Final Spirit Sphere, Ultimate Rift Storm, Hyper Nuke Cannon, Divine Pulsar Sphere, Titan Quasar Cannon, Deity Dragon Fist, Primordial Buster Rush, Omni Genesis Ragnarok, Holy Celestial Cannon, Final End Wave, Reverse Omega Creation Sphere, Saiyaken, Final Divine End, Zero Genesis Cannon, Magna Final Kamehameha, Eraser Kamehameha, Ultimate God Kamehameha, Infinity Genesis Wave, Omniverse Spirit Bomb, Cosmic Divine Wave, Fists Of Cycle, Complete Arsenal, Omni Directional Wave, Ultimate Dissipation Strike, Super Absolute Zero, Final Demon Destruction, Six Sage Destruction Cero, Cosmic Death Bomb, Harmonious Divine Flash, Genesis Serene Sphere, 
Themes: The Fifth Power By Morgan Studios, Super Saiyan 3 Broly Theme By Saiyan Enigma, Clash Of Gods By HalusaTwin
Forms: Hyper Saiyan 1-5
Forms: Hyper Saiyan 1-6