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A Shining Star 14 minutes ago
Space itself tore open, and a swirling blue portal spat a young lady onto the Colosseum grounds. With murder in her eyes, she sprinted into the arena. "Yeah!! Who wants to come get some?!
Damien LaVey 9 minutes ago
stared at the lady in the arena. Hasn't fought in a while.. "OI! You down there! You want a fight?" He smirked, leaning over the railing in the stands.
A Shining Star 5 minutes ago
"That's why I'm here!" She roared back, with a wicked grin growing on her face. "Bunny rabbit rocket blast!" She swung a lavender sceptre in her hand, and a pair of enormous rabbits poofed into existence, and in a burst of flame, they lifted her high into the air, zooming past Damien, before landing next to him. The rabbits disappeared into smoke.
Damien LaVey 1 minute ago
applauded her little trick. That was cool. Giant rabbits? Hella creative. "Well, that's one way of getting to me, even though I was planning on coming down to you to discuss the rules of our fight, but seeing as you're here we can discuss it here."
A Shining Star 59 seconds ago
"Ugh, there are rules?" She asked, disgusted and disappointed by the premise. "What, is it like, no biting?"
Damien LaVey 2 minutes ago
rolled his eyes. "Nothing like that, I just wanna know if weapons and powers are allowed, and if it's a fight to the death." He shrugged.
A Shining Star 2 minutes ago
"Well..." She creaked out. "Maybe not to the death. But, I do want a challenge! And I gotta have my wand." She spun the crystal sceptre in her hand. "Y'know, to keep it fair." She smirked.
Damien LaVey 2 minutes ago
nodded. "Alright. Then I get my fire powers. Fair?" He smirked. "The colosseum is set up so that if you die, you'll be revived. I don't need that since I've got a similar system like that myself, since I'm kinda needed in Hell. Either way, you scared I'll kick your ass?~"
A Shining Star 53 seconds ago
"I didn't say it was for my sake~" She chuckled grimly. "But sure, throw your little fireballs around. It'll be like dating my ex again."
Damien LaVey 3 minutes ago
returned the chuckle, but it was rather cocky. "Oh, these balls aren't little. And it's not just fire I've got, so you better prepare yourself to take my heat. If not? Leave the damn kitchen." He grinned. "Well, get your ass in the arena, lets get this show on the road!"
A Shining Star 1 minute ago
With her eyes locked on the demon, she pointed her wand to the ground. "Butterfly storm flight." A tornado of monarch butterflies exploded out of the wand's crystal, and lifted Star off the ground, before bending gently and placing her on the arena floor, and the bugs drifted off into the aether.
"I'm ready when you are!!"
Damien LaVey 56 seconds ago
smirked. What a lame ass entrance. He was going to shoe her what a REAL entrance looked like. He disappeared in a burst of flames, going to armor up and shit cause he'd need it. ( (hover) ) The arena ground began to rumble, before a spot before the girl would glow red. A huge spurt of lava erupted from that spot, and from it flew out Damien. He landed on the ground in the stereotypical heroic pose, kneeling with one hand on the ground. "You ready to die?~"
A Shining Star 51 seconds ago
"Oh, for a second I thought it was my ex boyfriend. He did entrances like that too. Before he started petting bunnies and listening to boy bands." She laughed, and put her wand in front of her. The star shaped crystal in front of it glowed bright. "I was born ready. NARWHAL BLAST!!" She roared, and in a flash of light, a metric ton of living blubber was born and hurled toward Damien.
Damien LaVey 1 minute ago
grinned as he looked up, seeing the blubber coming at him, and before it hit him he smirked, turning his entire body into flames. He let it hit him, before the embers reconnected and rebuilt him behind her, and then his body became solid again. He pulled a Molotov from his belt and lit the rag, throwing the bottle of alcohol at her. "I'm surprised someone with fire powers would even DATE a loser like you!" He taunted.
A Shining Star 23 seconds ago
She got barely a second to react, and spun around while the narwhal poofed into smoke. "WATER PARK TORNAD-" The wand could only spill out parts of a waterpark before the bottle exploded into fire. Once a pathetic wave had lapped across the arena ground, Star jumped about, beating the fire out of her dress and hair. "And I broke up with him!" She growled. "So... what does that say about you?!" She did a twirl, and called out her spell. "Starstorm Hurricane!" A thousand brilliant lights lit behind her, like a thousand lanterns being lit at Damien, before they zoomed like comets at him, each a burning pellet of fire. Those that missed, cracked open the bricks of the arena floor.
Damien LaVey 3 minutes ago
snickered a little as she tried to put out the fire on her. "Oh, did you? No surprise there. You never did deserve someone as good as him!" He retorted, watching as the other set up yet another spell. He did dodge a few of them, but of course he couldn't dodge them all. If they were pure fire, damien would absorb them for more power, but if they were something that was on fire, he'd probably be left with a few holes in the places that weren't armored up, as his tunic and leggings were made up of a thick material. He retaliated, causing the floor beneath him to heat up and melt into molten rock, which he then proceeded to pick up with bare hands and lob at her, like a snowball, but with lava instead.
A Shining Star 30 seconds ago
Star shrieked as he lobbed lavaballs at her, trying to knock them away with her wand, but the small sceptre couldn't take them all. A ball of lava flewlow, and fell onto her left foot. It took her a second to realise, as it burnt through the leather of her boot, and unimaginable heat touched her foot. She screamed a bloodcurdling scream as she left her boot in the pile of cooling lava. "I-ICE STORM BLOCK BOOT!!" She managed to utter through her scream, and her foot fell to the ground in a block of solid ice. She sent him a furious glare, and roared: "That's it: WATER PARK TORNADO APOCALYPSE!!" The crystal in her wand glowed, and small streams of water popped out of the edges of the crystal, like a pipe about to burst, before an ocean of chlorine stenched water exploded out of the wand, and an enormous wave thundered across the arena for Damien. It turned the area in front of Star to a knee height pool, with deadly speed and strength to its stream, and only with Star's heavy foot of ice
could she resist its pressure as it emptied out of her wand.
Damien LaVey 1 minute ago
grinned as he heard thebothers scream of absolute agony. It was Lava, what did she expect? A small burn that would go away after being run under the tap? Of course not. And there was so much more where that came from. He still He both his finishing moves he could use. He stared at the wave. Water didn't hurt him, nor did it drain his power. He turned to anyone in the stands who were behind him, because they were about to be thoroughly soaked. "INCOMING!!" And then he braced himself for the wave. He almost blacked out as the wall of water slammed into him, groaning as pain coursed through his body. He is body was picked up and instantly carried with the wave like it was nothing, and Damien was struggling to keep his head above water. He hissed in pain as his back slammed into the arena walls, holding his breath as the water collided with the wall, and even splashed over it, before beginning its rebound back to Star.
A Shining Star 17 minutes ago
"Oh!" She beamed, apparently not having expected that to have worked, but with a boost of confidence, she prepared her next spell. The tsunami calmed as it filled the arena, the blunt of it having hit Damien and the wall. Her next spell took time, and she hoped she would be allowed it. Four poses she performed, the wand glowing with each, in a dance of incantation. Her heavy foot made her slower, but she powered through the aching muscles. "Warnicorn Stampede!" She called out with the final pose, and a dozen thundering hooves shook the arena, as six warnicorns, three times the size of a warhorse and with the bloodthirst of killers, appeared in a mist behind her. They showed no mercy, and a princess couldn't ask for a finer ally, but dancing alone on a battlefield was a risk few could afford.
Damien LaVey 2 minutes ago
slowly got to his feet, steam curling off of his form as more water evaporated as it touched his skin. His body temperature was twice as high as a regular humans was, and water couldn't exactly stay on him for long before it evaporated. He panted a little, catching his breath after that brutal slam. He didn't know if the wall was cracked or not, but he didn't care to find out. His attention was focused on the horses he'd just noticed. Those Warnicorns looked cool as all hell, but he heard what she said. A stampede, huh? Moving away from the wall, he figured out a plan of action in his head. He held up a hand, before a blast of fire appeared from it. The flames rose higher and higher, and then they were gone. But what they left behind was a sword that the demon had found. According to archeologists, this word was born from one of the most famous volcano's in hell. It's blade pure molten rock, and would burn through anything it came into contact with. ( (hover) )
A Shining Star 8 minutes ago
The Warnicorns thundered at him, roaring in a way no one would dare describe as a neigh. Six of them they were, grey giants, eyes blind with rage, with a horn of razor sharp crystal. Though they were feared beasts, with good reason, they were still beasts, and could bleed and die. But as they quaked towards him, cracking the stone with their hooves, it would be hard to find a way to swing ones way to survival, as two of the mighty beasts stomped toward him, while the four others galloped nearby.
Damien LaVey 2 minutes ago
smirked as he let the Warnicorns close in on him. He didn't seem scared. Truth was he didn't actually want to hurt them BECAUSE they looked so badass and scary. Besides, he wasn't fighting the warnicorns. He was fighting Star. He opened his mouth, and then a seemingly endless plume of smoke poured from it, filling up the arena and completely shrouding him from view. He kept his mouth open to continue adding more and more smoke, hopefully it begin engulfing the Warnicorns and disorientating them. Maybe he'll ask to tame one and take it home when they were finished, because he REALLY wanted one. Now that he was hidden from view, he'd made his way past the Warnicorns. He flew out of the smoke, sword raised in the air as he prepared to bring it down on Star.
A Shining Star 2 minutes ago
The Warnicorns stomped mercilessly where Damien had once been, but they only smashed open the stone. Star looked about, distressed as the smoke filled the arena. As the mountain of smog descended toward her, she poofed away the ice on her foot, and got to her feet. She cringed as her burnt toes stung, but bit through it as she held her wand ready. Damien rocketed out of the smoke, and she swung her wand at him, yelling, "NARWHAL BLAST!!" The whale flew out of her wand to crush Damien, but whether it succeeded or not, searing metal sliced through her side. She held her side, where blood stained her dress, fighting the pain through gritted teeth. As she shrieked in pain, the warnicorns heard their master, and barrelled back to where she was
Damien LaVey 4 seconds ago
indeed was crushed under a whale. Groaned as he was flattened, with only a few limbs sticking out. Had no fucking idea how a whale for in the arena, but no matter. He smiled, hearing the oncoming hooves. He roared, engulfing his whole body in flames, causing the whale to also begin burning. He didn't like it, but it was part of his plan. He gritted his teeth, enduring the pressure on top of him. Soon enough the entire whale was burning, most likely dead now. If the Warnicorns charged into the whale, they'd probably burn too. Damien was forced to disappear in a burst of flames with his sword, appearing a good few feet away from Star, panting. "You're a fucking coward. Hiding behind innocent animals who had nothing to do with this fight!" He yelled at her. "You think doing that makes you strong, huh? No. It makes you weak and pathetic. It makes you a monster."
A Shining Star 13 minutes ago
Star looked horrified as he toasted her narwhal, and the warnicorns hit it as it burst into a puff of mist. The Warnicorns smashed through, only slightly bothered as the fire singed their short fur. But they had missed, and turned around for a new gallop at Damian. Star spun to face him, still holding her bleeding side. "I created them, idiot!" She panted. "But I'll have you know, each and every spell I have in here are happy to fight for me. And none of them more..." Her wand charged up with a hum. "than SPIDER WITH A TOP HAT!!" With that cry, a spider popped out of the crystal. If he looked close, Damian would see the spider's quaint moustache over his mandibles, and the fine tophat on his head. It raised a leg, waving it happily at him. "Now!!" Star screamed, trying to hop away with her injuries, and with that, a small cocking sound came from the spider, as the spider's tophat cocked open, and swung to its side, revealing a circle of holes and a long pink clip on its side.
The tophat began to spin, and with a high pitched warcry, the top hat gatling gun began firing its hot pink rounds, thousands of tiny bullets firing at Damian. Though they were tiny, they would tear through mortal flesh.
Damien LaVey 52 seconds ago
stared as the Warnicorns began charging. Wait, Damien. He watched as the other summoned a spider in a top hat? Thing was pretty cute, but then the top hat moves to reveal a gattling gun. He tensed up as the gun cocked and the warnicorns only got closer. They didn't seem to be slowing down. Keep waiting. Even after she screamed now he stood still, sword in hand. As the gun began to spin, he charged. But not at the spider. He threw himself at the Warnicorns, sword stabbing into the one in the front, while he took his last Molotov from his belt, throwing it at the test of the Warnicorns, hoping to keep them at bay. He ripped his sword out. He just hoped that if the spider had turned, the Warnicorns would be shot down too.
A Shining Star 25 seconds ago
"WAIT, SPIDER, STOP-" Damien's sword had sliced into the warnicorn's torso, toppling it to the ground with a painful neigh, and the blast of the Molotov had blinded the others, and they couldn't do anything as they saw the thousand pink bullets fly into them, and the gatling gun was too wild for the little spider to control. The five warnicorns poofed into nothing, and the spider's gun clicked empty, before it too poofed away. Star stood stiff. Her side bled, her foot still stung, and on the battlefield the only spell of hers that remained were puddles from her waterpark. She had managed to get some 40 feet away from Damian, but she pointed her wand at him, the crystal humming with power. But there was fear in her eyes, fear and indecision. She stood ready with a spell, but what spell, she wouldn't reveal.
Damien LaVey 5 minutes ago
panted a little as he watched the warnicorns poof into nothing, taken down by its own ally's bullets. He raised the sword, moving to let it rest against his shoulder, almost moaning out at the warmth that filled him from the blade, helping him regain a little power. "Well? What are you waiting for? Hide behind another 'creation'." He growled at her. His back still ached, but, she had clearly received more damage than he had. "Go on. Show everyone how much of a pussy you really are. You're not strong at all." He began slowly walking towards her. "Your creations are strong. You're enslaving animals to do what you can't. You're weak, and pathetic. And to think I actually had a worthy opponent." He shook his head disapprovingly. "Why don't you put the wand down, and come fight me like a real warrior would, huh?" He teased her, practically pressuring her at this point. "You seemed so.. So confident at the start.. What happened, huh? You realize who you picked a fight with? You finally figure out that you're no fighter. You're just a weak, pathetic little girl who hides behind attackers. You're no different to a mastermind, except masterminds are actually smart."
A Shining Star 2 minutes ago
As he approached, rage built up inside her. Fire was in her eyes, and her wand quivered, but the deep humming inside it only grew more and more powerful. "You wanna fight me without the wand, huh?" In her eyes, an argument raged between reason and rage. She grit her teeth, and breathed heavily, and with each breath, light pulsed in her cheeks. "Too bad!" She swung the wand over her head, and it let out a brilliant light. "SYRUP TSUNAMI WATERPARK!!" From the crystal, an amber liquid flew out, high high up into the air, until it formed a shaded dome over the arena. Then, it dropped down on them. Sticky sugar fell like a blanket over them; sweet and heavy, it would take much strength to not be knocked into the ground by it, strength Star didn't spare as she let it take her to the ground. The syrup filled the arena like the chlorine had before, but here, limbs could barely move through the sugar, a simple walk taking tenfold strength and energy.
Damien LaVey 6 minutes ago
laughed loudly, throwing his head back. "GOD, YOU ARE SO FUCKING LAME! CAN'T EVEN FIGHT ME LIKE A REAL FIGHTER!" He pointed at her while he continued to mock her, not noticing the huge ass shadow over them. He looked up, but it was already too late. He groaned as he was hit with the syrup, falling to his knees. He gripped the sword, trying to use it to cut a path to her, but then he stopped. "Oh.. You've fucked up." He stared at her, and the ground beneath her seemed to rumble more and more, while it also got hotter and hotter, glowing more and more as he focused more lava to rise to the surface. As she was covered in syrup, he didn't know how she'd get out of this one, or if she could at all. Finally, a huge geyser of lava spewed up from under her. "Good riddance."
A Shining Star 10 seconds ago
Circles of hardened caramel covered the arena, with one massive disk of it where Damien and Star had been, with piles of cooling lava making it less appetizing. Star popped back into space, onto the arena ground. Her body wasn't cut, it wasn't burnt to a crisp, and her wand was safe in her hand. And yet, through the Colosseum dimension, everyone heard her cry of defeat. "NO!!"