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**Class:** Euclid (most likely)
**Containment:** Due to the wide-spread nature of SCP-XXXX and potential ecological impact its destruction might entail, containment is limited to a relatively passive, two-part strategy: preventing the general public from becoming aware of SCP-XXXX-1s true nature, and enforcing fireworks restrictions in the state of **[redacted]** as defined in **[redacted]480.110** //This is a HUGE location hint, reinforced by info further down//. All personnel in the vicinity of SCP-XXXX-1 are to use field research vehicles with full hermetic sealing, and stock antihistamines, sedatives, and compound XXXX-XXX (specifically-tailored counter-agent to later-mentioned neurotoxin).
Class: Euclid (most likely)
**Description:** SCP-XXXX is a fungus, similar to those found in genus //Armillaria//, spanning roughly the length and breadth of the **[redacted] river valley** in the state of **redacted**. 99.9% of its mass is underground, at a depth of approximately **[redacted]** meters, where it has permeated the soil layer just above the base sediment, and is likely the cause of the region's uniquely iron and sulfur-deficient soils //ANOTHER HINT//. 
     Starting in July of 199X and repeating each year, instances of SCP-XXXX-1 have appeared on the surface, in and around large areas of asphalt (parking lots). SCP-XXXX-1 is a large (roughly 5x10m) tent-like growth, composed of highly-differentiated fungal cells to resemble a generic fireworks vendor's tent. The disguise is so specific as to include approximations of english text on signs, surface textures resembling metals, plastics, and weatherproofed canvas. From the initial surface penetration through to its death, SCP-XXXX-1 produces an airborne hallucinogenic compound that serves to dull human perception and reinforce the illusion that SCP-XXXX-1 is a normal fireworks tent. The compound has an added effect of producing subservient behavior in roughly 0.5% of affected humans, who then behave as if employed by an unnamed fireworks seller. These individuals, hereafter referred to as SCP-XXXX-1-b, benefit monetarily from their unique relationship with SCP-XXXX-1, bringing a symbiotic aspect to the mix. The pyrotechnics sold at instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are, in fact, highly specialized spore pods <SCP-XXXX-2> (SEE DIAGRAM 1 FOR ANATOMICAL BREAKDOWN). Using an organic form of rocket propulsion, they produce clouds of spores (SCP-XXXX-3) that are carried by air currents to their eventual resting places. This results in SCP-XXXX increasing in overall size by 0.05% per year, with new clusters of fungus eventually connecting to the existing network in the [redacted] river valley. If they are unable to do so, they die before they can produce any instances of SCP-XXXX-1. 
Containment: Due to the wide-spread nature of SCP-XXXX and potential ecological impact its destruction might entail, containment is limited to a relatively passive, two-part strategy: preventing the general public from becoming aware of SCP-XXXX-1s true nature, and enforcing fireworks restrictions in the state of [redacted] as defined in [redacted]480.110 This is a HUGE location hint, reinforced by info further down. All personnel in the vicinity of SCP-XXXX-1 are to use field research vehicles with full hermetic sealing, and stock antihistamines, sedatives, and compound XXXX-XXX (specifically-tailored counter-agent to later-mentioned neurotoxin).
Description: SCP-XXXX is a fungus, similar to those found in genus Armillaria, spanning roughly the length and breadth of the [redacted] river valley in the state of redacted. 99.9% of its mass is underground, at a depth of approximately [redacted] meters, where it has permeated the soil layer just above the base sediment, and is likely the cause of the region's uniquely iron and sulfur-deficient soils ANOTHER HINT.
Starting in July of 199X and repeating each year, instances of SCP-XXXX-1 have appeared on the surface, in and around large areas of asphalt (parking lots).
 SCP-XXXX-1 is a large (roughly 5x10m) tent-like growth, composed of highly-differentiated fungal cells to resemble a generic fireworks vendor's tent. The disguise is so specific as to include approximations of english text on signs, surface textures resembling metals, plastics, and weatherproofed canvas. From the initial surface penetration through to its death, SCP-XXXX-1 produces an airborne hallucinogenic compound that serves to dull human perception and reinforce the illusion that SCP-XXXX-1 is a normal fireworks tent. The compound has an added effect of producing subservient behavior in roughly 0.5% of affected humans, who then behave as if employed by an unnamed fireworks seller. These individuals, hereafter referred to as SCP-XXXX-1-b, benefit monetarily from their unique relationship with SCP-XXXX-1, bringing a symbiotic aspect to the mix. The pyrotechnics sold at instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are, in fact, highly specialized spore pods <SCP-XXXX-2> (SEE DIAGRAM 1 FOR ANATOMICAL BREAKDOWN). Using an organic form of rocket propulsion, they produce clouds of spores (SCP-XXXX-3) that are carried by air currents to their eventual resting places. This results in SCP-XXXX increasing in overall size by 0.05% per year, with new clusters of fungus eventually connecting to the existing network in the [redacted] river valley. If they are unable to do so, they die before they can produce any instances of SCP-XXXX-1.
This is where my thoughts get a bit vague, and for the creepypasta element, I want to imply that this rapid adaptation suggests intelligent observation by the shroom. Maybe throw in some scientist's comments on how the network transfers nutrients like synapses in a neural net. Big mushroom brain, anyone?
Next, as was suggested in the chatroom by someone I cannot recall, instances of SCP-XXXX-1 are sighted in China, adapted to the Chinese New Year. Fear of RK-class dominant-species replacement scenario, countered by the fact that this lifeform is native to Earth and has a (very specific) place in the ecosystem. Shitstorm of scientist vs. soldier arguments ensue. Oh, and maybe an interview with an SCP-XXXX-1-b.