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[hider=AngΓ©lique Lachance - Aberration - Death's Screaming Angel]
[color=9e0039][h3] β„• 𝕒 π•ž 𝕖 : [/h3][/color]
[indent]AngΓ©lique (Angel) Lachance[/indent]
[color=9e0039][h3] 𝔸 π•˜ 𝕖 : [/h3][/color]
[color=9e0039][h3] ℍ 𝕖 π•š π•˜ 𝕙 π•₯ : [/h3][/color] 
[indent]5’09’’ ft.[/indent]
[color=9e0039][h3] π•Ž 𝕖 π•š π•˜ 𝕙 π•₯ : [/h3][/color] 
[indent]123 lb.[/indent]
[color=9e0039][h3] 𝔸 𝕑 𝕑 𝕖 𝕒 𝕣 𝕒 π•Ÿ 𝕔 𝕖 : [/h3][/color]
[indent]Screaming attitude yet maturity, AngΓ©lique’s style mixes her fan of metal music side with her young womanly self. Her choice of appearance often includes black – of which various shirts of metal and hard rock bands – leather bracers, chains, silver jewelry depicting skulls and other esoteric emblems sported by metal bands, and her trademark shades she seems to wear even inside.[/indent] 
[color=9e0039][h3] β„™ 𝕖 𝕣 𝕀 𝕠 π•Ÿ 𝕒 𝕝 π•š π•₯ π•ͺ : [/h3][/color] 
[indent]AngΓ©lique has always been a kind person who was looking out for others in a more passive way, using music to soothe the mind of others whenever she could. As a matter of fact, music is a central part of her life, having taken a liking to sing ever since she was young.
While she remains someone good inside, the constant nightmares she is having left her with an irritable attitude, always at the edge of screaming at the others, even for the tiniest of issues. Time hearing whispers had eroded her patience and left her very short-tempered. As such, she tends to isolate herself from others, although deep inside herself she yearns to have friends and have friendly discussions. She had her moments she would come out as arrogant and aggressive, but it was always because she needed to vent all the darkness lingering inside her heart. 
Angel knows all too well of the darkness that is plaguing her, and tries her best to remain in control. Whenever she is down or feel the rage bubbling up to the surface, she isolates herself and blast music at the loudest possible, singing (rather screaming her lungs out). For an Aberration, she has shown a rather surprising degree of control over herself, most believe because she made it into adulthood and has become somewhat mature.[/indent]
[color=9e0039][h3] ℍ π•š 𝕀 π•₯ 𝕠 𝕣 π•ͺ : [/h3][/color] 
[indent]Ever since she was young, AngΓ©lique inherited her parents’ love for music. She loved music so much that she had taken singing into being a main part of her life. Because she worked so hard on that aspect, Angel never had been one with the highest grades in school, but she had become someone noticed in the domain of music. Reaching her teenagehood, her golden voice made the young girl quite famous over the internet, at some point she would be invited to shows and even a few concerts as a guest star. However, she had always felt that people only liked her for her sweet voice, not for the person she is, and that was always something that kept gripping her heart whenever someone spoke to her. Even her parents felt so distant to her. They seemed to care more about the popularity of their daughter and the money they could make from her rather than simply loving the caring little girl she had always been. 
For many years, until she turned into an adult, she took upon making music as her career. She was quite successful, but her perfect life as a musician took a turn for the worse during her latest concert. On that day, she wanted to give a go at a new kind of genre she was getting into, something darker and more β€œmetal” than usual, and something that seemed to have gained popularity on the younger audience these recent years. The result ended in a carnage, literally. Her voice had killed most that had been standing at the front rows, while those further in the middle ended up deafened permanently, and the people at the back felt nauseated. Broken in tears, AngΓ©lique never resisted the city’s authority that had come to take her into custody.
And that was her story. Instead of ending up executed like most of the Subnaturals, it was decided after deliberation by a jury that it would be most beneficial for her to be shipped to the USA and be under surveillance in one of the specialized schools over there, as she was convicted of accidental murders by manifestation of her powers after much investigation. Canadian Government also didn’t want to create an uproar because of the angelic singer’s popularity by sending her off to USARILN instead of applying the death penalty to her. [/indent]
[color=9e0039][h3] 𝕄 𝕒 π•˜ π•š 𝕔 : [/h3][/color] 
[b][color=9e0039]Death’s Screaming Angel[/color][/b]
[indent][b][color=9e0039]Death’s Screaming Angel[/color][/b][/indent]
[indent]AngΓ©lique’s power is her very voice, capable of unrelenting destruction. Using various high-pitches, Death’s Metal Little Angel is able to cause confusion to one’s brain or blur their vision should they get caught up in the range of her sonic blast. AS for the moment, AngΓ©lique is able to emit a 20 meters cone of sonic wave or a weaker 10 meter radius blast centered on her. People caught in the cone are deafened temporarily, confused and unable to see clearly, while those caught in the radial blast are only slightly deafened and slightly disoriented. Her voice is just enough to shatter glass and any other fragile material and even weaken structures, however still not strong enough to affect internal organs or utterly destroy matter.
The downside of using her actual voice as a power is that Angel’s throat gets sore really quickly. After a dozen of shouts without resting her voice for a few hours, Angel overexerts her vocal cords and can suffer from bad laryngitis for the next days, making her almost unable to shout during that time period, or doing so would come with great pain. Going over that limit or shouting during a laryngitis can even result into a permanent loss of her voice.[/indent]
[color=9e0039][h3] 𝔻 𝕣 𝕖 𝕒 π•ž : [/h3][/color] 
[indent]A huge crowd had gathered on this gorgeous sunny day, comparable to how AC/DC and Metallica had their most successful concerts. Standing on stage, tall and proud bearing an enthusiastic smile, a young woman accompanied by her band was holding a microphone stand in one hand, with an electric guitar in the other. Sounds of cheer and excitement filled the air all around her, chanting in unison β€œANGEL!”. Even the young girls’ parents were standing by the edge of the stage, embracing each other and smiling, radiating pride and joy to their daughter.
Various songs were sung in a perfect harmony, telling tales of how the world came to peace as the monsters stopped attacking after the Dreamcatcher’s β€œbarrier” had crumbled, heroic tales of those who had sacrificed their lives for the welfare of the entire world, and ballads invoking unity among Earth’s numerous ethnics. Everyone were singing in harmony the hits that had made Angel famous on to this day, and it was with a huge roar of exhilaration the concert came to a close.[/indent]
[color=9e0039][h3] β„• π•š π•˜ 𝕙 π•₯ π•ž 𝕒 𝕣 𝕖 : [/h3][/color] 
[indent][color=9e0b0f]”Nobody cares for what you are. In you, they only see a fleeting voice that captivates others and a gold mine to exhaust for as long as they can. Nobody loves you, little girl.”[/color] A voice echoed constantly in the young woman’s mind.
Flying high above town, there stood a metal-feathered angel, watching down below as citizens ran off in panic when faced against a gigantic monster. The metal angel simply stood there witnessing the slaughter happening, waiting for the Regulars to finally kneel in front of the mighty Archangel and plead her to save their lives. It was only then that the winged woman reacted. Without even moving, she opened her mouth to let out a terrible shriek, tearing apart both the giant monster and all of the surrounding buildings with it. 
[color=9e0039]β€œThey all deserves it.”[/color] A wicked grin and tears of blood could be seen from the angel’s face.[/indent]
[color=9e0039][h3] 𝔸 𝕨 𝕒 π•œ 𝕖 π•Ÿ π•š π•Ÿ π•˜ : [/h3][/color] 
[indent][color=9e0039] π•Š π•₯ π•š π•˜ π•ž 𝕒 : [/color][/indent] 
[indent]Either her nightmare reoccurring every night, or the memory of the carnage she had caused in her last concert.[/indent]
[indent]Whispers at the corner of her mind speaking just loud enough taunting words that would fill AngΓ©lique with anger.[/indent]
[color=9e0039][h3] 𝔸 𝕣 π•ž 𝕒 π•ž 𝕖 π•Ÿ π•₯ 𝕀 : [/h3][/color]
[color=9e0039][h3] 𝕋 𝕙 𝕖 π•ž 𝕖 π•Š 𝕠 π•Ÿ π•˜ 𝕀 : [/h3][/color]
[indent][url=]Main Theme[/url]
[url=]Battle Theme[/url]
[url=] Nightmare Theme[/url]