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                                                   Based on the Grey Tide from the East.
Kaiser Wilhem I calls Moltke to his office three weeks before WWI is to begin. In our timeline, Wilhelm failed to convince Moltke to not invade Belgium. But this scene has a one word change that results in Wilhelm overruling Moltke in this timeline:
Moltke - "Your Majesty, I am glad I have convinced you to invade Belgium and Luxembourg. Now, Kaiser Wilhelm, you MUST sign these orders to invade Belgium and Luxembourg."
Kaiser Wilhelm(angry)- "Must? You dare tell your rightful king what he must do! I will overrule you! The 725,000 men are to have 600,000 go to East Prussia, and the rest to Holstein. With the 125,000 men, we shall go to the Meditteranean and invade southern France, giving orders to Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire to each send 40,000 and 15,000 respectively. Another 10,000 will come from Bulgaria."
Gen M -"Your Majesty, I respectfully disag-"
KW - "Your protests are overruled. You will do as I say, at once!'
	It was done. After France declared war, it demanded that the United Kingdom join. Realizing that Germany had not invaded Belgium as expected, it did not have a casus belli to declare war and feared an Anti-UK Coalition, probably with the U. S. and China in it, among others such as Brazil and Spain. So the weak French fleet was defeated by two dreadnaughts of the Ottoman Empire(ironically gifted by the UK), the Austrian fleet, and the Italian fleet, who was not afraid to enter without powerful Britain against it. France crashed itself into the strong German defenses repeatedly, while Italy invaded Corsica and took it in the First Battle over Corsica, a major Italian victory after the Italian invasion into France failed. 
	The Battle of Ostprussia resulted in almost 600,000 casualties for the Russians, and only about 230,000 for the Germans. The Austrians, meanwhile, managed to give Russia a Pyrrhic victory in the First Battle of West Galicia, during which Russia lost about 75,000 of the 225,000, while Austria managed to lose only about 30,000 of the 95,000 they started with. They then lured the remaining Russians to Krakow. Austria then attacked with 175,000 men(105,000 Austrians and 60,000 Prussians). Russia lost almost 115,000 dead, and the remaining 35,000 hastily retreated into West Galicia, where 15,000 brave Austrians and 7,000 German held their ground until 30,000 German-Austrian forces marched into the enemy's rear. In the meantime, almost 19,000 men had reinforced the 22,000, and they forced the entire Russian army to surrender. The Battle of Krakow resulted in 30,000 or so Austro-German casualties. The Second Battle of West Galicia had only 15,000 Austrian casualties.
	225,000 Russian casualties happened in the Russian Assault of North Austro-Hungary(RANAH), compared to only 75,000 Austrian and German. The Russian Invasion of South Austro-Hungary(RISAH) began. 150,000 Russians began quickly marching to Serbia. Austria, however sent almost 57000 men to hold theme back, stopping the invasion of Serbia and pulling back to the original borders. Immediately, the Hungarian militia declared itself pulled out of reserve and began marching towards the 57,000 with 43000. 15,000 Bukovina Militia also began marching, hoping to strike at the rear of the Russian line. Another 9,000 Hungarian militia joined them, making the force large enough to crush them. They halted five days march behind the Russians. 40,000 Austrian forces from the Battle of West Galicia caught up, making the force number 63,000, enough to utterly destroy the 30,000 third line of the Russians. 70,000 in the front, 50,000 in the second, and 30,000 in the third and final line of 150,000, would be the usual set up for the Russians. The Battle of South Hungary began when the Russians faced the 110,000 Hungarian militia and Austrian royal army.
	In a brilliant maneuver, the Austrians put 90,000 men at their front line and 20,000 in the second and final line. They knew Serbia could only strike with about 15,000 men in their rear, and they knew the Russians couldn't move men around after the disastrous Ostprussia and West Galicia and Krakow Battles. This would be the end of the last offensive into foreign land for Russia, or the linking up with the cause of this war, Serbia. They held them off for five days until the combined Austrian-militia force of 60,000 struck in the rear of the Russian third line, causing almost thirty thousand deaths in a surprise attack with grenade throwing and bayonet charging. The first volley of the rear attack on Russia killed 12,000 or so, and the remaining 18,000 had 17,950 men killed. A Kapitan Muzhestvo(Muzhevsto roughly meaning Courage; a made-up royal line) led his 49 men and himself against them, killing almost three hundred men before one of his men was wounded by a shot in the hand and Muzhevsto ordered a retreat. Muzhevsto was to be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and was ordered back to Moscow to work with his men in the Royal Guard of Tsar Nicholas II. He would later lead an army against the Bolsheviks and decisively defeat them time and time again. In 1934, he would be promoted to Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, at the young age of 44. 
	Meanwhile, the battle raged on. The second line of 50,000 fought against the remaining 61,000 of the reinforcements. The front line had just ordered a charge of sixty thousand men at the Austrian line, and the second Austrian line advanced to counter it. 5,000 Serbians had shown up and were crushed by the second line after it reformed to counter them. 
	The Austrians beat back the charge, inflicting almost 58,000 Russian casualties and storming back. The remaining 2,000 Russians of the charge hid or died when the Russians at the front line still shot through them at the Austrians. Only about 400 of the charge managed to live and surrender. The Russians were crushed by the 85,000 Austrians who had rushed them, and the 60,000 were facing off against about 163,000 troops when 50,000 more Austrians from West Galicia arrived and forced the surrender of the Russians. 10,000 Austrian casualties occurred in this battle compared to 150,000 Russians. 
	Austria sent back 50,000 men while the rest began invading Russia. The 50,000 stormed Serbia and reduced it to Belgrade, a puppet city-state of Austria, and had it surrounded by Romania, Bulgaria, and Austro-Hungary.
	With 970,000 Russians dead, and only about 120,000 left, Russia is in a bad shape. Meanwhile, France has been invaded in the south by 200,000 Germans, Austrians, Ottomans, Bulgarians, and Romanians. They are close to the Italian border, but behind French lines. France is forced to take some troops away from Italy, and the remaining 60,000 men at the border invade Nice. The Southern France Expeditionary Force manage to defeat the 100,000 men peeled off to defeat them when Kapitan Von Litauen(Father of Fürst von Litauen, Later Grand Duke of Lithuania[Lithuania, Latvia, Russian Poland, Estonia, and Belarus].) led a cavalry unit of one thousand after Colonel von Stivensk died. He punched a hole through the back one when he proclaimed himself the leader and led two thousand infantrymen with his unit and punched a hole through the back line. A messenger he sent back requested four thousand more cavalry and eight thousand more infantry. He personally commanded his group, the Iron Steeds, of 50 men and led them right to the headquarters tent, where he executed the head officers. The fourteen thousand men he had requested prevent his surrounding. Out of the headquarters tent, the French general commanding the forces, Jacques du Courageaux, mounted a steed and raced towards the Kapitan. For hours their swords fought, the greatest swordsmen in their respective side in this battle, while around them the Iron Steeds fought on. The third line was dead, the first line had surrendered or died, and only 12,000 French remained fighting in the second line. Finally, the Kapitan motioned three others over, warning them not to kill Jacques, and let them fight him while Litauen charged the 12,000. 46 Iron Steeds followed, and 254 others, all that remained of the 1,000 he had led,  followed also. Seeing them fight so fiercely, a thousand French were dead in thirty seconds, and the rest surrendered. A Major Neinheitzer Grobstein took control of the surrender while the Kapitan ran back quickly and resumed his fight. 
	Finally, the Kapitan disarmed Jacques, and Jacques prepared to die, falling from his horse and holding his chest out towards the sword. Then, the Kapitan raised him up, and declared Jacques his personal prisoner. Five men trustworthy to the Kapitan were appointed by him to "guard Jacques". Finally, they were sent by train by the Kapitan, or should we say, Oberst, as he is now a Colonel, in charge of three thousand cavalry, to the Rheinland, where Oberst Litauen had an estate. He would remain there for three months.
	188,000 men advanced to Nice, where the Italians of 45,000 were losing to 60,000 French, though more like 35,000 to 55,000 now. Upon seeing the huge army, the officer staff fled and left no higher a rank than Major behind. The three Majors and fifteen Captains left surrendered. 
	France thus lost 160,000 men in the battles of Nice alone, compared to 23,000 Germanic Alliance soldiers. In the meantime, the Battles of Alsace and Lorraine had resulted in about 90,000 French casualties. Japan had seized Indochina, and the remaining colonial possessions were either in German hands or in weak French hands. France bought all the Caribbean islands or seized them from local countries. Germany was going to demand the Caribbean islands, Guyana, and the North African French owned Tunis for Italy. France had already lost 25,000 men in the colonies, and so had 275,000 dead.
	In the Battle of Moscow, Kapitan Muzhevsto with Tsar Nicholas the Second, Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich, and Aleksei Brusilov under the Fifty Invincibles trying to sneak out. An Erste Allegemeine(One Star General) named Gefangen(lit. meaning Caught) captured them with ten thousand of his men. Aleksei Brusilov and Izvestni Nemetski Kukol(lit. meaning Known German Puppet; actually speld.: 	Izvestnyy nemetskiy kukol) would be placed in charge of Russia and Germany would decide what representatives from the parties could run for the Russian Congress. Ukraine would be freed, and Lithuanian Union would be given Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Russian Poland. Finland and Ukraine would be freed. Armenia would be given to the Ottoman Empire. The Trans-Caucasus Empire of Georgia and Azerbaijan would be freed.
	France had bought all the Caribbean islands(from European countries/USA) or conquered them(from locals bar USA). They were forced to surrender Jamaica, Cuba, and Puerto Rico to Germany. Hispaniola would be given to Austro-Hungary. Corsica was to be given to Italy in a separate treaty.
	Brazil had started the Brazilian Liberation of Franco-Yana, and was threatening to bring in the rest of South America if France moved more troops over. They easily defeated the remaining French troops in the area, and began blockading the Atlantic Coast of West Africa. This hurt the French economy so much, it was forced to give a Guyana Republic puppet of Brazil freedom and hand over it's remaining Caribbean islands to the Republic of Franco-Yana. 
	The 1916 Treaty of Sanssouci was the Franco-Germanic Treaty Place. Sanssouci is a palace near Berlin, former summer getaway of Frederick the Great. It is also where Jacques du Courageaux and his family fled to by order of the now dismissed Former Oberst Litauen lived. His wife was dead and his only child, Furst von Litauen, was Duke of the Lithuanian Union. Jacques and he began a small arms factory in Potsdam, the now-famous Lit-Raju Company. 
	Hungary declared itself independent, and Italy, the U. K., the USA, and Brazil threatened to back it in a war. Austria was forced to recognize Hungarian control of Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, the Austrian gains against Montenegro and Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Greece had joined the Central Powers and conquered Albania and parts of Serbia and Montenegro. It then proceeded to unite with Hungary and Bulgaria after the Hungarian Revolt, declaring the Greco-Hungarian Empire. The Ottomans betrayed their alliance and attacked Greco-Hungary. Germany and Ukraine declared themselves backing the Greco-Hungarians, and Trans-Caucasus neutral. 
	Greek forces numbering 35,000 advanced on Constantinople, with 40,000 Hungarians and 15,000 Bulgarians. The Ottomans force of 40,000 was just out of range of the artillery, until 35,000 Ukrainians and Germans approached and fired on Constantinople with Krupp Artillery. The other forces advanced close enough under Krupp cover fire for their cannons to fire on the 40,000 Ottoman troops. The Ottomans, hoping to hold long enough for reinforcements arrived, charged on the second day of the battle with 30,000 of the remaining 38,750. The artillery managed to kill one thousand of the chargers, and four volleys of the enemy killed another 9,000. The remaining 20,000 were engulfed and surrounded. A German cavalry Major named Otto von Stefaun led three thousand men in a charge that killed almost 8,000, and the remaining 7500 surrendered. 50,000 men advanced on the 9000, who surrendered or fled. The ones that fled were killed. The Sea Battle of Bosporus took place to prevent the reinforcements numbering 80,000 from attacking the now weak 115,000 Hungarian Allies. The two dreadnoughts of the Ottoman Empire, fifty or so Ottoman battleships, and a dozen Ottoman destroyers, not to mention the flagship and pride of the ORN, The Sultan, fought against the Ukrainian, Greek, and Austrian navies numbering nineteen dreadnoughts, forty-two destroyers, eighty-nine battleships, and the pride of all of Ukraine, which had the Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich onboard, The Grand Duke Nicholas. The ships of the Ottomans were destroyed by a rapid encircling movement. All were sunk, and not one person survived who did not commit suicide, not even the Prince of Ankara. 
	The 30,000 Germans stationed in the Ottoman Empire after the war, mostly cavalry, attacked the garrison of Ankara. Count Nikolaus von Heinderstein, Colonel of the 1st German Guard Corps of the Ottomans, led them against the Sultan's top general, En Ledure. The garrison of fifty thousand was confident of victory. However, von Heinderstein led ten thousand men into the Ankara north city gate, knocking it down and killing the 15,000 in the city corner. They then opened the gates so that 12,000 cavalry and 7,950 infantry could join the 9,050. They charged another gate, and another corner fell. Only the city center and two corners remained in the Ottoman hands. 30,000 Hungarians and 32,500 Greeks arrived to reinforce them. The city center was captured, along with the Sultan. He agreed to hand over the Ottoman European land to Greco-Hungary after Germans threatened to liberate Iraq if the war continued.
	Austria attacked Italy after an Italian general led his force of ten thousand and attacked Austrian forces and captured the Austrian KronPrinz and Italy refused to extradite the general, who had the KronPrinz's son killed. They did, however, hand over the KronPrinz. Austria declared itself supporting an Austro-Italian Union. Germany, Greco-Hungary, Ukraine, and the Lithuanian Union sided against Italy. 500,000 Germanic-Austro-Hungarian forces captured Rome without a battle. In the Treaty of Venice, Italy was forced to join Austria in Austro-Italy, which declared itself Middle Rome. Greco-Hungary announced it was the Byzantium Empire, and Germany announced it was the Holy Roman Empire. In the Treaty of Charlottenburg Palace, all this was announced, along with Corsica being given back to France, and Hispaniola to the HRE. The New Roman Alliance of Middle Rome, the HRE, and the Byzantium Empire was declared.
	Austria attacked Italy after an Italian general led his force of ten thousand and attacked Austrian forces and captured the Austrian KronPrinz and Italy refused to extradite the general, who had the KronPrinz's son killed. They did, however, hand over the KronPrinz. Austria declared itself supporting an Austro-Italian Union. Germany, Greco-Hungary, Ukraine, and the Lithuanian Union sided against Italy. 500,000 Germanic-Austro-Hungarian forces captured Rome without a battle. In the Treaty of Venice, Italy was forced to join Austria in Austro-Italy, which declared itself Mittel Rom. Greco-Hungary announced it was the Byzantium Empire, and Germany announced it was the Holy Roman Empire. In the Treaty of Charlottenburg Palace, all this was announced, along with Hispaniola being given to Germany.. The New Roman Alliance of Mittel Rom, the HRE, and the Byzantium Empire was declared.