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Veilcov sat within his study, reading in an olden tome quite casually for the events that had taken place. Damned kobolds may have been small creatures, but it's never a good idea to steal from a king that holds his home so close to an urban environment. Such kings are well adjusted to thieves breaking in and attempting to steal from them. He glanced back to the door to see one of his guards entering the study, giving a salute before delivering his update, “The thief has been apprehended sir. We have determined that it is in fact a female, do you desire we send her?” Veilcov responded with a nod, setting aside his tome, replacing the emptiness in his hand with the gilded goblet that the kobold had attempted to take. “Yes, no restraints or sedation this time commander, strip her of her weapons and send her here as is.” He took a drink from the goblet as the soldier exited the room. With a slight smirk on his face he awaited her delivery, a small laugh trailed under his breath before he made the passing comment, “Damned kobolds.”
Vivara would be marched in through the door shortly afterward, goose-stepped into the study with her wrists rope-bound around her mouth connecting directly to a rope that encircled her neck and even up to pull between her teeth, keeping her maw open and her tongue pressed down unable to speak. She was also blindfolded with a simple white cloth tied at the back of her head. Today was a bad day. Cuts and scrapes would be visible on her shoulders, arms and legs and the fabric of her leather armour was torn at the chest, the feisty little draconian clearly having put up a fight with that armour saving her from what would otherwise have been a deadly blow. The soldiers kicked her forward, her dexterity keeping her up on her feet as she scrambled further into the room before the man.
Veilcov looked over the side of his chair to see the kobold being thrown in, standing up from his chair with almost and excited look on his face. He approached the draconic woman, crouching down to her level as he looked her over. “Ah, you must be our guest, it truly is a grand thing for you to drop by just when I was needing of your company. I do hope you understand though that the polite way to enter a house is through the door... And not through the window like a common thief.” He said, allowing a hand down to her mouth bindings and loosening it, letting it hand around her neck. “Yes, I think you'll be a fine company tonight, I'm excited to finally have kobold in my hold, so much more exciting than the common whore.” He took her by the bound wrist and lifted her from the ground, bringing her over to the table placed in front of the fireplace and setting her face down upon it.
Vivara coughed and moved her jaw side to side as it was relieved of the pulling pressure of the foul-tasting rope that had been forced between her teeth, the aching almost immediately vanishing. Still blindfolded and tied, she could only stand and listen to his strange tirade, the unknown man's voice sounding calm and almost welcoming, insidious and dripping with obvious deceit. "Common whore?" she asked, confused by that last phrase. What was his intent? She let out a yelp followed by an 'oof!' as she was pressed down onto the wooden table face down, her legs dangling off the edge without touching the ground and her upturned rump and tail facing toward him covered only by a strip of cloth and her underwear
Veilcov took the cloth and undergarments by their rim and pulled them both from her in a sudden yank, exposing her hind to him. He allowed a light tune to hum from him, hands placing themselves against her ass, thumbs pressing themselves to the folds of her sex and spreading them wide, looking down the feminine passage. “Odd thing the nooks of other races, never ceasing to amaze me at how similar we are on the inside.” He stated, taking his pants by their rim and fishing his cock from them, the upside down cross that decorated his testicles giving the lightest of red glows, he considered letting her have a glance of what was to come, but by now it's not like it would have mattered. “Have you been taken by a human before you savage scum?” He spoke with an odd sense of casualness, though it dripped with a mixture of hate underneath it, not easy to point out, but very easy to pick up.
Vivara gasped when her undergarments were yanked suddenly down to her knees, her legs straightening and kicking out uselessly against his thighs instead of dangling there helplessly. Her resistance didnt seem to make much difference, and she mewled when his thumbs pressed into her labia, violating her as he touched her most precious feminine place and rudely spread the lips of her sex, making her gasp and curse out at him. "Get the hell off me," she hissed out, her pussy visibly clamping up as she tensed in anger, doing nothing but display a promising show of incredible tightness and kegel muscle control that would tantalise any that way inclined.
Veilcov took the goblet of wine and leaned over the table, taking her head and pouring it onto her face. “You are in no position to make demands! Since you're simply so eager to get on with the fighting, we may as well give you a reason to fight, now accept your new position as fuck toy like a proper kobold.” He placed a quick slap against her cheek, a loud slap emitting from the skin on scales. A hand placed itself to the base of his cock and lined it with her cunny, pressing its head between the lips. He rubbed the crown between the folds with the hint of laughter emitting under his breath as he found her tight entry. “Now go ahead and scram, let all of that anger out.” He said playfully, mashing his length against her pussy, forcing in one hip slamming penetration.
Vivara sputtered and gagged as she was waterboarded with the goblet of wine, thankful for the cup already being half emptied as she was relieved of the fine cherry wine cutting off her breathing afterward. It only got worse however as she yelped at the harsh slap across her yellow scales, a red blushing handmark forming on the soft cheek. She fell silent, feeling more than a little defeated and humiliated in that moment, but those feelings would increase a hundred fold after she briefly felt a hot male presence nudge against her positively tiny cunny, a scream shrill from her lungs and burning her throat when his hips met her rear, slamming his male length hard up into her and forcing open her cervix. In one swift movement he had relieved her of her virginity, raped her from behind, and violated her fertile womb simultaneously.
Veilcov Held his cock deep within her for a moment, indulging in the squeezing of the once-virgin cunt. He leaned onto her body, his chest pressing the back of her head, putting her face right into the table. A rhythm of thrusts started as his manhood reached its fully erect form, engorging and becoming hot in the narrow tunnel. There was a feeling of pleasure shooting up his spine from the feeling of an open womb pressed to the head of his dick, beads of pre-cum forming at the almost primal need to fertilize the tiny woman. “Ohh, and here I was thinking that you wouldn't enjoy being a slut. You hold me so lovingly tight inside I would think you loved me if I couldn't hear you scream.” He spoke in the first broken voice of the evening, it becoming a twisted and taunting one with the obvious flow of lust inside it anyone could expect from one ravaging a creature so roughly, so unfairly.
Vivara's blunt claws scraped along the surface of the oaken table, carving parallel lines into the otherwise flawless wood and ruining its appearance, decorating the furniture with evidence of her subjugation that would remain on it. Her lower belly cramped as it struggled to accept his manhood all the way into her body, the head of his now rock-hard dick bumping up against the back of her womb and stretching out her tiny clenching cervix, the involuntary flexing inadvertantly gripping and stroking his member and milking it hard as if she were trying her best to make him cum. "It... hurts... out..." she groaned through gritted teeth in protest, the wine slurring her words a little with her tipsiness - it hadn't taken much of the alcohol to enter her diminutive system to make her feel its effects
Veilcov Held his cock deep within her for a moment, indulging in the squeezing of the once-virgin cunt. He leaned onto her body, his chest pressing the back of her head, putting her face right into the table. A rhythm of thrusts started as his manhood reached its fully erect form, engorging and becoming hot in the narrow tunnel. There was a feeling of pleasure shooting up his spine from the feeling of an open womb pressed to the head of his dick, beads of pre-cum forming at the almost primal need to fertilize the tiny woman. “Ohh, and here I was thinking that you wouldn't enjoy being a slut. You hold me so lovingly tight inside I would think you loved me if I couldn't hear you scream.” He spoke in the first broken voice of the evening, it becoming a twisted and taunting one with the obvious flow of lust inside it anyone could expect from one ravaging a creature so roughly, so unfairly.
Veilcov let a laugh sound from him, letting up on her head to take a hold of it, wringing it to face him. He pressed his lips to hers, bringing her into a hard kiss where he forced his tongue into her, rubbing it against hers and exploring the little reptile's mouth. His free hand gripped onto her hips, pressing them against the table and picking up the ramming, starting to rail the cunny with the force of wild and haphazardous thrusts. A stream of pre-cum had formed where only beads once leaked, letting a loud groan work its way out of him into her ear. "Oh with demands like that you'll never have that womb of yours free, it's almost like you want me in there. I'll just have to plant something inside it of for you just in case, wont I?" He asked with the look of mischievousness growing on his face. "I've already ruined that little slit of yours anyway..."
Vivara tensed up, trying her best to curl up into a ball to keep her body away from his somehow, but the way his weight pressed down on her back forced her to spread out against the table. She gasped when she felt his hand grab at her maw and wrench it around, causing an uncomfortable twinge in her neck as it strained to turn around. She looked into his eyes for a split-second, seeing every from anger and hate, to lust and desire in that brief moment before his laps mashed forcefully against her mouth. Vivara felt somehow even more humiliated by this than how his member churned up her uterus and stretched open her cunt, the embarrassment of having a human force such a display of affection upon her form, his tongue sliding over hers to leak his foul drool into her mouth just as his arousal drooled pre into her reproductive organs
Veilcov wrapped his arms around her tightly. They shared a tight hug with almost the same motions as one would hold a lover. It seemed that with her held so lovingly to him that the scene of her ravaged thighs wasn't even going on. He placed his head by her ear, a wide grin on his face as he whispered to her, "You must be so lucky to have a man like me in you. I'm going to be the greatest master that a beast like you could hope for. He placed a small kiss to her forehead, all this time the fucking starting to reach a peak. The ramming of her legs into the table's edge made a constant rhythm now, the tingling sensation starting to shoot up and down his body with hips growing hot. His cock swelled inside her, the heat of it starting to burn against her passage as it readied itself for the first unloading.
Vivara's eyes widened as he parted the kiss, his words burning into her like the most insidious threat. She couldn't decipher his words - he spoke simultaneously as if he loved her deeply, but condescended her, treating her like an animal. It was in that moment she realised he didn't want a lover: He wanted a pet. A pet he could use, abuse and keep. Her panic rose twentyfold after that, since she'd expected him to simply use her and discard her as she'd heard many rapists did. His embrace suddenly seemed to choke her that little bit more, and the little peck of her forehead that some might call adorable made her want to scream and run. In her fear she tensed up her lower half, her diminutive and vice-tight womanhood gripping and massaging him with all her unwilling might, both the fronts and backs of her thighs bruising as he slammed her up against the table to hit the wood over and over again. "No..." she gasped out in horror over the entire situation
Veilcov rose his eyebrows to the pet, she was still resisting after all this? "You're such a strong one! I'm proud of you, I really am!" He hissed excitedly to her, nuzzling her head with the giddiest of laughter escaping him. He took her by the shoulders and pulled her back against him, making one last collision, ramming his hips against the scaled ass with all his might. "This is my favorite part..." His voice was only at a whisper now, silence filling the room aside from those few words. There was only a moment of inactivity before the seed started to gush out of him, his cursed testicles glowing a bright red as the white sprayed directly into her womb. The massive amount of cum filling the tiny woman in an instant, the firmly placed plug of his cock only letting the seed seep around their tight connection after she had already been flooded, torrents of hot liquid demanding their entry to her fallopian tubes.
Vivara flushed a crimson red beneath her scales as he 'complimented' her, her humiliation and shame deepening to something that would be carried with her for a long time. She'd have a difficult time forgetting his eyes as her looked into her just before he kissed her, how his cock felt like it was practically splitting her apart as it invaded her womb. Most of all she'd never forget this moment, how his cock swelled up within the grasping confines of her femininity and hardened to steel before giving a sickening lurch, throbbing over and over before he began pumping his lust into her. With their difference in core body temperatures the tiny draconian thief was able to feel every single drop, how that first geyser of cum sprayed against the back of her uterus and filled the small space it offered. Then the next caused her womb to balloon out a little, and the next and the next. Her fallopion tubes strained to keep themselves closed to the torrent of seed that was making her belly bulge out visible until she looked to be in the late stages of a pregnancy. Suddenly, with one more powerful pump of seed the pressure broke through the seal of her resisting fallopian tubes, his spunk invading and raping her tubes and finally claiming her in the most deep and personal way a male could ever claim a female, his sperm flowing like a tidal wave down to her ovaries and completely bathing them to find every single one of the eggs she could possibly produce. One by one her tiny kobold egg cells were gangraped and penetrated over and over by hundreds of thousands of his sperm cells, his genetic information invading and binding with her own.
Within three seconds of his first surge of climax, the kobold was pregnant.
Veilcov laid on top of her, keeping his slowly deflating rod placed firmly inside of her. His hands reached down to rub her swollen belly gently, feeling the cum filed bulge warm against his hand from the hot seed that wallowed within it, as opposed to the rest of her cold body. "You did good little one, taking a nice full load like that and only losing a little in comparison to the others I meet... It must be how tightly you're clamping onto me. Such a loving little thing you are." He took her by the arms and flipped her onto her back, having her face him. "Oh I don't doubt you're going to just be filled with young any time now. I'll be glad to assist you in making your little children." He said, patting her face gently, caressing down the side of her maw. He lightly slapped the cheek, rearing hand back in a balled fist to intimidate her before he spoke once again. "Now, you will have to learn how to be a proper pet... Tell me that you are nothing but a pet, that Veilcov is your master, and that you love your master."
Vivara gave a sound halfway between a growl and a groan as her aching body was flipped over, her every muscle complaining in pain from the sheer exertion of being used so harshly. She shuddered, feeling disgusted by the way he stroked her and held her plumped-out belly and the way he spoke to her in compliment. He betrayed his evil with his words, as if he hadn't already, when he raised his fist after slapping her.
She had nothing to say in response except for a thick wad of spit that shot out to hit him in the cheek, the kobold defiant
Veilcov let out an almost hysterical laugh, wiping his face clean of the spit only to bring his now wet finger to his mouth and suck it dry from the sign of detest she tried to show him. "I'm happy that you chose that, you'll be surprised how many do that exact same thing... In fact, just yesterday a cat girl did that, and do you know what I did?" He asked rhetorically, soon after delivering a hard punch crossed her maw, slamming the back of her head against the table. "I punched her in the god damned face for being disobedient!" He was shouting now, a hand clamping to her neck and squeezing it tightly, the look of satisfaction returning to his face as he smiled down to her. "Kindly tap the table when you're ready to say it... I'll be right here."
Vivara chipped a tooth from the hard punch, her sharp teeth cutting the inside of her lip from the rough, painful slam against her face and her head rebounding off the table from the impact, stars blinking in her vision. She coughed, the air knocked from her lungs by the surprise, even that cut short when his hand reached down to grip her neck. The kobold was usually so resourceful, capable of pulling any trick or stunt to escape exactly this kind of treatment. Tied up and with all her gadgets and tricks discarded the little woman felt for the first time in her entire life completely helpless, fearing her own death when he cut off her air supply. She wheezed and choked for breath, her eyes rolling up into her skull as she resisted for as long as she was able until she passed out, without having tapped on the table at all.
Veilcov looked almost disappointed at the woman's unconscious form, releasing her neck with a sigh escaping him. "Such a fighter this one is, I'll have to keep this one locked tightly at night." He stood from the table and took her in his arms, cradling her like a baby in his arms. While taking her out of the room he ordered one of his men to collect a bucket of water, then he took her to the back porch of the manor. The porch was a large half circle of stone, its most defining feature being the forge with only a branding rack and a prisoner's stock beside it. That's where they marked the ones who tried to escape. In a moment a guard came out with a bucket, handing it off to Veil who laid the kobold on the ground. He then tipped the bucket onto her, dreanching the small reptilian in a quick splash of water.