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Key: ShadeXe0n
Character Name:
Character Name: Shimi
Character Age:
Character Age: 18
[ ] Applying for Rank
[ ] Applying for Rare
[ ] Applying for Skill
[X] Applying for Skill
Desired Rank/Rare/Skill:
Desired Rank/Rare/Skill: Experiment
Type a sample RP here. For ranks, we expect a sample of what is to be expected from your character and actions IC'ly. For rares, we'd like an idea of your understanding of the rare, and what should be expected of your IC. For skills, show us an emote, or set of emotes, that display your learning and eventual understanding of the skill.
*Shimi thinks about the whole premise, this is some type of energy that is beyond the lifeforce or 'Ki' as they call it. This could mean that there is an opportunity for them to maybe tap into something new, something that can be harnest into a kind of energy to power technology- or research if all humans can actually create this kind of energy on their own. "Well... What would we need to do Khar? Take your blood or something?"* 
*Shimi looks at the small drill that always hung around his neck, she squints her eyes then they widen as he takes it off to offer to her. She looks concerned for a moment while holding out her hands to take the Core Drill. "Wait you're giving it to me to study...?" It seemed like something important to him, especially with how much it glowed during combat, she is quite the observer after all.* 
*Shimi has been too busy within her lab hidden in the void of Xereth's portal to really notice the occurance on the planet Earth. She stares focused at her Genetics Computer while hooking herself up to be scanned. Everyone that she knows is starting to improve their physical bodies at an alarming rate and soon her cybernetic enhancements aren't going to be enough for her to defend herself should a fight break out. While Shimi would rather not fight, she has started doing self-training in secret to make sure she keeps in shape, even if it's sloppy. Perhaps, she might have to do something more drastic that just simple cybernetics. After all, these people have been going through odd mutations that increase their physique and change even the color of their hair. If she cannot push herself to that level to match everyone else, she's going to create it herself. Of course this is going to take time but maybe with the Core Drill that Kharne has gifted to her, she can study the energy that he uses to power himself up. She sighs and unhooks herself from the machine, now going over to her main computer and starting her research on the small drill that holds quite the power within. This may help her to reach her own self-made power that she can use to create something.... Unique.* 
*Shimi grits her teeth while looking at the machines within her lab. Is there really something that powerful out there that's hunting down Wyatt? Her possible upgrades might not even be enough to match this being but... Perhaps this experiment can give her some utility that she can use against this 'Death' that they are planning to encounter, but she's banking it all on chance. Nonetheless, she's willing to do it. Kharne and Wyatt has been improving themselves so it's time for her to use her brain and help herself improve- even if it means the possibility of losing her humanity. Shimi lets out a small chuckle as she gets to work, while she has to deconstruct her lab at some point to use the area for her plan, she's going to give herself a change that may be harmful... or lethal. The Core Drill energies has been fully analyzed by the time she came back and she is going to produce something like this, a serum that injects people with this powerful energy. Though she does not have the heart to do this experiment on anyone else if it risks the possibility of it failing, instead, Shimi is going to risk it all to gain power. Preparing the serum requires alot of time of resources, which she has both of due to her constant influx of money, with nobody bugging her since everyone is within the village. 
"Here goes nothing..." The lavender-haired scientist mutters under her breath while preparing herself both mentally and physically. She takes off her robes to expose her arm, then getting the test dose of the serum to inject herself with this experimental drug she spent so long producing.*