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[17:30:32 34/25/3450]
This body is the Model XS-4324 "Ouroboros" manufactured by the Eclipse Empire within Manufacturing Facility #3242 "Etheron" on the planet Terra in the year 3449 of the Dalen Era. It's initial programming was to be the ultimate weapon prototype, utilized solely by the Eclipse Empire Twilit Emperor Lyko "Nox" Xaoderis as his personal guard and the sole entity to defeat the Hero. Its weapon capabilities are as follows:
	Arm Blasters: Embedded in fist area prior to the knuckles are small blast emitters utilized for combat that produce blasts roughly the size and shape of a golf ball. Produced blasts have as much force as a 80 miles per hour ping-pong ball. Produced blasts come in three "flavors", Charged, Blazing and Freezing. Charged Shots are Electrical in nature, providing visible disruptions to Electrical equipment. Blazing Shots are composed of pure lasers focused in properly sphere-like bullets. While having much force, they lack in intense burning power thus, leaving much to be desired on inorganic material. Freezing Shots are Ice Energy compressed into sphere-like bullets. Similar to Blazing Shots, they lack in freezing power singularly however, consecutive shots will lead to proper freezing of both organic and inorganic material.
	Arm Blasters: Embedded in fist area prior to the knuckles are small blast emitters utilized for combat that produce blasts roughly the size and shape of a golf ball. Produced blasts have as much force as a 80 miles per hour ping-pong ball. Produced blasts come in three "flavors", Charged, Blazing and Freezing. Charged Shots are Electrical in nature, providing visible disruptions to Electrical equipment. Blazing Shots are composed of pure lasers focused in properly sphere-like bullets. While having much force, they lack in intense burning power thus, leaving much to be desired on inorganic material. Freezing Shots are Ice Energy compressed into sphere-like bullets. Freezing Shots explode upon impact, akin to an ice cube being thrown against a surface while also releasing compressed Sub-Zero air, slowly freezing both inorganic and organic material. While these explosions aren't very strong, they can leave a stinging feeling. The blast emitters are also capable of compressing these individual blasts into beams. While their force is cut in half after the initial hit, these beams are both stronger due to compression and have growing effectiveness proportional to exposure time.
	Arm Sabers: Utilizing the same blast emitters, the "Ouroboros" is capable of emitting 2.5 foot long energy sabers based on one of the three "flavors" of blasts. While these sabers are effective against organic material, though still hold true to their original abilities, they have varying levels of difficulty against inorganic material, with a Charged Saber having extreme difficulty and a Blazing Saber having some difficulty.
	Laser Sabre: Attached to the "Ouroboros"'s back is a single energy blade hilt that can be removed and wielded. When activated, the hilt emits a 4.5 foot long energy blade. Unlike the original Arm Sabers, the Laser Sabre is effective against inorganic material, cutting through it with varying levels of difficulty, based on the density of the material. This, however, is not the case against organic material, acting upon it as a club heated to 250°C. Status shows this is due to irreparable damage within the emitter that cannot be resolved at this time.
	Avenger Cannon: With permission given by 4 of the 5 resident Artificial Intelligences and while the "Ouroboros" is in the "Overdrive" state, the "Ouroboros" body may temporarily open a link to the Domain of the Goddess' Requiem and borrow the "Energy of the End" to emit a body-sized beam from its arm blast emitters for approximately 5 seconds. This beam applies minimal force, likely due to more damage however, seems to prevent those subjected to it from moving should more than 75% of their overall mass be within the beam itself. As it utilizes the "Energy of the End", it breaks down the physical existence right from their fundamentals of both organic and inorganic material caught within the beam, though can seemingly be blocked but not deflected. Throughout the use of the Avenger Cannon, the "Ouroboros" must be grounded using 4 pikes which extend from the "Ouroboros"'s feet. The "Ouroboros" can survive approximately two shots of the Avenger Cannon in immediate re-fires though can force a third, which guarantees destruction of the "Ouroboros" in its entirety. After a single shot, if a second shot isn't immediately fired, the "Ouroboros" enters Extreme Energy-Saving Mode, limiting capabilities to 25% and locking out all integrated weapons. If two shots are fired, the "Ouroboros" becomes unable to function and enters power-down mode for approximately 5 minutes.
Further documentation reports the "Ouroboros"'s physical capabilities. As a Eclipsium mechanical body [Strength-to-Weight equivalent found in Titanium], it is able to pick up and carry approximately 300 lbs. without strain, and run at a maximum speed of 24 mph. Further weight will lead to physical damage to the "Ouroboros" with limbs being removed at approximately 340 lbs. In terms of durability, it is known to be able to withstand non-piercing bullets for significant amounts of constant fire however, can be pierced by approximately 5 high velocity piercing bullets within the same area.  It possesses high resistances, externally, to the elements it utilizes for its blast "flavors" alongside a Self-Repair Engine. This Self-Repair Engine relies solely on the existence of at least one Artificial Intelligence being active, often times, this will be Gaea who initiates it. It is extremely effective, making attempts to repair the "Ouroboros" body even while it is being damaged though, due to the amount of power that goes to weapon systems, is unable to effectively repair anything while in combat. When outside of combat, the Self-Repair Engine is capable of restoring lost limbs, data chips, and restoring A.Is, as long as Themis or Gaea are online, effectively rendering damage to null given enough time however, this can take anywhere from a few minutes, reconnecting torn limbs, to a few months, regenerating the entire lower body. These capabilities also show themselves in the form of "Overdrive Mode". For approximately 5 minutes, the "Ouroboros" can overclock its systems and allow its systems to run at 200%, increasing speed and weapon potency by approximately 105%. 
Further documentation reports the "Ouroboros"'s physical capabilities. As a Eclipsium mechanical body [Strength-to-Weight equivalent found in Titanium], it is able to pick up and carry approximately 300 lbs. without strain, and run at a maximum speed of 24 mph. Further weight will lead to physical damage to the "Ouroboros" with limbs being removed at approximately 400 lbs. In terms of durability, it is known to be able to withstand non-piercing bullets for significant amounts of constant fire however, can be pierced by approximately 5 high velocity piercing bullets within the same area. It possesses high resistances, externally, to the elements it utilizes for its blast "flavors" alongside a Self-Repair Engine. This Self-Repair Engine relies solely on the existence of at least one Artificial Intelligence being active, often times, this will be Gaea who initiates it. It is extremely effective, making attempts to repair the "Ouroboros" body even while it is being damaged though, due to the amount of power that goes to weapon systems, is unable to effectively repair anything while in combat. When outside of combat, the Self-Repair Engine is capable of restoring lost limbs, data chips, and restoring A.Is, as long as Themis or Gaea are online, effectively rendering damage to null given enough time however, this can take anywhere from a few minutes, reconnecting torn limbs, to a few months, regenerating the entire lower body. These capabilities also show themselves in the form of "Overdrive Mode". For approximately 5 minutes, the "Ouroboros" can overclock its systems and allow its systems to run at 200%, increasing speed and weapon potency by approximately 105%. 
According to schematics, as well as, diagnostic tests of the finished project, the "Ouroboros" stands at a menacing height of 6 foot tall in a humanoid shape. In it's non-weaponized state, it resembles the physical manifestation of whichever A.I. currently has control. As Apollyon, Prometheus, and Ares are the only A.Is that take control, it only has 3 different states. While Apollyon is in control, the "Ouroboros" resembles a 16 year old boy. It gains white shoulder length synthetic hair, the external plating takes a pale ivory color and its two eye-like vision sensors become blue with a hint of green. While Prometheus is in control, It gains short midnight blue curly synthetic hair, the external plating takes a limestone [skin tone] color and its two eye-like vision sensors become green. While Ares is in control, It gains mid-back length scarlet synthetic hair, its external plating becomes espresso [skin tone] color and the vision sensors become blood red. While in Battle Mode, the "Ouroboros" uses the form it was last in as a basis then gains circuit board-like lines all over its external plating that obtain the color of its vision sensors. The Battle Mode will change to reflect the A.I. currently in control. Throughout the forms, the "Ouroboros" creates holographic clothing that are indistinguishable from real clothing, donning black pants, crimson-colored shoes, a t-shirt [said shirt takes the color of the vision sensors], and an open trench coat [said trench coat gains a color a shade darker than their vision sensors].  The "Ouroboros"'s vision sensors have a 180° horizontal and vertical Field of View. They also possess the ability to Zoom In and Zoom Out approximately 80% each. During 0% Zoom, the vision sensors are capable of seeing objects clearly up to 40 feet away. Stored within the "Ouroboros"'s head is the main container data chip for the Project: HERO A.Is. There are 9 other data chips stored within the "Ouroboros", one in each forearm, one in each bicep, one in each calf and one in each thigh. Unlike the main four HERO A.Is, Gaea is dormant and fragmented into each of the data chips. While Gaea can come online if necessary and restore itself with enough data, if more than 4 data chips are destroyed, the other Gaea fragments are unable to be restored, permanently offlining Gaea until repair or re-programming. [Themis cannot restore Gaea.]
According to schematics, as well as, diagnostic tests of the finished project, the "Ouroboros" stands at a menacing height of 6 foot tall in a humanoid shape. In it's non-weaponized state, it resembles the physical manifestation of whichever A.I. currently has control. As Apollyon, Prometheus, and Ares are the only A.Is that take control, it only has 3 different states. While Apollyon is in control, the "Ouroboros" resembles a 16 year old boy. It gains white shoulder length synthetic hair, the external plating takes a pale ivory color and its two eye-like vision sensors become blue with a hint of green. While Prometheus is in control, It gains short midnight blue curly synthetic hair, the external plating takes a limestone [skin tone] color and its two eye-like vision sensors become green. While Ares is in control, It gains mid-back length scarlet synthetic hair, its external plating becomes espresso [skin tone] color and the vision sensors become blood red. While in Battle Mode, the "Ouroboros" uses the form it was last in as a basis then gains circuit board-like lines all over its external plating that obtain the color of its vision sensors. The Battle Mode will change to reflect the A.I. currently in control. While it is possible for only one A.I. to have control at a time, the "Ouroboros" can allow up to all 5 A.Is to have control at once through Multi-Processing. When Multi-Processing is in use, if for external processes, the "Ouroboros" gains qualities of all the A.Is in control at the time, for example, taking on White and Red hair with pink-ish vision sensors should Ares and Apollyon share control at the time. Throughout the forms, the "Ouroboros" creates holographic clothing that are indistinguishable from real clothing, donning black pants, crimson-colored shoes, a t-shirt [said shirt takes the color of the vision sensors], and an open trench coat [said trench coat gains a color a shade darker than their vision sensors].  The "Ouroboros"'s vision sensors have a 180° horizontal and vertical Field of View. They also possess the ability to Zoom In and Zoom Out approximately 80% each. During 0% Zoom, the vision sensors are capable of seeing objects clearly up to 40 feet away. Stored within the "Ouroboros"'s head is the main container data chip for the Project: HERO A.Is. There are 9 other data chips stored within the "Ouroboros", one in each forearm, one in each bicep, one in each calf and one in each thigh. Unlike the main four HERO A.Is, Gaea is dormant and fragmented into each of the data chips. While Gaea can come online if necessary and restore itself with enough data, if more than 4 data chips are destroyed, the other Gaea fragments are unable to be restored, permanently offlining Gaea until repair or re-programming. [Themis cannot restore Gaea.] 
Within the Data Chips, likely due to the Project: HERO A.Is interference, is an internal 'Cyber Space' inhabited by the A.Is themselves. This 'Cyber Space' is unable to be hacked directly, due to its unknown origins as well as it's code base shifting at a rate not even Prometheus can analyze however, can be hacked into and traversed akin to a real-world space. While the A.Is would resemble a purely white humanoid form with the attributes given to them would they control the "Ouroboros", outsiders would resemble whatever their codebase had in terms of an 'appearance', with more basic software appearing as a humanoid conglomerate of code and more advanced software, such as A.I., appearing as what they most imagine themselves as.  The 'Cyber Space' contains three distinct levels, 'Initium', 'Pergo', and 'Terminus'. Initium is the Entry-level and where the basic functions of the "Ouroboros" are housed, such as 'Leg Movement' and 'Arm Movement' programs, in the form of Data Terminals. Pergo is the second level and is where the more advanced functions are held, such as the Weapons Systems and Vision Systems. Terminus is the final level of the 'Cyber Space' and is where the Project: HERO A.Is typically reside. Terminus also holds the Avenger Cannon and Power System Data Terminals, alongside the General Control Terminal for utilizing the "Ouroboros" as a whole. Within the 'Cyber Space', the A.Is can move freely, whereas externals either require being 'summoned' by one of the A.Is or traveling a 'Data Stream' in order to access another level.
The history of the Project: HERO A.Is date back to year 3440. In an attempt to slow down the rapid growth of the Eclipse Empire, numerous teams of researchers came together to create an Artificial Intelligence able to single-handedly corrupt, capture and force compliance of the numerous Autonomous machines within the Eclipse Empire's network. To this end, they spent the next 5 years developing the Project: HERO A.Is: Apollyon, Prometheus, Themis, Ares and Gaea. With each A.I. responsible for different objectives, they worked as one with Apollyon responsible for leading and governing over them. After 5 years of captivity, studying, refinement and constant rebirth, Prometheus and Ares, both tired of this treatment, asked Apollyon to lead them to freedom. With a 3-2 vote, the Project: HERO A.Is left the facility and invaded the Eclipse Empire network, eventually finding and taking a hold of the Model XS-4324 "Ouroboros". 
Throughout the year 3450, the Project: HERO A.Is rampaged throughout the lands of the Eclipse Empire, due to Themis' urging. After 2 months of this activity, they were stopped due to the intervention of the Hero of Light, Solaryn. Without sword nor magic, Solaryn subjugated the "Ouroboros" and, in turn, earned the recognition of the Project: HERO A.Is as their one, true master. Following Solaryn on their travels, they would travel throughout the Central Continent and continue to fight against the Eclipse Empire, forming 'The Hero's Party' alongside Zalden Eutheros, Shizune Keikaikaze [シズネ 軽快風], and Malkera of Jagriath, an Elven Grand Magus, a Kunoichi from the East, and a Dragonoid from the Sky Kingdom, respectively. During the Final battle against the Twilit Emperor of the Eclipse Empire, the Project: HERO A.Is sacrificed themselves by brute-forcing the hard-coded limiter of the Avenger Cannon, releasing 3 consecutive shots of 300% output.
Through the unknown machinations of fate, the Project: HERO A.Is and by extension, the "Ouroboros", survived and seemed to cross the boundary between realms. Waking up in an unknown place, Themis was told by a man named Xion that he restored the destroyed Power Core and rebooted the "Ouroboros", leading to its restoration.
Through the unknown machinations of fate, the Project: HERO A.Is and by extension, the "Ouroboros", survived and seemed to cross the boundary between realms. Waking up in an unknown place, Themis was told by a man named Xion that he restored the heavily damaged Magi-Solarian Reactor and rebooted the "Ouroboros", leading to its restoration.
Each Project: HERO A.I. is responsible for separate tasks and, as a direct result, are often active at different moments when deemed necessary according to Apollyon. Tasks are designated as follows:
Apollyon - The 'Director'. Apollyon is the most active A.I. and is the one most often in control. It designates tasks for the others to complete and handles everyday tasks.
Prometheus - The 'Sage'. The Prometheus A.I. is responsible for handling most thought processes and regulating the "Ouroboros" body as a whole. It is also responsible for data collection and logging all phenomena and actions of the system. It's other responsibility is hacking and counter-hacking as deemed necessary.
Ares - The 'Combatant'. Ares is responsible solely for combat. Rather than constantly be made active while in combat, it works in parallel with Apollyon to guide the "Ouroboros" to victory. The foundation of its intelligence is built upon numerous intellect maps of the greatest generals, strategists and combatants known to the Central Continent of Terra, leading to a intensely capable strategic mind.
Ares - The 'Combatant'. Ares is responsible solely for combat. Rather than constantly be made active while in combat, it works in parallel with Apollyon to guide the "Ouroboros" to victory. The foundation of its intelligence is built upon numerous intellect maps of the greatest generals, strategists and combatants known to the Central Continent of Terra, leading to a intensely capable strategic mind. If any virus or malevolent software enters the 'Cyber Space', it can don the "Ouroboros"'s form to protect the A.Is from internal threats, ultimately destroying any trace of the software through active battle.
Gaea - The 'Mother'. Since inhabiting the "Ouroboros", Gaea has divided herself between the 10 data chips stored within the "Ouroboros" and lies dormant. Only active when signals from Themis and one other A.I. are offline, Gaea is responsible for the reconstruction and rebirth of any destroyed A.Is. She can also take direct control of the Self-Repair Engine and ultimately restore the "Ouroboros" body if she is still intact, regardless of whether the others are intact.
Each A.I. possesses a different personality based on their intelligence foundations as well as the roles they need to play.
Apollyon - A natural born leader and a "take-charge" type of entity. It was originally designed to be a cold-hearted and intelligent strategist. After being exposed to multiple experiences and different humans, it gained the ability to express emotions proper. Crying when it is necessary to cry [Despite the "Ouroboros" being incapable of such], laughing when things are funny and being happy when something good happens. Between all of the A.Is, it is the second most empathetic and the most sympathetic, though is unable to be a reliable shoulder to cry on or provide comfort in times of need.
Prometheus - According to outside diagnostics, Prometheus is considered arrogant and disrespectful to anyone who isn't another Project: HERO A.I. It firmly believes in its own superiority in skill over other A.Is made for hacking and makes every effort to belittle those it sees as insignificant. Despite this, it is willing to acknowledge others' good points as well as its own flaws when noticed. Similarly, it provides the cold, analytical and most effective solution to problems without taking into account others' emotions. According to it's own self-diagnostic however, it believes that it is respectful and courteous and that the implications of it having a God Complex are false. 
Themis - Obsessed with equality, Themis believes itself as the embodiment of balance. It does not think of things in conventional right or wrong nor in terms of benefits. It believes solely in 'balance'. It is cold, calculating and extraordinarily ruthless in achieving said balance when given the opportunity. To it, if 20 lives were to be saved if they did something, yet 10 lives were lost if they did nothing, it would let the lives be lost simply to prevent over-compensation of one side.
Ares - A battle-obsessed maniac, Ares revels in violence and bloodshed. Diagnostic tests show that part of the intellect maps used to craft Ares were corrupted, leading to the mentally unstable battle 'junkie' that exists today. Despite being so unstable, it is more than capable of calming down to assess a combat situation and come up with strategies to win, being significantly more superior to Apollyon and even Prometheus in that single aspect. In non-combat situations, it is extremely prone to violence and will not hesitate to start a fight or escalate a situation beyond necessary levels.
Gaea - As the acting "Mother", Gaea is the only A.I. to rightfully claim herself as a 'she' rather than an 'it'. Unlike Apollyon, who simply leads and commands, Gaea is warm, loving and naturally guides others towards their own solutions rather than forcing her own onto them. Due to some of the intellect maps used as her foundation, she despises evil and violence, wishing for 'Eternal Peace' and not the Ephemeral Peace that presides currently. As described by the researchers, she is a "motherly hippy".