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These threads are made by a Cammy NEET shitposter who is too stupid to reset his router (or is too poor to afford a real internet connection) so he shitposts literally every day on /a/.
Every time you see a thread opening with a low quality picture of either Hunter x Hunter poster, Gon, 2011 anime screencaps, WSJ Sales, Boku no Hero Academia bait comparisons, One Piece bait threads, Shonen wars inciting threads, Next Big Three threads or generic meta threads  with a randomly assigned filename and the use of phrases like "HxH is seinen" or "intellectuals of /a/" or "brainlet" or "you need to have a high IQ to understand HxH", it's this one lonely mentally-ill NEET Cammyspammer with his irrelevant waifu from his ghetto home.
What he needs is not (You)s but urgent mental health treatment. Just report him and hide the thread.
The Succession War is the most complex, well though out, multilayered, finely paced, tightly packed, battle royale in manga. You literally are incapable of following the complex plot Togashi has been branching in each new chapter. I'm having the best time of my life reading and analyzing this arc with its amazingly well written characters including the princes and bodyguards. The arc is a masterpiece in the making (much like Chimera Ant Arc was). The way he's dealing with like ten different POVs and tighing them all together in such limited time and space shows us how much of a skilled writer he is, on par with the like of Takehiko Inoue and Miyazaki. I haven't even mentioned his top tier panneling and page composition that literally trashes on all manga alike from shounen trash like OP and BNHA to actually good stories, the like of Berserk and Vagabond. Togashi's art may not be as detailed, but it's extremely subtle and smart. Also his fight choreography and sense of a viewer's angle is sublime. The succession battle is the best arc of HxH. If you disagree, I'm sad to tell you that you're just another low IQ shonenfag who will never get HxH.
The thing that most struck me most about HxH is how the entire Chimera Ant arc felt like one long work of literature, like a 19th century baroque novel or a Shakespearean tragedy. It's rife with symbolism, irony, themes, and felt appropriately mature and tonally rich. Some of the passages spoken by the narrator were so beautiful and memorable (e.g. the humans in the sky line), and the narration served to create the feeling that I was reading some intricate tapestry of prose. I loved how tragic and anticlimactic the death of Meruem was, because it was richly meaningful in tandem with the themes presented by the arc; and it's because of this that I speak of him in the same way I do as Macbeth, or Oedipus, or John Milton's Lucifer. Some scenes, like the match-cut of the boots stomping on the insects between the Rose bomb used on human cities spoke to me on a visceral level, just as Classic Lit does.
Yeah, I like hunter x hunter, too. I would personally compare the way it is obviously a work derived from other works differently, but that's just IMHO and YMMV. Et cetera.
I would say most works of literature that contain obvious derivations on preexisting works, and my brain only has the ready example of how One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest felt to me like a straight ripoff from Moby Dick, most everything like that, "the original is better than the copy." HxH feels like the opposite. Like he took dragonball z and the functioning mind of an adult male with his own offspring and family unit, and distilled the Rolls Royce Merlin engine from some shitty modern Chinese Cessna rip offs and a couple lawn mowers Mazda built in the 90s with Wankel engines.
I would call HxH the modern masterpiece of the "forensics" of shonen writing; with all its callbacks and shout outs to everything toriyama did in DB and DQ. It was like, is like, the only reason jump still pays him is to put on a soccer clinic for the younger mangakas to learn writing skills, from.
Also netero is my copilot when it comes to a lot of my own martial arts geekery.
Also netero is my copilot when it comes to a lot of my own martial arts geekery.
Togashi's writing is on a level that you obviously can't even begin to comprehend. Like the logic behind how the villains rationalize being both ruthless and caring for their selective circle is what makes them distinct and interesting to watch. And seeing how that rationale changes as they develop. Compare the Zoldyck's putting family above all else and ultimately only killing as a profession, versus the Spiders' impoverished background and them killing and stealing from a world that had literally discarded them like so much garbage, versus the ants who are running on conflicting biological urges that simultaneously prioritize the will of the individual and the well-being/survival of the species.
Try to keep up with the nuance. HxH is the thinking man's shonen.