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Summoner Iyada 11 minutes ago
Summoner Iyada 
hops into the arena and looks around the dust and dried blood. She brings a hand up to her chin and taps it a few times before reaching out and quickly snapping her fingers. The moment she did, the arena shifted and contorted to become a beach with ocean waters lapping waves gently upon the shore. On the other side of the beach was a large, thick jungle full of various noises of wild life. The summoner took a glance around before lifting her hand up and quickly summoning the likes of Tharku. The beast stepped forth from the strange dimension and rolled his shoulders and wobbled his head back and forth as Iyada spoke. "I just realized, I think I made a mistake." Tharku turned his head towards Iyada then back to the jungle. "Maybe." the brute murmured, and Iyada sighed. "Shit."
Mark Anders 8 minutes ago
Mark Anders 
Mark watched from the stands as a woman with dark hair leapt into the area. Bright orange eyes watched the arena shift and change. Water and vegetation sprouted in a mix of a beach. Mark would stand and drop himself into the arena on the other side from where the woman was. When he raised to stand straight, he noticed that another figure had joined them. Fuck he was tall and a bit intimidating. The male would walk over to the pair, the air around him slowly rippling more and more as he approached. "So is this a thing?"
Summoner Iyada 4 minutes ago
Summoner Iyada 
Iyada tilted her head as Mark approached and she squinted, looking him over before nodding, or....sort of half nodding, half shrugging before looking at Tharku. "Yah, it's a thing." She said simply, her voice relatively deadpan, as was her gaze. "Tharku." She said, tapping the beast on the thigh. The beast nodded and immediately sent a punch towards Mark's temple whilst Iyada grabbed the chain on Tharku's hip and chucked it forward as if she was throwing it at Mark, but instead, in the same motion as the punch, Tharku grasped the chain with his other hand and Iyada immediately began to take off in the opposite direction, her body beginning to engulf in green flames.
Mark Anders 4 minutes ago
Mark Anders  
Mark smirked a little but the larger creature moving caught his eye. He looked and saw the fist coming for him. Immediately the man began to lean back, the heat of his body and the air around him spiking. Sparks whipped around at his feet as the fist whizzed past his nose. Fuck. When Mark had recovered, he straightened up and quickly began to backpedal. With the large creature, he was sure he hit hard. One well placed punch could kill him instantly. The man put both hands up and a tornado of orange flame began to spin toward the two.
Summoner Iyada 
Summoner Iyada 45 seconds ago
Mark Anders 
Mark didn't see where the woman had went, his attention was way too focused on the large creature before him. He was pushed the swirling tornadoes of fire to their max, the heat intense and stupid. Suddenly a mass of chains burst from the explosion of green and orange fire, hurtling towards him. Suddenly he was entangled in hot chains, tight around his body. Mark squirmed and focused, arms pushing at the chains to release himself. Suddenly they chains began to turn a bright red, growing out and sizzling in the cool humid air of the beach.
Mark Anders 6 minutes ago
Summoner Iyada 
Tharku gave what could only be described as a smile as he began to see the chains turn red. "Perfection." he murmured and without warning Tharku with all his might wrenched the chain towards the ocean and most likely sending Mark into an inbound wave, though that would most likely do nothing to douse Mark's flames, it would certainly hyper-cool the chains, tightening their grip and staving off their melting for a moment, but a moment was all Tharku needed. The beast pulled on the chain to force Mark towards him, and in that same motion he grabbed the hilt of his large curved sword and swung towards the top of Mark's head. As all this was going on, Iyada had been sat down behind the rock, seemingly in a deep trance, her legs crossed and her eyes closed.
Summoner Iyada 5 minutes ago
Mark Anders 
Just before Mark hit the cold ocean wave, the was an explosion that surrounded his body. Flames erupted skyward, tearing into the sky with black smoke and evaporating the ocean water very quickly. The hissing of the liquid and roar of the flames drowned out any sound. Finally, the inferno subsided, the chain which connected Mark to his opponent was yanked back considerably shorter than before. Encircled in glass where there was once sand, a charred black skeleton stood with two balls of flames for eyes. The mandible hung open, and a horrid screech, like those of wraiths and the damned souls in Hell, erupted from the skeletal figure. Slow steps drew the creature closer to the hulking mass of muscle. With a swing of the left arm, a wall of fire would erupt and cascade toward the larger beast, exploding from the ground like the burst of a volcano.
Summoner Iyada 
Tharku didn't bother swinging his blade when the chain back empty and he instead chucked it down to the ground and watched the display of elemental power. "Mmmm." He stepped back a few feet and just as he did the wave of flame came his way. He lifted his hands up to protect his body as green flame seeped from his skin and from the parts of his body already raging with the emerald inferno. The green flame began to rapidly absorb the fire that engulfed the beast, and though some of the flames licked directly at his flesh, the green flame was pretty quick to consume Mark's flames, albeit Tharku came out of it with parts of his body smoking. "You're very powerful." He mentioned. "It's a good thing she picked me." With that, he ran forward and sent the blade of his sword towards the now-skeletal shoulder of Mark's, aiming to try and cleave his bones into pieces. At the crescendo of his swing those same green flames erupted from the three spots on the sword that had already been there, ready to react if any of Mark's fire decided to try and melt the sword, too.
Mark Anders 27 seconds ago
Mark Anders 
With each step, the sand would melt together but kept a solid enough surface for him to walk on. The skeleton watched as green flames erupted to protect the beast, acting a shield. Hm. In the back of the bone-covered brain, Mark's consciencousness works out how he might be able to get around the body protection, or a quick way to put down the enemy as quickly as possible. Wait.. where was the woman? Just as the skeleton, began to look around for the other, it's shoulder was cleaved off by a thrown sword. His right arm fell off, crashing against the sand with a full thud before erupting into orange flames. There was another screech from Hell, and the strange not-Mark began to run. It was painful. Bones were brittle from the intense heat of the spirit. Albeit, it ran, but not towards its opponent. Instead, it went in an arc, circling around. Occasionally, the skeleton would hurl another wall of fire towards the hulk, as if to distract it from where he ran.
Summoner Iyada 36 seconds ago
Summoner Iyada 
Tharku didn't bother swinging his blade when the chain back empty and he instead chucked it down to the ground and watched the display of elemental power. "Mmmm." He stepped back a few feet and just as he did the wave of flame came his way. He lifted his hands up to protect his body as green flame seeped from his skin and from the parts of his body already raging with the emerald inferno. The green flame began to rapidly absorb the fire that engulfed the beast, and though some of the flames licked directly at his flesh, the green flame was pretty quick to consume Mark's flames, albiet Tharku came out of it with parts of his body smoking. "You're very powerful." He mentioned. "It's a good thing she picked me." With that, he ran forward and sent the blade of his sword towards the now-skeletal shoulder of Mark's, aiming to try and cleave his bones into pieces. At the crescendo of his swing those same green flames erupted from the three spots on the sword that had already (B)
Summoner Iyada 58 seconds ago
been there, ready to react if any of Mark's fire decided to try and melt the sword, too.
Mark Anders 
(I have no idea why I put a B instead of a C. Either way, it's now E.)
Summoner Iyada 
Mark Anders 1 minute ago
Mark Anders 
The skeleton screeched when it was suddenly grasped. Fuck, it had forgotten that the green flames could nullify it's own orange ones. Fireball eyes quickly scanned for an opening as the beast opened its maw, searching for something that wasn't cloaked in green flame. Suddenly, the skull was engulfed in a emerald inferno, and it's thoughts were gone. When this firey torrent subsided, it could be seen that the skeleton was completely undamaged by the fire. The mandible dropped comically from its attachments. An idea had formed while he was engulfed in the flames. A screech echoed from the creature, and just as its skull was captured by the sausage fingers of the monstrosity, there was another explosion that engulfed the both of them. Intense, sun-like fires blasted from the skeletal epicenter, crashing against its opponent with enough force to match a tidal wave.
Summoner Iyada 1 minute ago
Summoner Iyada 
had been violently blown back, his chest caving in and his flesh lit aflame, the bits of metal armor on his body were melted to him and he was surely on his last leg, but regardless of all this, the grip he had against the skeleton's head would not have been lost in time, nor would his reflex to crush the skull of the skeleton. Most likely, as Tharku lay there soon to die, his opponent too would be shattered beyond repair, his skull concaved by Tharku's crushing fingers just as or before the explosion occurred.
Mark Anders 
Mark Anders 3 minutes ago
Summoner Iyada 
Summoner Iyada 4 minutes ago
Mark Anders 
Mark had managed to scoot his way over to a half burned tree on the edge of the beach to lean against. His orange eyes laid upon the the figure as it spoke. Suddenly it had vanished and out came a more soldier like creature. The human frowned as it approached. He could feel no will to keep fighting, the exhaustion getting the better of him. "Does it look like I have anything left to fight for? Just end it," he grumbled out.
Mark Anders 11 minutes ago
Summoner Iyada 
Garland nodded his head and suddenly Iyada came floating from behind the rock, covered in a sphere of the same purple energy of the knight. She floated right up to Mark and was deposited next to him, she pulled a knife from behind her back and she smiled, looking at him. "Good boy." She said simply, moving her lips to his forehead she kissed it, then stuck the knife to his neck and then up into his throat, right into his brain. The blood poured down her hand as she savored the kill, closing her eyes and shivering a little as she began to breath heavily. For a moment she kept the blade jammed in Mark's head before slowly sliding it forth, and with it, came his essence, absorbing into her skin where the blood stained it harshly. With that, the two combatants suddenly vanished, and the arena turned back to normal. Iyada was standing only a few feet from a living Mark and she glanced over to him. "Good fight." She chimed, and then walked away.
Mark Anders 
Summoner Iyada 5 minutes ago
Summoner Iyada 
Mark Anders 1 minute ago
Mark Anders 
Mark nodded to the woman as she walked away before he turned to find his own path. He eventually flopped onto a bench with a sigh