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It all started on a Rainy British day. The sun hide behind the cloud cowering from the bright lights emanating from the two lovers. @KRImSIN and @Laputacake. Continents apart their love weakened from the decay of age. But on one foggy morning a @MyInnerFred invites them to a TeamSpeak chat room where their love blossomed they knew it couldn't just be chance, they knew what was to be done.  As the sun reached the horizon @Laputacake knelt on the ground and revealed
It all started on a Rainy British day. The sun hid behind the cloud cowering from the bright lights emanating from the two lovers. @KRImSIN and @Laputacake. Continents apart their love weakened from the decay of age. But on one foggy morning a @MyInnerFred invites them to a TeamSpeak chat room where their love blossomed they knew it couldn't just be chance, they knew what was to be done.  As the sun reached the horizon @Laputacake knelt on the ground and revealed "It's In". @KRImSIN jumped back startled and blushed a deep violet.