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Zephyrus is a very old fashioned person, granted he hadn't gotten out of stasis until recently. While he has no issue with monsters, the trauma of his friends' deaths haunts him at his very forefront, often leading to scuffles with any adult, or adult appearing, humans. This tendency does not extend towards children for a reason, he assumes, is due to one of the members of his platoon having had helped many human children prior to the war. Outside of this, he can come off as violent, rude and insufferable to first-timers, however if one takes the time to know him, he simply has this at his forefront as a way to ward off "Those who seek not friendship but pawns to control". Underneath his tough exterior, he is weak to physical contact or those who seek to emotionally connect to him. This same weakness however can also act as a boundary as the exploitation of it will result in his permanent hatred, an emotion that comes easily to him due to his SOUL. He is quickly able to connect with others when he wants to and just as easily able to push them away when he wants to, often using this to protect people he cares about.  He will often not say what he means and simply speak violently and rudely to get a point across, something that he was often chastised for and had used against him. All in all, he's not inherently a bad person but his personality often leads to the opposite belief. He often carries small pieces of paper or something burnable, similar to how smokers carry around cigarettes/cigars. This is due to his habit of lighting things aflame and letting them burn away in his hands (Something that calms him down when he gets too riled up about something).
Zephyrus is a very old fashioned person, granted he hadn't gotten out of stasis until recently. While he has no issue with monsters, the trauma of his friends' deaths haunts him at his very forefront, often leading to scuffles with any adult, or adult appearing, humans. This tendency does not extend towards children for a reason, he assumes, is due to one of the members of his platoon having had helped many human children prior to the war. Outside of this, he can come off as violent, rude and insufferable to first-timers, however if one takes the time to know him, he simply has this at his forefront as a way to ward off "Those who seek not friendship but pawns to control". Underneath his tough exterior, he is weak to physical contact or those who seek to emotionally connect to him. This same weakness however can also act as a boundary as the exploitation of it will result in his permanent hatred, an emotion that comes easily to him due to his SOUL. He is quickly able to connect with others when he wants to and just as easily able to push them away when he wants to, often using this to protect people he cares about.  He will often not say what he means and simply speak violently and rudely to get a point across, something that he was often chastised for and had used against him. All in all, he's not inherently a bad person but his personality often leads to the opposite belief. He often carries small pieces of paper or something burnable, similar to how smokers carry around cigarettes/cigars. This is due to his habit of lighting things aflame and letting them burn away in his hands (Something that calms him down when he gets too riled up about something).
As of recently, he has lost some of his more violent tendencies towards adult-like humans and roughly humans in general. However, in the opposite direction, he is extremely reluctant to become close to anyone as he believes himself incapable of protecting anyone. As a result, he doesn't mind small talk but will often purposefully leave a bad first impression as to make sure that a person doesn't interact with him a second time. If this doesn't work, he will close himself off entirely, making it difficult for anyone but the truly determined to even get him to talk. He has also overcome his initial weakness to affectionate physical contact and emotional connections through building a fortress around his heart.