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Rōjin Yakuin is a man about 180cm tall, his face is heavily scarred and wrinkled.  His right eye is a vibrant Indigo, very nearly the same as that of the void symbol. His left Eye is covered by a black eyepatch. he wears a neatly trimmed mustache and beard, both also grey. his receding grey hair is tied back into a topknot. his face is pocked with scars derived from burns blades and what appears to be shrapnel, indeed, there seems to be no part of him wholly undamaged. His stance is slightly twisted, hinting towards the scale of what damage his bones and joints may have suffered. He is dressed in a a Black silk changshan suit decorated with silver and indigo piping at the cuffs collar and hems. he walks with a pronounced limp, leaning on a polished cane of an ebon material.
Rōjin Yakuin is a man about 180cm tall, his face is heavily scarred and wrinkled.  His right eye is a vibrant Indigo, very nearly the same as that of the void symbol. His left Eye is covered by a black eyepatch. he wears a neatly trimmed mustache and beard, both also grey. his receding grey hair is tied back into a topknot. his face is pocked with scars derived from burns blades and what appears to be shrapnel, indeed, there seems to be no part of him wholly undamaged. His stance is slightly twisted, hinting towards the scale of what damage his bones and joints may have suffered. He is dressed in a a Black silk hanfu decorated with silver and indigo piping at the cuffs collar and hems. he walks with a pronounced limp, leaning on a polished cane of an ebon material.